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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Leon fast vegetarian is very good

    Free Member

    Free speech sometimes means hearing people saying things you don’t like.

    Luckily it also means those people getting to hear just what twunts others think they are, and losing their job because of it! :)

    Free Member

    Ransos I don’t believe you are correct… ;)

    And actually I think many or most people who would identify as atheists would disagree with you. But may be that is unknowable too!

    Free Member

    It can actually be either – a belief there is no god, or an absence of belief there is a god – although for many that is closer to agnosticism.

    That might have been the original etymological derivation – but the meaning has moved on.

    Free Member

    Unsafe how?

    Perhaps a bit of an overstatement?

    Free Member

    and all the unintelligent ideas that even intelligent people can hold onto and justify to themselves despite lack of evidence…

    we are – after all – a post-fact society… ;)

    Lovely to see the usual suspects getting their “I’m persecuted because you dare to use rational thought to question my beliefs…” in after only a few pages ;)

    Free Member

    Get a dictionary for xmas mate.

    Free Member

    Joe Cocker ?!!!

    Saxonrider was not aware of that

    Free Member

    If nothing else, this thread should get blokes on STW to get their answers ready… :)

    Golfchick – Yep – nail on head.

    Free Member

    I didn’t know why I loved my wife…

    We are now divorced


    Free Member

    What do you think her expectations of your relationship are?

    You do not sound convinced she is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.

    If she wants a lifelong partner and possibly kids, you are wasting her time and should move on now.

    If she doesn’t, then you need to level with her and see how you get things back to where they were. If she’s asking the question she may well know you have doubts.

    Free Member

    Used to inject lots of them. The evidence is shifting to suggest the long term outlook may be worse if you do, so most people,I know have stopped doing that.

    Try and do any manual activities with the other hand or palm upwards. If it is your mouse hand, swap sides.

    Free Member

    Cobbler is better than crumble for some fruits, e.g. Gooseberries

    Nuts and oats in the topping are right up there with savoury starters including granola as a bad thing.

    Rhubarb crumble ftw, with custard, obvs

    Free Member

    another person on a 7 year old iMac, and I’d echo having the larger wired keyboard as a good thing. increasing the memory from 4 to 12 is th only change I have ever had to make. I will miss the CD drive, and having the SD card slot on the side, if and when I upgrade…

    Free Member

    Four issues here
    1) Problem calves and feet
    2) Poverty spec budgets – and it isn’t the cheap time of year for gear
    3) Risk of rocking up to a hire shop in resort and finding what’s left
    4) ? being new to skiing and so lower tolerance of ski boots and a technique which will cause more pain in boots.

    I am not sure you can square all these.
    I’d try going to a dry slope, or indoor snow slope for an introductory lesson package if she is new to skiing, or for an hour if she isn’t, and seeing if they can fix the problem with the rental boots they have, and they work on the slope as well as in the shop.
    If they can – ? identical boots cheap off ebay? – or prebook identical ones in resort? – or ?? make the slope a lowball offer?

    If budget isn’t an option, yes – a good fitter, here or in resort. Soutions 4 feet always considered the best, but I think Colin may be more about racing/performance fit.

    Free Member


    At work I do get to see some blokes who are genuinely hard done by, but probably more women who get left in the lurch. Relatively few of the blokes getting divorced seem to be eager to become the major providers of child care in this situation, and it is easy to underestimate how much is involved in looking after the kids even if they are heading towards 18-20.

    Free Member

    So, for some of those posting here, perhaps you should have pushed harder for your partners to work sooner after childbirth.

    For some of the others who think it is unfair, firstly after 20 years it ain’t your money, it is shared. This is not new, and you knew what you are getting into.

    For those who know someone who lost their house, well the presumption is that the the kids, the only really innocent people in the scenario, get to live in a house as close as possible to what they used to live in.

    I’ve lost a large chunk of capital and pension, and in a way which has screwed me on some tax things. But I don’t confuse this with it being unfair. It just isn’t. Don’t confuse being angry and upset with being actually hard done by. Would you rather your kids were screwed over by this?

    Free Member

    rocketman that may be true, or it may be his perception of things, and if they were only together a few years then what he owned before marriage might be taken into account – but if he has been with her nearly 20 years… Arguing she hasn’t been pulling her weight only after they split is a bit late…

    IANAL and I thnk he may need one, but he really needs to think how far he wants to push that. Working on an equitable clean break , espescially if family circumstances would allow her to go and get a job may be his best way out of this permanently.

    Free Member

    Try and go for an amicable clean break. Done this with my ex, now sorted, and my partner is doing the same with hers.

    There is a formula for kids maintenance, but spousal maintenance is less clear. You can agree a clean break where the partner earning less/nothing gets more capital/property so that she/he can downsize when kids have moved on/can pay rent, and release money to cover the ending of spousal maintenance.

    One important thing is to stop thinking of what he paid for – he could only earn and buy the house because she was doing the childcare. All the money he earnt and property he bought is absolutely rightly half hers, they were a team dividing tasks. The sooner you get past any of this “its my money” rubbish, the sooner you move on.

