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  • New Uncaged versions of YT Decoy MX and Capra MX
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    SRAM PG990 cassette and 991 chain – cheap off Merlin – will be as cheap as XT

    Free Member

    Mine – s/h frame off here. Very pleased with it. Now has different grips/brakes/pedals

    Finally seem to have got chain issues sorted with a velosolo chainring.

    Now the ground is soft might put the rigid forks back on

    After an ally HT I really like the feel of the frame

    Free Member

    Why not ask them?

    As cheap as my LBS – and including decent cables

    Free Member

    rightplacerighttime – it will be wanted and cared for which gives it a head start over a large part of humanity who exist as a result of accident, fecklessness or carelessness, and who are then neglected or mistreated and live brutish unhappy lives…

    I do think some people on this thread are grubbing around for a reason to disapprove of this. I suspect that David F will make a great “mum”, and Elton a rather eccentric but interesting Dad. Good luck to the sprog.

    Free Member

    avast – free

    Free Member

    pig food. end of.

    Not many other countries eat them often. They are right.

    Free Member

    If they are not old enough to have accounts you can link them to your account and then you can supervise their purchases. In our house we have 3 ipods and one iphone but only one apple Id

    Free Member

    A quacks version – it is because the keratin in the (? slightly calloused) curved surfaces of your thumbs (and also many people’s heels) is not as elastic as the rest of your skin. Growth of the layers of the skin – like that of an Oak tree – is from a lower layer outwards, and like the bark of some trees this sets up a tension in the inelastic keratin which can sooner or later split leaving a crack to a lower layer, so just as some trees get cracks in their bark – you get cracks down to lower layers of your skin on curved thickened surfaces. Which is where the nerve endings are – which hurts.

    Worse in the cold – and I am seeing more people with worsening dry skin problems at the moment than for years.

    Remedies – keep the skin soft (as above) -dry and warm – and really bad cracks you can actually put some supaglue in.

    Free Member

    Everything we ordered arrived in time… except one little parcel which has been sat in a central depot, not moving since 9/12/2010 – when an Identical parcel from the same place arrived over a week ago.

    So much for DHL and “Business Resillience” :evil:

    Free Member

    Lidl does really good cheap stuff good to -60

    Free Member

    are you sure your GP surgery won’t do it for free? With the diminished numbers asking for it this year – we are stuck with 300 we haven’t used and only 250 are on sale-or-return. We make a small profit on even those who are not in the target groups. So (as in most years) we are jabbing any of our patients who requests it…

    Free Member

    I think you have a few bits of sticky tape stuck in your keyboard :wink:

    Free Member

    Oh – and “purple toes” is listed as a warfarin side effect in the BNF…

    Free Member

    The warfarin is immaterial – quite high dose but guess your INR is optimised at that level.

    Are you B blocked? More likely to leave you feeling the chill.

    I have seen one patient with cold hands on warfarin. But bblockers are a more likely culprit. Look for a drug that ends in -olol. Would not be entirely surprising given what I recall of your story.

    Free Member

    m4dmatt – indeed
    I wouldn’t mind the bikes in Eastbourne being expensive, and the poster linking to that shop being so sneering on this thread, if I hadn’t had such gobsmackingly incompetent service from them on two occasions 2-3 years ago. Generally I’d rather avoid naming and shaming shops. There are often 2 sides to a story. But to use his own words – I’d rather stick pins in my eyes that go in there ever again.

    Free Member

    When people are selling one item only – the price in the title would be a good idea, especially with those muppets who take about 6 relistings before they drop the price below the cheapest retail price. :evil:

    Free Member

    He’s 20, (I think it said somewhere) not a kid. There was next-to-no content. Prominent ads and a large donate button.

    Hopefully he is thinking again and will put it back up in a better format. But his post was 90% spam

    Wonder who put the first three tags on the thread too?

    Free Member

    Yes. I have 30 or 40 I read again most year. Lots of films I’ll watch again too. I also listen to the same CD more than once.

    Free Member

    that site doesn’t suck at all…. not at all. No.

    My 9 year old would be embarrassed to design and pimp such a lame content-lacking cackfest.

    So – constructive criticism. Take it down, decide if you have anything worthwhile to share. Start again. Or don’t.

