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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • stompy
    Full Member

    one word…. Ropey, no thanks :?

    Full Member

    Tora’s are good for the money and do the job well enough but go for the Recons if you can afford them…… or look on the clasifieds here, for 150 you’d get a fairly decent pair of forks :D

    Full Member

    Ha….. thats stupid….. Heal… Heel……. what??? surely thats trickery :?

    Full Member

    It’s never to early….. maintain constant intake, binge drinking is bad for you I’ve heard, you can get pregenant and everything 8O
    A Steady intake of cider is in no way binge drinking and it’s made from apples, which I’ve heard keeps the doctor away………..

    Full Member

    Thats because everyone (including God, the almighty creator) neglect that Lincolnshire exists……. we’re all alone out here….with the inbreds 8O

    Full Member

    It’ll be what is known as ‘golden section’….. so the long edge is 1.618 times the length of the short edge.

    Same as credit cards and other such things. It’s a number that occurs in nature alot and produces proportioned shapes that ‘look right’ to the eye :D

    Full Member

    carpentry skills – so a piece of p1ss really.

    Of course………..

    Full Member

    I’ve found the waffle sole on vans to be the best ‘budget’ option…..If you don’t mind wet feet…. only goes as far as your skin :?

    Full Member

    Fairly pricey though aren’t they……spose you get what you pay for :?

    Full Member

    No worries mate, it helps to talk about I know and to talk about him aswell……. I’ve put below what I was going to send you, you might have already seen it. It helped me to understand what was going on because most of the time it just didn’t seem real, to have had the old boy around for 25 years and then for him to be gone?…. a strange feeling. Anyway here you are, abit sopey, but says alot…..

    Death is nothing at all
    I have only slipped away into the next room
    I am I and you are you
    Whatever we were to each other
    That we still are
    Call me by my old familiar name
    Speak to me in the easy way which you always used to
    Put no difference into your tone
    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
    Laugh as we always laughed
    At the little jokes we always enjoyed together
    Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
    Let it be spoken without effect
    Without the ghost of a shadow on it
    Life means all that it ever meant
    It is the same as it ever was
    There is absolutely unbroken continuity
    Why should I be out of mind
    Because I am out of sight?
    I am but waiting for you for an interval
    Somewhere very near
    Just around the corner
    All is well.

    My e mail is if you want a chat/friendly advice or anything

    Take care mate

    Full Member

    Ha, sounds like my family mate……

    Wouldn’t let me send the e mail, kept returning it.. try again later

    All the best buddy :D

    Full Member

    He passed on the 14th november…. a week before his 62nd birthday. Two and a half months now. It does get easier mate, believe me, even if at the momment it doesn’t seem like it will. I’ve been through all sorts of emotions, felt things I’d never felt before, something so deep inside that will always be there. One of my friends who lost her Dad 2 years ago said to me “You never get over it, you just learn to live with it”. And I think she’s right, that sadness and helplessness you feel will slowly turn to little smiles when you rememeber his little ways.

    Like I said before don’t be afraid to cry or to laugh, just do what you can to ease the way you feel, I don’t think there is any easy answer. Be angry, be happy, drink yourself to sleep, ride for miles…. whatever it takes mate.

    Whats your e-mail mate? I’ve got something that always makes me smile when i read it, I’ll send it to you…..

    I really do wish you all the best, it will get easier, just pull together as a family and rememeber him as he was

    Full Member

    Ha, yep, just gotta remember him as he was….. an he’ll always be around, theres a little bit of him in all of you I’m sure. And you know the last thing he’d ever want would be to see you all sad.

    I talk to my old man all the time, curse him for leaving me with 4 women (I’m the youngest with 3 older sisters!!) and say cheers to him everytime I have a drink, which has been alot lately :( , But you deal with it anyway you can. Just make sure that your little uns, although they will not get the chance to spend the time with him that you did, know him as grandad…..

    My Parents were living in Spain when he decided to go to the big pub in the sky. When I flew out on the day to get to mum I met some of the Spanish farmers who were close friends and they all said the same thing, which sticks with me…. “This is life”. Be happy for the times you had and the memories you will always hold.

    All the best mate, good luck with the twins..sounds like hard work!! :D

    Full Member

    Hey, I also recently lost my old man…… not an easy time. Not being able to take away mums pain is the worst thing, just feel so helpless but we all do what we can to help where ever we can. Just pull together as a family and remember that it’s ok to feel rubbish, to cry but it’s ok to laugh to, don’t feel guilty for the times when your ok. And just be there for each other…..

    Anyway, bereavement funds are very worth looking into, well hidden away but do pay a lump sum and then a weekly allowence for a year. I would suggest talking to a legal advisor as pension companies and other such asset holders have been known to bend the rules a little. Other then that be careful with inheritence, the goverment will try to take 40%, which is disgusting…..

    All the best to you and your family :-)

    Full Member

    where did you get a picture of my misses from??? 8O

    Full Member

    soften it with an iron, should ease the adhesive a little bit and then give it some wit ol spade :roll:

    Full Member

    2 at the mo, and they are me semi slicks for commuting……. I feel left out :( I’ll take some tyres off of you chaps if you like….

