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  • stoffel
    Free Member

    I don’t ever wear socks with sandals. Surprised that you’d assume that; is that what you’d do?

    I don’t really see how you can be entitled to an opinion on what looks good when all you wear are shorts and sandals

    I don’t really think you can be entitled to an opinion on my sartorial skills, when all you think I wear are shorts and sandals.

    Free Member

    One of the main issues with cycle mechanics getting low pay, is that until quite recently, there’s been no real recognised industry ‘qualification’ by which standards can e assessed. One ‘mechanic’ I know has many years of experience workinng fixng bkes, but he’s a bodger,and not as good a mechanic as others I know. He dismisses training courses as unnecessary, but his abilities are hampered by his arrogance. There’s always something new to learn; this week I discovered the Chater Lea headset.

    Proper, recognised training courses and vocational qualifications wil enhance the position of the cycle mechanic; CyTech and C+G are two that are current. But these cost money, and many bike shop owners are loathe to pay to have staff properly trained. Things wil change though; customers will take their business to shops with ‘professionally trained’ mechanics, which will be good for cometition and hopefully for mechanics’ incomes.

    Free Member

    Personally I don’t think you can go far wrong at a contemporary wedding with lounge suit, blue/lilac shirt and matching tie.

    Everyone with no sense of style or imagination will go for such a ‘look’. There were a few at this wedding like that. It’s really boring, which I was hoping to avoid. But then, the whoe shirt/trousers/jacket thig is bloody boring anyway, no matter what ‘daring’ colours oyu use. Convention leads to staid conservatism.

    Free Member

    It’ll still come through the same bit of wire…

    You’d think that, but I switched ISPs a few years ago, and the difference was instant and huge. Indicative of BT ‘throttling’ domestic users to provide more bandwidth for business users (who pay more). BT will always deny this, but I cant see any other explanation really.

    Currently enjoying up to around 70Mbps BT Infinity. That’s what ‘broadband’ should be; 20Kbps is positively medieval.

    Free Member

    You cannot defend the indefensible.

    Free Member

    Njee20; I am very sorry that I may have upset you with my comments, they weren’t meant to be at all malicious or insulting. Iwasn’t ware that you might be quite sensitive about this. I apologise.

    Free Member

    I’m really quite glad I decided to ignore this thread in the end, as in hindsight, it was very foolish to ask for sartorial advice on this particular forum. 😆

    A smart pair of trousers and a fitted, double cuff shirt (go simple – white/blue/pink) with cufflinks, nice belt and a pair of shoes, brown brogues for example will still go well with jeans after the event.

    😆 Worth it for the comedy value alone. I must confess that I didn’t actually expect any truly useful advice on a forum populated by mainly middle aged British men, and I’ve not been disappointed as a result. But thanks for trying anyway folks.

    Oh, and I ended up looking fantastic anyway, without really trying. But hey; some of us have got it; the rest of you just want it. 8)

    Free Member

    anywho, you’re annoying and being useless, go away.


    Oh come on; wanting a pair of the wrong shoes in the most impractical colour for mtbing, and publicly declaring it, yo’ve got to accept a bit of stick!

    Maybe these are more your sort of thing:


    Free Member

    he US gets white S-Works MTB, god knows why they only imported black and black/red.

    Perhaps it’s because we (well, most of us anyway) have better taste. And that we hve stuff called mud here. As well as a whole raft of other very good reasojns.

    I’m advancing footwear for the masses!

    You’re not. You’re really not.

    Maybe you’d like a pair of these?

    That said, not sure it’s gonna be a goer – the Cvndsh road shoes aren’t on the dealer site, may be concept stores only. Haterz rejoice

    In time, you’ll come to realise how lucky you were. 😉

    Free Member

    IME all estate agents are completely useless pieces of shit.

    I’m really struggling to find any justification for that profession/industry. I don’t know anyone who’s had positive dealigs with anu EAs, whether rentingor buying/selling. If people actually took the time to find out the ins and outs of what is actualy a pretty bloody massive personal financial situation, rather than relying on shysters, then EAs would cease to exist. And the word would b a better place. Why can’t ISIS dclare a fatwah against Foxtons?

    Free Member

    It’s being spent on the NHS too.

