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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    I would be interested to know if those who felt their wives were undermining the situation are still married…

    Free Member

    Jeans are ok at any age, but don’t kid yourself that you aren’t just wearing a uniform as conformist as a suit and tie. Yore not anrebel, you just CBA to make a decision. Anyway, black jeans are better…

    I’d like to know when we will pass “Peak Jacket Shortness” because this wearing clothes too small thing must end soon. :)

    Free Member

    Anyone going to the snow show at Battersea? Anyone been?

    Got free tickets for today and I’m not sure yet…

    If we are talking gear pron, I have a pair of these which need to get out again…

    Free Member

    No – unless you are over 80 and it has a military insignia

    Free Member

    The heliot steakhouse at the hippodrome casino at Leicester Square is a wacky environment in an old theatre balcony with surprisingly good and cheap food. Gets best steakhouse awards and my partner, a veggie, likes it… BUT I’d go South Indian if she’s veggie, like Chettinad off Tottenham Court Road.

    Free Member

    We give it to about 1/3 of our patients, and there’s no shortage. Last year I got my 13 year old to give it to me.

    It is inactivated and given at a time of year when lots of people get their first cold of the year, so guess what some people blame.

    In 2016 I had 3 patients who ended up on HDU or ICU with H1N1, two who were young.

    Free Member

    Please encourage her not to go gluten free until you have had the tests… at least the TTG and endoscopy if they are heading in that direction. So much easier to interpret and get a clear yes or no if still taking gluten…

    Free Member

    Another doc here… and some good stuff above…

    Investigation partly depends on her age. If she is over 50 one would be a bit more aggressive.

    What the number means depends on what it is, could be Iron or Ferritin levels. And local normal ranges vary… a lot…

    To give more advice I’d need to know which it is. Also her Haemoglobin levels, and preferably her MCV and RDW.

    If she hasn’t yet had upper GI endoscopy She should have at least had bloods for tissue transglutaminase, and stool samples for Calprotectin, Helicobacter, and FIT or FOB depending on what is done locally. I’d be expecting her to have upper GI endoscopy if these give no clue…

    Iron deficiency can be with too little iron taken in, too little iron absorbed or too much lost from upper or lower GI or other bleeding.

    Need more info to say more…

    Free Member

    my partner is back from the US tomorrow

    Free Member

    get a grip. How is it trying to ruin anyone? Insurance is held for a reason. Stop looking at job titles and reading alot more into a media report with limited information.

    This… Anyone who ever sees anything they know about reported knows Journalists always get it wrong, and yet we believe them about other stuff. Why?

    Yes – I have broken my pelvis in a Bomb hole in Friston, and my son broke his wrist on BKB – and we wouldn’t have dreamed of sueing any one. Even if it had been under instruction. But we can still walk.

    In the end this ain’t personal or punitive, it is the way our insurance and legal system works to try and help people with genuine and expensive disabilities. IANAL but sometimes it is too easy to make Lawyer jokes.

    Free Member

    Light failures are something that happens on some cars, my partners Saab, my ex-wifes Forester – but not her previous one, and not my Legacy.

    Both my partner and my ex keep a spare bulb in the glove compartment.

    I do like the heavy duty bulb idea – will order those next time… Thanks Stumpy :)

    Free Member

    B r. …. That + 1

    Free Member

    Uhh, there’s some pretty substantial diffusion [in comparison to the time spent in the bottle with the sealing in place] going on there, shirley

    not a lot in 30 mins – and compared with just pouring it into a jug, or using decent sized glasses like Riedel – almost nothing – just one of those myths than won’t die.

    Free Member

    actually – I think what this thread shows is it is who is waiting for the wine to come out of the Bottle that counts as much as what is in it. Huge amounts of preconceptions and snobbery abound. Lots of people out there who still think that taking a cork out 30 minutes before “lets it breathe”. Yep, that 2cm diameter circle interface with air will help 750mls breathe…

    Free Member

    So Mr sasquatch… you only buy wine to lay down and keep?

