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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • stoofus
    Free Member

    The speedrockers look perfect if it wasnt for the cantilever brakes as I can’t see how I’ve have room for the guards around the brake bosses

    Free Member

    It’s a kinesis crosslight from the days of the white pearlescent frames.

    Thanks for the suggestions so far

    Free Member


    It’s been 45 hours since the test, no result

    And then there was the time off before getting the test…

    I wonder what my work’s response would be if I told them it’s going to take 3 to 5 days?

    Gauss, I’ll let you know… :-0

    Free Member

    I’m a close as I’ve ever come to just saying f*** it.

    I’m a teacher and I’m expected to walk in to classes of 30 kids to teach. When I’m on duty we’ve got 250 kids at a time in a single room.

    And I’m not allowed to go round to my mate’s house, (two families 8 people) and sit in the garden and drink a beer?

    Do one Boris.

    I work to live not the other way round.

    Free Member

    UPDATE: Pretty much 24 hours passed and no results yet. We are as a family coughing a lot more and now I’m paranoid that the tests will come back positive!

    We’re both teachers and are expected to carry on working, Mrs has 5 hours of online video call lessons to run, I’m the school SENCO and we’ve got two young kids. Bloody hard work this is

    Free Member

    I must admit, when my time comes I’m not sure if I’m preferring throat or nose.

    Aye it’s both, first in the throat, then up the snoz, all the way to the brain.

    10 seconds rubbing your tonsils was hard through. I was gagging.

    Said the the Mrs, “you’ll be ok though, you’re used to having massive things rammed to the back of your mouth”

    “WHY’S THAT DAD” said the 8 year old.

    “Erm…oh nothing”

    Free Member


    We’ve just managed to get one.

    Thoroughly unpleasant experience. Particularly as the tests are self administered inside the car and without any medical knowledge, and alongside a lot of screaming, I’ve no idea if I got it far enough inside the lad’s nose.

    There will be a lot of false test results.

    As a tip, if you get one appointment, just take as many people as you can, and they’ll give you test.

    Free Member

    With cold symptoms why was he at school in the first place?

    Because ‘cold symptoms’ aren’t covid symptoms.

    The country would ground to a halt if every one with a cold isolates or needs a test.

    Free Member

    Thanks capt, did have a look. Mentioned it could connect to heart rate bit couldn’t see anything about notifications

    Free Member

    A broken riders hoodie was purchased, delivered and worn. Thoroughly recommend!

    Free Member

    eyestwice – heavyweight and casual please. I want it to look like I’ve grown up around campfires!

    Countzero – carhartt are the best I’ve seen so far, I’ll take a look at Goldman though, ain’t heard of them.

    Binners – Ben – Howies look decent but stock on their website is non-existant. Any stockists you know of?

    Free Member

    It’s a large.

    Free Member

    Really appreciate the comments. Been a hard couple of days.

    I’m thinking the following steps;

    – Get a heart rate monitor, try keeping heart rate lower than 90% of max.

    – Get fitter, do a couple of sessions on the turbo trainer each week, paying attention to above.

    – Don’t go cycling if it’ due to get over 20°C or is really sunny. Have a pair of cycling sunnies to hand and take ibuprofen before I start.

    – Might kick caffine on the day of a ride too.

    I think my diet’s fairly sound, so although I could give up more, like bread, if I’m staying off refined sugar, I need something to live for!

    Can anyone recommend a heart rate monitor that gives fairly noticeable alerts when I move through zones? And some lightweight shades that I’d be able to ride with through woods. Agree with the comments above that the need to be comfy.

    Cheers peeps

    Free Member

    Assistant Head and SENCO here so if you want to chat it over, give me a PM and we can arrange to have a chat.

    If you get a CAMHS referral, you don’t have to tell the school, the doctor won’t be able to disclose it either. I understand the stigma but my first thought it that if his behaviour at school isn’t the best, it’ll give him support and then protection of it gets any worse.

    Remember that it’s a spectrum disorder, this means you can have a bit of ASD (Asperger’s) or ASD where you can’t even communicate.

    There’s good psychology behind the blazé statement that “all men are on the ASD” spectrum, so don’t focus too heavily on the symptoms. Stay off the internet and have a good and honest chat with the professionals. Happy to be one of these if you want a chat.

    Free Member

    I had a oneplus 2. Got rid of it when they abandonned software updates after a year.

    Seems that they did the same with the 3T.

    3Y end of support[/url]

    And have announced they won’t support the Project Treble updates

    Project Treble

    Updates, especially security ones and quite important to me. Look at Apple, my wife’s 5S is still getting OS updates. In my eyes one plus are happy to flog you a cheap phone but the after sales care is horse crap. And now they’re not cheap.

    Get a simfree Samsung S7 edge instead.

    Free Member

    I maybe wrong but thought AKG stopped the 450 series in favour of the Y50s.

    It’s also the do I really need Bluetooth headphones. Seems like a good idea but I can see me being pissed off with running out of charge.

    Y50S/Y50BT/P5s it seems….

    Free Member

    I’d whole heartedly recommend gerbils. Lovely little pets.

    Had two, loved eating cardboard tubes and were ninjas at escaping. Can jump very high.

    Never bit me, gentle and great for kids because theyre not nocturnal.

