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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • stoney
    Free Member

    If you can afford it then go for the Campagnolo, even the lower end stuff like centaur etc are really good. Take a look at the Ergos....They are more compact than the Shimanos (shorter length in the body) and the brake lever doesnt move sideways at all, and you dont get that hideous cable coming out of the side!!!!!! 👿 The inner lever for the down and the inner thumb button for the up. Also you can drop all cogs in 1 go by holding the button, and a full push of the lever will bring 3/4 sprockets up on the down shift. 🙂

    Ive used them for 10 years and find them the best. Ive also tried using the Ergos on Sram cassettes and it works, this was after reading this………

    Hope this helps!!!!!!!! 😉


    Im currently on Sram Force (cos it was on the Trek when i ordered it) and could`nt stretch to the Campag,the Sram shifters are good but not the same as Campag!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I was told about this thread last night in the pub and Parktiger mentioned this…… (as wild86 said)if anyones ridden this, they deserve a medal… for the best bullsh1tter award!

    Well just for the record i have cleared Jenkin Hill twice without stopping (well only to open the gate)and no dabs. Allmost nailed it the other week as well but it was dark and had full leg armour on and that makes a massive difference.

    BTW it is by far the quickest way up…….. 😉

    Please can i have my BS medal now 😆

    Free Member

    60 on road down Dunmail Raise towards Grassmere, with a tail wind and could`nt pedal any more.

    39 off road (can`t say where! :wink:)and not on a fire road! 😉

    Free Member

    If you get it done straight away after a “filthy” ride then just the rinse n spin will do it, no detergent required, all you`re doing is rinsing the muck off!.

    wash the dispensing drawer first though! 😉

    You still have to Tech Wash or similar quite regular though…..

    Free Member

    Just done roughly 10-12 miles in the north lakes…Very wintery, very wet and extreemly muddy……Post ride beer ( it`s the law ), 4 pints in, food via the take out on the way home, Hot Shower and all is good. 😆

    Its good to get out, even if its a short 1.

    + i can still type after 4 pints of Stella! 😉

    Free Member

    Just think of the fun i had when i was fortune enough to have BOTH of them at the same time…… 😛

    Only thing was, it was a very wet night and you got the glare back when up on full…….BUT….when the rain stopped and i had them both on max, down through the trees……, TRUELY AWSOME!!!!!!!!!.

    So, after coming off the hill and the Spider yes was off, the “Cutie” (now the Dominator) was used for the tarmac back to town. Once there were no cars coming on the A66 i switched it to MAX…..I honestly said ” I could drive my car with that” !!!!!!!.

    Just thought i`d share that with you all! 😀

    Free Member

    A few drops of Mobil 1 fully sinthetic in all mine. Never froze the last 2 winters.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Dry and dusty since April?????????? 😯

    You should come and do a ride here in the Lakes 😉

    Then you`ll know what wet n muddy REALLY is 😉

    On avaerage i think we have 1 dry ride in 4…….. 😐

    Free Member

    I`d give it a wide birth if i were you :!:. 1600 lumens in the description!!!!!! 😯 for £35……

    Hmmmmmmm i do`nt think so 😉

    Free Member

    After my rear ss hub freezing i started to use Mobil 1. It`s never done it since.

    Free Member

    I had the pleasure of having both the Spider Eyes and the “Dominator” at the same time the other week…..I was curious as to what the lumen output with both was? It was an insane amount of light. 😯

    I found the Dominator was fine on low for road and off road climbs and then med for anything else, even the downs….I only used the boost a couple of times cos it was raining and there was a little too much glare back from the wet. 🙁

    I did (just for a laugh) run them both up on boost down a dark tree covered s.track (down to seldom seen) and i can honestly say there would be no point in having anything brighter as it would ust be wasted light :wink:(if you know what i mean).

    The finnished item is looking really nice BTW…Excellent work Chris! 😛

    Free Member

    No probs guys…

    SP will be on its way to Iain on Monday and ill send the Cutie to MB Kid.

    Prepare to be blinded you guys…… 😉

    Im just busy decorating at the mo and ill give some more details later on.

    FTAO Chris (Troutie) there could possibly be another development on your lights. On of our group works for M Sport…Yes, the world rally team 😛 and he took them to work on Friday to give them a go and see if they are any use to strap on the front of their cars for night stages.

    I kid you not! that is how bright they are. 😯 I could honestly drive my van with the Cutie on its own….. 😉

    Top Job mate! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Just like cheshirecat said……Male doctor, fit nurse etc….Took a copy of MBUK in with me, baerly got past the first page. Barely felt the anaesthetic needle, slight tssssss of burning flesh etc, no stiches cos its a 5mm cut, 1/2 later on my way home. a little discomfort later on and ran the dads race at kiddies sports day (the day after).. 😯

    Off the bike roughly 4-5 days 😆

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Cheers Iain….

