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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • stripeysocks
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    Discovered another rear flat on the road bike so out on the hybrid today. N+1 ftw! Now thinking about replacement tyres…

    Free Member

    Bum, up 500g

    Free Member

    6k jog this morning (and then snuck back under the duvet!).
    Alasdair, I have found the regular commitment works for me – if I’m shattered I can still go out for a walk or do 30 mins of, you know, yoga for the over 80s on YT.
    TBH though I have few time commitments and if I were in a different position I can see I might just end up zonked out!

    Free Member

    Have got an elderly Giant Lafree Twist which I got ??15 years ago and it’s got 2 huge panniers plus a box bungee’d on top, I take it down to the market once a week and it just about fits a week’s fruit and veg for 2 adults.
    The e-assist is great for this – I can and have pedalled it fully laden without, but it’s a faff, particularly getting going.

    Someone round our way has got an e-trike which is almost a teeny van, like – if I was getting rid of the car altogether I might go for something like that – once you’ve bought it the costs are going to be pretty low.

    Free Member

    My Xmas chocolate has been stuffed in the back of the freezer as I’m on the Chub Club thread right now…

    Free Member

    Our tumble drier (bosch) is a condenser and does seem to generate a bit of moisture in the air.

    Free Member

    Call it “active recovery” then! I used to do my easy 5k recovery runs 3+ mins/mile slower than 5k race pace.

    Quick spin on the mtb out in the local lanes and hills so I do still feel exercised.

    Nowadays that “5k recovery run pace” is “10k race pace” tho…! #creak #creak

    Free Member

    Race poncho – cleared down my stack of old race tshirts and have something a bit lighter than a dryrobe to muck about in after races (or whenever) – and the OH should now be able to spot where I’ve wandered off to, as race tshirts tend towards the hiviz…. Think the Coat Of Many Colours

    Free Member

    This is all fairly run of the mill apart from tinfoil man.

    One colleague was a lovely chap BUT there had been an office move. His main house was back in Yorkshire and his flat was not well appointed. Anyway he clearly always had a bath on Sunday, and you could tell how far through the working week we were by the smell (sniff sniff THURSDAY!!).

    One guy not only was careless with personal hygiene, but ate tuna for lunch, and would leave the half eaten remains in the office all afternoon IN SUMMER. The rest of us flinging open windows never registered with him.

    Whoever picked their nose and slick the bogies to the back of the door of the single.shared.loo.

    The guy who did pullups holding on to the roof of the covered parking – much to our amusement as our windows overlooked.

    I *was* Fyffes Stickers but it was apples/clementines and my computer.

    The unisex changing rooms at work were a bit spartan and the hair dryers were useless so one colleague would book a meeting room and dry her hair in there. Enterprising I thought!

    One bloke asked if he could bring his swords into the office. Funnily enough everyone said no…. Sorry, NOOOO.

    Free Member

    That really is spectacular !
    7 mi jog with a buddy putting the world to rights in the sun. Fields and woods but not quite at that level of scenic!

    Free Member

    Basically tho the younger you are the better the language sticks so GCSE or not (separate issue) it’s in her interest to study language (s) now.

    Free Member

    A wise man once said, when we train we break our bodies down. It’s *during the rest afterwards* that out bodies go, “crapcrapcrap if they’re going to do that sort of nonsense I need to build myself back stronger! Faster! Better!”
    Not enough rest and the body just gets broken down more and more.
    So that sort of thing is why most training plans have that hard/easy, legs day/arms day, and longer periodization going on. Put the frighteners on the body and then give it space to shape up, rinse, repeat.

    Ofc what “easy” is and recovery needs vary hugely. My recovery has always been dire, I did my best stuff when I targeted one big race and up to then just did the hard sessions and took everything else really easy (which explains my suspiciously patchy & wildly varied race results).
    Others seem to thrive on tuneup races, clearly made if sterner stuff.

