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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • stoffel
    Free Member

    Hoping for less than 8 hours.

    A friend who suffers from various physical issues, as well as an eyesight problem meaning her depth perception is realy **** up, did it in less than 8 hours, so unless your really old/have health issues, then you should be able to do that no problem! No worries if you can’t though, it’s a long way.

    don’t wear your free “I did the Prudential 100” cycling top ever again, nope not even on your bike.

    I gree. Ditto with any event t-shirt. They always remind me of those mebarrassing ‘I ran the world’ t-shirts in the 80s.

    proclaim that now you’ve done 100 miles on yer bike that you are elite and worthy of higher social standing.

    Can’t agree there though. 100 miles is a bloody long way, and most cyclists will never ride as far in one single day. Why not brag bit? 😀

    Free Member

    Ok, so we’re agreed to ignore this guys opinions?

    😆 Behave.

    Van Gaal looks a lot moe like the kind of manager Man Utd need; I get the ‘Gasgow’ thing, but Moyes was a very poor choice. Martinez rubed this fact in even more, by getting Everton to finish higher than Man Utd, something Moyes had never managed. It will be interestng to see what players LVG can bring with him; Rin Vlar loos a more than worthy replacementfor Evra/Ferdinand. I hope to god he doesn’t brng Robben though; it was enough having that cheating **** in the premiuer league once before.

    Free Member

    That’s really bad. Books Oscar for ‘simulation’, then it’ clear there must have atually been contact, as Blind is on the floor in pain! Embarrassing.

    Free Member

    Reminds me of this dickhead on a Trek

    Was it Lance Armstrng?

    Free Member

    ITV’s hatred of football.

    They show more games than the bBC do. Or are you referring to Andy Townsend?

    Free Member

    Christ that’s a bad,mistimed tackle! 😯

    Free Member

    Yes Israel should just disband its army and throw open the borders, everyone will live happily ever after.

    Yes the Palestinans should just quietly move somewhere else and let the zionist settler expansionists just bulldoze their homes without question. Even Baruch Goldstein would have been happy with that.

    Free Member

    Again Robben!! Unbeleiveable! Is there any way FIFA can issue retrospective punishments for blatant cheating?

    Free Member

    In the qualifiers it was Australia 31–0 American Samoa.

    If you love footbal, I urge you to watch ‘Next Goal Wins’, about the American Samoan football team. Really good little film.

    Free Member

    Again Robben jumps onot the floor as tohugh he’s been shot! For the pen, he was already screaming out and looking for the ref, before he’d even decided to fling himself down! What a cheat.

    Free Member

    1st gol wasn’t a penalty. Free kick at best; Robben is a diving ****. No way would Silva’s touch ahve brought him down so dramatically.

    Free Member

    ^More Israeli propaganda. It doesnt mattter how you dress it up, nothing justifies the actions of the Israeli military, when they indiscriminately kill innocent civilians. Nothing. regardless of where the rockets are launched from, by the time the retaliation cmes, those firing the rockets are long gone. THe IDF know this. Which makes such retaliation utterly barbaric and militarily pointless. The rockets continue to be fired. All killing innocent people does, is further enrage those who already hate you.

    Free Member

    Foam or carboard won’t protect the disc if something hard penetrates the box. Just take thm off.

    Free Member

    “Statistically better” – you need to watch some actual football and lay off the spreadsheets for a bit if you think they’re in any way a better team without him.

    I enjoyed watching a lot of football last season, and Liverpool without Suarez were very impressive. The fast attacking style we saw in the second half of the previous season developed further, and Stirridge was instrumental in winning many of the early season games. His partnership with Suarez proved even more fruitful, but I don’t think Liverpool will miss Suarez asmuch as you do. Many said similar about Man U and Ronaldo, but that proved to be unfounded.

    Doesn’t have the legs to cover any more.

