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  • stoffel
    Free Member

    So, given the fact weknow certain police officers lie and falsify accounts, you still think we shouldn’t be overly concerned with data-gathering?

    Free Member


    I had this seemingly insane ‘policy’ explained to me once. It is quite complicated and has something to do with tax and companies liable for big fines if they give away/sell stuff on they’ve bought that’s been tax exempt. An organisation like the BBC will be monitored very closely, so probably just don’t want to take risks. Still a shame though; I don’t see why charities can’t benefit from this.

    Dunno, but I’m an Old Apple pervert, what are they and do you still have them?

    I’ll have a look later. I thik they might even still work!

    Yup (as I understand it).

    So who is the rightful owner then? Those throwing it out? The skip hire people?

    What about stuff left on the street, in a public place?

    Free Member

    Turn your seatpost the other way round; puts you over the front of the bike more, which isn’t as comfortable, but is more efficient.

    Cost: £0.00. 8)

    Free Member

    It’s a pretty diverse range of people in Yorkshire though, from malnourished poorly educated poor white working class, to cricket-loving affluent Pakistanis, Alan Bennet, David Hockney and Jeremy Clarkson. Nothing really outstanding about them in general though, so pretty much like anyone else.

    I do find it quie amusing that the few Yorkshire folk I know drone on about how much better things are back in Yorkshire, yet seem to have no desire to return.

    Free Member

    Claridges? Not all that expensive, relatively.

    Free Member

    Didn’t see that, but I have seen quite a few trashed Glaswegians.

    Free Member

    Check your ego and pick the lane that suits the speed you’re swimming at.

    Or simply buy your own pool.

    Or find out when the pool’s at it’s quietest.

    Or put up with having to share; you’re not training for the olympics, so does it realy matter that you don’t achieve your personalbest?

    I am a man. I am quicker than a 14 year old girl

    Not me. 😆 Nor the vast majority of blokes I see swimming. Those little kids can be unbeleivably quick! How is it even possible??

    I find a 50m pool better for avoiding ‘lane rage’ and congestion.

    Free Member

    So far I’ve seen Portugeuse, Ghanaian, Nigerian, Colombian, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, Greek, Algerian and Brazilian flags on cars where I live. I’m hoping to get the full set. I love the world Cup. 😀

    Free Member

    Found a big lump of oak block worktop last night, on the way to see friends. They were a bit perplexed when we walked into their house with it! Such riches to be found in an area with rampant development and refurbishment taking place, there’s always skips with loads of stuff in. A nighbour wants some shelving and a small bench mae, so I’m on the scavange again!

    Had to use screws unfortunately, as the whole thing needs to be easily dismantled for various reasons. Will al still be proper solid and strong though.

    then work was throwing out some lab benches (ESD with shelves and sockets etc)

    You jammy bastard! 😡 Ooh, look at the pristine whiteness!

    Free Member

    Does it stiffen thongs up and prevent side loads on the shock?

    Free Member

    Is that Robbie Savage co-commentatin? Coming out with some bollocks about how all players should sing the national anthem. Why? You can play for your country without indulging in all the ‘patriotic’ bullshit.

    Good game that. I thought Ghana were a lot stronger, but the USa were very well disciplind.

    Klinsmann was singing the US national anthem. Savage nevermentioned tht.

    Free Member

    There are no positive aspects to religion

    It’s really too late at night to get into this nonsense. And he football’s suddentl y got very intsresting. Night.

    Free Member

    There is more flex/shock absorbtion in your tyres, wheels and bar tape than in carbon over aluminium bars. Blind tested, hardly anyone would actually notice the difference. 😉

    I tried some Speciaized Bar Phat tape and gel pads to dampen out the harsh ‘buzz’ from rough roads, and it’s been great. Combined with soem Body Geometry gloves, it’s a lot more comfy than it used to be, even with 23c tyres. And unless you’re racing/time-tialling, comfort is more important than speed. Enjoyment over performane.

    Free Member

    Which interesting parts are you referring to, the bits where the bible says it’s ok beat your wife or the bits where people kill each other in the name of their religion?

    The bible alone is a very long book. Plenty of interesting stuff in there. Ditto the Torah, Koran, Bahgavad Gita, I Ching and many others. Fortunately, not being ‘religious’, I can pick and choose the bits I liek, and ignoe the stuff I don’t.

    Am I (and many other scientists,humanists,secularists and atheists) narrow-minded for allowing science and rationality to determine our place in the universe?

    I don’t know. Are you? Do you rigidly stick to just one doctrine/philosophy, or entertain the notion that other perspectives might also have resonance, and be of value? Do you see science as being able to explain everything within out universe and lives? Or do you find limitations within scientific rationality?

    Free Member

    If you can’t build it you don’t deserve one.

    Hear hear!

