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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • Strangelove
    Free Member

    According to World Watch Review[/url] only the hands are luminous not the hour markers

    Free Member

    because I had just watched the film

    Yes I do know that is not Dr Strangelove but is Major 'King' Kong played by Slim Pickens

    Free Member

    Felipe Massa?
    I'm always seeing his dad at the races, and his brother. I didn't know he had a girlfriend though.

    Free Member

    no, you've lost me

    Free Member

    the little American liar

    Who is American on the grid?

    I think Alonso may have gambled on wet weather set up which might pay off. He made a mistake on his first run in final qualifying and part of the track was wet for his second.
    That is why he is in tenth, not any changes that may or may not have been made to a possibly flexible front wing/floor, allegedly.

    Free Member

    Is it an original?
    You can get £130 trade in for a new slim at Game. Do it before it goes completely wrong and worthless like mine did

    Free Member

    Well I dont really fancy an 800 mile round trip just to fail to make the first cut off
    Basically a couple of crashes earlier in the year knocked the desire out of me, although my injuries were any where near as bad as Coulda's, no training happened.

    Free Member

    I thought it was that the F.A. expect Capello to resign in a fall on his sword type of way, not that he said he would.

    Free Member

    Packing tomorrow. Once I've finished rebuilding the bike….

    :D Excellent, someone less prepared than i am

    Free Member

    Packing? I knew there was something i had to do!
    Pack tomorrow, start training the day after.

    Last year the thing I forgot was a lighter for the camping stove.

    Free Member

    Doesn't a PS3 do all that? plus play games

    Free Member

    Solo and very slow with lots of rests.
    Last weekend was my first time back on my bike after a bit of an off four weeks ago, so I'm not expecting much.

    Its not a race, its an event.

    Free Member

    how annoying is Lewis's bird's voice?

    I was thinking 'gosh she is good looking' then she spoke 8O

    Free Member

    I had a great time, met Tim in the marquee before the start but he seems to have failed to take my picture.
    I dont remember it being as muddy as it looks in the photos.(#edit I was looking at last years :oops: )
    Perhaps I was hiding in my tent at the time. After i got hit by sleet on the moor section I made the decision to wait for the showers to pass, it was much too cold for me.
    I did eventually resurface and had a crash on my eighth lap. I lost control on the track past the radio masts and went over the bars at speed. Knocked the wind out of me and hurt my right hand in such a way that I didn't find out until I the next time I had to brake hard, which made things interesting.
    My first bad crash and I'm aching quite a lot today, especially when I sneeze.
    A great event, a really good course and much more relaxed than things like Mayhem or SITS.
    I will be there next year if the organisers promise to turn the heating on .

    Free Member

    I have clipped a few wing mirrors, run my pedals along bonnets just at the top of bumpers when cars pull out too far to make me swerv

    So you deliberately damage cars when you could have avoided doing so?
    You are a ****

    Free Member

    On my ride home tonight I got overtaken by three RR sports. Two of them gave me plenty of room, were keeping a good distance from the car in front and normally I wouldn't have given them a second thought if it hadn't been for this thread.
    The third however was a different matter. I don't think he had pulled out at all to pass me, but that might have been because he hadn't seen me because he was so close to the people carrier in front i think he was pushing it.
    I think it was the same gangsta I have noticed before, blacked out windows and personalised plates.

    So the conclusion of my extensive research is 1 in 3 range rover sport drivers is a nob.

    Free Member

    Range Rover sport drivers definitely do not like getting overtaken by cyclists three times in a short space of time. Lots of revs to get back in front and then hug the pavement until the next set of lights and i am past again.
    Of course the same is true of drivers in other types of car but a black RR sport with blacked out windows (gangsta) is the most memorable recent experience

    Free Member

    I'm not a possible
    I have to go to that London in the morning. I wont be jealous at all as I am fighting the crowds and breathing the pollution while thinking of you lot sipping a shandy at the Square & Compass, puzzling over the welcome to France messages on your mobiles. Bah :(

    Free Member

    40mph is easily achievable

    Bah, my best is 38.8mph. I need to up-gear my singlespeed :(

    Free Member

    I think that Loads of Trouble Usally Serious thing is like the Cannondale Crack 'n' Fail. It was true once and has stuck because it is 'witty' even if it is no longer appropriate

    Free Member

    I think "Loads Of Trouble Usually Serious" still applies unfortunately.

