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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • stompy
    Full Member

    Or there'll be some very happy chaps on crimbo morn :wink:

    Full Member

    Nice work fella :D

    Full Member

    Tell me why I shouldn't get/want/buy one of these

    Because it's ugly???? :?

    Full Member

    Jeez…… could you just get by with a bit of gaffa tape on it??? :-)

    Best of luck chap.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    No 1 for sure…….

    Full Member

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I'm a cabinet maker myself. I generally work to commission, designing and then making furniture to the clients specifications (which are sometimes rather obscure!!).

    Where about's are you based??

    Full Member

    26 – Self employed furniture designer/maker :D

    Full Member

    Had it when I was 23…… really knocked the sh*t out of me. Felt completely drained, itched everywhere. Prob the most ill I've ever been (I don't get ill very often) it even put me off the drink!!

    Baths and splashing water on the skin seemed to help but was still mega uncomfortable for about a week……just don't look in the mirror :cry:

    Full Member

    I use a small local firm, was cheaper than the bigger players and was more friendly/helpful then the others…….

    Full Member

    [/quote]If roads are for cars why do they have to be licensed to use them, when pedestrians and cyclists amongst others have a right to use them?

    Because vehicles are slightly more dangerous than humans or cyclists and are therefore confined to roads thus separating pedestrians and vehicles with a clearly defined boundary. You would not walk on the road needlessly when there was a perfectly suitable path.

    Anyway my point was that there are some idiots on the road so why put yourselves in their path needlessly??

    Full Member

    ??? Don't quite get what you mean by that Goan………

    Full Member

    I'm with Barry…… Roads are for cars and I wouldn't want my kid there. You may be holding onto them but there are some idiots about.

    And two kids from one side of the car is not difficult….

    Nice troll though, you can go back under your bridge now :-)

    Full Member

    :| I see nothing………

    Full Member

    bearing in mind that the person who joins to sell some kit may just become a worthwhile member of our community so we should put them off too much or this will end up a site with the same old names

    Quite right, those same old names who think they own place and spend more time on here than actually riding their bikes that they talk up so much.

    Funny how it's those same old names who always seem to be the ones moaning about how 'it's not like it used to be' and 'I prefered it when it was only me and two other people here because I had higher odds of winning the petty arguements that I started cos my life is so empty…..' :?

    Bit far maybe, but get over it……..

    Full Member

    I feel your pain mate, life is tough :evil:

    Full Member

    'Yawn'…. why are you all moaning, as above, if you don't like the prices don't buy it, what does it matter?!? you can't get a deal all the time and you always have the option of buying new.

    I've had countless good deals off of here and have also sold a lot at what I feel are reasonable prices. If it doesn't sell at the price stated you either drop the price or keep it.

    Free trade is great aint it….

    Full Member

    Banana's are great! 8O

    Full Member

    Women who give you beer and don't moan about how many you've had….. gotta love em :-)

    Full Member

    Snapped the clamp handle off of ours after a few months :cry:

    Still not got round to getting onto Wiggle about it. From the above replys it seems like I was just unlucky. Apart from the snapped off handle has been fine………

    Full Member

    +1 For Hopes. Easy to maintain and as good as any other brake if not better.

    Full Member

    Avid BB7's???

    Full Member

    What about those of us who commute by white Van???

    Are we still on your hit list?? :-)

    Full Member

    Ahhhhhh Wahhhhh! :D Gutted, that has made me smile……

    Full Member

    Bia and Branca Feres – Twin ( :D ) Syncro swimmingistas

    And the Lovely Malia Jones – Surf chick

    Full Member

    Is that 'grinder mark' not just a fools slip while removing the chain that was locking some poor chaps bike up before Kaesae stole it???

    Full Member

    661 Kyle Straits……… mega comfy, don't even notice I'm wearing them half the time.

    Full Member

    What year?

    Full Member

    stompy – widen your mind – come on man!

    But it hurts my eyes……… :|

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I'd not have him ringing my house and speaking to the lady like that…… tell him to pop by so you can talk it through then deck him when he gets there.

    Violence may not be the answer but it's satisfying and in some cases the only language some people understand :-)

    Full Member

    This always makes me smile….

    But this is just great:

    And then there's always this:

    Full Member

    8O Why would anyone do that??? The horror…….

    Full Member

    stompy. what,s that contraption.

    It's a panal/dimension saw with lots of sparkly bits…… more kit than I'll ever need but still want one :-)

    Full Member

    Sad I know…….. :oops:

    Full Member

    Bitcomet here and btjunkie as the search site…….. And who is mandy??

    Full Member

    Old pic…… now has some Fox legs and Hope Stoppers. Don't treat her very nicely but she knows I love her :-)

    Full Member

    Went a bit far with it.

    We're quite ashamed of what we have created :D

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