    Free Member

    I will add, on a ladies specific topic, having enough French to (with the aid of Google Translate) find an open pharmacy on a Sunday and purchase the right medication for a most uncomfortable and urgent personal medical problem (#lesdawsonmoment) and understand why there was an extra 5€ charge… I was most grateful to Mrs F (who may or may not still be alive now!) my secondary school French teacher….

    Free Member

    30+ years in a very technical field here and I have used my languages (all of which GCSE level or worse) at work.

    It gives you that extra dimension, whether it’s putting doubt in a colleague’s mind about how much you know so they stop having HUGELY LOUD phonecalls in their native language with their sister in Manchester, whether it’s skimming through case notes and noticing some basic “does it do X if you switch Y on?” has been translated as “Does it do X if you switch Y *off*?”, whether it’s buttering up a team that owes you nothing by giving their language a go even if it’s v v basic stuff like, “Is Bert in the office? We’ve got a meeting now…Can you tell him? Thanks!” Or having the confidence to look after yourself at a conference abroad.

    I also used what I’d learned on actual product related stuff, like noticing that a translation looks off, or understanding why there’s an issue translating a form layout, or understanding you can’t (e.g) lower-case a Japanese character and you certainly can’t lowercase the first half of one!

    Whether the GCSE as such is needed absolutely to get on a course – probably not though.

    However. I’ve personally used my rubbish foreign language abilities much more than any of my technical qualifications, even maths A level. It doesn’t really date and with a bit of buffing it’s surprising how much can come back even after decades.

    So I’d say, consider the two things separately. If she’s not keen on the GCSE, after due consideration, then fair enough but bribe her to teach herself the language of her choice on her own time.

    Remember it’s not just “speaking French” (say), it’s learning *how” to learn a foreign language, learning how language itself *works*, finding out how language and culture intertwine (important for business etiquette…).

    I kind of think a well rounded education needs it.

    Free Member

    Could have sworn I posted how impressed I was Jodafett – forum ate it clearly – were you out all day?
    I had a quick 50 min spin yesterday and 2-3 hours with a buddy today, though they were short on sleep so it was very gentle.

    Free Member

    Setup we have here is Chromecast dongle attached to TV. We watch stuff from YT & Prime and (having read through the “you need to have a license if…” list and gone “we don’t do that” to the lot), got rid of the tv license.
    Happier and richer !

    Free Member

    After a morning jog and all the load-lightening one could ever wish for, *before* any food or drink.

    Free Member

    Jog 5mi with a buddy this morning AND 2 mins weights while waiting for the coffee… Looking forward to gyms & pools reopening for a bit of a changeup in (however many) weeks

    Free Member

    Try a read of the Steve Peters book the Chimp Paradox.
    There were a few useful things in there that really helped me deal with dreaded meetings / tricky people.

    He’s the guy who helped Ronnie O’Sullivan stop getting so freaked out during matches that he hid under a towel…

    It’s very clear and approachable.

    Free Member

    Cycle up and down hills with a buddy today. Chilly but those Wim Hof aficionados say it can do you good!
    Also did 2 mins squats with weights while making coffee this morning.

    Free Member

    Put on a stony-faced shield of glacial British reserve, and use the opportunity to raise any issues which you think they have a chance of influencing.

    One of my clubmates is directly working in (on?) COVID vaccine production, and it was after a visit from some bigwig or other, where someone pointed out that *having these people off sick or isolating would, you know, ADVERSELY AFFECT THE VACCINATION PROGRAM*, that there was a screeching policy U-turn and they all got a jab.

    Or hide behind other people and be prepared to fake intestinal issues 😎

    Free Member

    I did it for my Mum’s will but paid a solicitor to answer a couple of queries I had and do the land registry stuff.

    Most of the hassle is gathering up the paperwork which you generally have to do anyway. I’d take the approach of doing what (your Dad) is happy with – he may well be happy to make lists, gather info, read through and do a first draft of the forms

    and then if/when he gets stuck, call a pro in for odds and sods like @jamesgarbett did.

    The advantage is that you’re not waiting around for solicitors to pull their finger out for dumbass straightforward stuff (which otherwise is ALWAYS an issue IME) just for stuff where you really don’t have a scoobie anyway.