    Free Member

    Now 8 weeks off the bike after my 6th rib injury… 2 skiing, 4 cycling, and it is still hurting sometimes. No more jumps for me.

    I’m 55 and 6 weeks is what it takes.

    Free Member

    PKAy Snap. And it works.

    Free Member

    What kind of specialist?

    Free Member

    L spine MRI results can usually only be interpreted in the context of what your symptoms and examination findings are.

    That shows some wear and tear and two slipped discs which might be causing pain and or weakness in your right leg. The l4/5 disc sounds worse.

    What you do about this depends on your symptoms…

    What are they suggesting?

    Free Member

    Indeed – we don’t have that wait at all at the GP surgery I lead…

    BUT, yes NHS dentistry is really withering and disappearing in many places. Contact your CCG though.

    The NHS was at its best about 5 years ago. It is heading downhill rapidly. Lots of factors, older patients, more expectations, poor quality out-of-hours services, real-terms decreases in funding for NHS and for Social Care ( which is hit by living wage and pensions implications and is preventing discharges from hospitals) etc etc…

    Lots of evidence that it really was pretty good. Espescially for the Money. But what we really need is 30,000 civil servants to deliver Brexit.


    Free Member

    The banks will very happily move all your DDs and SOs for you. It’s not difficult, and given how gash some banks are these days, and how good others are…

    Free Member

    Done it twice, both in nooks which fitted one well, and doing it myself was the only way to get the perfect result.Once in light oak on top of an old chest of drawers with mdf and standard timber and a lot of bright paint, and once using a tall Ikea storage unit, cutting it half, and using an IKEA bed support framework on top. It’s not hard., but does take time.

    Free Member

    25 years ago I was working in a kids hospital in Oz. I had to help look after a 10 month old child who would never be able to walk because his mum tucked him under her seatbelt, then had a crash, in a country which was one of the first to have legislation about proper child seats and capsules. I found dealing with his mum difficult. I still think of him pulling himself along by his arms…

    Report the bastard

    Free Member

    Coco de mer if you are feeling racier…

    Free Member

    Errr… how did you happen to find THAT link?!

    Free Member


    In my marriage we had 2 joint accounts and 2 joint credit cards. Amicable separation and divorce, we each got custody of one account and one credit card. She earned and earns well, and now I am paying maintenance for kids to her account . But a mate got taken to the cleaners by his ex partner to near the point of bankruptcy… and it is difficult to close or get your name off an overdrawn account…

    Now, with my partner 2 years, but not living together full time yet, and we will get married sooner or later. I earn rather more than her and her divorce is not yet finalised, At the moment we have our own individual accounts and a joint account which I put money in, and is mainly used by her. I suspect this may be the way we run things till at least her kids have flown the nest and she stops getting maintenance from her ex.

    For me I’m cool about the trust thing, and would go to fully joint accounts, but I think separate credit card accounts to keep some privacy would be good.

    Free Member

    My partner’s son did a Cambodia one last year. Same cost and he raised a fair chunk. The teaching they did is unlikely to have changed lives, and he isn’t any more keen on eating interesting food. Some leadership skills learnt perhaps …

    I think he’d have learned more about himself and others by using the same dosh to do a ski season or travel independently next year.

    Nice business to be in…

    Free Member

    Proving she has stolen it with CCTV would allow you to KNOW that she has stolen things – but sounds like you do already…

    Do you want to prove to yourself she is stealing?

    Or prove it to her?

    Very very difficult. I’d be tempted to do the video thing, but then if it confirms things – tell her you know – and only talk about the video evidence if she continued to deny it, despite you having told her first that you do love her, whatever she has done, and you’d rather she was honest about it.

    Very very difficult.

    Free Member

    Seriously though, the one really techy member of my family has an NVIDIA and loves it. The rest of us civilllians all have iPads.

    Free Member

    Viagra…. always good for xmas…. ;)

    Free Member

    Skiing – I used to use helmetcam, but POV just sucks and I CBA to edit it. Rear facing towards other people, or video from a drone or stationary observer is almost always better.

    Perhas we have reached Peak Narcissism? :)

    Free Member

    Moving words from Moose

    The hijacking of poppy wearing by politicians and the media judgements on those who choose not to wear one do a dis-service to ex-soldiers.

    Free Member

    Kimbers. He’s wrong. 6300 entrants in 2004. Not much increase since. JH is talking about going up to 7500.

    Free Member

    That doesn’t mean she is the sole source of unreasonablness, Or that she can’t, once she sees he isn’t in league against her, listen to what he has to say, when things are quieter and they are away from their daughter.

    Anyway, sometimes people just need to ventilate, and this is a good a place as any…

    Free Member

    outof breath I think that’s a bit of a leap on from the posts by the OP… possibly projecting from your own experience, and I’ve been there in one relationship…

    Free Member

    Would you really want to be married to a bloke?!

    14 yo son, and partner has a 14yo daughter – yes it is a challenge!

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