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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • Stu
    Full Member

    For lazy people like me: :-)

    Full Member

    Well? Are they real?

    Full Member

    Cheers – very amusing (and not sweary either) :D

    Full Member

    The jellyfish sting thing is balls, it actually makes it worse! As stoner pointed out urine is slightly alkaline as is the venom, so you need an acid to neutralise the sting, vinegar being the usual remedy.

    Rubbing wounds, or using alcohol, spirits, ammonia, or urine may have strongly negative effects as these can also encourage the release of venom.

    Full Member

    Wonder how many jobs £9 million or whatever it is would have saved?

    The Forestry Commission has announced plans to cut around 500 jobs in England and Scotland.

    Some 350 staff are set to go in England and 150 at the commission’s headquarters in Edinburgh.

    Bet a fiver that it won’t be those at the top that lose them either… :roll:

    Full Member

    It does sound like it was pretty much as BoardinBob says and thats from the man in charge!

    The chief executive of Forestry Commission body Forest Enterprise Scotland has defended a decision that will effectively close a popular cafe and mountain bike business in the Borders.

    Simon Hodge said the successful tender for a new business on Forestry Commission Scotland’s Glentress site – to be announced in January – had been chosen because of the need to raise money to maintain mountain bike trails.

    Now, in an open letter to protesters, Hodge says: “I understand your disappointment that The Hub was not successful in the recent tender.

    “However, I hope you can recognise that it would not be acceptable for a public body like Forestry Commission Scotland to reject other stronger bids for provision of services in the new facilities.”

    Hodge said the choice of bidder had been influenced by the need to make a greater financial contribution to the £250,000 cost of maintaining the trails at Glentress and the 7stanes network in the borders.

    He said Glentress had grown massively in popularity, with visitor numbers approaching 300,000 a year, compared with 90,000 ten years ago.

    “The new Glentress Peel has been designed to cope with this massive growth in popularity,” he said. “All the new facilities are state of the art and geared for managing a large number of visitors to the forest.”

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Here’s the profile: Jemima is spot on!

    Full Member

    Have any of you actually watched the video that prompted his sacking?

    I think most people would be in pretty serious trouble for asking a female co-worker to tuck thier shirt and gestering in the way he does. To do that in front of a studio full of people and on camera whether on air or not is pretty stupid!

    Full Member

    Nice peer reviewed stuff there Simon… :roll:

    Full Member

    You don’t have to look far:

    Try these for starters.

    Full Member

    Whinfell centre parcs is just outside Penrith so round there would be a sensible place to look. Unfortunately it isn’t the first time that a bike has gone missing from there.

    Probably worth posting the picture on the orange bikes Facebook page as well. I hope you track it down.

    Full Member

    Anyone been out today/last night? I’m hoping there is still enough snow around to cover the ice! :lol:

    Full Member

    Could have been worse…

    Full Member


    Had a great ride last nite doing the Dreghorn stuff we rode 2 weeks ago with Ian and Mortonhall, Braids and Blackford glen. Snow is a perfect depth for drifty fun!

    Full Member

    I’m 5’11’ and a wee bit and ride a medium. Sat on a large and it was huge!

    Would offer you the chance to sit on mine but I’m a very long way from Kent-Surrey border!

    Full Member

    Ron – registration for next year opened on Monday and all the places were gone by today! So I guess for 2012 registration will be about this time next year.

    PS. Do it – you won’t regret it!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Full Member

    It is great! :D

    Full Member

    Oh and the Flot is under new ownership, will be interesting to see how the beer and service compares!

    Doubt it can be any worse than it was. Haven’t been back since the summer before last when me and my GF were told to F off for taking our bikes into the beer garden. :evil:

    Full Member


    Pretty sure its open – drove along it yesterday afternoon and although snowy it was passable. Did have to divert through Pencuik at the new water works though as a load of lorries were stuck on the hill.

    Also, planning on heading out to Mortonhall and Braids tonight if you fancy another play? Meeting at 7pm at KB (though still to be confirmed)

    Full Member

    Glad we weren’t there when that came down! 8O

    Full Member

    Aye, great fun round Mortonhall, seriously hard work around Bonaly. Had wee look at Braids bridle path on the way home and it looked pretty compacted too so might go for another play tonight :D

    Anyone scouted out the nail trail yet? It should be good when its compacted!

