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  • Atherton Bikes on sale for £3999 frame or £6700 full build
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Build it yourself. It’s easy and fast. Done it a few times.

    The headset tool is worth having, Cutting a steerer isn’t that difficult. All the other tools you should have already.

    The STW classifieds and the Merlin website are your friends.

    Having said which – it is a good time of the year to get a great deal on a new 2010 bike.

    Free Member


    Not sure you are right on that. These days they are very very specific about what they want to know including accidents of any sort (not just claims) and convictions. There is no conviction with a speed awareness course, in fact they write to you saying they are not going to prosecute.

    The logical extension of what you say would be that if you were pulled over by the police, and told to drive a bit more slowly, and then sent on your way, you should inform your insurers as you had been caught and stopped by the police whilst breaking road traffic laws.

    And I am pretty sure the instructor on my course said we didn't have to…

    Free Member

    Back in the day every roadie rode fixed in the winter for training. Nothing new. Just because a bunch of Nathan Barleys take it up doesn't mean it is anything new at all. Broke my wrist (permanently) coming off one 33 years ago.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    very fair point. I was out with my Ayups last night and wheras a year ago they were about the brightest, now that Lumen Wars have really taken hold they can be a bit dim if someone is on your tail with a Trout.

    Ideal world for me might be trout on the bars and Ay-up or similar on the lid.

    I still think you can have too much light!

    Free Member

    Indeed – I have a Thunder 2 that has been converted to fretless. But they are 25 years+ old, and you can have electronics problems with them, and they are a bit neck heavy. Lovely wood though. Not sure they are the best beginners one, and you might do better with a straightforward P bass or PJ copy. Or a cheaper ibanez.

    Free Member

    Simple reliable passive 4 string with an amp with a decent speaker.

    I'd suggest something like Roland cube bass combo rather than the scrottier end of the market. It's no fun playing bass unless you here some bass.

    My 14 year old is becoming quite a good bass player and has learnt on a Yamaha RBX 170 off ebay.

    If you get the bug you can then go 5 string/fretless/active etc.

    Free Member

    saladdodger That depends on whether you really want to heat your ceiling…

    And we don't have our heating on yet, but still need lights… But point taken.

    jonb yes. Megaman are a good brand. They make good replacement fittings for low energy halogen downlights (and you can get rid of the transformers) and for candle bulbs. But we still have one room where we cannot get the right colour warmth from low energy bulbs and need old-fashioned 60w bulbs. The GU10 replacements are not brilliant and the LED ones we have tried suck.

    Free Member

    Got the 2008 carbon pro. Running the shock and fork at much lower than recommended pressures seems to work better. Still not sure about the brain, and about to order a Pushed RP23.

    I also switched to 70mm stem, and changed to SDG saddle with I beam. which is less creaky that the thomson and a cheap way to lose weight, And a hope clamp. The spesh one fell apart.

    Free Member

    PeaslakeDave That is one cackhanded and abrupt demand for help. Just because you know what you mean and what your questions are intended to find out, doesn't mean we do.

    You need to start again, small introductory request for help, say who you are, what you are thinking about, explain what you are actually talking about , and then probably better to use surveymonkey or something similar and link to that,

    Consider the feedback above a useful part of the learning experience

    Free Member

    3 out of 3

    Doesn't seem to happen often and I think rear shock problems coming very soon on FS

    Free Member

    double post

    Free Member

    both suck. sorry

    Red at a pinch

    Free Member

    Morality is possible for an atheist

    Oh good – I feel so much better… :twisted:

    A few of the last posters-with-faith fail to recognise the implicit condescension in their stated points of view towards those who do not share their beliefs. But then this is enshrined in the bible. "No one will come to god excpet through me" etc etc.

    A better question might be how many religious folk would be moral if they did not have a set of external rules to abide by, and why so many, espescially in religious leadership positions, fail so spectacularly to manage to behave decently to other humans.

    Judged by rational endpoints other than music and architecture, I'd have to award religion a "FAIL"

    Free Member

    I've had some great bargains, using a bit of common sense.

    But I can see the problem and think it could be fixed by a sticky alphebetacised feedback thread, and more of a culture of people posting to take the mick out of obvious dodgy, over-priced or badly described items. Like that muppet who kept posting an S-works frame for sale – when his post said that actually it wasn't.

    Free Member

    So perhaps faith benefits me by helping justify the moral behaviour I want. Perhaps if there was more of that in society it would be more meaningful, happy and resilient.

    the trouble is that people within religions use it to justify the moral behaviour and outcomes they want – and not always with a happy ending. If you need religion/faith to behave morally, it rather casts doubt on your true character.

    Bottom line – Certainty is dangerous, causes wars, abuse of power and cruelty. Religion is predicated on certainty based on a lack of empirical evidence and allows any nutjob to set up and justify their own faith. Science should start with acceptance of lack of certainty and move forwards, but because it involves humans – often it experiences just the same belief/faith pattern that religion does, but at least starts by admitting that it may not know .