    Spending public money onvital healthcare v spending public money on weapons and war which serve a tiny elite. Sorry, not the best example ot use really. We need roads ad healthcare, we don’t need war. That’s ‘we’, all of us, not just a tiny elite. The state of road repairs reveals just how little the token efforts to appear to be doing something are actually effective. Instead of actually fixing stuff, we just paper over the cracks. Noticed how most roadworks sites seem to never have anyone working on them? Big holes with nothing happening. ‘Emergency repairs’ taking weeks, even months to sort out (then the actual work itself taking just a few hours). It’s rubbish, yet we put up with it whilst our wonderful governments send troops and weapons to **** up yet another part of the world. Wonderful.

    Free Member

    I realy don’t know why you would ignore the S-Works mtb shoes:

    Not my cup of tea, but they don’t look too bad. People won’t think you’re such a tit for wearing them. 😆

    Free Member

    What are the benefits and pitfalls of buying a refurb camera?

    None, for me anyway. My X-20 was brand new and in sealed packaging. Only the main box was different. Warranty is exactly the same.

    Maybe. But, even if I did need that much camera, a DSLR would still have been useless because it would have been in my bag or on the ground rather than my hand. Being able to frame a good shot whilst in a hanging belay with one hand free means nothing if you can’t actually get into a position to take it. There are times when I’m doing long exposures on mountain tops at 4am in winter when I wish I still had it, but then I remember I’d have to get it up there first, so it’s some comfort.

    Well, I’ve known photographers who’ve taken things like D3s and Eos D1s + kit up mountains, s if you wnt ultimate quality, there is no compromise. Something like an X-20 is probably the baseline for a ‘proper’ camera for most people in such environments though. It is a compromised camera, in terms of low-ligght capability certainly, but it’s tiny and very capable, and the lens is extremely good at that price. F2-2.8 all along 28-112mm equivalnt, is amazing for such a tiny camera. And shutter lag is very low, so it’s excelent at ‘grabbing’ shts where other cameras are messing about focussing and stuff. The flash is incredible for such a tiny unit, and all round, it’sprobably the best camera of it’s type and price.

    Free Member

    If I’m spending £200 on a pair of shoes I want to like them!

    You obviously have no taste, as they look shit. The only reason you should be wearing crap like that, is if you’re a sponsored pro and/or are getting them for free.

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with surface dressing (that’s its proper name….) at all. They make a lot better job of it these days and it’s pretty much always an improvement IME.

    You obviously don’t live in London, where this type of bodging is never done properly, and invariably needs repairing again (and again and again..) within a very short time. Mostly, the bodgers just fill a hle in and run a roller over it. Which then gets pounded by the volume of traffic, and breaks up again. Rearely do they do a whole section of road properly, and even when they do, they’ll frequently take weeks and weeks to do a relatively simple job, thus causing problems for all road users. Might as well just fix the road properly then. 🙄

    The roadsin this country are generaly sht. Which, considering the revenue in VED and fuel taxes etc, makes you wonder where the money is being spent. Oh, on weapns to wage war in overseas lands with precious natural resources…

    Free Member

    Another X-20 user here. Fantastic little camera, great to have on you when a DSLR is too big and bulky. Yes, more expensive than oyur budget, but the refurb deals are well worth the extra £70.

    I ditched my DSLR because it was useless when out and about or on routes.

    For most people, a DSLR is way overkill. But people like to have the ‘gear’, so such expensive items sell so well. If you’ve ditched a DSLR, then it was probably more camera than you needed to begin with really.

    Smaller cameras don’t have the low-light capability of DSLRs, especually ful frame models. But they can still produce excellent quality pictures; my X-20 has been a revelation, and amazes me at how good such a relatively cheap/inexpensive camera can be.

    Free Member

    i mainly meant walking round with a bucket in my hand on the streets should not pay more than being a bike mechanic.

    Why not? How do you know what else Those charity workers do? And isn’t helping raise money for good causes worth something? After all, you’re ‘only fixing bikes’, hardly helping the sick, displaced by war, victims of torture etc.

    If I didnt love the bikes i wouldnt be in this job either, but it is difficult to enjoy the job and enjoy working on the bikes if the work doesn’t feel appreciated and if you haven’t got enough money to get out and do something once in a while.

    Your passion is comendable, but what you really are is a very tiny cog in the ever growing coprorate machine that is the bike industry. Instantly replaceable, nothing special. You need to perhaps step out of your somewhat arrogant and romantic ideal you have aobut your position, and take a wider look at life. And hen, maye be thankful that you are at least in a job you enjoy, rather than a soul destroying pointless crawl tto the grave.

    Free Member

    No drop bars; bike needs to be able to do some off road stuff. Good to see examples of such conversions. Was planning to run 32c-ish tyres. Longer wheelbase is a positive for a tourer.

