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  • stoffel
    Free Member

    I’m pretty surprised to hear Rosberg say he did it on purpose

    He didn’t. He merely saidhedidn’t yeild. Hamilton claims he did it on purpose, a claim which Mercedes aren’t backing up.

    Wolff later claimed Rosberg’s remarks had been misinterpreted.
    “Nico felt he needed to hold his line,” said Wolff. “He needed to make a point. He didn’t give in. He thought it was for Lewis to leave him space and that Lewis didn’t leave him space.
    “For Lewis, it was clearly not him who needed to be aware of Nico.
    “So they agreed to disagree in a very heated discussion among ourselves, but it wasn’t deliberately crashing. That is nonsense.”

    Well done to Hamilton for helping spice up what’s becomeyet another very boringF1 season though; hopefully there will be a few fireworks before the end of the season.

    I did find Hamilton’s whining and whinging amusing. He knows that if he leaves Merc, he’ll probably end up in an inferior car, and is showing that he’s a frustrted primadonna who’s beleived his wn hype a bit too much. Get on and do the job, if you can, or just shut up moaning. 😆

    Free Member

    stoffel – if you’re offering your under performing and troublesome and expensive to service and maintain Lefty 110DLR, I’ll give you £50 for it and the front wheel. Posted.


    Slap another £200 on topand I might consider it.

    stoffel: Clear the Lefty didn’t do it for you but in the interest of informing the OP here’s the other side…

    All been said before. Saying it again doesn’t make the argument any more convincing.

    To clarify my position: The Lefty is a great fork, but in my experience proved to be to frught with issues when compard with a much cheaper ‘conventional’ fork, which I found overall to perform better for my needs. Due to it’s idiosycnracies, I never got the Lefty to work as well for me, as I have with a Reba. I am not prepared to throw so much time and money at it either.

    Noah’s did a full bearing replacement by the way. It was about £120 with a full service with parts.

    Oof. I have a fully equipped bike workshop at my disposal, and can do just about everything with Rebas, and a whole host of other ofrk. The one type of fork we are not set up for, is the Lefty (and Headshock which uses similar tools). We have only very very rarelrely had anyone come in needing work done on a Lefy/Headshik, and it’s not economically worth it tooling up and training for servicing them. Most other bike shops are of a similar mind. That said, if peole are prepared to spend £120 on a very simple procedure, I might just invest in some tools and set myself up to service them. Kerching! 😀

    Free Member

    Same lever. But get some decent quality brake cable outer, as cheap stuff compresses toomuch.

    Free Member

    The only tool you really need is the castle tool, which is £28

    Cannondale Super Castle Tool KH031

    (used for removing the damper) The axle clamp and pin spanner are nice to have but you can make do if you have a vice or are careful with molegrips. Oh and you need an old spoke to pull the port plug thing* out.

    Plus the external bearing cup tool I needed to buy, which i’ve only ever used twice; to install and then remove the fork. And that castle tool is a lot cheaper than the other one, at £79, which I beleived was the correct one for my fork. Are they the same?

    All the tools and parts are available from Qwerty (and probably other Cannondale dealers) If they don’t list it, just ask and Lloyd will usually get it in for you.

    So, I’ve got to order special proprietary tools then. Rather than simply use standard tools or be able to nip to Halfords.

    Bearing migration? I can do a bearing reset (every 15 hours) in less than 1 minute and you don’t need to do that at all on the new forks.

    I don’t have to do that on any other fork. It’s a design flaw.

    There are adapters if you really want to use a “cycle computer” but I would think most would be using a smartphone / garmin / gps watch these days if they’re bothered about ride stats.

    The adapter is £15. My cheapo LiDLs computers are £4 each. I doubt ‘most’ poeple are using smartphones/gps etc.

    How anyone can suggest a Lefty isn’t as good as a Reba in operation is absolutely beyond me!

    I found a Reba easier to service, set up and fine tune to my own preference, than the Lefty. That’s my own personal experience. The Lefty is stiffer, but the Reba worked better for me.

    Regular maintenance is no more than any other fork and super easy to do. A full damper and telescope service is ~£150 but you’d have to have really mistreated the fork to need more than a damper service ~£90, same as any other fork.

    My Rebas are free to service, as I don’t need to send them away. I can easily service them at home, with existing tols.

    Bearing migration and suchlike the “haters” band around is nonsense. I do this maybe once every few weeks (20 hours) and even then the bearings have barely moved. Earlier forks needed a top out every few rides

    Why should I have to do something I don’t have to with any other fork? Again; it’s a design flaw.