    Another reasonably well known expert…

    “Even wine guru Hugh Johnson thinks so. His May 2015 column in Decanter magazine proclaimed that “I am faintly irritated now when I come to open a bottle of wine and find I need a corkscrew.” Gosh! The screw-cap is “incomparably better” than natural cork, he says”

    Some estimates say upto 5% of naturally closed wines have cork taint. Perhaps you don’t have the sophisticated palate that lets you recognise it? ;)

    Free Member

    Corks for wines which I keep to age,

    Otherwise notihng wrong with screwcaps.

    But they are not infallible. I have had to send back 13 bottles with screw closures from the Wine Society because they were growing mould inside the closures. Got 18 sent back as a replacement :) No problems since.

    Free Member

    Proper four-wheel-drive rather than one that defaults to front wheel is one of the reasons I am going to stick with Subaru for the forseeable future. Also built really solidly

    Free Member

    Scooby Legacy…

    Free Member

    There’s a different argument here to be had about whether Nursing really needs a degree at Entry-Level, and whether it might be better further down the Career path. I know a few atrocious nurses who got the degree, and some Health Care Assitants who function at a level higher than them, with no degree and the opportunity for advancement and a higher salary stifled by the hurdle of a degree and its entry requirements.

    But, OP sounds like there are some support and mentorship issues here, as others have said. I wish her luck. Hang in there.

    Free Member

    OP things sound strained right now, and if she’s tired and your relationship is under tension, now is not the right time to be a smarterse by proving you’re right about the keys. No car moving stuff please. Funny and understandable but you both lose. Appeal to emotions, say it worries you that she might be endangering herself and the kids. And see if you can sort the other stuff.

    Free Member

    Mandate that when your organisation, be it public or private, has been reorganised 4 times you can retire on full pension. Then the muppets might leve us to get on with the job. :twisted:

    Free Member

    ton. Nope. Go and see someone… probably be just as you say… BUT go and see someone. We’ve done this not going to the Doc thing before… haven’t we. ;)

    Free Member

    Depends on the separations and the cruise control you have.

    You can get your foot on the brake faster, and you can , on mine at least, turn it off with a flick of the right Thumb on a steering wheel switch. But you don’t get the instant engine braking you do when you lift off the accelerator.

    If more people used Cruise, the speeds would become more predictable and there would be less variability and fewer “shockwaves”. That’s kind of what variable speed limits try and achieve. The M25 on weekdays, when not complete jammed is so much nicer to drive than on weekends when, although less busy, all the numpties whose speed oscillates wildly are out.

    Free Member

    Been a subscriber for many years – but repeated injuries have made me less adventurous and the Mags just made me feel sad and still sit unopened – so now I am a “freeloader” again. I might have paid the smaller amount for a digital sub, but I am not feeling like the top brass (not the mods – heroes the lot of them) think of us more than sheep-to-be-shorn. And the user experience without a P or a blocker is just awful.

    If those in ST towers don’t want us to use the software/extensions which must not be named, and do want us to visit their site more, they really need to look at this and find a compromise position. Their very own ads down the sides of the page are some of the worst offenders.

    Much better on the iPAd where I can zoom in and crop the sides ;)

    Free Member

    Done 3 1/2 ikea kitchens. They’re cheap and rather good. Very efficient use of space. And now they are getting more into the custom worktop business. I got corian put on one and it was great.

    If I was starting again I’d use them.

    Free Member

    Norwegian aren’t what they were. Still owe me €250 from a delay this time last year. Their pilots are unhappy and many get laid off over winter. A recent PPRUNE thread saw many pilots saying they’d rather work for Ryanair…

    Monarch nearly went titsup 2 weeks ago, but now look more safe. They still seem to be emailing me every day though.

    EJ are ok, flown with them 5 x in the last 3 months, but if you don’t want your hand luggage in the hold, make sure you are either speedy boarding or in the front 80% of the non SB queue.

