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  • Cane Creek Kitsuma Coil shock review
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Paul sounds a decent reason for the thread.

    I haven’t needed an air ambulance, but did get retrieved by a fire land-rover and an ambulance working together at Swinley earlier this year, when I knocked myself out for a while….

    I think Air Ambulances are a great innovation… but,

    1) Still some that do not have night flying capability.
    2) We seem stuck in a very county/locality/charity based model, when – with the smallness of the UK – it might be better to have a National Service.
    3) Also we don’t have level of high speed road trauma, and gunshot wounds that some countries have where a rapid retrieval system makes such a difference.
    4) I believe there are still some issues about getting Air Ambulances to do expedited transfers between hospitals, where they could be really really useful…
    5) Evidence of effectiveness of HEMS services in the UK setting in altering outcomes is still not brilliant.. Even the Air Ambulance Association report of 2008 seems to admit that.

    I have worked in a hospital where we had our own neonatal retrieval helicopter, and also did an elective on a trauma team where we spent a lot of time dealing with people coming in in choppers, but that was Oz, and the distances made it necessary. I have also spent time dealing with sick patients in small planes, and in 4 hr plus ambulance journeys in Canada, and can see how helicopters might have done both rather better. So I can see why Scotland absolutely needs the service. And I love flying in helicopters 😀

    So – not sure what the answer is – and this doesn’t really help does it?!

    Free Member

    What time of the year?

    For a few days and an airport close to the City, Venice is good. Rome is ok, but very hot a lot of the time. Lucca lovely and a train ride from Pisa Airport.

    Free Member

    Ordered forks from Merlin on Sunday, arrived Tuesday. Used them today. And very very cheap…

    Free Member



    See you have been busy with the tagging too… ❓

    Free Member

    Elf… What Crikey said. We don’t know the story here. But there are people who it is almost impossible for health workers to help. For instance people with drug or alcohol issues who do not want to change, people who are in destructive relationships or with severe personality disorders or chaotic behaviour patterns. And in all these situations it can be very difficult for friends or family.

    Free Member

    True. But you can get cane creek ones for very little…

    Never understood the CK mystique….

    Free Member

    Headsets are so cheap, and can be so tough to get out, that I’d leave them in. Anything else I’d give a go. Choose the right donor bike (match seat tube diameter in particular) and you could be fine…

    Free Member

    Doc here

    Quit frigging around. Phone 999 now. Someone who has taken that much stuff may be heading for airway management problems soon. And they need assessment of their mental state by a professional, not you or an Internet forum.

    Edit. I think you should have said that stuff in your second post in your OP.

    Impossible to answer your later question without knowing a hell of a lot more.

    Free Member

    3) most of the time from most of the posters
    1) from a very few… but they are often aggressive in attitude about a range of things rather wider than their attitude to women,

    The disappearance of Friday Kylie shows how, with some leadership, a forum ethos can change. If people who post here just challenge sexist or unfunny aggressive cliches when they come up, maybe things will change?

    One suggestion which might make the place less tedious and more inclusive – if various people exercised some self control and realised that saying the same thing over and over and over again will not change other people’s opinions, and in fact probably shows both sides are equally fixed in their views and wasting their time…

    oh – and less cats please… devil’s furballs 👿

    Free Member

    I’ve got the orchestral album, which is surprisingly good.

    He’s been interesting musically over the years, but not sure about him as a person and the over-fussy-paedo-style beard.

    Free Member

    Now that people are highlighting it, I can understand how they might interpret it as such. I don’t think it’s the intended meaning, but I’m happy to never use it and start pulling up people that do if it avoids upset and lets us hang on to our more interesting posters.

    probably the best post and response here yet.

    Those who think that some posters here should toughen up and get less sensitive and “it’s only the internet” and “welcome to the real world” should think about how the perennial justification of those challenged for saying “****” or the N word or other racial epiphets is that they (those who say them) aren’t racist, they don’t mean anything nasty by it, all their friends say the same things and they are allowed free speech.

    In this case a fair number of female posters find some of the language and attitudes displayed here offensive. I think these are also boring cliches which are an alternative to saying anything interesting or original. Simple politeness and courtesy to others means we should listen and learn.

    Free Member

    20 years ago Lewins were ok. Not brilliant, but ok… Since then they have cropped up everywhere, skimped on length and use crap cotton.

    Hilditch & Key FTW

    Free Member

    Leffeboy not quite what I mean…. But that works too….

    Free Member

    No problems at all for me or my family…

    We give 2400 flu jabs to our 8000 patients each year. Some were going to get achy and ill whatever.

    Association is not Causality.

    Free Member

    Marriage is great…

    We should all do it several times…

    22 years in.

    Free Member

    Why do a few (well at least 3 specific posters) just not get why this is not just another flounce, or guardianistas protecting the wimmin… But an issue of how pathetic and immature changing room banter makes people other posters like and respect feel unwanted and uncomfortable…

    Once again, just because TJ and elfin support Sue W and emsz, doesn’t make them wrong.