    Nonsense. He can’t bomb forward as quick as he used to, but he’s still effective in covering the back four. Or are you using the nse slip against chelsea as evidence he ‘doesn’t have the legs any more’?

    I don’t think Liverpool will win, but those ‘underwhelming’ signings could surprise a lot of people; Brendan Rodgers is no idiot. Unlike Spurs’ board…

    Free Member

    July 12, 2014 – Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement:

    Free Member

    Israel warned Hamas to cease

    And what if Hamas, The UN or indeed anyone else warns Israel to cease? What hapens then?

    Yes Israel has the better tech, military etc and will always look as the aggressor due to the number of deaths and casualties

    No; due to actually being the agressors. I’m staggered that you continue to act as an aplogist for the continued agression by the Israeli military. You have been show, tima and again on this thread alone, just how barbaric Israel’s actins are, yet you continue to beat the dum of ‘self-defence’.

    Mark Regev: “Hamas bears primary responsibility for civilian casualties in Gaza”

    So, it’s absolutely fine to kill innocent people then? What if those firing rockets at Israle take the same stance? That’s also fine, no? That’s also ‘self defence’, no?

    However should Israel do nothing when being hit by hundreds of rockets?

    So Paelstinians shoud do nothing when hundreds of innocent people are being killed?

    Free Member

    Nim; can I ask why you appear to be ignoring the terrible attrocities comitted by the IDF, and instead only focussing on the (largely ineffectual) rocket strikes Israle claim are perpetrated by Hamas members (no proof that they actually are; there are many militant groups opposing Israel’s military actions)?

    Do you genuinly beleive Israel is doing nothng more than ‘defending itself’? Or are you wiling to admit that Israel is by far the most aggressive and disproportionate in it’s actions? A view that most people on earth share.

    Free Member

    Airport Express is what you need. It’s expensive though, unless you also use it connected to a hif-i/some speaksers.

    Free Member

    I can’t help thinking such a behaviour is a bit needy and attention seeking; after al, it’s not very practical, for men in particular, to ride a bike without some pants on at least. For obvious reasons. To each ther own though I suppose.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t consider myself a ‘mountain bker’, even though I occasionally ride off road. A cyclist yes.

    Free Member

    I think it’s important to understand that zionists don’t speak for all Jews,and in fact are in a minority. I think it’s dangerous to think of zionism as a ‘Jewish’ issue, as millins of Jews worldwide are vehemently opposed to zionim. And as a previous poster pointed out,many Haredi are opposied to the ideology of zionism. A neighbour of ours is Isreali, and a former member of the IDF. He and his wife (a Yemeni Jew) moved from Israel to get away from the situation there, and because of the treatment of Yemeni, Ethiopian, Moroccanand other Arab Jews, by racists of European origin.

    She describes many instances of humiliating and sometimes horrifying discrimination against Moroccan, Yemeni, Tunisian and other Jews as they found their lives subsumed beneath the prevailing Ashkenazi culture. Some North African Jews were allowed in only after being sprayed with disinfectant. The picture is one of exploitation and mistrust, based largely on the Arab Jews’ resemblance – even linguistically – to “the enemy” and leaving them still at the bottom of the heap today.

    I don’t see this as a ‘Jewish’ issue at al; it’s all about evil men bent on power and wealth, using religion as a smokescreen to justify their actions, and exempt themselves from any criticism.

    Free Member

    Is he? My mistake; I thought I’d read he was 22! 😆 I thought that as he only made his Englanddebut last yea, that he was some up and coming youngster! Shows how much I pay attention. 😳

    Macclesfield Town[edit]
    Lambert remained a free agent for almost four months, during which time he worked in a beetroot bottling plant to make ends meet


    Free Member

    Well my Humax box uses less than 1 watt on standby.

    I consider the corresponding 80 pence a year a pretty small price to pay for having instant on

    Ok, so what if everyoneon Earth thinks the same? How much energy is that? And what damage does it’s production cause?