    No idea who runs a front wheel mounted “cycle computer” nowadays. Even the most basic things are best run on the rear wheel for turbo use and usually combined with cadence measuring. If you are thinking of a Lefty then having a £10 “computer” would be quite odd Garmin or smartphone all the way nowadays.

    Again again; most people don’t use smartphones/gps etc. Many folk use front wheel mounted computers. I don’t see any problem putting a £4 computer onmy Intense full susser, so why noton a Lefty? 😕

    Is a Lefty worth the money?

    That’s a totally subjective thing. I bought mine (Speed DLR 110) second hand for £250, wheras my (almost new) s/h Rebas cost me £100, and in my experience have been the better performing fork overall. If I could easily get into the Lefty with available tools, to fine tune the damping etc, then maybe I’d think differently. I imagine they’d perform a lot better if I could fettle them myself easily. But the thought of havng to pay omoene else to do it (which is never quite satisfactory in my experience), or buy a set of specialist proprietary tools, makes me think the Reba is a better fork if I actually want to jut ride my bke.

    I love Cannondale stuff, and have always been a ‘fan’. But I think the LEfty is fraught with design flaws and a lack of user servicability, which diminishes it’s value in comparison to other products. The OP sked for opinons and advice about buying a fork, so that’s why I’m offering mine.

    Free Member

    Not sure why you’d say they aren’t “user servicable”?

    Youo need specific proprietary tools to fuly strip the fork, which aren’t generally available to the public. Not that I’ve found anyway. And the tools are expensive. Rebas can be easily stripped with common easily available inexpensive tools. The one I have has a broken air valve, and there are bits inside the air chamber. I need to drill out a small rivet type thing in order to undo the bottom nut. PITA.

    Unless newer ones are different in design?

    Mmm, bearing migration…

    However you’ll not be able to borrow a mates front wheel if yours fails, and your bike will no longer fit most roof racks where you attach the front wheel.

    And fitting a computer poses a whole new challenge…

    Free Member

    Unless you are particularly adept and/or lucky it’s very difficult to get spokes to the ideal tension and even for any particular rim.

    Bollocks. Unless you are tone deaf, you hve no real need for a tensionometer. I’ve built countless wheels with nothingmore fancy than a bike frame, bits of stick/ipties, and a spoke key. None have ever had any broken spokes, and all have stayeed true. From 26″ mtb disc, 700c lighweith, 1-cross Nexus hubbed (experiment with existing spokes; remarkably didn’t fail! 🙂 ), etc.

    The most fundamental elements are taking time, paying attention and being methodical…

    Telling every enthusiastic amateur that they have to thow lots of money at Park just helps preserve the ‘Dark art’ mythology.

    +1. It’s wheel building,not rocket science.

    Free Member

    This is one of the things that really saddens me about the trams, the general public think that it was all down to bad design from Engineers/Planners, etc. when really it was the pie in the sky thinking and utter mis-management by the Council and those in political circles.

    Surely it’s a resounding success from start to finish,no? And that all parties involved, frompoliticians, council leders and engineers can collectively give themselves a paton the back!

    Or am I missing something?

    Free Member

    At the lower end, it’s actuallly chaper to replace the entre chanset, than replace just the rings. Those rings will be steel and last for ages. And for a commuting chainset, you’ll probably hardly use the granny ring, if ever.

    Free Member


    Especially considering it rains all the tme there!

    Free Member

    Having had one, and the associated hassle/expense of keeping it properly servied, I’d suggest steering well clear, and buying a ‘normal’ fork, such as a Roskshox Reba*, which in my experience has proven to be far easier to live with. The Lefty is stiffer, and a little bit lighter, but isn’t user servicable, very expensive to have serviced, and not quite as good in operation.

    *Oh. No need to change then! 😀

    Free Member

    Whoa whoa whoa, don’t drag us Engineers into it…

    To clarify; I was referring to Civil Engineers and planners; those types who think up these sort of schemes. The geniuses behind such great works. 😉

    Free Member

    Obviousl trolling by the OP aside, I struggle to understand why anyonewith a modicum of self-awareness, commone sense and consideration for the environment would ever want such a ghastly thing. I can also understand that there are sadly people who lack such qualities. It’s an imperfect world.

    Ignore the bloody idiot comments .