    And thanks for pre charging it…..that`ll same me some time after work on Tuesday night….. 😛

    On Sat night i was just messing arround with the Lib and Spider Eyes while out with the dog. The old railway is totally covered with trees just behind us and was a perfect “tunnel” to try them in. The Spider Eyes on Low was roughly like the Lib on Med. Gradually bringing the Lib up into the beam it would blend in with the Halo but the square spot was still clearly visable….Not so much witht the Lib on boost……..however,the SP is still on low 😯

    With them both on boost……I honestly think you could just about drive a car with them… 😉

    So with the Cutie and SP there must be at least 4000 lumens!!!!! 😯

    I`ll give a report later in the week

    Free Member

    Tring to get it to shift down while under load….it will never come away from the chainring cleanly and then itll suck.......Take a little pressure off the pedding as you shift and itll drop fine….Hey presto ❗ No chainsuck.

    It helps if you plan ahead a little and anticipate when you`ll need to grab the granny… 😉

    Free Member

    Trout lighs all the way for me…I run a Liberater (1700 actual lumens)on the bar and the 825 lumen Tiger Light up top. However…I might start running the Tiger for road night time and get another one of Trouties to take it`s place for the stupid off road stuff. 😆

    Depends on what i recon to the 2 demo prototype lights i`ll try this week. His Spider Eyes and the Cutie…….

    Shuld be close to 4000 lumens….. 😯

    Free Member

    I seem to remember these came in at just under 1400gms….They are in fact re-branded Campag Bora rims….

    They are nice though!

    Free Member

    Check these out…. 8)

    True wheel porn 😉

    Free Member

    I live in Keswick and im up there a lot.....With the Family on B.H Monday and i had to park on a grass verge (in the carpark) cos it was chocka......and paid for an hour as we wernt that long.
    I won`t park out on the road even thought the car park is quite expensive…and on that day there were cars everywhere out on the road. There was a solid que from Revlin Moss on the left going up to the entrance of the south red and a solid que from the carpark entrance on the right heading down towards the wall (bottom of north red.

    PAY THE MONEY AND USE THE CAR PARK……and keep the centre going 😛

    Free Member

    Cheers Iain…i`ve responded. 😛

    Free Member

    Of the 3 ways i`ve been up with a bike….Keppel Cove would be the easiest by far…..

    Free Member

    Cheers guys…..I should have given more info at the start…

    I allready have my HT set up with an M4 up front a Mini at the rear, 203/183….I`ve allways ran Hope brakes cos i like them and they are (i think) the easiest to service 😛

    Im thinking of something else though and was toying with the M4 or V2....Not cos of weight, i dont find that an issue (as i`m only 65kg :P) but more with power on our techey decents. 😉


    Free Member

    BTW…..Some good names coming here, id thought of Little Venus...cos its the second brightest thing in the night`s sky.

    (not including the moon of course!)


    Free Member

    Hi Chris,

    e-mail sent with details!. I was hoping to try both at the same time (for some REAL insane light action) 😯

    Please let me know if that`s possible?

    Cheers 😛

    Free Member

    FTAO Scooper ❗

    Could i plesae be next to borrow the Cutie? I can`t find any details for you. My e-mail is in profile.

    Cheers……. 😛

    Free Member

    Bontrager Node 1-2. Both are excellent.

    Free Member

    IMO a light can`t be TOO powerfull 😉 That Spider Eyes does look mental though.

    Can you give any info/details of the cutie ❓

    Only the other night we were saying that you can`t have too much light, and you know the type of terrain we ride in. The only thing is when you have more light you go faster……. 😆

    I wouldnt mind a demo later on in the year when its proper dark….not like the “pretend dark” it is at the moment after 8.30!!!!! 😉


    re. the search n rescue lights???? can you give ant more info on those as well. It`s just that i know a few of the Mountain Rescue team here and if it works out they might be interested???????
    Just a thought really.

    Free Member

    My mate (“Parkedtiger” on the forum) had a neer miss one night during the late winter. Coming down off one of our local hills and just after the tricky bit his steerer tube sheered just below the stem. 😯 Holding the bars up and waving them around in mid air, brakes and steering rendered useless and off……. 😥

    Fortunatley he was on the grassy slope and was`nt hurt too bad. I think he got a thump in the chest as he went down… But we bodged it and he made it home! 🙄

    Free Member

    Nice work Chris, Id like to see waht youre working on at the mo 😆

    Free Member

    Meet Kermit……. 🙄

    Rear cable sorted and chain shortened since (this was taken brand new in April)


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Here are mine……..

    Now with Floats on…. 😀

    The go fast bike 😉

    The go even faster bike 😉 😆


    Free Member

    LOL @ 40mpg…..i had`nt thought of that…… 😆

    Not that i`m buying….i was just glancing through lookig for 1 for the wifey…. 😉

    Free Member

    Now then!!!!!!

    Im in the 105k tomorrow and ive just had a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and 2 cans of stella…… 🙄

    I`, now going to bed!

    May see you there ❓

    Free Member

    Its where the transfere port is drilled between the piston chambers. If youve ever seen one of those calipers stripped down then it all becomes clear, and then you see how good the machining really is……


    Free Member

    Chain`s fine just in the wrong gear…. 😳

    Seat and rear mech cable sorted long ago….. 🙄

    Free Member

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