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  • Specialized Power Pro Mirror Saddle Review
  • Stuey01
    Free Member

    Where in the country are you? £36 a month is £20-£30 a month less than the average in central London :(

    Free Member

    So what would happen if you fitted road BB5/BB7 but used V brake levers? I understand that your brakes wouldn’t be very good if you did it the other way round as the road lever won’t pull enough cable.

    You would have hardly any movement in the lever. i would imagine it would feel quite wooden and lacking modulation, but haven’t tried it.

    Free Member

    Happens to me too. Seems to get better after a few times.

    I suggest a low dose of HTFU.

    Free Member

    My advice. Get out whilst you still can.

    You’ll thank me later.

    Free Member

    He’s been banned for testing positive for a banned substance being present and not for illegally taking a banned substance to enhance his performance, there’s a difference and therefore he’s been banned in accordance.

    No, there isn’t a difference.
    The offence is (from WADA):

    2.1 The presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in an Athlete’s Sample

    Strict liability is enforced. Intent is irrelevant in determining the offence committed.

    They allow for mitigation:

    However, the Athlete then has the possibility to avoid or reduce sanctions if the Athlete can demonstrate that he or she was not at fault or significant fault (Article 10.5 (Elimination or Reduction of Period of Ineligibility Based on Exceptional Circumstances)) or in certain circumstances did not intend to enhance his or her sport performance

    So really it hinges on whether you believe Contador’s excuse. He hasn’t presented any real evidence that there ever was any tainted meat, and the burden of proof is on the athlete. I don’t believe it. In my opinion he is bang to rights and should be punished accordingly.

    edit: here’s the WADA[/url]link for anyone who might want to have a poke around the rules.

    Free Member

    He has been banned for doping. Strict liability means he is guilty, no ifs, no buts. His excuse is just mitigation.

    I wouldn’t expect Contador’s lawyer to do anything other than push for a shorter ban. I wouldn’t necessarily expect the federation to go along with it.

    I’d be surprised if there wasn’t an appeal to CAS from both Contador and WADA.

    Free Member

    I would very much like to have Virgin fibre broadband. I get a measly 2mbps if I’m lucky.


    Free Member

    And do you think the outcome has been favourable to the sportsman?

    Yes. I think they have given him the minimum punishment they thought they could get away with politically.
    Contador has presented an excuse that is theoretically possible but with no actual evidence to back it up, by rights he should be getting the standard 2 years.

    Free Member

    I expect him to make an statement that they will fully investigate the case impartially and without bias toward an outcome either for or against the sportsman.

    Free Member

    Anything to say about his statements to the press stating that he hopes to find in favour of the sportsman?

    Free Member

    Don Carlos Castaño will have made his decision based on the evidence and not hearsay and will support the rider as being innocent until proven guilty. He will not have risked his reputation as president on the short term gains that one cyclist would give him, even if that cyclist is Contador, there are other Spanish cyclists who could win the Tour

    What grounds do you have for making this assertion?
    I’ll not bite on the sarcastic comments regarding my relationship, or lack thereof, with the RFEC, except to say I don’t have one. Do you? You seem to consider yourself to be in a position to make authoritative statements about the conduct and moral fortitude of it’s president.

    By the way he was quoted as follows when the investigation was referred to the Spanish authorities:

    “My hope is that this matter will be favourable to the sportsman,”
    “I’ve known him since he was in the junior teams and I can’t help but put myself in his position.”

    Doesn’t sound very impartial to me. Looks like the most favourable outcome he thought he could get away with is a 1 year ban instead of 2.

    Free Member

    Tango Man, thanks for the science, unfortunately all it does is point out that there have been other cases of clen poisoning from meat and that contador tested at a low concentration. It then makes a huge leap to state that ingestion from the alleged Spanish beef is extremly likely, without even considering other methods of getting into his system, i.e autologous blood doping.

    Don Simon your faith in the Spanish cycling authorities to go after their best asset is touching though I fear missplaced. They been trying as hard as contador to get out of this, and they have previous. They only booked Valverde after they were basically forced to do so.

    Free Member

    Oh I know the outrageous lie is standard operating procedure for pro cyclists. What surprises me is that people are stupid enough to buy it.

    Free Member

    Tango Man that’s balls. The only acceptable level of clenbuterol in the body is zero. It is a non naturally occurring banned substance. They enforce strict liability. He had it in his system, he has to be banned.

    The tainted meat story is so clearly an outrageous lie I’m amazed anyone is buying it. How can he say with any certainty “it was the meat guv”? He can’t, it’s straw grasping and nothing more. He most likely got it in his system by re-transfusing his own blood (supported by an alleged positive for plasticisers – evidence of IV usage). But that’s speculation, albeit much more feasible than the meat story.