    I think, if you exercise such poor judgment when aquiring such a status symbol (for let’s face it, it’s nut much more than that really), then you need to accept you will be judged by your peers. And that you must accept responsibility for your poor decision making and inability to exercise any sense or deceny.

    Free Member

    I’m not religious, but these types like Dawkins really get on my nerves. They act like they know it all but in reality they need to take a course in Philosophy 101 and realise the scientific worldview isn’t the be-all-end-all.

    I like that post, Daveash. Prpbably the most well constructed and best tohught out response yet.

    I view Dawkins very much in a similar way to Jeremy Clarksn; both atre undeniably intelligent, and are particularly adept at knowing just which buttons to press in order to get a reaction. But Neither are quite as clever as they or their acolytes beleive them to be; Dawkins could make his points in a more intelligent and reasonable way, if he possesed a smodgen more awareness. For all his undoubted scientific knowledge, I find him a tad narrow-minded, and he has a need to seek negative reaction, perhas as a way of attempting to address an insecutiy within himself, a bit ho like a child deliberately misbehaves in order to get attention. He has however been particulary successful at turning this needinessinto a way of making money, particularly from other similarly needy types needing sme sort of para-messianic figurehead. I do find it amusing that such devotionby his followers mirrors that of the very people and ideologies he often attacks.

    Dawkins upsets the self righteous, keep it up

    One of the reasons I’m a fan.

    It’s quite nice to have my point proven so easily. 🙂

    Free Member

    Ah, the Edinburgh tram. A work of true economic and civilplanning/ engineering genius. 😆

    Can we expect more of this type of wonderful implementation of fantastic ideas, if Scotland does somehow gain independence?

    Free Member

    7.35 am on a Saturday morning is pretty inconsiderate. specially if they’ve just moved in. Did they not approach you at any stage to inform you they would be doing works? If not, they strike me as inconsiderate people; it’s just simple courtesy to think of such things.

    As you’re probably going to have to live next to them for some time, I’d suggest just having a friendly word; it is entirely possible they may not have tohught that the noise would travel. Mid you, it doesnt take a genius to work out that it might be an issue.

    I think the accepted time for weekday loud noise for works is 8 am. We had council contractors in next door doing works with a pneumatic drill. Started the first day at around 7.30ish. Next door to myneighbour with the constantly crying baby. You only piss off a post-natal sleep deprived woman expert n property law, suffering from cbin fever, once. 😯

    Free Member

    AQ has nothing to do with ISIS.

    More bollocks. Do your homework. I can’t be bothered with the rest of your ill-informed waffle.

    You’re paying taxes, it is happening in your name. I suggest you write to HMRC and tell them why you stopped paying them.

    Paying my taxes does not in any way sanction what a government I never voted for, using a millitary force in a way I abhor, not make their actions ‘in my name’. As I have no choice but to pay taxes. AndI haven’t voluntarly signed up to become part of that imperialist military machine. So no; it’s not happening in my name.

    You say some remarkably daft things.

    He does, doesn’t he? 🙄

    Free Member

    Politically, no. Do you not remember the atmosphere after the attacks? Even the usually pacifistic Germans got involved. And like it or not it crippled AQ.

    Politically? You mean, those who decided that another round of selling very expensive weapons and establisinh the USA as the World Leader, with the UK as it’s poodle, was a good idea? I seem to rememeber many people in this contry being completely opposed to any war in Afganistan. As for Al Quaeda; ahvent they morphed into ISIS? So, hardly ‘crippled’ then.

    I’m not arguing that, that’s in the past.

    Why bring up Saddam then? He was ‘in the past’ to.

    I’m arguing whether here in the now, British soldiers are less morally bankrupt than our British ISIS volunteer.

    From whose perspective are ‘we’ looking at this? Personally, I think there is little distinction between one set of willing combatents, and another. The rest is just propaganda and politics. British rtrops wera nd are gulty of some horrific attrocities and abuses. It’s no good saying ‘oh but we’re more righteous than them’, when ‘we’ helpedcreate the curent mess Iraq is in.

    And if you really think that politically/ideologically we are as bad as ISIS then you really are beyond deluded.

    Who is this ‘we’ you keep speaking of? Don’t include me in any support/collaboration/endorsement of what the UK government andmilitary are doing in Iraq nd Afghanistan. None of that is happening in ‘my name’. Invading and occupying foreign countires for spurious, bullshit reasons, then murdering innocent civilians, is totaly morally bankrupt. Comparing one lot of war mongerers with another, is like asking to chose who was nicer between Harold Shipman and Peter Sutcliffe.