    Free Member

    So, you’re 19, and think you have loads of experience? I’m 44, have a degree, loads of other qualifications, and have been working with/around bikes since I can’t remeber. Yet I still have shit loads to learn.

    As a cycle mechanic I get paid less than charity workers

    So, you think charity workers are worth less than you?

    You’ve got a lot of growing up to do. Expecting respect, reward and recognition when oyu’re little more than a kid, is somewhat naive and possibly even arrogant.

    Because being a bike mechanic doesn’t pay well enough for the job that you are doing.

    Nursing doesn\t pay well enough for the job they do, neither does being a fireman, and a whole host of other jobs. Including many charity workers. Welcome to the real world.

    Free Member

    What’s a ‘nodder’?

    And why is MrSmith so down on people enjoying themselves?

    Free Member

    If you’ve opened the mail

    ..that is not addressed to you, then you might be comitting a criminal offence, although undr the circumstances, you might be ok. To be on the safe side, best just to write ‘not known at this address’ or similar, and rts.

    Free Member

    I just thought it was a neat video…

    So did I.

    What about Brazil ?

    Whataboutery. A distraction form the fact that we, as members of a supposedly ‘democratic’ society, should have the power to stop our governments from engaging in genocide and destruction, for the economic benefit of a wealthy elite, yet we sit by and let it happen. We, who enjoy political freedom the North Korans can ony dream of, sit back and allow all this death and destruction to hapen, then moan about others. Perhaps because that’s easier than actually doing something.

    Free Member

    So while North Korea might not be operating a “genocidal imperialist policy” abroad it does seem quite busy murdering its own citizens.

    The North Korean authorities are very effective at preventing any information getting out about the truth of what’s going on there, but we do have to be objective, and consider the exent of western propaganda. I’m not for a moentdefending the N Korean regime, quite the opposite, but we need to examine what ou own governments are doing; the actons of the USAUK have resulted in far more deaths, and **** up the lives of far more people, than those of NK. We shift the murder abroad; out of sight out of mind.

    Free Member

    Well, for all the negaive western propaganda, neither nation operates a **** up genocidal imperialist policy, unlike the UKUSA.

    Free Member

    Don’t get suckered in to buying overpriced ‘airpilay’ speakers; they are universaly very poor value for money. The B+W ones are ok but expensive, but unless you really want portability, you’re better off getting an Airport Express and a cheap DAC, amp and speakers. You”l have much better sound for he same moeny.

    Free Member

    Dad picked up an old Quad amp/power amp setup from a skip.

    Quite possiby from a renovation job where the original occupant had died. Or when a couple split up; a friend obtained a lovely Cannondale road bike in near-mint condition from a skip; he knocked and asked if he could have it, and the very vengeful wife told hm he was welcome to take hs pick from a whole range of expensive bike parts, tools and other bits. Turns out she’d ‘won’ the house in the settlement, so that legally included any contents not recovered in reasonable time by the husband. My friend reckoned she must have given away tens of thousands of pounds worth of gear. 😯

    Free Member

    DT are good, but I think you need special tools to change the bearings, or have then serviced at a DT approved bike shop.

    Free Member

    Tip: If you decide to work in th French alps, make sure oyu gain the necessary qualificationsto oprate legally as a guide. 😉

    Free Member

    For all it’s ills, I notice N Korea isn’t involved in completely **** up large parts of the Middle East, or indeed any other part of the world, as is the UK/USA.

    Free Member

    Unless you’re after ‘quality’ sound, the Jambox is excellent. Amazingly good considering it’s small size. I bought a JBL Flip recently from PC World for about £30 (because it had a ‘damaged’ box; everything inside was still sealed), I think they had them for £45. Blood brilliant fo the money. Those two are the best mini speakers. I use the Flip mounted on the handlebars in a modified bottlecage contraption. On-bike entertainment! 😀

    Free Member

    The problem with the illustration/driagram posted by Kimbers above, is tat it uses the median rather than the mean income. Which does not paint a very accurate picture of actual wealth; Tower Hamlets for example seems to be a relatively wealthy are, where in reality, the majority of residents live on incomes wel below the national average. The mdian is skewed grossly by the fact a very small minority earn ridiculous sums of money. The mean average is still skewed due to this, but wuld represent a fairer image of reality there.

    Cycling is for poor people or the very weird who can’t afford an Audi/BMW? (To the general public not STW users)

    I think that in London at least, this perception is shifting, as it is in fact wealthier middle class types who tend to cyle more, even desptite Halfords best efforts to punt chea pshit to the masses. Indeed,the humble bicylece is even becomeing a bit of a fashion accessory for some groups.

