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  • stoffel
    Free Member

    It does for me. And many others. Fell free to ignore it.

    No, it’s a lot worse than that, it’s fundamentally useless, wrong and justifies bad driving.

    Stop pissing your knikers over this. It’s an effective sign, and it’s use raises iscussion and debate. Stop usingyour own biased interpretation of it to denigrate it’s intention, and to suggest those who don’t agee with you are wrong. As I sid, feel free o ignore the stickers if they offend you so much.

    Free Member

    ‘If you are awesome, please pass up on my blind side as I’m urtng left’. 😉

    Free Member

    why did you let the driver go without asking for his details…

    Unless you did so, regardelss of whether or not you took a picture of his car, then you are pretty much on a loser here. Becaue he can simply deny evertyhing. Without an exchange of detils, there’s no actual redcord of an incident taking place.

    Free Member

    So to you the phrase “Stay Back” doesn’t actually relate to anything about “Staying” or “Back,” it just means some completely different stuff about not undertaking or passing unless it’s safe?

    It’s imperfect. But I’ve yet to see anyone come up with anything better. Least of all you.

    Actually hang on, I’ve just realised I only need to write “you’re wrong”

    That’s ok. I’m not stippong you riding up the indside of big vehicles. Go ahead. Let us know how you get on.

    Free Member

    There will be far more flex in the rim and spokes than you could ever feel thought the ale, unless it weas made of rubber. And the swingarm wil be stiffer than yuor wheel.

    Isn’t that the whole idea behind through axles?

    The stiffer the axle, the more your swingarm would fles. Think bout it>

    Free Member

    comfort on a road bike is made up of many elements (tyres, pressure, wheels, frame, fit),

    Good advice. I use 23c tyres on 32 spoke wheels, and they aremore ‘comfortable’ than 25’28cs on some 16/20 spoke wheels I tried. An faster.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    So you think that’s the important message?

    I read it as:

    ‘This vehicle may turn unexpectedly. You may be crusehed as a result. It’s probably a good idea you don’t try to overtake up in the indide, and stay back until you are sure it’s safe to do otherwise.’

    Works for me, andmany others. Don’t know why it don’twork for you.

    Free Member

    Check your spoke tension?

    Ditto. Can’t beleive anyojne would think it had anythng to do with the axle. 🙄

    Free Member

    I’ve got a bike just for racism. I’ts black.

    Free Member

    Okay – so ask them what “Stay Back” means then.

    Simple Stay bacl. 🙄

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Also it’s amazing how many people leave keys in car doors and even car doors wide open. I always have a rummae round see if there’s anything worh nicking.


    Free Member

    Pullled. 8)

    Free Member

    Something like “Danger: Blindspots. Do not undertake” would be fine.

    ‘Ecise me, I don’t drive a car, and I don’tunderstand what ‘blindspots’ means. Can you explain it to me’?

    Free Member

    But in truth, it’s not getting the message across at all.

    It is. Very effectively. Quite a number of my firends have noticced the stickers, cyclist an non-cyclists. And they’re provoking comment and discussion. Exactly what’s happening here. So i’d say they’re extremely effective.

    Free Member

    Something like Lifer’s 9 word sign would be grand

    Takes longer to red than ‘stay back’. And that’s the whole point; get the message acros as simply as possible. So far, no-ones come up with anything better.

    the only logical explanation for such use is that drivers believe such a sticker absolves them from their responsibilities.

    Surey that’s just your intepretation. I don’t think they do that at all. i welcome the fact that drivers are having the foretohught to actually put the stickers on in the forst place.

    Free Member

    Jesus H Christ on a chuffing bike we spend SO much time and energy on petty squabbles with each other.

    some of us decide that arguing is pointless so go out for a bike ride instead. 😉

    So, some of you feel threatened by ‘stay back’. What do you want, some 20,000 word polemic on why ging up the inside of a large vehicle with poor visibility isn’t a good iea? ‘Stay back’ is concise and has impact. Makes you stop and thing. And that’s the whole **** point. how many of you maoning about how it makes syclists ‘seconf class citizens’ or whatber bullsht actually ride a bike in London?

    Free Member

    I find it sad that companies are using this as an opportunity for advertisement. It’s utterly bizarre and I’ve laughed at the GIFs and memes, but it is ultimately a man with some mental health problems and I think companies should be a bit more tasteful about it than some teenagers with photoshop and the internet.

    This. The situation could be used as a wonderful opportunity to highlight mental health issues, and football is an excellent vehicle for promoting ideas. Instead, everyone hs a cheap laugh and we ignore wht’s important in our society.

    Free Member

    Because they think we’re second class road users and that sticker reinforces the view.

    No; the stickers alert cyclists of the dangers of passing up the inside of large vehicles. In heavy urban traffic, drivers cannot be expected to be aware of what’s happening up the inside of their vehicles, especially when they’re supposed to be looking ahead. You are not suposed tob e overtaing a vehicle on the inside anyway, unless you have a whole clear lane, and even on a cycle lane, you should be very careful. Arguing about ‘second class road users is great when you’re squashed.

    Or maybe we should letDarwimism take over?

    Free Member

    The stay back stickers are a bloody good idea, and remind cyclists of the dangers of passing up the inside of large vehicles. I don’t think some smug arsey ‘retaliation’ is necessary or at all clever. Just antagonistic. Plus it’s also possibly criminal damage. Yay; let’s encourage illegal activity. That’ll win the irate drivers over. 🙄

    Free Member

    Do doctors drink too much?