    Free Member

    The empty parking space outside our house. 8)

    Free Member

    We had no choice other than to enter Afghanistan

    ‘No choice’. Really??!? 😯

    but if you want to play whatabouterry

    Bengal Famine. Dresden. Boer War. Oh, and ‘we’ (allegedly) gassed Kurds long before Saddam did.

    At the same time you’re also justifying these actions by using UK/US actions as an excuse

    Bollocks. I’m not justifying anything. That’s something you’ve mae up.

    Free Member

    Nope. Those would be the actions of an insubordinate individual.

    What about all the other deaths of innocent peope in Iraq and Afganistan, at the hands of British troops?

    Or is that just ‘collateral damage’?

    See how easy it i to ‘justify’ the actions of those whom you may beleive to be on the side of ‘right’?

    Free Member

    994 human beings with Down’s Syndrome deliberately killed before birth in England and Wales in 2012. Is that civilised?” @AidanMcCourt asked.

    “Yes, it is very civilised. These are fetuses, diagnosed before they have human feelings,” Dawkins responded.

    “I honestly don’t know what I would do if I were pregnant with a kid with Down Syndrome. Real ethical dilemma,” @InYourFaceNYer chimed in.

    “Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice,” he tweeted back.

    **** hell.

    Free Member

    However, the last time I checked the ROE of British soldiers didn’t include beheading journos.

    Does it include murdering an unarmed, wounded POW?

    Free Member

    You seem to be suggesting that he was critical of or insulting towards children with Down’s.

    He is. Hes saying they;re not worthy of being born.

    Free Member

    With regards to a woman being pregnant with a Down’s syndrome baby, he responded with ‘abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world’

    He really said that? I’ve never had much time for Dawkins, as he seems to be a bit of a shoty self-publicist with very little original to say, but if he did, then he’s a ****.

    My wife’s brother has Downs; he has by al acounts leda a very happy and fulfilling life, and at 54, has brought so much joy and happiness to all those who love him. Always has a smile,and always wants everyone around him to be happy. Maybe Dawkins should meet him. Andlearn something.

    Free Member

    Are we having some kind of competition to see who can post the most moronic, rambling, mindless nonsense on this thread? If so, it’s a tough call. Some prime candidates!

    Well, you appear to be a worthy contender. 😉

    Free Member

    Do you know anyone in the British armed forces? I do. Lots of my mates. Believe me, they certainly don’t sign up for the opportunity to ‘slaughter’ people. If you can’t distinguish between them, and some jihadist nutter, beheading someone, then quite frankly you’re an idiot!

    (I could make a counter coment about a persn really not understanding somtheing I actually wrote, and instead chosing to froth and splutter in a confused, knee-jerking reaction, but hey…)

    So, if I can’t distinguish between someone signng up to fight ‘for Queen and country’, armed with seriously nasty wepaory that blows childrent o bits, when all the info out thereis that it’s a major **** up which is entirely unjustifiable and wrong, and ‘jihadist nutter behading someone’, I’m an ‘idiot’?

    Ok then. I think I can live wih you not sharing my views, as I’m not in fact an ‘idiot’ as oyu beleive, but someone capable and entitled to have theri own opinions on a subject.

    Do you know anyone in the British armed forces?

    Yes; a couple of family members amongst them in fact. Your point?

    I suspect the ‘jihadist nutters’ probably think the British armed service personell are imperialist infidel scum, and that it is in fact they themselves who are the ‘righteous’. That’s how war works, you see. Hate vs Hate. This isn’t some glorious righteous crusade against the evil dark hordes, this is war. And both sides are **** wrong.

    Free Member

    Michael Winterbottom. If you want to make a pornfilm, just flipping make a pornfilm. Don’t make a really boring shitty porrly made excuse for a film with bits of sex in it, and try to dress it up as ‘art’.

    Free Member

    If it’s plastic,it’ll melt out. As said, get it out fromthe drive side, then just melt or carefully chisel it out. Plastic cups can be a pain, but owhere near as bad as seized metal oes.

    If it’s really tight and you are using an open ended tool on the drive side you can put a penny washer and crank bolt in to stop it slipping out of the splines.

    Remeber to loosen the bolt off as the cu comes out though. If it comes out.

    Free Member

    What is concerning is the amount of British citizens who have travelled to fight with ISIS, it seems the Muslim majority is unable to deter them.