    Free Member

    Although have you forgotten that France has banned wearing the Islamic Hijab in public?!

    No, what they did, was ban clothing intended to conceal the face, in public places. So, you can’t walk around wearing a balaclava, ski-mask, Mexican wrestlers’ hood or any other face-concealing clothing. The Hijab is not ‘face cncealing clothing’. hAnd you know how you were going on about European laws?

    not offering any form of test for me to demonstrate my competence if indeed (a) were in any doubt

    There is a test. Yu’re just refusng to take it.

    Free Member

    My entire workshop is constructed using materials found isn skps. Workbench, shelves, storage units the lot. Living in a reasonably affluent area means plenty of quality stuff to be had on a regular basis. Got a lovely bi of slid oak block worktop top to make something useful out of soon. 🙂

    Free Member

    Some one threw their toys out because the nasty French insisted they gain the same profesional qualifications as French people doing the same job,basically. There is a reasonable argumant beneath it al, but sadly obscured by petty insularity and stubborness, inmy opionon.

    To be honest, not really worth wasting time over. Wish I’d not got involved really. 🙁

    Free Member

    NN’s are very good for fast, flowy trails, but the Dampfs are superior on more ‘technical’ trails where grip is paramount. The NN’s are a lot better than many other similar tyres inmy opinion though.

    Free Member

    This is the whole point, when a corrupt and blatantly racist country wants to throw its weight around, its quite easy for it to ignore its own laws

    So why are you living, working, and (I assume) paying tax in such a country then? You have the right and freedom to live in a number of other countries, which possibly aren’t quite so ‘racist’.

    This is all very tiresome. Freeride addict; you’ve single-handedly put me off ever booking a ‘guided’ mtb holiday with your cmpany, and any other Brit-run outfit which operates on a similar basis to yours, so well done. I’m sure that won’t bother you, but I think you need to recognise the irony n your insular and sngle-minded stance ganst a system/nation you accuse of the same.

    Free Member

    We’re going in circles here.

    I’m not.

    In france, you need a particular qualification to do a particular job, legally. In the UK, there is no equivalent, as you don’t need any qualifications to do that same job. It is really that simple.

    What you’re doing, is making the mistake that a recognition of competence, eg the MBLa ‘qualification’ (something concocted by a non-government organisation which has no legal weight whatsoever), is ‘equivlent’ to a legally required qualification.

    Think about gas fitting. By law, you need to be a Gas Safe registered technician, before you are legally allowd to fit gas appliances in the UK. It doesn’tmatter if you were a rocket scientist specilaising in gas systems in France, you still aren’t ‘qualified’ to fit gas applieances in the Uk, even ythough you may have vastly superior knowledge of gas technology.

    Free Member

    Whether it’s a requirement in the UK or not really isn’t at all relevant.

    It is compltely relevant. The French qualification allows oyu to legally operate as a guide. The MBLA thing is merely a recognition of a level of competence. Very different things.

    French guides want to keep a monopoly on the labour market for guiding, excluding foreign guides, fixing prices between themselves and thereby protecting their own hugely overpriced rates. THIS is the real and ONLY reason I am being forbidden to guide – it is nothing to do with maintaining apparent high French standards. All these standards attempt to do is create a closed market, so that holiday makers have no choice but to get ripped off for a low standard service at extortionate prices.

    Do you have any concrete evidence of this, or is this meely your own subjective opionion?

    So basically you pay (because that is what I asked you) your guides 10€ per hour (and I am making the assumption that they only work 35 hours a week here). That is a very poor wage.

    I’ll say.You’re expected to have a high degree of experience, as well as be highly profficient inrelevant skills, yet only get paid £7.95 an hour? In a place/job where people are paying thousands per head for a couple of weeks holiday? That is shit. Exploitation, even…

    Free Member

    Ha ha! I love threads like this. 😆 Idiot fails to sort somethng out well in time for a rip, so it’s someone elses’fault!

    Passport office and DVLA are scum. I’m anti privatisation but these two should be privatised ASAP. Useless and not fit for purpose.

    They gave my wife an appointment for 8.45am the next day, following her call around 5pm, and she had her passport at just after mid-day. In spite of the apparent backlog crisis. **** stars in our bok.

    Free Member

    Tune? They make some very nie (yet very epensive) hubs. I’d go for he Hope Monos thoug.

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