    Ryanair are better than they were, as is stansted, and they go to lots of places no one else goes to. And they have a better punctuality than many. O’Leary may be a git, but is being calmer and less of one.

    And BA are cutting food and drinks and going the Loco route.

    Free Member

    It is a lovely place, with lovely people food and culture, and I learnt a fair bit of the language a few years back because of this. And I’d try never go a year without visiting there. That doesn’t mean you cannot recognise and enjoy the different ways of thinking and customs. Anyway, it’s not like England is looking a more sensible logical place these days.:(

    Free Member

    A place where you go to buy your special paper for signed statements – Carta Bollata – at the shop which sells salt and tobacco…

    Where mobile phones (“Telefonini” so much better than Moviles in Spanish) took off so quickly because you need to know someone and then wait 2 years to get a landline…

    Free Member

    Obergurgl in March… Zermatt in April… really need to do something in January… but after going OTB a bit, not that fit…

    Just out of interest, any snowHeads bases on here? (Andy I know…)

    Free Member

    Went to a great place in the BVIs, Callwood, good rum. But for UK drinking Mountgay every time..

    And making a Mojito or any cocktail with Bacardi is wrong, Havana Club is better, and the owners didn’t flee to Miami when the revolution happened.

    Free Member

    Two pages to discuss a shed, six pages to debate whether I’m a racist for mentioning that my neighbours are heavily tanned

    …so you are saying they are building a shelter for nude sun-bathing?!…. ;)

    Free Member

    JY I think you kind of missed the point there – there is a direct analogy between the way sometimes Pakistani and sometimes Asian has been used on this thread. That sentence was very much in quotes…

    It is really difficult to judge the sensitivty at which these linguistic offense landmines should be set to go off, but I think you have miscalibrated yours and that may say more about you than Cougar.

    Free Member

    Chapeau :)

    Free Member

    Fences hide pigeons
    Perhaps something else
    Cougar seeks truth, pedants rebel

    Free Member

    I hate it when smug people who think they have the monopoly on the correct acceptable way of communicating an idea, or the truth, won’t come down from their mountain and let us know what we should be thinking and saying, and play little games trying to get us to guess…

    Cougar I think you showed genuine interest in your neighbours to try and understand how what they might be up to didn’t fit in with your self-confessed stereotypes of their interests. I’m sorry that your curiosity has been used to have a go at you. I’d be interested to know the outcome of this.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to like the way other people look, and you don’t need to buy into the self-deluding “but I don’t eat a thing” stuff, but I think you owe it to them to be courteous and respectful and not fat-shame them.

    Free Member

    Jamba But the FBI said regarding the emails there were no grounds to proceed…

    Watch the John Oliver analysis from last week – Was she silly in the way she dealt with her e mails? Yes.

    Has she refused to be open about her personal finances, called all mexicans rapists, been physically inappropriate towards lots of people, demonstrated a contempt for legitmate process and suggested her supporters should kill her opponent? Has she been involved in launching over a hundred failed and often intimidatory lawsuits and taken lots of peoples money. No.

    She is the least worst perhaps, but she does actually know something about the world and has a track record of delivering something other than grade A BS.

    Free Member

    you have a choice – either report it to the council – preferably anonymously – or go and chat with the neighbour involved – you cannot do both if you want to preserve good relations.

    Free Member

    I don’t deal with people who use yodel. Too painful. Never again.

    Free Member

    I would be a partner again – with the right people and in the right place and don’t regret my career choice for a moment… But we are used to the demoralising effect of the DoH kicking us, the Daily Mail kicking us, and people like a few posters here with grudges or no knowledge of what we actually do, kicking us.

    The APMS enterprises in my area are all in dire trouble and delivering poor services and costing hugely more. And because they are failing, our local CCG is going to screw around with the contracts of those who are delivering timely decent and good-value care… And this is greatly in danger of making a lot of us retire early… :roll:

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