    The amount was not lower than what they test for. It is lower than some other labs are capable of testing for, thats a crucial difference. There is no acceptable level for this drug.

    Free Member


    Buy a cannondale Caad8, 2010 bikes going for a song (£450) if you shop around. Better frame, carbon fork, better spec…

    Free Member has a classifieds.

    Free Member

    Incidently I did notice a distinct lack of stepping up from Lyons’ mates when I suggested you may like to underwrite his behaviour?

    Why am I not surprised?

    a)Because it was a ridiculous suggestion and you know it.
    b)Because no-one claimed to be his mate.
    c)Because it was an obvious troll.
    d)All of the above.

    Which is it?

    Free Member

    there’s one original part left. Can you guess what it is?


    Free Member

    What all the other posts said. You should have it by the 28th (so it should really be in your account already).
    If you don’t it is probably your company’s fault and not the Bank’s.

    Free Member

    Peep Show is excellent, probably better than G&S. I still really like Gavin and Stacey though. Second series was the best I thought, third dragged a bit.
    I quite like that sport quiz show he does on Sky1, but mostly because Flintoff is brilliant and they rip it out of Redknapp at every opportunity.

    Corden is ok but has bought into his own popularity a bit too much. Hardly warrants the abuse he’s getting here though.

    Free Member

    i think that is a problem on a specific frame. never been an issue for me.

    Free Member

    Where do I get the fabled iDave diet?

    Free Member

    Things to do in Denver when you’re dead

    Free Member

    its a good job I had enough food for two

    Group ride? or date?

    Free Member

    I have double and bash with a triple mech on two bikes (one now sold though) and have no issues whatsoever. Absolutely no need to change to a double specific mech. Just lower the mech and wind in the top limiter as suggested up thread.

    Free Member

    + lots for
    Stand By Me
    Breakfast Club
    The Princess Bride

    Not mentioned yet:
    The Big Lebowski, is late 90s
    Glengarry Glen Ross
    White Men Can’t Jump

    Free Member

    It is highly doubtful that they are or even can monitor your usage, or that they care.

    Non-issue in my opinion.

    Free Member

    I keep them. Not sure why, just in case I need them at some point I guess.

    Free Member

    Marry her. Stay at home Dad.

    That’s my plan, just don’t tell my other half :wink:

    Free Member

    Have you got a massive wang?
    If not you may be in trouble.

    Free Member

    I have no inclination to run a marathon but I know I could

    You don’t know you could, you think you could. It’s not the same.

    People fail to complete challenges like this all the time, other people complete them all the time. They all start out thinking they could do it.
    Until you’ve actually done it then you don’t know that you can.

    Dismissing it with a flippant “anyone could do it with a bit of training” simply seeks to denigrate the achievements of others. I find that a bit sad really.

    Free Member

    The one of his own face? That is pretty funny.

    You ever see the one where Bam gets branded on his ass with penis shaped brand. Now that is something you are going to live to regret!

    Free Member

    pretty much anyone could do an Ironman if they were so inclined

    My mate says this. Until he’s done one I maintain that he is full of it.
    “I could do it, but I don’t want to” cuts no ice with me. Until you’ve done it, you don’t know you can.

    I haven’t done one yet, I intend to have a go. I won’t be getting a tattoo though.

    Free Member

    what does the M dot thing mean?

    It’s the Ironman triathlon logo.

    Free Member

    Err, now you’ve explained it. WTF?!

    Be like me getting a Specialized ‘S’ tat on my leg.

    Not really, unless you count buying a specialized as some kind of achievement.

    Completing an Ironman is an achievement and some people like to commemorate it by getting a tattoo. I wouldn’t but can understand why people do.

    Free Member

    By friday.. hmm not much you can do. I would suggest cutting all carbs, you will drop some water weight and should be noticeably more defined. Is a short term fix and won’t last though…



    Free Member


    I had a browse on the M&S website, they had another DJ in the same collection with a normal lapel.


    Two button though.

    Hope this helps.


    Free Member

    I would have thought an employment tribunal would take a dim view of an employer so overtly using a technicality to get off paying him redundancy.
    I think being made redundant is a pretty good mitigation for making an ill advised facebook comment, particularly as it didn’t directly reference the company and was not done on work time or a work computer. Does he have any other blemishes on his record?

    My opinion is that his employer is acting unreasonably. It is just my opinion though, I am no expert.

    Free Member

    That is an epic commute! Where do you come in from?

    Great vid. Lots of scalping of RLJers, chapeau, especially after that many miles.

    Free Member

    Who cares? Are you that in need of validation?

    Sounds like you’re the one with a chip on your shoulder about the bike you/they were riding, not them.

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