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  • Lazer KinetiCore offers new type of rotational impact protection
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Large Left atrium doesn’t necessarily mean very much -rather more dilation than that can increase your risk of Atrial Fibrillation – and some of the dimensions may depend on how fit you are. Endurance athletes may also have bigger LA and LV dimensions.

    The key things are what your LV ejection fraction is ( should be >50% and ideally >60%) ) that there are no “regional wall motion abnormalities” – and that there was no sign of perfusion abnormalities.

    One problem with numerical medical reports is that they may be standardised on a population which may not be appropriate for you…

    usual warnings re medical advice on the internet apply – and I am happier looking at echo/cardiac ct/ct angio reports than cardiac MRI..

    Free Member

    Are there any countries in the world where UK “A” classified drugs are legal ?

    The UK in Victorian times…

    Free Member

    A Dr speaking. Don’t bother. It is a really silly idea. We can train almost anyone to do it. If you can stomach any medical program on channel 5 you will be fine. No need to practice now. If you told anyone at interview, or during your training what you had done they would thing you were really weird…

    And if you are trolling you have to ask yourself what your feelings for you mother really are. ;)

    Free Member

    I posted about this on another (skiing based) forum, and someone said that their bank has proactively cancelled their card 3 days ago because

    “They told me an online retailer I’d used had their database “compromised” so my details were no longer safe.”

    This and a few posts above makes me think that the whole thing is now a “known Issue” with chain reaction amongst the Banks, and CRC would do much better now to fess up. To say:

    1) we know there is a genuine issue related to our customers
    2) Our database of cards from ….. to …. (dates) has been compromised.
    3) If you purchased from us using a CC during this time please check your transactions regularly
    4) You may wish – if having a functioning credit card is vital to you in the next few weeks – to ask you bank to cancel your current ones and issue new ones.
    5) we apologise and accept responsibility.

    But I think we’ll have to wait some time for that, let alone a mention of it on their homepage, given that it seems this has been a known issue for a while now…

    Not good management.

    Free Member

    yep – who are you and why should we care? ;)

    Interesting that “Change the way I behave on the forum” – doesn’t seem to be on your list of options…

    Free Member

    Mark – thanks. I do i having acquaintances who run forums of roughly half the size of this one and understand the commercial pressures advertisers can sometimes bring to bear, and I am typing this into a box immediately beneath a Vitus/CRC advert. But I am glad to hear there is nothing similar here.

    Yes – ip addresses are the best measure you have – but I think site visits are a more honest way of describing things than “visitors” which really implies individual people – which is sort of what you implied… isn’t it?

    It sounds from one or two of the more recent posts that the CC administrators themselves think that there may be a problem with CRC.

    But whilst avoiding sharpening the pitchforks – and you don’t address either of the assumptions I think you are making btw… – if you had done business with CRC in the last 2 weeks – would you be checking your credit card statement more closely?

    Free Member

    Both my wife and my work bought me nasal hairtrimmers from poundland as a 50th bday present. :(

    Free Member

    My wife’s second cousin won an Olympic Gold medal in 1964. I’ve never met him.

    We once left our kids at a friends house looked after by a baby-sitter who also did baby-sitting for Boris Johnson – who we’ve never met.

    I gave my old Bass amp and cab to a bloke whose first album sold 7 million about 8 years later. But I hadn’t seen him at all in the meantime.

    Free Member

    just wait…. ;)

    actually no one has suggested that everyone who used it has been screwed. It will be very interesting to see what the final analysis is. But CC fraud is (news said today) decreasing if anything and this is an interesting cluster…

    Free Member

    Mark That’s ip addresses isn’t it rather than actual people? Still pretty good. I access the site and forum by 5-6 different i/p addresses on average in a given week. And of course some people may be on dynamically allocated addresses – so whilst the numbers look good to advertisers – the idea that 1% of the total UK adult population visit this site in a given month stretches credulity a bit…

    As too, sadly does your attempt to talk down what looks like a very clear security issue – which relates to a particular discount voucher issue many of us received (and I didn’t use) and which has led to a particular pattern of card fraud even in people with very low card usage. I have not been stung btw, just checked my card.

    Certainly there is no proof yet – but there is a slightly suggestive pattern. And your statement that it is a relatively low number of people who have been scammed is based on the assumptions that a) they have discovered it yet, b) they’d post about it on this or another forum.

    A cynic would ask if you felt it necessary to talk down an advertisers security issue. I am sure this is not the case.

    Free Member

    pretty well known linkage between smell and memory

    People with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy may get deja/jamais vu and/or taste or smell sensations as part of their seizures.

    If you were smelling the smell without the food being present and then getting deja vu I’d have been worried and suggest talking with someone about it.

    For me it is often perfumes/smells of places which trigger quite sharp memories of things/people from many years ago in a way that sounds and words don’t. Never had the deja vu bit…

    Free Member

    The elise is better from every angle. The Vx looks straight from a 1980s parts bin

    Free Member

    I like my ashdown combo. Had Peavey stuff before.

    Free Member

    1) An ericsson (pre Sony) in 1995
    2) A Ford Cortina Mark 3
    3) In a hall of residence for female music students.

