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  • Review: Adidas FIVE TEN Freerider Pro
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Yes – twice I have done switches that have saved me a lot – but my energy bills are about £210 a month…

    Free Member

    e bay will do nothing – I have reported dodgy stuff to them before and they just say “prove it and then contact your local police…”

    Free Member

    Darkside is snowboarding…

    Free Member

    again – I’m a doctor – and what I would do in this situation is…. ASK A NURSE…

    Free Member

    As a quack who sees the results of this. 95% of the time – no problems – no issues.

    5% of the time people end up with something the size, colour and texture or a small christmas pudding between their legs… for a few weeks. And yes – you need two negative tests done about 20 comes afterwards so…. keep your hand in…

    I have only seen one which definitely failed… 😀

    Free Member

    ended up in hospital after a day in Swinley 7 weeks ago led to a decent head injury and loss of consciousness. Then I broke a rib or two again 3 days ago at Bedgers 😳

    Just one off day sounds really nice at the moment….

    Free Member

    Mr A has a wife.

    I, Mr A, take you, Miss B, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward,for better, for worse,for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health, until death do us part..

    Nope. Not if people are not willing to seek help. And better to leave before kids rather than after them. Or is it better to end up hating someone for 50 years rather than admit there is a problem…?

    Mr M-B A quack speaking- the family bit is interesting. There are a whole range of conditions which can cause difficult coughs which may have a family link from Asthma through to Alpha-1-antitrypsin related emphysema. There are things a family could have been exposed to (like Aspergillus) but there are also annoying “habit” coughs which can be “learnt” in a family. Any history of eating disorders by the way?

    The causes of coughs are almost limitless – starting with earwax (yes – it can cause a cough…) through sinusitis/rhinitis/nasal polyps (can be a family history) Ciliary dysmotility syndromes, Acid reflux leading to laryngeal/airway irritation, and that is before we get near to lungs and airways… Then you get connective tissue disorders, wegeners, etc etc and TB… – then further down emphysema, asthma and bronchiectasis.

    A young patient with a chronic cough I would expect to have had a couple of weeks of peak flow measurements and spirometry done, trials of salbutamol and low-dose inhaled steroids, a trial of an antihistamine, a trial of a PPI drug like omeprazole, and a trial of a nasal steroid spray for at least 2 months. Further investigation (such as high-res CT scanning of lung bases and/or referral to a respiratory specialist/bronchoscopy or flexible naso-laryngoscopy) would depend on signs found on examination… And psychogenic coughs are far from uncommon.

    But that isn’t the issue. The issue is she will attaches little value to Mr A’s concerns and how much it upsets him, and she is unwilling to deal with what sounds like a genuine medical issue. I think Mr A needs to make it clear to her that this is not just you (ooops… MrA 😉 being embarrassed, but his genuine concerns.

    If she does nothing I think you/he may need some counselling from an outside party or a divorce lawyer…

    This all sounds a bit odd to me. e mail in profile if you wanted to discuss anything privately.

    Free Member

    Hot bath, hot sex , hot curry

    Free Member

    He is a patronising smug twunt.

    But it isn’t about his school or his education (two mates who went to the former – and I went to his uni college) – it is about his inability to stop being a slimy unctuous little toad. But he’ll realise this was an own-goal.

    Free Member


    I don’t believe anyone who says knee injuries are easy to diagnose because I see any number of cases where the clinical findings by sub-specialist Knee Surgeons, the MRI report and the final arthroscopy info provide different answers. And I have seen Orthopaedic Registrars and Physios get it wrong too. If you believe you can do it infallibly you are either self-deluding or only dealing with minor self-limiting problems. If you really do believe that – and really are a clinician – I think you have identified a need for audit and learning.

    Free Member

    Or the whole of Cee Lo Green’s band…

    Free Member

    Got invited, had not been scammed. Couldn’t see much exciting.

    Free Member

    Afan with a bunch of mates

    Free Member

    sometimes, if she’s extra dirty, you could reduce her rent fot that month

    god – I wish could have had that in a prenup.

    Free Member

    Yes – but only with paypal – which I have done.

    Their public response to the whole issue was sluggish and pathetic. They never mentioned the issue on their website. They did not e mail all their recent customers. Someone who might be from their commerce solution supplier was stupidly offensive here. And Singletrack did not seem that concerned about the whole thing, which disappointed me. Even now, 2 days ago when my wife topped her phone up with O2, we got a security call from our CC.. again… They know how compromised we could be because of previous CRC purchases.

    Merlin FTW, CRC only if no one else has it.

    And as for their “private sale” 🙄

    Free Member

    The ones we got from Lidl years ago are perfectly decent and have subchannels etc etc

    Free Member

    And for the soft southerners like me… From Swinley – the A&E and CT scanner at Frimley Park is not too far – as I found out 3 weeks ago 😳

    Free Member


    back in the day they were how we all trained on the road in winter… good discipline and simple mechanicals in the days before indexed changers etc etc… You don’t need the freewheel on the road, if you are careful…. but…

    Bad things… well 34 years later I still have a permanently broken right wrist as a result of a pedal-strike incident going fast on one.