    No it doesnt. I've had mine four years and it has only broken once (Coolant pipe)

    Free Member

    I signed up to do this solo with the idea that it would give me a goal and motivate me to ride more/train properly and get fit.
    Three times I started a training programe and three times I came down with a cold severe flu.
    So now we are two weeks away and the longest ride I have done this year is three hours, I was broken afterwards.
    I have been undecided whether to actually turn up or not, but as someone said to someone else in another thread on this site 'the worst that can happen is you finish last. mtfu'
    I am now delaying the please sponsor me email to everyone at work because once that goes out I have to do it, but I'm 90% sure I will be there, struggling along at the back.

    Free Member

    We all have days where just getting to work in one piece is an acheivement.
    For me, yesterday was bad (bus drivers), today was really nice.

    Free Member

    A damp tea towel

    or is that chip pans. I forget

    Free Member

    Isn't a barrista just a meaningless name made up by an American company to describe a minimal wage, minimaly trained coffee pourer?


    Free Member

    Im so glad the silly bugger is ok.

    Is it our turn to hide now?

    Free Member

    I had tomtom running on my old HTC thingy and it was fine.
    I dont use sat nav frequently enough to justify the outlay of a proper device and having it on my phone meant it was always with me.
    It was slower at updating than a dedicated unit but perhaps an additional arial would have sorted that and although the screen was not as big and bright it was still enough.
    I am using a paper map at the momemnt and keep missing turnings and arriving late.

    Free Member

    How did you know they were Italian? Their shoes?

    Free Member

    Surely the ugliness of the customers is more to do with the location of the store than the price of the goods.

    Free Member

    The ferry price has gone up and is now a whopping £1.80 return. So dont turn up with only £1.60 in your pocket like I did at the weekend.

    Free Member

    I'm with you all the way.
    Singlespeed road bike or full sus. The tyres i've got or buy some new ones.

    Free Member

    A waste of the licence payers money :evil: As Rocketdog pointed out this northener is just getting free jollys to Hawaii, South America, Artic circle and the Namib desert just to show us some sand dunes. He could have gone to Southport for that.
    Its about time the Licence fee TAX was scrapped!

    Oh sorry wrong forum.
    The best thing on television at the moment. Brian Cox is excellent, explaing complicated concepts simply and showing enthusiasm for his subject while being slightly nerdy.
    I now know how people worked out that the Earth wasnt the centre of the universe and what gravitational resonance is. Very useful knowledge

    Free Member

    What you really need is a strong headwind, heavy rain, a high tide and a storm surge so that the when the sea crashes into the harbour wall it goes 15ft in the air, gets picked up by the wind and blow across the road and into your face.
    Three miles along the prom into a force seven is not fun. The rain comes horizontally from France and the first thing the weather hits is me.
    After that particularly memorable commute my mother phoned me to tell me that she had just read that Bournemouth has the best climate in Britain.
    I expressed my doubt :?

    Free Member

    Go to a camera shop that stocks all the major brands and hold the things. One brand will fit your hand better than the others, buy that one. All other things being equal of course.

    Free Member

    Its written in l33t speak.
    A form of language used by nerds and h4x0rz (hackers), l33t meaning elite shows that you have skilz and will pwn n00bs.

    Free Member

    My sister lives very near that none existent army training camp. One time I was visiting we went to take her dog for a walk on the heath that overlooks the camp and you can see inside.
    Its not very interesting.

    Free Member

    Nobby Nics thirded or is it fourthded? Never felt the need to change them at all

    Free Member

    miaowing cat – That happens to me almost every day and never ceases to annoy me. One more reason to cycle to work.

    Free Member

    Trust me, it's not the lack of money and backup that is stopping me from doing it.

    Free Member

    Lotus 49

    Not always on the ground

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