    Go for it, kids will love em. Don’t get degus though, vicious little gits

    Free Member

    Bearneccesities – there’s a thread going about what makes a man in 2017 – you.

    What a bloke.

    Free Member

    Deffo what Nick said.

    Make sure you use this

    Free Member

    We need cards #3 – Janitor and #135 – Create Speedboat.

    Have about 100+ swaps!

    Free Member

    Santa Cruz Nickel – 6 years on, bearings still ace. Loving it.

    Free Member

    Looks like someone’s (the OP by the look of it) already started a petition

    That wasn’t me.

    I wasn’t going to weigh back in, but now a victim of identity fraud, probably by someone who rides an E-bike (JOKING), perhaps I should.

    I don’t have massive trouble with e-bikes.

    That particular rider, who was on an e-bike, I do have an issue with. He was rude and obtuse. The path was easily wide enough for four bikes, yet to ring a bell and shout move, has nothing to do with the status of your bike being electric or not, but everything to do with being a tosser.

    I would never purposefully block another rider but when the bike is travelling so fast it could cause an accident, time must be given for the rider to move over and when they do they should be polite about it.

    What I love about mountain biking is the camaraderie. Last time I was at degla, my mate had 5 pincg flats, I got a bollocking of the Mrs cause we were so late back. Everytime we stopped, when we were squeezing the last of the vulcanising solution on to the already punctured inner tube, everyone who went past asked if we needed a hand or tools. That’s my sport, the sport I wake up for at unknown hours for, the sport I have arguments with my wife for and the sport that turns my kitchen table into a work bench.

    Yet, when someone comes flying past me at 25mph and shouts move at my mate, I don’t see that camaraderie.

    I’m sure that there are decent e-bike riders, not everyone should be tarnished by the same brush. There will be those that would stop and those that would help but perhaps it’s because your speed removes you from the trials and tribulations of riding.

    Ride your e-bike but remember what it’s like to ride. If you haven’t ridden, get out and ride on the type of bike that makes mountain bike riding what it is. Then go back on your e-bike and continue to make the sport great.

    Free Member

    “I’m sorry officer, I beeped my horn and shouted move and 2 seconds later be didn’t move, so I drove my car in to his arse”

    Free Member

    tjagain – it wasn’t me.

    The time between him ringing his bell, shouting move and going round my mate was about 2 seconds.

    That’s what I objected to.

    Free Member

    tjagain – if he’d asked before riding his motorbike past at 25mph my mate would have had time to move over.

    davosarus – couldnt keep up, but I was gonna return to the carpark and write him an angry letter…

    Free Member

    My neighbour opposite has a teenage kid who is learning to drive so 17ish.

    He’s also a little overweight and has a right drinkers belly. Although it annoys me, his tendency to rap some form of gansta grime, complete with effs, jeffs and c-bombs, is hilarious.

    Not so much when my four year old is outside but it does compensate. He normally stops singing when I let my four year old dance to his rapping. THE POWER OF DANCE.

    Free Member

    Does it hurt when you walk up stairs?

    Free Member

    I’d have the Apple watch s2 but on bloody android!

    Free Member

    Anyone got a suunto? That Spartan looks lovely.

    Free Member

    But then saying that, the OP did the usual OP thing of not giving a budget

    Since I realised how much of a difficult task it was finding one, I left it open. Not fenix chronos prices tho. The medium fenix 5 looks ace but maybe too much. Fenix 3 looks good but but I’m concerned about size – any one got any pics of it on normal size wrists? If they exist…

    Free Member

    Stopping to take this photo wasnt one of my finest moments.

    I do seem to stop and take a lot of photos minutes away from impending doom. Glass chopping board too I’ve just noticed.

    Free Member

    Member Jekkyl
    I read later that ALL babies fall off changers or sofas at one time or another, lol.

    … When men are left to look after babies!

    Free Member

    Then that, Sir, is the scene out of home alone that you’re aiming for!

    Free Member

    Wolfenstein the new order. Proper good game. Not for kids.

    Free Member

    Actually Vickypea I do get spots in my eyes sometimes during physical exertion, mostly cycling, kind of like an angled cross hairs. I never really thought about that as a sign. I think trying to reduce the amount I do, will help the stress, difficult as there’s a lot on my plate as an understaffed team leader. Consciously not thinking about work for me is a hard thing to do.

    Free Member

    I’m at the quacks on monday, so fear not. I’m not going to start self medicating. I do want to start trying to keep my blood sugar levels constant though and reducing stress.

    Might do that jamj.

    Free Member

    Hora – when do you take them?

    Free Member

    Bottom line, eat all the fruit and veg you want. Blenders are better than juicers as you lose the fibre if you’re juicing.

    The sugar in fruit is nothing like the sugar in a mars bar so ignore the sugar Nazis.

    Thus said, balance is the key. A bit of yoghurt with the berry smoother, some oats and a bit of protein powder makes a great smoothy primarily because of balance.

    Like wise, balance the increase in fruit and veg with a more active lifestyle. All of your calories will be stored if you don’t burn off more than you consume.

    7 portions of fruit and veg a day. They have to be different portions too, not 4 punnets of strawberries!

    Free Member

    What’s better about them Reggiegasket?

    Free Member
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