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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • stripeysocks
    Free Member

    Freely admit here to doing the weigh-in right after a ride as actual progress towards the target – however spuriously achieved – motivates me to hang on to it and keep it up.
    Good job it’s cooling off the next few days as newbie here only has one shortsleeved cycling jersey!

    Free Member

    Long time lurker on STW now joining for chub club Q2.

    Have always struggled not to stuff my face since I was about 12, but took up running in a big way ~15 y ago and that sorted the weight issue … until the triple whammy of
    a) a knee cartilage issue (just age, no fixing that)
    b) Mum getting ill and dying last year (months spent shuttling to & from the hospital and not particularly watching what I eat, though the hospital did, to be fair, make a big effort to provide healthier food in their canteen & machines)
    c) longrunning plantar fasciitis – I *was* seeing the physio about that but #lockdown

    I’ve cycled to work and for a bit of fun for years but luckily I bought my first proper road bike last year (second hand off a clubmate, spent the money saved on a proper bike for & new cranks, saddle & bars) so I’m really enjoying getting out on that. Live right on the edge of town so can get out into deserted country lanes and byways easily. *Had* signed up for my first short sportives which of course are now all cancelled.

    My crappy knee needs me to lose weight and given that complications from diabetes polished Mum off I’m keen to not go the same way.

    Have lost weight before it’s just having the headspace and accountability.

    Jim, toast is my kryptonite too! Have fished out a duck shaped popcorn maker from the back of a dark cupboard to provide less fattening carb-snax.

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