    There are some insensitive insightless muppets posting in this thread. GW, Enfht and Flange leading the way…

    Why do some people not get that the world is a nicer and better place with women in it, and making them feel uncomfortable – as so often happens on here – is puerile and pathetic and immature. The “it’s only the Internet” and “well find somewhere else you over sensitive flower” arguments are about as convincing as “well everyone around here is white and a bit racist”….

    Grow Up.

    Free Member


    GP – so we get to see them first, and usually they avoid the orthopods. They get sent to Sports physios or have exercise modification, although one of my marathon running colleagues is currently waiting for a hip replacement… and I’d say we refer a few runners with non-resolving Achilles Tendon issues and non-resolving CMP/anterior knee problems.

    I’d guess the ones we refer most on to Mrs FD’s mob would be rather different knee injuries (meniscal and ligament) relating to sports involving rapid changes of direction, Football, Tennis, Skiing, Squash back in the day. Also I see few people doing PE/Sports Science degrees who have their own problems – which is odd.

    Free Member

    good question….

    Two points

    1) Would you buy a DAB radio now (and we have 4) which wasn’t DAB+ compatible, given that is the way many countries have gone…

    2) Will streaming audio be a better solution long term? eg I know have an iPhone on 3, with unlimited internet included which can bluetooth directly to my car audio… add TuneIn radio… and I have…

    Free Member

    Prose a bit purple, more like a yank furniture sales ad perhaps, but a good price.

    If it ain’t “hot” or completely misdescribed, I can’t see the problem here

    Free Member

    Doc here. I see more problems with running than any other sport, in fact than all others put together, andboth short and long term issues…

    People who run off road and who do lots of other stuff seem to do better,

    Free Member

    Some of his pottery is brilliant.

    He’s not boring is he?

    Free Member

    There are however electronic timers which do not need supply all the time, as they have an internal clock battery which charges.

    Free Member

    Move on

    Free Member

    I let people filter all the time, but there is some really bad positioning and poor filtering by a lot of motorcyclists…

    Free Member

    Rule no 1) if you have spent more on your system that your content, you need to think hard about what you are trying to achieve… Do you actually like the gear more than the music…

    Nice troll by Yunki btw

    Free Member

    Thanks for starting this thread… Reminded me to stop listening just to the computer and fire up the hifi… Infinitely better…

    Might have to explore airport and FLAC options but I’m not sure I CBA to burn 700 CDs again…

    Free Member

    And they use more energy…. Despite their claims

    … Which would make your name on he rather ironic… 😉

    Free Member

    Bradfield was on one of those songwriters circle programmes recently… Totally out of his depth…. And the Lyrics (by Wire ?) always suck and barely scan.

    One decent album.

    Free Member

    Proper SS chainring fixed it for me.

    Free Member

    And not charging £10 more than it is widely available for…

    Free Member

    Bad art, ugly bikes, silicon bimbos

    Sad on anything other than a teenager’s wall

    Free Member

    One of the best arguments against monarchy is the intelligence shown by those who support it…

    … And Prince Charles, a total waste of food…

    Free Member

    3G is now slow my wife is getting mine…

    Free Member

    FJ – very sorry to hear it. But SBZ is saying he wouldn’t trust any of them. And he is suggesting one diagnosis, over the Internet… Seeing a GP will usually be only the first step.

    Free Member

    That’s what I’d really like to know… Can’t see it on the specialized website… Got a query in with them…

    Free Member

    You need something beneath… Believe me… I forgot this on our Wednesday evening ride this week… Usually wear lycra shorts. They aren’t as warm as my Endura Singletrack shorts, and after a while you do get water coming through too… I have the full length and 3/4 ones and both are wearing out in the seat rather faster than I’d expect…. Looking at eBay army goretex trousers and Endura stuff next time…

    Free Member

    Didnt offer any diagnosis… Only an idiot would give a diagnosis on such limited information…

    Ulnar nerve entrapment somewhere. Best thing to do is look up ulnar nerve mobilisations on google and see what that suggests.

    So as well as willing to write off the abilities of 30000 fellow professionals, you are willing to admit you are an idiot… or have a very short memory… 😀

    Free Member

    Twin whatever it is – I am sure a sports massage would get to the bottom of it…

    SBZ mate – you offered just one diagnosis with no suggestion of doubt, and suggested one solution. Do I have to QFT your ass to prove it?

    Free Member


    Wouldnt trust a GP to diagnose anything like that correctly……

    yet you were willing to make a single diagnosis over the internet… 🙄

    A little more experience and you will find out just how often it isn’t that simple…

    Seen the same presentation with an epidural abscess, similar ones with demylination…

    but hey, I’m humbled – you must be right! Sorry… my mistake…

    Free Member

    Twin it could be good AIDS…

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