    Free Member

    Seriously though; with all the corruption in world football, peoples killed during construction of stadia (due to poor working conditons and negligible concern for workers’ safety) not to mention the enormous waste of money in a country where health care and education are desperately starved of resources, does it really matter that one overpaididiot bit anotheroverpaid idiot?

    Rol on Qatar 2022…

    Free Member

    Double filtered flat-white coffee — because single-filtering is for people who like Jim Davidson.


    Free Member

    4’11” woman who weighs 20 stone

    How does she roll?

    Free Member

    Funny; I’ve heard that exact same story from at least 3 or 4 different cabbies. 😉

    Free Member

    Must admit I don’t know of many good creative photographers that will work

    The best creative photographers i know don’t work as photographers. It seems that one way to realy kill any creativity ins to work as a ‘professional’. You’re better off just hiring some graduate who’s enthusiastic and still keen to rey oout new ideas, than some seasoned ‘pro’ who thinks they know it all. I dn’t know why any small cmpany would want to hire a ‘professional’ thse days, when so many ‘hobyists’ can create just as good results for afraction of the cost. Photography, and ‘graphic design are tow of the most overhyped and expensive services out there. Might have been justified when photography was actually quite technically challenging, and before Adobe software, but advertise in a local paper and chances are you’ll find some student who’s willing to do it for next to nothing.

    Free Member

    Can’t you just download a trial version of Photoshop? If it’s just for a short time (less thn 30 days) then it’ll be perfect.

    Free Member

    Bottle with large opening.

    Free Member

    I bet her doctor wouldn’t doubt her is she said she exercised regularly.

    Free Member

    I too wish England players would play better, but not let passion and commitment get in the way of playing with intelligence

    I don’t think there’s much danger of that happening.

    Free Member

    If you’ve torn off/removed and lost the original plate/covers, then I doubt you’ll be able to find replacments easily. You could cut a tough piece of nylon material down to size, and countersink some bolt holes inot it. Moght work.

    Free Member

    Getting a cup and cone BB out of a 20 year old bike can hurt

    ‘Is it Italian or English threaded?’ 😥

    Free Member

    Ultimately, it’s a commercial spectacle firts, sporting tournament second. A bit of controversy will always whip up interest, so you need heroes and villains. This is marketing gold for the media. No publicity is bad publicity.

    Free Member

    like assault? How is it assault during a match very very rarely results in a prosecution, despite video evidence and a hell of a lot of witnesses?

    ‘Assualt’ would requie police intervention. And it’s a bit melodramatic to refer to what happend as ‘assualt’. Chiellini and the other Italian defenders had been very physical towards the Uruguan attack, Suarez in particular. And I’m sure Balotelli would have a good claim for being harassed, and he’s not exacly a saint. It was a feisty, hot tempered match. Personally, I wish the England players had just a smidgen of the passion and comitment Suarez and Balotelli show, they might win a game or two.

    Free Member

    Either FIF will act immediately, or wait until after the tournamentto impose any sanction. With the appeals process, i suspect it might be the latter. It’s an incident not seen/dealt with by the ref at the time, and as such, th eplayer wil be allowed to continue to play until such time there is a hearing. I’ be surprised if FIFA did impose any lengthy ban, considering their falure to act in previous situations. Suarez is a dick, but worse things have happened on a football pitch. And I can’t see how the FA couldimpose any additional sanction, if it’s dealt with by another fotbll body, as that would possibly be deemed prejudicial, and the FA can only act on mtters that happen within the domestic game here (unless it’s of a fraudulent/criminal type stituation).

    What is also interesting is what, if any, action FIFA might take against Chiellini, who has made some pretty damning statements (he’s right though), which might be considered bringing the game into disrepute. And he didn’t exactly cover himself in glory by diving onto the floor after being ‘bitten’. That was embarrassing. In fact his actions could well go in Suarez’ favour, as it could be considered that Chielliniwas play acting to deliberately influenc the ref’s decisions. End of the day, they’re a pair of dicks, and I think FIFA should just bang both their heads together and move on.

    Free Member

    Holding a copy of the Sun doesn’t make him a hypocrite

    Maybe not, but he is a **** idiot.

    he has apologized for that

    Did he really not think it would be a bad idea? Is he really that dense? Or is it part of a plot within Labour to get rid of him?

    Free Member

    Had to laugh at the ‘outrage’ displayed y Alan Shearer about the bite. That paragon of footballing virtue:

    Free Member

    It’s not whether the police would be bothered, but which newspaper they would sell the story to…

    Interesting. The other day, you were adamant that it was perfectly acceptable for the police to have information on someone like Jenny Jones on a database of ‘potential nutters’ ( 😆 ) , yet now you’re suggesting that they might not be a right and proper agency to be entrusted with confidential information. Which sort of proves what I and others were saying, ironicaly.

    But we shouldn’t really be surprised, bessie mates with Cameron, Osborne, Murdoch, Morgan, Blair etc etc

    I’m not surprised at all. Scum stick together to help each other out. What is surprising, is that we let them get away with it.

    Miliband has been, thats why he’s a Hyopcrite

    Yuo’re spot on ther ethough. Miliband is a ****.

    Free Member

    I was thinking about this today; bikes used to lookso much nice with simple,polished components, rather than the anodised/multitone nasty lookiig stuff now.

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