    Full Member

    why is it the centre of the universe?????

    Full Member

    Crocodile Dundee because I got it for xmas…… and yes, still awesome…. “shoot the dopey bastard”

    Classic :D

    Full Member

    Same as bunnyhop…. self employed/unemployed

    Love my job 10/10 :D
    but lucky to earn anything at the momment :(

    Full Member

    At the mo I’m earning nothing. I’m a self employed (or rather self unemployed at the momment :( ) furniture maker/boat fitter. Being so I can’t claim benefits when I’m out of work and so am a little screwed….

    I’ve got Ba (Hons) in Furniture design, countless smaller qualifications in related topics but it all means nout when theres no work around. I’m glad loads of you are earning bucket loads sat behind a computer but to say most postee’s on this site are high earning middle class and that MTBing is a middle class, middle management sport is ridiculus…..Get over yourself. what about all those who have lost their jobs???

    Have a look at this thread….

    Full Member

    I got made redundant right at the beginning of this mess (back in July) I was a narrowboat builder/fitter then. The guys and Gal’s I worked with have been brilliant, as have my mates and family…….. If your willing to work, are polite and can have a good laugh people will give you something to do and pay you…… but you’ve gotta be prepared to do anything.

    Believe me it’s interesting, I’ve done some work on boats, mucked out and fed horses, looked after kids, Chased runaway dogs (while supposedly dog sitting), fitted out a shop, built a bike for someone, baked cakes……

    The little jobs keep you ticking over, give you a little pocket money and most importently keep you active, You need to keep going or you’ll get idle…..and all this things are experiences that you would otherwise not have had, take this time as an opportunity to ride more, learn to cook, see more of your kids, take up knitting……

    I wish all you guys the best in whatever you do…. :D

    Full Member

    Maybe there should be a ‘services needed section’….. could earn a few quid here and there. We are all skilled in our own little way :lol:

    Full Member

    Between 3 and 5 shillings aday….. depending on how many shoes i shine :?

    Full Member

    Haha, angle grinder??? was gonna use my teeth :lol:

    Full Member

    Hey up crazy-legs….. Not sure how similar they are, am home now. The front hope is a 180mm rotor though so dunno in you can get the right caliper mount adaptors for the sizing.

    Had a look at the adaptors, about 15 to 20 notes each…. not sure he’s gonna like that (He’s having his own personnal credit crunch!!)……. Might just see if i can get some wheels for him cheap…


    Full Member

    I think they are centre-lock’s………sh*t!!!

    Looks like it’s gonna cost money either way, there’s not really a cheap fix is there???

    Cheers for your help chaps :lol:

    Full Member

    Woah there guys…….is this a lesson in butchery?? :D

    If they were sheared or fouled bolt heads we’d be ok (got extractors)…..

    Centre lock rotors, ha ha, didn’t think of that, haven’t seen those for ages….. cheers Jamie, genius :-)

    Full Member

    jfeb…. there are no bolts…it’s like they are meant to be permenantly fixed, which seems fec*ing stupid

    Full Member

    Looks to me like where there should be rotor bolts there are just shiney flat…. well M6 size discs. It’s almost like some sort of polished rivot or a compression fit.

    totally bizarre

    Just wondered that if I ground them off I’d still be able to fit new rotors, ie: there’d be a thread there? spose i could tap it out…. just don’t wanna screw it up and leave him with no wheels….

    Full Member

    Bugger, I offend people all the time…….

    I think because we live in a nanny state with far to many do gooders people have become far to sensitive to words and phrases that, at most, are generally uttered without an ounce of malice.

    Call me what you like, they are just words…….. sticks and stones….

    Full Member

    I agree, intent and the maliciousness with what the phrase is spoken is surely more of an issue…..

    Full Member

    Er, easy:

    The first is an attack on a person because his nationality – it’s called xenophobia.

    The second is an attack on a person because of the colour of his skin – it’s called racism

    Both can be considered xenophobic or racist depending on the intent behind the remark. The fact you assume it is because of the colour of the persons skin (which, sadly, it usually is) and not purely their origin is a little racist within itself.

    It seems to be a major grey area…..globally

    Full Member

    ooo la la….. boobies :oops:

    Full Member

    Ha, it’s even ‘got’ a shit cherished plate…..

    Full Member

    because being white makes you automatically racist and also immune from racism….apparently

    Full Member

    Oh baby…… thats a ‘proper’ motor :lol:

    Full Member

    I can’t quite undertand why those chavvy little boy racer funboys don’t use a little of the brains that their family’ ‘gene puddle’ gave the them to realise that for all the money they spent on their blinged/chavved up Nova/Corsa/Fiesta that they could have spent the money on a decent car??!!

    …… or a bike :D


    Full Member

    Ah ha, but when I might be called ‘white boy’ or a ‘limey’ or a ‘pome’, is that racist???

    Is it (said Prince Harry comment) a racist comment exclusive to England, and maybe other western countries??

    Surely ****(stani’s) and Indians have the same, shall we say, social disagreement that we ourselves have with the French. We don’t really dislike them that much (although they do smell and speak funny), but calling a Frenchman a frog is not deemed to be racist but calling a pakistani a **** is……. where is the logic in that??

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