    What concernes me far more, is the number of British citizens who willingly sign up to be part of the armed forces of the Uk, which has been instrumental in the barbaric and utterly unjustifiable lsaughter of thousands of innocent people in Iraq and Afganistan recently, in spite of overwhelming evidence that these wre totally unjust and indefensible examples of western military imperialism.

    Somebody earlier made the point about footage from drone strikes etc being played on our media, with the end result being the sabme. Yet we watch such footage with the same detachment from reality, as if it were a video game. Innocent people being killed, yet it’s ok to show such senseless slaughter? I really don’t distinguish between such acts of barbarism, and horrific beheadings of those who strive to bring us information. It’s all **** wrong.

    Free Member

    I think the idea is to open the valve and screw the adapter on, then pump up, then remove the adapter and screw the valve in again. That’s what I’ve done with such things. A right faff/

    Alternatively, you could have bought your wife some normal, easy to use, lighter and more comfortable wheels with sensible depth rims. 😉

    Free Member

    There was a wedding. i know how todress myself. I was bored, and thought it would be a giggle to ask for ‘fashion advice’ on here. I wasn’t disapointed.

    You really didn’t need advice or suggestions for an outfit?

    What, on here? You really need to ask that? 😆

    Free Member

    No; someone who was bored and felt like having a laugh. Thnks for helping facilitate such an outcome. 😉

    Free Member

    You say tht, but then oyure the one who thinks “brown brogues for example will still go well with jeans after the event”


    Free Member

    Coincidence? I think not!

    Probably deliberate ‘throttling’ or over contention by BT/Openreach. A very common tale up and down the country. Illegal, but hey, as long as BT’s shareholders are doing well, then apparently it’s ok. Openrach are obliged to give other ISPs minimum/maximum contention, so that’s why yo won’t experience so many issues with them as you might with BT.

    Free Member

    OP: currently (no disrespect) you’re at the stage where you’re building boxed bikes and doing the easy fixes. That’s like building an Ikea wardrobe – you can’t call yourself a master carpenter just cos you can knock up some flatpack furniture in the same way you’re not a master mechanic cos you can cable up a Deore rear mech.

    Wise words. Some of the youngsters on our current course think that they’ll be seasoned experts once they’ve finished. I tell them that perhaps another 10-15 yearsor so might see them rech that level. 😉

    Bike mechanics is a funny old world though; the majority of people doing it were students so it’s not really in the shop’s interest to pay huge wages or complicated training when the kid is going to graduate and disappear.

    Crap shops have that attitude; we service an awful lot of bikes that come from such shops, broght in by customers fed up with poor service and low standards. Too many glossy showrroms full of shiny new kit, not enough decent and conscientious workers staffing them. Still, it’s good for us, so long may they crack on.

    Free Member

    I can also say with confidence that being cytech qualified counts for more or less nothing other than a tick box arse covering exercise.

    Interesting. I’d agree that the qualifications are pretty meaningless without experience, but in my experience, the C+G courses are very good (we have fantastic trainers), and having experience plus the qualification gies a mechanic a greater position fromwhich to negotiate, than just one or the other on it’s won.

    IME good mechanics can earn 18k to 20k + perks which is not a bad salary for working in a bike shop.

    It depends on your age, and needs. Someone living in London wanting to actualy live rather than merely survive, £18-20k isn’t great at all. OK for under 25s living at home maybe, but still relatively poorly paid for what is a pretty responsible job.

    Free Member

    Sadly, Mavic have discontinued the Open Pro Ceramic rims (probably due to the rise in availability and popularity of disc brakes in the CX world), but if you can find a pair, then they’ll be the best money you can spend to improve wet-weather braking.

    Free Member

    Or a moahoosive manly rucksack, mostly filled with bubblewrap

    This is the best idea so far, only bettered by doing similar with one of these:

    Free Member

    IMHO the less military might we have the better since it specifically prevents us meddling with the affairs of others.

    Agreed. Trouble is, we’re at least partly responsible for the current situation in Iraq, and our economy benefits from UK-based weapons manufacturers selling stuff to the likes of Assad etc, so we are now morally obliged to help sort the situation out. It’s a disgusting mess that shoould never hve been allowed to happen, and onof it’s mainarchitects,Tony Blair, walks free having become incredibly wealthy off the back of it. And we, as a society, alow this to happen. Shame on us all.

    Free Member

    No, they’re not, they’re pretty good – at least in comparison of the rest of the world.

    In comparison to most of the rest of Europe though, they’re pretty shit.

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