    Free Member

    Lateral raises are a bigger!

    5k jog this morning. Now warming up under a very large, seemingly liquid dog

    Free Member

    Surprised to see I’d lost another pound or so despite feeling dead on my feet since blood donation on Friday. Weigh Thursday morning after a run and a plethora of bathroom visits as that gives the most cheering results!
    But was so cold after the run and couldn’t get warm. Have now burrowed under the dog…

    Free Member

    Love the photos.
    Betrayed by the weather forecast, earlier it said nice mild dry afternoon.
    However once I’d finished sorting out the flat tyre that had appeared on my road bike it was raining with gusto.
    So today’s exercise was a walk in the 🌧️.

    Free Member

    Mine’s been worse the last couple of weeks but not sure why. Not stressed, haven’t had COVID afaik. Who knows

    Free Member

    Decades ago I bumped into a guy at a party – very neutral RP accent, jumper and tweed outfit – who had been to interview for a low level clerical post in the civil service.

    Upon seeing his CV they got very excited and started asking him more technical questions (I can’t remember what his specialty was exactly but say something like the mathematics underpinning encryption – the party host was a maths professor).

    Eventually he politely asked why, and they said, oh you’d be ideal for such-and-such a post!

    Him: you do realize I’m Iranian

    Fx: record scratch

    He was obvs well aware that he wouldn’t meet the security requirements for the job that he would, indeed, have been excellent at, but was fine for a bit of no-clearance-needed paper pushing…

    Free Member

    Feeling a bit more human – fished the weights out and did a couple of mins of upper body stuff while sorting the coffee this morning – just back from 10 jog (76 mins so yes, jog, or shamble if you prefer) with a buddy.

    Free Member

    Still feeling drained (fell asleep at lunchtime) so just the dog walk today.

    Free Member

    That’s a good idea jimmy, might do something similar. Without the weights classes at the gym I’ve been getting spaghetti arms and a dough gut.
    Feel almost normal today but still not quite so half an hour of yoga. Maybe should try getting into the habit of 10 min of that a day too…

    Free Member

    +1 for grapes

    Free Member

    A colleague’s then-fianceë hailed from Kenya and had a strong Manchester accent. She used to ring up her granny and hear complaints about the elephants getting into the vegetable patch so I assume that was in Swahili.

    Free Member

    Well folks, for all the “I need to be faster to join my local club” crowd, can I recommend checking out your local park run results?

    People have club name against them, so you can see the fastest and slowest runners in the club (can also check local race results).

    Certainly at my local club, when we divided up into 6 person pace groups as part of plague-rules-compliance, it turned out that the 11+mins/mile group was shambling happily on at just under 13 mins a mile!

    Most of us used to be at least a little faster but age & injury…

    PS and I see parkrun is planning to come back in June.

    Free Member

    It certainly can count, it counted for me today as I gave blood & felt a bit wiped out afterwards.

    Free Member

    Down another half kilo but feeling quite dead legged as I imagine my glycogen stores are often low. I *do* feel a bit lighter and fitter though so thanks chubclub!

    Free Member

    6k jog this morning. Then a nap! I am feeling a bit fitter. Just wish I had the knee from 10 years ago!

    Free Member

    Burpees do suck. Also, mountain climbers.
    40k on the bike today, luckily head wind was on the “out” leg!

    Free Member

    Japan is super safe and the people kind and helpful to tourists, in my experience.

    Get him to learn a bit of tourist Japanese before he goes. It’s not that hard a language at a “where are the toilets please” level, no tones, no p***ing about with gender and tense etc, and learning the phonetic writing is useful.

    He’s probably safer going on a school trip there than on a weekend in Brussels …

    Free Member

    Getting stuck in there doomanic!
    7 1/2 mile deadlegged jog today – actually needed a nap after.

    Free Member

    Went for a ride with a buddy this afternoon – sunny and beautiful but still chilly!
    Need to get off arse tho and do some “should” stuff.
    Am another one who “should” do weights but tends not to unless the weather is unspeakably foul.

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