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  • What’s in Week 2 of the Megasack?
  • stonemonkey
    Free Member

    The terror laws were and still are very controversial , i bet the people who spend 90 days in custody when terror laws are used inappropiatley again wont be so happy.

    Also the major depositors where local councils ….

    Free Member

    yes but my point is the use of terror laws in these circumstances. people loose money all the time, should have invested in a uk bank

    Free Member

    maybe buy a dehunidifier, i wouldnt cover the walls as i would rather be able to see the problem as opposed to cover it . maybe just put some plywood or mdf boards on the ceiling but make sure you can get easy access to pipes / electrics etc

    Free Member

    different weed will have different affects , maybe the beer, things on your mind etc

    Free Member

    I used to be a heavy smoker ( about 1/2 ounce of skunk a week) after 5 years of smoking 1 day i threw the biggest whitey, thought i was going to die panic attacks, trippin the works . never smoked again since nearly 3 years now and feel much better for it

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thanks spaceman,

    To get her to come back on command consistently , yes . However, other commands were learnt quickly. I had a border collie before and these dogs are intelligent in a different way, if you know what i mean. Dont let this put you off they are great dogs and make lovely family pets.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Free Member

    oh dear ive just read what ive written , classic!!
    thats the problem with typing with one hand while eating my tea

    Free Member

    presenting dot long haired , broken coated jack russell , not sheep (or anything else that runs friendly) but a great dog , took us 2 years to train her. Fearless, likes swimming in resevoirs after ducks.

    Free Member

    ive got an 08 5spot and ride in the peaks never ridden the others but for me its the perfect bike. not the quickest up the hills but more than makes up for it going down, plus nylon bushes are far better for the grit

    Free Member

    just bought some superstar sintered for my xt brakes and i am impressed, havent had them for long mind but dont let price mask value. But feel free to spend more

    Free Member

    6% a red blooded male it said , whoo hoo. But being gay is illegal if your from liverpool

    Free Member

    Thanks ,

    yeah definatley a shifter problem, will have a look inside today, seems like quite a common problem, did anyone else buy theirs from merlin?

    Free Member

    Just come back from my GF’s mums in La Coquille on the N21 did a bit of riding on a borrowed bike does anyone have any maps of riding in this area.



    Free Member
    Free Member

    I went from a 2000 SID XC to some 08 454 pikes (20 mm) boy did i notice the difference one was made of cooked pasta and would flex while trackstanding the other tracks perfectly over head size boulders

    Free Member

    love the dub song on the curious corn album , esoteric is how i’d describe them

    Free Member

    where about in the peaks tis a big place . white/ dark?

    Free Member

    I havent commentted on this before but i think i should warn you that lee might be a scammer. 😀

    I had to wait 2 months for a bike recently but got it sorted in the end thankfully, but someone please get hold of this lad and shake some sense into him or a class action in the courts.

    Free Member

    Sheik Yerbouti for me

    Free Member

    on second thoughts you could always get an exercise bike?

    Free Member

    Copy and paste the text into the reply box. Select it, and then click the “quote” button.

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    Success thanks Capt

    Free Member

    How do you quote ?

    Free Member

    Having checked the website the job i was looking at appears to have gone anyway.

    Free Member

    Guido sorry i don’t understand are you referring to the Heritage protection review?

    Free Member

    Guido and i was thinking of applying for a job at EH ? 😮

    Free Member

    Apologies to the good Dr 😀

    here is the link, there is another article as well . I actually live in Sheffield and the project seams to be at a standstill at present; Are responsible for the destruction of heritage?

    Yes i did watch the grand design programme, i have noticed in the Sheffield project that the requirement for the concrete was soon dropped when it became to expensive and EH may have had to pay for it despite already giving a large, but in reality insignificant, grant to Urban Splash to preserve / restore it . Is it a case of do what we say not what we do

    Free Member

    Keep going, one good ride, downhill, jump you’ll be loving it again. As for the weather i quite enjoy the wind and rain adds a bit of atmosphere, are you a southerner by chance

    Free Member

    i’m just coming to the end of a masters in building surveying and the work were doing on building conservation principles seems to be irrelevant to EH, ageing materials is a no- no, replication of elements only were solid evidence is available – not important if Mr Thurley deams it should be there, authenticity and originality – missing in action

    EH’s movement into commercial actions is also of interest, did you read the article in the sunday times about the fireplaces in a property in london ( possibly and Indigo Jones i cant remember)

    Must be good for your lectures, watch this and discuss…

    Free Member

    did the specialist say it was dry rot, wet rot, rising damp?

    Free Member

    sounds like dry rot to me, if so like mtt said spores are everywhere not sure about human health problems i’m into building health you see

    Free Member

    My cones came loose, its cup and cone bearings so i dont think you’ll get it under warranty but worth a try. If you’ve done a lot of winter riding in poor conditions its probably just grit in the bearings. I prefer this style than sealed bearings , dont last as long but simpleand cheaper to fix

    Free Member

    yes you need a 28 mm cone spanner here

    for the rear you need to put an allen key in the lock nut to get that off (took me ages to figure this out) and then the 18mm cone spanner i think.

    where are you based

    Free Member

    he wants to make some money back on the postage meet him half way

    Free Member

    stop shitting on the trails you dirty pig dog, worse than a bloody toddler 😀

    Free Member

    Yes nothing to do with boutique, i also feel people that people buy too many bikes , hardtail, full suss , ss,road, jump / 4x changing it every few months or year. Have one bike and ride it till it dies, i had my last bike for 9 years till it died, i think to many people read the magazines and have to jump on all the band wagons , new forks every year for minimal increases in performance , try using the same SID forks for 9 yrs and then getting some 08 pikes with 20mm axle. Feels like your getting your money’s worth. plus i’m poorer than most on here

    Free Member

    Your going to sell one of the best bikes ever to buy a run of the mill albeit good production bike.

    5spot owner

    Free Member

    only ever used flats and crap shoes that dont stick, always cut my legs to ribbons but thats half the fun walking into the shops post ride leg covered in blood , mud , etc plus “chicks dig scars” . If you do go for pads just need to below the knee unles you fall off

Viewing 40 posts - 641 through 680 (of 920 total)