    Such a spoiled, thoughtless and selfish attitude. 🙁

    Free Member

    Whatever you use,don’t buy it from a bike shop. As it will be ridiculously expensive. I get my suspeension fluid from motorcycle places. You’ll probably get twice as much for half the price. As for mixing; there are some formulae online, but your method will probably be ok, as long as you use the same manufacturer for both. The actual ‘weight’ isn’t that crucial anyway really.

    Free Member

    No way Liverpool will be as strong without Suarez

    I disagree. They started last season without him, and were statistically better (better points per game average). Sturridge was top scorer until he was injured. Lambert is young and wil develop, as wil Lallana, who is the most creative English attacking midfielder since Wayne Rooney. And Man utd were willing to pay that and possibly more for him, so the price seems as reasonable as such a vast some of money can. Gerrard will play a much deeper defensive role, and allow Lallana, Joe alen etc to get forward more. Past his peak maybe, but he’s still a fantastic player. Brendan Rodgers wil be that bit more experienced and wise, and as long as they sort out their defence, Liverpool should do well.

    Wenger is brilliant at getting players to adapt to his style. It’s why he’s done relatively very wel with what are often less than world class players. Sanchez could be a big gambl tough, and there have been many flos at Arsenal. Some of their key players can be fragile though, and this could well agan be their achilles heel.

    Chelsea may well have also pulled off a top transfer move by offloading David Liz, who is a very god layer, but as the Germany game proved, also vulnerable and of suspect mental character. They’ll queitly sing a few young players who couldturn out to be brilliant, they have a knack of doing that. They will continue to be bloody boring to watch though. City will be the team to beat thoug hI think. A pretty safe bet is that Spurs won’t win. I think that’s one thing we can all take as a given.

    Free Member

    Just read about the impending Suarez transfer. Christ almighty; £75 million for a player who’s always been a real liability? His idiocy aside, Suarez was banned for a total of nearly half a season, and Liverpol must be laughing all the way to the bank with that mony! I really didn’t think any club would be willing to risk such an incredible amount of money on him. Now Liverpool not only have the usual transfer kitty of such a big club, they also have the Chamoins league money to cme, and that £75 million! Seems last season wasn’t such a disaster for them after all. But they need to buy ‘Liverpool’ type players, not just splash out on big names. Brendan Rodgers is a good manager, and has created a great team there, and many players will be attracted to that set up. Thy need to be wary of repeating past mistakes of buying flops, like Andy Carrol, Robbie KEane and Alberto Aquilani (a combined £75 million or so) though. I think Rodgers is pretty shrewd there though. Llanana and Lambert are very good signings.

    As for the title; Liverpool will be up there, alongside Arsenal, but I think Man City or Chelsea will again be to strong. Not sure what wil hapen to Man Utd; Loius Van Gaal has a lot to live up to, and does need to get some good players in and to turnthe attitues of many current players around. Getting rid of Evra would be a good move, as that saga must be quite unsettling for the rest of the squad. But there’s a lot of pressure on Manutd now, and no Fergie to guide hem. it may be another tough season for them. Spurs? No chance. They simply have the wrong boardroom structure to be successful. You don’t seel your best players (Modric and Bale) and have no clear plan on how to continue without them. Can see them sacking another manager and going through the whol sorry process again. Everton will be under pressure now to improve on last season, but I dont thinki they’ll have enough quality to move up realy. If Arsenal can add to Sanchez with a couple of other good signings, they could have a good season. Whatever hapens, I think it will be another good season though.