    And religions cannot all be right – far more likely that all are wrong.

    Free Member

    Every vascular surgery ward has a smoking diabetic outside it who is missing one or both legs. :(

    Free Member

    Another Dr involved heavily in providing Diabetes care and who spent a few years trying to improve services across half a county. A slightly different perspective perhaps…

    Yes – by far the most common issue we see in people with poorly controlled type 1 or 2 (or even type 1 1/2 … don't ask… ) is failure of the patient to develop "an internalised locus of health control" – in other words to understand that only by them taking control and responsibility for lifestyle factors, insulin adjustment etc etc will things improve. Checking that your partner's sister has made that step is priority number 1. Without that everyone is doomed to fail.

    1) Approaches such as DAFNE can be evry helpful and there is now better evidence that they can help achieve tighter control. But they are not universally available.
    2) There is beginning to be better evidence for Insulin pumps.
    3) Diabetes Specialist Nurses (DSNs) are often stretched very thinly, and not always targetted at the patients who need them most.
    4) Sometimes people with type 1 diabetes escape without top-up education, or adjustement/modernisation of their threapy for years – and this is particularly likely in my experience when patients are attending hospital clinics where they see a different junior Dr each attendance, there may not be a proper database system, and there are tight time constraints.
    5) Non- Diabetes hospital teams in A&E and as inpatients often really mismanage Diabetes, and do not identify where change/education is needed.

    So in answer to the OP – complaining at this stage is clearly totally out of order, but the first step is for your relative to join DUK and to get an idea of what she should be repsonsible for, and what her expectations of her local diabetes services should be.

    Free Member

    Brilliant on Safari at home – but looking plain vanilla on IE at work :?:

    Free Member

    used to when the nearest bakery was 250 miles away. Something sensual about kneading dough and also very good for cleaning fingernails :wink:

    the missus recommends a book called "dough" by Richard Bertinet

    Free Member

    sport conrad often have really good deals on new skis and their delivery to the UK is cheap and reliable.

    If you are looking for something secondhand – I'd suggest posting a skis wanted thread in the buy/sell/exchange section of snowHeads, and seeing what people come up with

    One comment might be that you seem a bit vague about what you want. Your description probably covers 70% of the skis currently on the market. Probably need to specify your weight and ability. If you are not going off-piste are the twin tips for park/jibbing? etc etc

    Free Member

    Silly question – but has he denied being bisexual?

    Free Member

    Well may be next time you will do the sensible thing and snipe. :wink:

    Free Member

    not yet

    Free Member

    I hope so

    Let's have a little dark on our night rides?

    Free Member

    We had a great time – came in 45th in mens teams – had fun despite the rain. Nice atmosphere and event

    Not sure I can face watching Spongebob ever again for some reason…

    Props to the soloists.

    Free Member

    why would you pressure wash a rotor?

    you wouldn't mean to – but around here we are already getting the mud tyres out again

    smurf ta

    Free Member

    Probably silly question – but are they rebadged DTs?

    I have 2 pairs of wheels where the front is

    "Specialized Hi Lo disc 28 hole hub with CNC flanges and disc mount. Sealed cartridge bearing and a 9mm DT RWS alloy quick release."

    which made me assume that DT built the hub too as the 9mm is not a common standard- although the rear hubs are openly badged as DT?

    Probably not I guess – but surely a spesh dealer would know?

    Free Member

    No – Ikea is brilliant. Fitted 3.

    Free Member

    had a frame, some wheels, a saint rotor, a mech, some shifters etc etc all good. Some come fast, some come slow.

    Much much better than e bay where I have been sold badly described shite

    Free Member

    Ghost sold in our LBS

    Free Member

    Very simply because – as a fat 49 year old git doing two events in the next 3 weeks – some of us are just there for the fun of it – and accept that overtaking unicyclists is about as much as we can hope for.

    But I think you should celebrate our contented mediocrity which allows all you trail whippets to shine. :wink:

    Free Member

    Pierre do you go round Bedge with the club?

    Free Member

    Torq in your sleep – anyone else doing it?

    Free Member

    No point. They just say contact the police.

    Free Member

    Lidl do very cheap ones for gardening every now and then

    Free Member

    RR Ok – that does sound much more ulna nerve or cervical nerve root. Less likely to be a quick fix possible.

    Time to see GP and get examined/referred

    Free Member

    If it is in the palm side of most fingers probably not ulnar nerve. More likely to be median and carpal tunnel – espescially if your thumb is not really involved.

    Google "reverse Phalens test" and try it.

    On my non FS bikes I use race Face Good & Evil grips for the extra padding to avoid CTS.

    Free Member

    Go if your family can go with you. I spent 2 years working in Oz and Canada. Do it whilst you can, there will never be a better time. Americans are actually quite nice.

    Free Member

    Godwins law

    drat – cross post

    Nice Troll… could have done with a few more hints though

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