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  • Singletrack Issue 141 UK Adventure: Pilgrim’s Regress
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member


    I am pretty sure mine came with a note saying don’t use with Carbon Forks…

    So I don’t use it for my carbon Forked hybrid

    Free Member

    STD = sexually transmitted debt.

    Free Member

    check your wife hasn’t got another account she is filling up before she does a runner… :wink:

    Free Member

    It’s about time it was axed for people like me. Getting it has been almost embarassing. And there is no choice.

    However the way they are going to axe it is pretty silly – they are going to pay it to us, and then take it back via Tax. :evil:

    Free Member

    Did Italian gcse and A. Been trying to persuade the wife to do bricklaying. :)

    Free Member

    He was funny in small doses a few years ago, tedious know

    Free Member

    Can I share the red head job with Mr Jeremy? 8)

    Free Member

    Up to a point…

    Clarkson had a go at him because PM published photos of him kissing someone who was not his wife. In a fight between Morgan and Clarkson I’d like to see both lose.

    PM wasn’t so very wrong on the dodgy dossier and the bogus reasons for going into Iraq (and his brother was serving out there at the time). For brief time the Mirror was actually a paper with a conscience.

    He is slimey – but he does seem to realise it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You are missing a lot – but it is usually about simple high quality ingredients cooked and presented well. The best summer food there is.

    If what you want is mega-punch/spice you will be disappointed. If what you want is thick French style sauces you will also be disappointed outside emillia-romagna. And as said before – huge regional variations.

    Free Member

    what hub have you got?

    If it is an XT or something cheap – get a new wheel and keep the old hub for spare parts. If it is something decent it is worth a rebuild surely?

    Free Member

    I’m almost 50 too, and only started doing a bit of SS on the side 6 months ago. It’s fun if you have the right kind of trails, up and down, and not lots of flat stuff. That is where it sucks as you spin out on fire roads etc.

    I find it tweaks my ankles more than my knees.

    Go for it – what’s to lose?

    Free Member

    which one?

    super mario kart ok

    Super Mario Galaxy is brilliant – a must have – popular from ages 8 to 49 in our house.

    Free Member

    One of the PRS SE series. You should be able to get something around the £300 mark. Well made guitars from a premium brand.

    Free Member

    Been flown in a few (DH Beavers) in Canada and off the Barrier reef.

    Great landings and take-offs. Very strange being in a small boat in a bay waiting for a plane to pick you up and seeing a whale come up where it is about to land.

    Free Member

    If you can pull her on facebook under an assumed identity, you can pull someone more deserving of your affection who won’t play mindgames with you.

    DTMFA and get on your bike.

    Free Member

    Its what we used to use when QR meant you had wingnuts on your axle…

    Re 9mm QRs – standard on DT hubs (and 10mm rear) but not that quick.

    And you can also use that skewer you show on some saint hubs

    Free Member

    Rock Lobster

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone

    I’ve ordered. The communication I have had from the shop has been brilliant too. Now just waiting for the wheels 8)

    Free Member

    Guilty as charged.

    2006 Trek Fuel ex9 – was better than the 1997 GT LTS I was using… very cheap deal. Rear shock issues though – a mate has the frame now.
    2008 Stumpy pro Carbon – very cheap deal. A lot better now I have an RP23 on it – but hardly an unknown quantity,
    2009 Rock Lobster HT – (aluminium) – made up with this bike.
    Old Dialled love/hate (SS) bought frame off here – and it is brilliant – but if it hadn’t suited me I would have sold it on.

    Unless you are really skilled – I suspect that the first day or so you ride a different bike – all you are checking is whether your bad habits work with it, and that it takes longer for most of us to get an idea of what a bike can do.

    Free Member

    Just ordered some white flows on red hope pros from Moonglu – and they have other colours available – and I see they have the Arch rim (?? closer to the 355 profile ) on red hope hubs.

    Free Member

    wet here (East Sussex/Kent) but it was nice in the woods until Boris’s freehub went.

    Shortest nightride this year :cry:

    Free Member

    Doc speaking

    That’s not necessarily bad news. Providing you have only broken one side, you may actually do better and recover closer to 100% than if you had a bad sprain. I know which I’d choose.

    Free Member

    I like the finish line green so much I have a 3.8L bottle of it in my garage.

    I swop refills for cake with my mates. Works out about £2 a 4oz bottle that way.