    Free Member

    I used to be a Mac accolyte, and wouldn’t dream of even looking at anything wih Windows on it. Butover the last few years, I’ve beocme increasingly disillusioned with Apple, and their move from prodcing gret computers, to ‘lifestyle products. Stuff that’s fashionable to have, throw it away and buy the latest new one as soon as it comes out. So wasteful. And te cst of sorting out anyissues is huge; the graphics card on my desktop is failing, and nees replacing. £250+ for a card which is medicre at best by current standards, when the PC equivalent is about £30. Seems that pple don’t really want you to keep an older machine going, they ant you to buy a nw one. So wasteful. My wife needs a new laptop, and a MacBookk would suit her as she love ithe iMac, but for a lot less money, she can get an equivalent specced Sony or whatever. Which would be much easier to fix if anting did go wrong. Macs are great when they work, and a nightmare when they don’t.

    Free Member

    I don’t wish to get involved in this debate, other than to express my sadness at innocent people onboths sides (yet mainly the Palestinians) being kiled in the name of **** up ideologies, and the disbeleif that somecan act as apologists for a stat run by evil people, with western complicity, but I have met the maker of Five Broken ccamers, Emad Brunat, and a nicer, kider and more truly humble a man you couldn’t hope to meet. If only there were more people onall sides, like him.

    Free Member

    What is ‘Bellysol’? A cream you rub on your abdomen?

    Free Member

    seems to be loads on ebay for £30 ish, lots looking like they’re not selling either

    Bum. They were goingfor loads just a couple of months ago. 😡

    Free Member

    I got one the other day. i’m trying to work out if it is an ‘unsolicited gift’ and therefore mine to do with whatever I awnrt, or that there’s some small print meaning TakTalk now own my soul if I connect it. If the former, then it’s going on ebay.

    Free Member

    Only seems to be on the new trails, where did they get the material from for them? It’s like it has builders sand mixed in there.

    The stuff that destroys your brake pads in seconds. I’m loathe to ride Swinley in the wet, for this very reason.

    Free Member

    I can’t beleive people ae being negative about the crowds at all. So they’re not very well experenced and disciined about cycle races. The main thing was, millions enjoyed it, like my friend in Huddersfield, who has almost zero intert in cycling, yet excitedly texted me to say how mazing it was, and how much everyone there was enjoying it.

    Free Member

    Good customer service is assisting customers in genuine need, not providing room for ‘customers’ to take liberties

    And in this particular case, the OP was in genuine need, and in no way ‘taking liberties’.

    I’ve never understood why workshops in bicycle shops should be any different

    You’ve wored for CCycle Surgery and Evans. Their customer service model is different to other bike shops. Both companies started off as small local bike shops, who would gladly lend a basic cheap tool to help somoene out, as they were run by people who loved cycling and understood that sometimes, it’s just good karma to help another person out, even if it’s for no reward. It’s a shame that ethos has been ditched, in favour of one which focusses on profit rahter than peple.

    Maybe you’re not prepared to divulge the name of it so others can make a balanced judgement.

    ‘Balanced judgement’? On here? Are you mad? 😆

    Free Member

    Iron. A bugger to get out of lohes. Sometimes, it’s there permanently.

    Free Member

    We really need someone to do something about the media

    So what are YOU doing about it?

    Free Member

    Oh I understand fine and well

    I seriously doubt it. You have an angle, and want to prmote that. Your response said it all.

    I am pretty sure, you don’t understand the position CS are in.

    Having winessed their transition from indy LBS to smal chain, then the takeover by SnR, as wel as knowing many members of CS staff over the years, I think I have a pretty good understanding, probably more than most folk on here in fact. Have you ever met the original founders/owners? Did you ever use the original shops?

    Who do you work for stoffel, out of curiosity?

    Online, I represent only myself, and not the organisation I work for.

    Free Member

    Cote de Buttertubs! 😆

    Free Member

    Daily Mail journos have been ‘troling’ Musloms for years. See Melanie Phillips for evidence of this. Vile, hateful woman.

    Free Member

    I did, most of Sheffield was packed with loads of people, mostly not

    fat bald men in shorts and polo shirts

    Huddersfield (where my mate flew a large Cuba flag) seemed to have a large number of asian looking people, some in Muslim style dress. My mate is bald though, and was wearing shorts.

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