    Free Member

    It is clever and creative and in financial terms has been very successful. And “simples” will not last forever anymore than the “wasuuuppp” already mentioned did.

    Compare it with some of the really dire ads around – the Halifax Radio ad for instance.

    I use sky+ most of the time to screen ads – but the CTM ones are one of the few I choose to watch.

    Free Member

    Collings and Herrin [sic] and AIOTM – entertaining but not exactly well put-together

    My eldest swears by “the Bugle”

    Free Member

    I’ve got one which has been really good – but I prefer the geometry and rear end of my dialled love/hate.

    Personal opinion but I think I now find Ally frames a bit hard on the butt. But I am no XC whippet.

    Elfinsafety – no he obviously doesn’t.

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus only the insertion fee – most of the sellers charge comes from the final value – I believe. At most you’d make about £1.30 more according to my reading of the rules.

    Free Member

    I cannot see the point in not setting your reserve price as your starting price. All it does is pee off the bidders. I stop bidding (on the odd occasion I am not sniping) when I put in a sensible starting bid and it is below the reserve.

    When I am sniping – what it means is if I do put in the highest bid – but might have stretched a little bit higher if I knew your reserve – you have lost a sale.

    Free Member

    and a happy CD 6000 OSE KI owner here…

    Might the other end of the chain be more worth looking at?

    Free Member


    doesn’t sound it.

    Free Member

    pleased with my older ones (bar and helmet)… reliable and good burn times.

    But the increased brightness of some of the lights out there means that I really would prefer a more powerful Bar light now when riding with mates who use troutie’s products or their own homebrew jobs, as I find myself riding in a shadow when ahead of them. :cry:

    Free Member

    well did you need a new handbag?

    Free Member

    Surrounded By Zulus in which direction? :wink:

    Free Member


    Or – Let her know you’ve moved on and feel no bad feelings about her but beware being sucked in. I get to deal with a lot of dying people, they don’t necessarily become nicer less manipulative people.

    Free Member

    A few slightly off beat selections.
    The tank museum at saumur ( musee DES blinds)
    The garden festival at Chaumont
    The museum of magic at Blois.

    The must dos for me would be chenonceaux, villandry and the zoo de doue.

    Free Member

    Dubber side of the moon
    The ladykiller

    Free Member

    Funnier than much stuff he has done.

    Anyone who thinks the yanks don’t do irony sarcasm and friendly abuse has missed Colbert, John Stewart, 30 rock and celebrity roasts.

    And even Ralf Little was embarsssed by 2 pints.

    Free Member

    C and D.

    Boring boring hammering of the same point again and again and again and again with no willingness to accept that other people’s viewpoint might be worth something.

    Free Member

    Rich country with extensive mineral resources – solid political structure and well nourished population. They’ve had disasters before (Darwin anyone?) and get through it.

    Having lived in Oz I love them dearly but don’t think they need our help anything like as much as the poor countries, with poor political leadership and poor resources and infrastructure.

    Anyway – when are we going to see you back at Bedge, Carl?

    Free Member

    As a (male) relatively new poster here – yes A&A can be a little bit lame and tacky sometimes – but no more that the “show me your enter name of bike here threads.

    Posting on internet forum for a sport where most participants are male and lots of the talk is gear freakery is always likely to be a largely male activity.

    For a bloke to appoint himself the defender of women from evil and offence seems pompous and condescending.

    To continue to do so repeatedly when everyone has heard his point of view suggests a desire to annoy or troll. Say it once on the thread – then walk away with dignity.

    The thing about freedom of speech/artistic freedom, it you get to hear and see things you may not like.

    If the siteowners/editors don’t like it they can stop it, if other people don’t like it they don’t have to look at the thread.

    Free Member

    Fair point – should have said your career as a live donor is over…

    I should know the answer about cadaveric donations – I suppose the kidney will have run up more miles

    Free Member

    superstar ordinary lasted 2 rides….

    Got to stop using the brakes.

    Free Member

    You will have to tear up your donor card…

    …and that’s it…

    Free Member

    Ronni is funny, clever and hot

    Cameron Diaz has a flat and acne scarred face. Nice smile. Never seen the attraction.

    Free Member

    It is perhaps about having some sensitivity towards the many people who have had cot deaths… Portray that aspect accurately and factually, but then don’t turn the mum into a baby thief.

    What if they had a storyline where a cyclist was knocked off by a lorry and injured and then, as a direct result of that, became a paedophile? About as logical. How would we feel?

    Re Nigel’s Scream, More or Less calculated the height of Lower Loxley as >60m…

    Free Member

    Problem is – if you are out with medium strength lights – then when someone with a 2000-3000 lumen rig comes up behind you – you are suddenly find yourself cycling into an dark area in the relative eclipse you have made. :cry:

    I think there should be some restraint shown.

    Free Member

    Nope -wrong – it was insensitive. Mum with cot death immediately nicks someone else’s baby.

    Either is fine as a story – but to link the two – and lead numpties up and down the country to suspect that parents with recent cot deaths might nick a baby was not smart. The BBC have a responsibility to do better that that – “to inform educate and entertain”. They ain’t ITV.

    Free Member

    6 weeks plus for one or 2 ribs. Done it twice. But I was working again 1 week later both times. Yours sounds worse.

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