    Wish I’d found something as good for summer

    Free Member

    not a problem. Much better than getting ripped off.

    Free Member

    I think there are some bits of trails I ride better at night because having a helmet light forces me to turn my head properly into turns.

    I’m another Ay up user – probably would now go for something more powerful on the bars.

    Free Member

    I know a bloke who needs fresh food for his snakes up that way… :wink:

    Free Member


    although one pair were screwed by the bloke I bought them off.

    Free Member

    Mine arrived – works ok – but very complex to program.

    Free Member

    yes – but you will need to “authorise” the new computer as one of the five on your iTunes account to use itunes purchased tracks.

    Free Member

    CRC delivered some shoes to me just over 2 weeks ago… except they seem to have gone to the wrong place, and got returned – I was e mailed info saying I had returned them they would credit my account. I phoned and told them I still wanted the shoes, and they should send them back to me and that the address had worked with 30 previous orders. They said ok… Nothing in the last 12 days. Rang them today – and they said their computer showed they were waiting for my money, £120 of which has actually been with them for the last 18 days…


    No problems with Merlin… ever…

    Free Member

    Got some on a pair of spesh shoes. They can be difficult to get to engage, and mud can bung up the release cam.

    I prefer laces and velcro.

    Free Member

    There are well documented cases of Pilots who have been suspended, been through treatment/rehab/recovery, and are back flying safely again.

    I’d rather be flown by one of them, than by one of those who have not fessed up and are still drinking.

    Free Member

    Because nearly 50% of kids go to university these days – yet only about 51% of kids get passes in 5 GCSEs including English & Maths. So having a degree has become an entry level qualification.

    Free Member

    Quantum of Solace – good actor wasted.No one really expected much of Moore, and they weren’t disappointed.

    OHMSS one of the best – if only because it sticks to the plot of the book.

    Free Member

    +1 twice with HD boxes

    Ask to speak to someone in “customer retention”

    Free Member


    Very true.

    Perhaps we better stick to his culpability in the deaths of thousands in Africa because of his Church’s attitude towards condoms there, his role in the suppression of “liberation theology” in South America, and his role (mainly before he became pope) in keeping Child Abuse from being investigated properly?

    Free Member

    I am part of the ignorant grunt labour for this and other bits. Usual thing applies – the club (BFCC) gets involved in trail improvements, design and building of some new bits. The FC supports a bit, and is meant to do the ongoing maintenance of all the bits they adopt into the singletrack.

    The bit you are talking about is the section one downhill bit. To be honest the 2nd and 3rd berms ain’t right yet, and the Insomnia 12 hour event last night means that soil is showing through. No trail build day for a few weeks so I would be wary on that.

    The “black bit” is firming in but may have drainage issues still.

    We have also done some work to make sure that the “slippy hill” route at the end of the singletrack (turn right instead of left onto the family trail) holds up better in the mud season.

    There are some other bits away from the singletrack route we have done work on which you may not know about unless you ride/dig with the club. And there are some very interesting plans for the next year. :wink:

    There is still a problem with the FCs use of contractors who seem to have little knowledge of what bikers need, who dump loose rocks on flat corners and in holes without really understanding why the holes are there. The FC is also spending tons of time putting large rocks to form terraces near the visitor centre – when we could have really done with some proper rocks for the trails…

    We really could do with more help in digging/building and we have tons and tons of tools. If anybody is interested in helping we tend to build once a month – usually the second saturday – send an e mail to me (address in profile) and I will pass it on to our Trail-building leader.

    Free Member

    Different view point.

    1) If he is bordering on a psychosis – your friend is unlikely to listen to you.
    2) Unless you know who is GP his or who his CMHT is – or can prove you are a very close relative – it is unlikely that a selection of random surgeries or CMHTs who cannot (for confidentiality reasons) let you know if he is or is not their patient – are going to want to listen to you. We wouldn’t. Even if you hit the right one we wouldn’t really know who you were, and what your standing in relation to him was.
    3) And you should see the weird letters we get from concerned friends and relatives… difficult to tell who has the problem usually.
    4) Sadly what usually happens is that things only get resolved when said bloke gets held by Police under their Mental Health Act powers.

    So – what you should have done – if only to make yourself feel better – is told him you were worried about the changes you had noticed in him – asked if there is anything you could do to help, any one you could contact on his behalf. And then jump on the other train.

    Free Member

    Buy the full groupset then ebay the wheels and buy some decent ones ?

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