    Free Member

    I wear one night riding, usually but not always riding in groups and almost always at trail centres, riding around on easy trails and quiet roads I don’t

    is a sensible nuanced view.

    Free Member

    There are a few places where it is obvious that kids should not be. But if we got our kids more used to being part of an adult world, maybe they, and adults, and some STW posters might be a bit more grown-up?

    Free Member

    For MTBing and skiing death from head injury is rare enough to make a protective effect of a helmet difficult to show conclusively in a trial. But for skiing the evidence is pretty clear now it reduces the severity of lesser head injuries. I don’t think enough real MTBers don’t wear lids to do a sensible trial now.

    On a road bike I think the impact speed and risk of multi-trauma/crush related death makes a helmet much less protective.

    Anyway – I am now on a new helmet after I used my head and face to slow down at Swinley 3 weeks ago. I needed a Fire Brigade land rover, an Ambulance and a CT scan – and a few days off. But I’m nearly normal again and as long as I am in the trees, I’ll be lidded up.

    Free Member

    Less of a question of what I have done, than who I have done.

    One blessing of age is the ability to manage that is less likely,

    (I am told)

    On the other hand I wonder who has woken up next to me and wondered how much they had drunk?

    Free Member

    Mine don’t leave Wales any more, and live close to Afan and Brechfa.

    Trade my own mum for them in a heartbeat 8)

    Free Member

    50 is tougher to deal with than 40

    Thinking about retirement plans, surrounded by people dying. Life is good and fun, but I can sense options and doors closing.

    I’m sure I can deal with this existential crisis by buying something…

    Free Member

    I thought that was PICNIC nor PEBKAC?

    Free Member

    It’s all stupid and it’s all our fault. We collectively bought into a belief on the importance of ownership and property. Houses cost this much because a) money supply through loans is still way looser than it was 40 years ago, b) people forget that not so long ago interest rates went pretty high, c) we are muppets who are willing to pay such prices. d) We are sheep who want to live in the same places.

    My generation is nicely kitted up with property. My kids don’t stand a chance to get “on the ladder” unless we help them out.

    Personally I’d love to see house prices fall some more, loan multiples reduce (and as money is less available – prices will fall further), and an end to this obscene fixation on house prices.

    Free Member

    With that many people around – I’m surprised you couldn’t have manually lifted the rear wheels and dragged it a yard or two…

    Free Member


    seen a few fairly young – but you are right – there are more obvious reasons why his wrist will hurt at that age….

    Free Member

    Google “carpal tunnel syndrome”

    Free Member

    Prs se

    Free Member

    He was brilliant… for his time. Some seems stale now.

    He has become a bit of a “wasn’t he brilliant”‘ cliche. I wonder if he would be surprised by the adulation and cult around him.

    Jerry Sadowitz and Stewart Lee are both better, alive and gigging in the uk.

    Free Member

    project I’m not gay – but I have at least one gay mate who is a way gnarlier MTBer than me.

    Basic problem, GRF is obviously a pillock. Now can we move on?

    Free Member

    Used to be with Coutts… but it just got too costly and they only wanted very rich people.
    Now Lloyds TSB (adequate) and Nationwide (quite good)

    For work we use HSBC (quite good) because Barclays were awful 👿

    Free Member

    I really liked the last one. Deeply disappointed by this one. The music just isn’t that good.

    Free Member


    Still more point to it than Geography teaching… 😉

    Free Member

    I use HT track to back up a work-based website I author including several hundred pages and documents. This is partly because I don’t trust the people who look after it, but also so I can demo it outside the WAN on which it sits, and where there is no internet connection possible.

    Strongly recommended.

    Free Member

    Nonsense: nice posts. Unlike ambos firemen and quacks like me, cops don’t get to meet the good as much as the bad. The defensive team “canteen culture” that can develop is understandable. I’ve met tons of great police officers and have ridden and skied with some. In their prejudices and faults they are bound to be like us.

    Free Member

    Err. Satphones are increasingly small and portable. He got the tech wrong but it isn’t that far off. And you might want to look up the power of communications satellites. Less than you think.

    Free Member

    Two experiences in cars. Last July on the way to airport for summer holiday an insured asleep driver crossed the road and wrote off our car and his with my entire family ending in hospital and air bags etc etc. Replacement car inside 2 weeks, conviction of other driver in 6 weeks, cheque for lost flights and excess and physio arrived yesterday after 8 months…

    Four weeks ago hit by a post office van. All damage fixed inside 2 weeks.

    My point is that when claims managers become involved and there are soft expenses everything drags and we all pay the claims management companies costs. Shame.

    Free Member

    I don’t buy that method at all – gives me only about 170 when in fact I have just over 360 posts (nearly 9 pages of forum activity at 40 threads per page and more than one post on some threads)

    On the other hand I do have nearly 14,000 posts on a snow related forum and a couple of thousand of others scattered elsewhere 😳

    So the OP is indeed a lightweight 😆

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