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  • Moorland fire equalled carbon footprint of a small town
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    swap chainset, BB, chain and cassette between bikes?

    Free Member

    Lived in Oz and Canada. Never missed the uk in those 2 years. Bits I miss of Oz but the benefits of the UK outweigh the drawbacks. But if I had to live in a city it would be Sydney, Melbourne or Vancouver.

    Free Member

    My 9 year old loved this. Thanks

    Free Member

    If you went back to the original 6 plus the Scandis it wouldn’t be so bad.

    The Italians were the country who claimed 10 years or so ago that their GDP had overtaken the UK… provided you included the turnover of the Mafia…

    Free Member

    I’m more interested in which planet Yunki is from…

    Free Member

    Global – the mutts nuts – but now stupid expensive unless you get a discount deal on a set.

    But also got a cheapo Kitchen Devils one from Oz 20 years ago which still works well.

    Free Member

    Crikey Nope. Disagree. The issue here is not so much what actually happened but the response of SC at the time, and more crucially their response in this thread.

    The thing which will put most people off is alan’s response. If this were a court he has convicted himself with his own evidence.

    Threads like this, from people who have a track record of posting here on a variety of subjects are useful. If MC had just registered to whinge that would be a different matter

    Free Member

    Why do some people, often from a religious background, not get that seeing conflicting and challenging results and evidence coming in is good for science. It is part of the method. If you stick with your eyes blinkered and your mind closed to new stuff coming in you lose.

    Free Member

    I use it on a laptop which was dying under the weight of windows. I don’t use it much but it works well. I guess drivers for peripherals may be an issue.

    Free Member

    Drinking a nice Chateau neuf de pape someone gave me at the moment. I love wine but I am not sure the jump from 10 to 30 quid says much that is obvious to most recipients. For a gift at that price point I’d be thinking Whisky, Armangac or Champagne.

    Free Member

    Simple hints.

    1) only eat sitting down at a table. Not in your car, and don’t graze.
    2) avoid things that come in packets other than pasta and pulses.
    3) Use a smaller plate.
    4) Many people have a weakness. Cake, crisps, biscuits, fizzy drinks, booze. Find it and cut it out.

    Free Member

    Bedgebury fairly gloopy tonight, not coping well with recent rainfall
    Friston yesterday seemed dry by comparison.

    Free Member


    Gold jewellery isn’t what I’d be buying usually as an investment is it?

    And gold does have a tangible quality to it which – rightly or wrongly – inspires trust in those who buy it. Not something you would rock up to the bank with – but easier to exchange than property or Greek Government bonds?

    Free Member

    Whatever the veracity of the OPs post (and I tend to believe him) the response by Sierra Cycling is a textbook example of how not to do it. Complacent, unapologetic and forgetting who is paying who money.

    I’ve never been on an MTB holiday, but go on 3 ski trips a year, and every now and then you find someone who seems to feel the punters are getting in the way of them having fun or a quiet life. Some people are simply not cut out to run small chalet/travel operations. I’d be one of them btw.

    Free Member

    The value of gold is simple.

    It isn’t shares or bonds or property. So people run to it when those look dodgy.

    Its supply is well controlled so it is unlikey to be diluted by quantative easing.

    Unlike art or cars or fine wine there are no aesthetic judgements involved in its valuation

    It is universally accepted.

    And the current high price is not a good sign for the world economy.

    I used to have 14oz. Sold em int the early 1980s.

    Free Member

    😯 😯 😯

    Don’t get mad, just refuse to go to his obviously impending civil partnership ceremony… 😉

    Actually though – I think the colour is interesting – like Fords in ASBO Orange, or Probation Green. Good on him for stepping away from the herd.

    Free Member

    Actually Wiggle now has the Mobi at £50…and them you get a few quid off from quidco too. 😯

    Finally pushed the button on this one

    Free Member

    Might be good online, but don’t expect fast efficient service at the shop in Swansea on a Saturday pm… 🙁

    Free Member

    Lost a cheap pocket watch of my granddad’s some years ago. I really miss it.

    Free Member

    Not sure that either would be easy things to fire people for. So does tend to alter who one takes on.

    Free Member

    Actually – the “fat people are less productive” thing is by no means new. And until it is characterised as a disability employers are allowed to choose to employ someone else. In my line of work (healthcare) someone who is obese or a smoker would not be our first choice.

    one study here[/url]

    And we should be able to choose employees by ability, motivation and productivity.

    Not by Race, Sex or Sexuality.

    Free Member

    Sometimes it is us punters who drive people in trades to try different solutions, and different ideas. Plumbers and electricians we have had in have tried installing various bits of kit for the first time ever at our place. So if I want any electrical stuff I’ll always go to a trade outlet after doing some research. I never make a fuss or ask silly questions. If I choose the wrong thing, I don’t try and take it back. It’s cheaper, and they often deliver very quickly.

    I’ve also found myself in the position of making good screw-ups by various trades. So don’t treat all of us like muppets. We will buy off someone else. For anything big, or anything which needs to look right, I am not going to leave it to someone else to choose/purchase the item.