    I’m currently building mine from salvaged/scavenged materials; 75x75mm legs, 90x45mm stretchers. 18mm mdf top and lower shelf. Got some old drawer sliders to make a drawer. Everyhing will be mortice and tenoned, mitred, dovetailed. No screws. No glue.

    Cost: £0.00 8)

    Free Member

    Fullers do some lovely beers. The 1845 is a very good beer, as are Bengal Lancer, Honey Dew and Wild River, all of which I’ve discovered recently.

    Jut opened a Morland ‘Old Golden Hen’. Not tried this one before, but I do like the Speckled Hen.

    Free Member

    This is STW. Don’t we all need, nay, deserve the very best?

    Free Member

    It’s not above being ridiculed just because it’s religion.

    I prefer to focus on the interesting aspects or all religions, rather than just focus on the negative/stuff I don’t agree with. I find this approach more rewarding and enjoyable.

    I also find those who stick too rigidly to one particular philosphy/doctrine to be narrow-minded. As are fundamentalists of any persuasion.

    Free Member

    Ah, so h just needs to bevel it.

    I’d also go with a block plane. Maybe this one:

    Free Member

    how did we get on to talking about whether the Jews are a race

    Because it’s probably a bit more interesting than the usual crap that threads like this tend to contain.

    Religion – what a crock of shh…eep

    Funny how people flock to knock religion.

    Free Member

    Prejudice means jumping to conclusions without knowing the facts.

    In which case, I’ll need to revise my above choice. As it’s more intolerance rather than actual prejudice.

    I suppose people who wear suits; I can never initially at least, trust a man wearing a suit. They have to go a long way to displce my prejudice. Most don’t manage to though.

    Free Member

    Do you know how you’re gong to get the correct curve on the plywood yet?

    Free Member

    No, they don’t- All the Ex models have a limit of 125kgf, all the others 100kgf or 95kgf, which is higher than Mavic recommend for any of their standalones (90kgf, from

    I’d personally be very wary of putting very high tension into a brass nipple going into an un-eyeleted aluminium rim.

    I seem to remember Roger Musson’s book saying the cause was more to do with running narrower, high psi tyres on an MTB rim, cos they’re designed for tyres of the softer, fatter variety.

    717s are just 2mm wider than Open Pros, and are specified for tyres from 1″ (25mm) to 2.1″, so I’m sure they’re fine for most touring duties, even with narrow tyres.

    Free Member

    Forgot; I found a bunck of old Apple laptops in a skip near South Bank uni a few years ago. Probably worth something to collectors, but I’m fearful of punting them on ebay, as they have SBU stamped very prominently on them. I woudn’t want to be done for theft. What is the law regarding skip rescues? Still technically theft?

    Free Member

    Ignorant people. Well, more accurately, the kind of people who assume themselves to be intelligent nd knowledgeable, but in reality are actually very ignorant, yet lack te self awareness to realise this.

    Free Member

    I don’t think jews are a race

    Agin, an interesting view. And again, one which will be challenged by others. Not, least, by many Jews themselves. As for ‘genetics’; women who are Jewish/have Jewish ancestry of Ashkenazy heritage, are encouraged to be screened for the BRCA gene, which can cause cancer.

    With particular groups of women, there are very common specific gene faults. Ashkenazi Jewish women tend to have one of 3 very particular gene mutations. Specialists in breast cancer gene testing know where these mutations are in the gene. So it is much easier to check to see if you carry one of them. If you are Ashkenazi Jewish, you can have tests for these mutations.

    Of couse, religion is a human construct, and does not affect anyone’s genetics, so it’s more to do with the fact thatparticular groups traditionally followed particular religions, rather than anyone being ‘genetically ‘ reigious.

    As for racism:

    The United Kingdom Supreme Court held by a majority of five to four that the school had discriminated against pupils, including the claimant, “E”, on the basis of race under the Race Relations Act 1976. Five of their Lordships held that the school had directly discriminated against applicant pupils and two of their Lordships held that the school was indirectly discriminating on grounds of race.

    ‘Race’, in a political sense, is more than simple genetics.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I do, but then the joke doesn’t work.

    There was a joke? Forgive me; I obviously missed it.

    Free Member

    Got a working pair of Mission floorstanding speakers from the local recycling place, was really chuffed, only later did I relse that sort of stuff gets collected by a charity which then sells it on. 😳

    I’ve built my entire basement workshop out of materials I’ve salvaged from outside neaby houses that are having work done. And having plenty of affluent friends means I don’t have to scrat about in skips to find nice things. 8)

    Free Member

    Pilate washed his hands to signal he didn’t agwee with the decision

    But was Woger weleased?

    Free Member

    That’s interesting, BillMc, and also possibly quite contentious with other people who might argue that ‘race’ cannot be simply expressed in terms of genetics, but must also involve culture and history. I find the wholse subject fascinating. I have many Jewish friends who are atheists, and I just can’t get my head around that idea!