    Free Member

    Jackson Hole

    Free Member

    Scienceofficer – you’re probably right – and not me who did it…

    Free Member

    one flow rim I have was a leaky pain in the butt till I changed from yellow tape to a rim strip, even with a UST tyre. The rubber rim strip was just easier too. It isn’t like the yellow tape is exactly cheap.

    Free Member

    From the bloke who shot it…

    “Action – There isn’t much of this either! I feel that adds to the experience: it’s repeatedly been described as mesmerising or hypnotic. I wanted to capture a slice of ordinary life that wouldn’t otherwise be seen, and adding a gimick would detract from that simple pleasure. I think it worked, particularly for international viewers who have picked up on everything from British signage (“Way Out” rather than “Exit”), to the relative slimness/attractiveness of average Bathonians compared to Americans. Many comments were to the effect that “this should be boring, but somehow it wasn’t”.

    Still, there were plenty of suggestions for seeding the platform with characters to add excitement: gymnasts mid-jump, a timelord rushing through at ‘normal’ speed (any sprinters with a taste for cosplay?), a waiter spilling soup, a streaker… some celebrity cameos wouldn’t hurt either, although the youtube crowd think they’ve spotted a few already!”

    So… Rorschach… keep looking at yer inkblots eh?

    Free Member

    nope – I kept waiting for it to be clever – with a constant perceived rate along the platform but people speeding up their movements as the train slowed and the clip speeded up – but it didn’t really look like that.

    Free Member

    Phototim – good luck in the new job. It’s not like the blokes you will be working with won’t know where the good riding will be :wink:

    Free Member

    That’s a duck-billed platypus surely?

    Free Member

    toys19 indeed… a mate who was in Air Traffic Control thought I was being brave flying Garuda… only told me later :?

    Free Member

    We have a couple of spare elements for Fisher & Paykel fan oven in stock at home (after 2 had blown in 2 years) I queried why it didn’t have an earth tab like the originals and the supplier told us they didn’t have them any more, the oven was earthed, and just to tape the earth lead back out of the way to the cable.

    Free Member

    If you are in pleb class at the back ( and I always am) the Airline makes very little difference. My experience of pond-junping about 20 times with BA, AA, United, Canadian and Continental suggests that they all practice “feed em and **** off”… What can be different is what seat-back entertainment system you have. For instance – usually better to be on a 777 than a 757 with AA.

    The best service I have ever had long haul was with Garuda… for Europe/US based airlines the more senior the cabin crew are, it seems the more they get to choose to fly long haul, but often they are also fatter, grumpier and lazier. Personal opinion. Flack awaited.

    Free Member

    only bought two things off them – both tools – came quickly and good communication

    Free Member

    epic fail.

    Free Member

    The point that some posters have missed – as clubber says – especially the needlessly offensively chippy cynic-al is that the xmas edition of the BMJ is traditionally filled with parodies of proper scientific papers, historic stuff etc etc, and this was not meant to be taken seriously…

    Or do some of you analyse april 1st stories seriously too? :roll:

    Free Member

    What would we feel if it was not a car that was the cause of the death?

    If someone had fired a gun, and accidentally hit the cyclist?

    My family and I were nearly killed by someone who fell asleep and drove into us 4 months ago. 6 points and £175 fine. Should have been banned at least.

    The fact is that for most of us, a car is the most dangerous thing we will ever control. No one forces us to drive. We take the consequences. Sadly the speed the law moves means that both the driver and the family mentioned in the OP continue to suffer.

    But is there really anything so special about driving a vehicle that exempts one from the consequences of fatal errors?

    Free Member

    James – you are either a Troll or a Twit. Either way there is no point in you posting anything unless you are willing to listen. If what your mate wants is someone to say “well done for finding this great bike – you are so clever” he has come to the wrong place and I’d suggest he shows it to his Gran.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The Welsh stuff – Penderyn – is really brilliant.

    Free Member

    Caecillius est in horto

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yes – but they can at least avoid my pearls of wisdom 8)

    Another thing, never offer advice to anyone in front of someone else unless they ask for it or are dangerous.

    Free Member

    There are few MTBers where the expertise gradient is such that I could offer advice…

    When I am skiing with someone however I will sometimes ask if they mind if I say something about what they are doing – or would they rather I kept schtum? This allows them to be in control of the situation.

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