    Free Member

    If it wasn’t free with Tesco points then I wouldn’t bother.

    Really why do people feel the need to be so rude about people who are just doing their job? Are you not bright enough to make the connection that they are a business and write for an audience and do a very good job of that or are you just so insecure about your riding you feel the need to be supercillious about others?

    Although that reply wasn’t aimed at me… I’d have to take issue with it. The writers at MBR are not a benevolent charitable institution which is above criticism. Their main job is to generate a profitable mag. Hopefully along the way they may produce an interesting, informative and accurate mag. Which they don’t always succeed in doing… They produce a product, we are allowed to criticise it, like anything else. All timbur was communicating was how he valued the magazine. FWIW I’d agree entirely with him.

    Free Member

    Watching riders penetrate the night and trees. Ian Dury and the sound of Hope hubs in the night. Normally I’d be riding. Got a light-up gnome and some whisky.

    Free Member

    Awake now Boris. Us old gits need the odd kip. 😉 feel free to pop past for hot chocolate or brownies.

    Free Member

    Yep marshalling at Bedgebury for our 12 hr event.

    Free Member

    Fine – but I have to faff with a file to get them to fit Magura Marta SLs

    Free Member

    I might come along to this and see if a few mates can come too.

    They may be reluctant as last time we went to Swinley they had to get an ambulance for me. 😥

    Free Member

    I’d say way too young. Plenty of years to go. There is enough of a gadget arms race as there is. And these handheld games/touch screen things can tend to isolate people from each other. Unlike using a Wii.

    Got 2 kids. They both have good access to computers. The eldest one (15) only got a touch very recently, but had a nano for many years before. The 9 year old has had a nano for 2 years and will probably get a touch in a year or so, but has only one friend with one at the moment. Just asked him – he says yours are too young.

    Another point – as they get older you will run out of things to buy them as xmas presents. Save this one for when they are older

    Free Member

    I’ve tried the oil and the pump techniques in the past and failed – and ended up cutting through grips with scissors or small bolt cutters without damaging carbon bars. And switched to lock-ons

    Free Member

    70mm on everything except a rarely used hybrid.

    So that’s perfect for the overweight middle-aged trail centre mincer… 😉

    Anyone ever made an adjust-while-riding stem? I mean virtually everything has a remote these days…

    Free Member

    It would be nice thinking there was someone out there, a father figure if you like.

    But there isn’t.

    Free Member

    Junkyard apologies – you are right and I was wrong. Nots sure why I read “above” as “below”. I was surprised by the statistic – now I know why… 😳

    time to exit with tail between legs…

    Free Member


    I’d agree with you that success based on inheriting money rather than being born with ability seems unfair. And we should be aiming for equality of opportunity for all based on their potential.

    However – lots of the success of the kids from well-off families is not necessarily down to the money the parents have. Some of it may be down to innate ability and the genetics of being born to parents who may earn more because they are more intelligent, some of it may be down to being brought up in an atmosphere where education and work are valued more.

    Another aspect is the way that amongst boys in some groups (social and ethnic) it is not seen as cool to study or to achieve.

    And then you introduce the Class Warrior – Oxbridge thing… well the colleges there are reaching out trying to recruit excellence, but lots of State Schools seem not to be pushing their pupils in that direction. It is changing though. And in 2009/10 73% of the Oxford University intake was from households with an income of less than £50,000 per year. This hardly suggests that most people get in because of tons of parental dosh does it?

    Free Member

    Yes. Bombproof. Ours came with a 10 year warranty too.

    Free Member

    Not much point in debating when people like monkey seem to think that economics is zero sum.

    Free Member

    RJ that is income tax only isn’t it? But interesting.

    If you had to point to a barrier to social mobility – rather than removing 50% rate (which generates relatively little money, sends a negative message to businesses, and is just a totemic symbol that we are all suffering together…) – I would point to the disgusting way all parties have treated University education. They have encouraged the proliferation of useless courses, third-rate institutions, and an assumption that 50% of people should go to Uni. Then they have realised how expensive that is, and put in place a regime of tuition fees and lack of grant support which discourages those from families who have not been to university. This is a shitty way to treat the next generation.

    Free Member

    I don’t in summer on the full sus. Rode 5 hours last weekend with no problem. Winter and hard tails is another matter.

    Free Member

    Amedias annoying you to the point of forcing yourself on people who don’t want you? 🙁

    Free Member

    Fourbanger – what answer is going to satisfy you?

    I suspect that they believe that having a helmet is safer or cooler or looks better, or reduces the chance of them being inconvenienced by you cracking your nut. Doesn’t really matter which. They want to ride with people who conform to their values and rules. Arguing the toss with them or looking for a cast iron reason which would convince you who does not want to conform to these rules is pointless. Perhaps your unwillingness to conform to this team approach also will tell them something about how you might fit in?

    If you need to query this you need to ride with someone else.

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