    Full Member

    Meggetland bridge at 7 is cool, should be two of us. See you there! :D

    Full Member

    Ian, what time you heading out – I could meet you somewhere on the WoL. Though I still reckon it’ll be a slog all the way out to Balerno! I was knackered after an hour and a half round the golf course last night!

    Full Member

    Tis indeed:

    Rule 229

    Before you set off

    * you MUST be able to see, so clear all snow and ice from all your windows
    * you MUST ensure that lights are clean and number plates are clearly visible and legible
    * make sure the mirrors are clear and the windows are demisted thoroughly
    * remove all snow that might fall off into the path of other road users
    * check your planned route is clear of delays and that no further snowfalls or severe weather are predicted

    Full Member

    Great, about time! Probably comes under driving whilst being a stupid and inconsiderate arse. Where do you think all that snow will end up? :roll:

    Full Member

    Balerno will probably be grand as there are lots of folk that walk their dogs on it, but its a long way to go if its not. Really depends if enough folk have walked/skied on the WoL path. I think sticking to the more ‘cheeky’ urban stuff like hermitage, mortonhall, dreghorn is your best bet.

    Full Member

    Mortonhall was ace last night – following tractor tracks in the open and everything was fine in the trees where folk have been walking. Urban singletrack used by dog walkers is what you need!

    Full Member


    Detailed Analysis
    This email warning has been circulated since the end of 2005. Recent submissions indicate that the warning is once again rapidly gaining momentum. The information in the message was mostly factual. However, the particular scam described in the message was shut down at the end of 2005 and the information is no longer relevant. The continued forwarding of this warning to others is now pointless and counterproductive.

    Full Member

    Fill yer boots:

    Evolution of Logos – Past to Present

    OK not bike related but gives you an idea of how logos evolve!

    Full Member

    Easily I’d have thought – I can do 4 bikes plus 4 folk in the boot of a focus estate.

    Wheels and seat posts out, rack the bike frames length ways across the boot, alternating the frame direction. The key is to overlap the rear triangles and forks, then rack the wheels in the back of the boot nearest the hatch where its narrower, then a couple of front wheels squeezed in the space at the of the boot.

    Leaves a back seat free for kit – bit of a squeeze with overnight stuff but fine if your only going for a day.

    Full Member

    Terry YGM :wink:

    Full Member

    Insert standard reply of stormtrooper on a bike:

    Full Member

    Maybe you should actually READ the article :roll::

    And before you say that the course won’t offer a technical challenge to the riders, don’t be so sure. Some of the work that has been completed includes several rocky drops that should pose demanding for the racers. There’s another rock drop that is still to be completed that looks like it should raise a few eyebrows when it’s finished. We can’t help feeling that this should be a fun course to race on.

    And that’s the crux of it; we came away thinking how much fun the course looks like to ride (let alone race). That’s not something we were expecting to come away feeling earlier that morning on our train journey to Essex. Maybe, just maybe, the organisers have developed a course that will not only provide great spectacle come 2012 but also deliver up a challenging test for the riders.

    Read more:

    Full Member

    Not that many cars get nicked anymore as some bright spark came up with the immobiliser so without the key your stuffed. We need a good simple idea like that but for bikes.

    Err, I think you’ll find quite a lot of cars still get stolen, now they just nick the keys first… :twisted:

    Full Member

    Yep, feeling a bit tired today to put it mildly – nearly rode into a parked car on the way into work this morning! :roll:

    Well done to everyone for making Monaco – great to meet you all and ride some awesome trails! Tess your efforts were inspirational and cheers to Chris for waiting for me (briefly!) at the top of the hills! :lol:

    Full Member

    Brilliant day out – so wet but such fun! :lol: Miles more intertesting than Kielder last weekend.

    Lots of photos up on the orange facebook page here!

    What does "mp" mean in the results table?

    Means missed point – a lot of the folks at the front of the field missed the checkpoint at the end of stage 2, myself included as I was expecting it to be manned for some reason. Think Spook was sent out to stop people after we'd been through (the 2 guys ahead of me also missed it as did my mate just behind)

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