    Free Member

    I never really understood why the Jewish were so reviled either. They always seemed quite froody to me, and they have the best dress code. Drive through Cheetham Hill on a Saturday, place looks like a Darkman convention.

    So now I play spot the Jew in the crowd.

    I assume you’re referring to the Ultra Orthodox (Hasidic) communitiy. You are aware that they only represent a small minority of Jews in the UK/worldwide, and that most Jews look ‘like anybody else’?

    I reccomend watching this. It’s utterly fascinating.

    Free Member

    Its all going Oyster (which IMO is a massive rip off, an excuse to penalty charge you plus you pay £5 for a card which costs 40 pence and most tourists and occasional users never get their £5 back so its a gift to TFL). Note bus fare is £1.35 with an oyster or £2.40 cash (you can pay via contactless debit card). Likewise with the tube.

    I’m confused. So a fare is half the price with an Oyster card, yet it’s a ‘massive rip off’?

    Th £5 is a ‘deposit’. If people chose not to redeem it, then that’s their choice. As for penalties; very often you can have them reimbursed. And they’re generaly only incurred if you fail to do somthing simple like touch in/out correctly.

    Free Member

    I had a lovely pair of 517 Ceramics this happened to. 😥

    At times stopping 150kg+ from 30+ mph on 20-25% gradients….

    Jesus. If you listened to some people, 717s are only for tiny children and would fail at the first sight of a pebble, yet they are actually incredibly strong and can take loads of abuse they aren’t actually ‘designed’ for.

    Seen this too many times to ever want to ride a mavic rim

    In my experience, Mavics tend to fail slowly, like this, and can stll be ridden for quite a while, whilst other brands can crack/fail very suddenly, leaving you stranded or worse, badly injured. I only use Mavics when building my own wheels, as they are the most reliable brand in my experience.

    Free Member

    See, you’ve interpreted my point in an unsubtle way

    I’ve applied the same approach as you’ve employed.

    And that the book is not sci-fi i.e. it’s not about intrusive technology it’s about totalitarianism in general

    You’re making absolutist statements based on your subjective experience of reading the book. Be prapared for others to disagree with you.

    Intersting that you read the situation in which the book is set, as a vision of a Stalinist totalitarian state, yet seemingly choose to omit the referrences to Nazism; particularly the use of the image of ‘Goldstein’ by the state, which is a direct referrence to how such states and agencies use a mythical notion of ‘others’ to instill fear and hate within subjects.

    Winston’s diaphragm was constricted. He could never see the face of
    Goldstein without a painful mixture of emotions. It was a lean Jewish face,
    with a great fuzzy aureole of white hair and a small goatee beard–a
    clever face, and yet somehow inherently despicable, with a kind of senile
    silliness in the long thin nose, near the end of which a pair of spectacles
    was perched. It resembled the face of a sheep, and the voice, too, had a
    sheep-like quality.

    Free Member

    Judaism is a religion not a race

    Interesting statement. I dare say you could have a whole new thread; nay, big chunk of the internet to debate that one.

    As to the original video: we don’t know the contest behind it. It maight have been deliberate retailiatin for somthing the ‘sleeper’ had done or said, or just a dickhead being a dickead. Looks somewhat set-up anyway.

    Free Member

    Motorway Services:

    Was there ever a more concise damnation of modern humanity?

    This was all that needed to be said.

    Free Member

    no-one can be accurate about this topic because the topic isn’t “are we being watched?” but “what was Orwell trying to say?” and no-one can prove that.

    Many, many reders, critics and commentators have pretty much reached a consensus regarding this, which differs quite a lot to your interpretation. Which I think is far too linear and binary; ‘if things aren’t exactly like they are in the book, then they aren’t similar in any way’. That’s far too simplistic and naive, and I think you should employ a little lateral thinking to your approach. You might tehn enjoy the book more.

    Free Member

    How many broken ones have you seen?

    I’ve pretty much given up on Shimano hubs, as just about every one I’ve had in the last few years has failed, from Deore to XTR. Compared with older hubs pre-1998 or so, the more recent ones simply aren’t anywhere near the quality in terms ofmaterials and manufacturing, that the older ones were. In fact, this is true of pretty much al of Shiman’s output, sadly. They don’t make anything to last any more, wanting you to ‘upgrade’ far more frequently than you should have to.

    I know several others who’ve experienced Shimano freehub failures too, as well as broken axles. They are simply poor quality.

    Free Member

    Why the f–k can’t you get off their backs and let them get on with playing football.

    This is exactly what I think too. The Italy game was one of the most exciting performances from an England team I’ve seen in many years. The attack terrified the Italian defence (always regarded as one of the best in the world) for much of the game, and were denied at least one penalty, and for once it as an enjoyable spectacle, rather than the boring predictable over-cautiousness traditional to England’s play. I’d rather see them lose playing entertaining football, than lose playing boring football.

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