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  • Cheap Things Tuesday: cranks, brakes, bars and more
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Gasman Jim …. Can I get some fentanyl with that? 😉

    Did the first bit of the FFA more years ago than I care to admit. ..

    Free Member

    SBZ. 🙄

    Mate, I diagnose and treat BPPV all the time. And i didnt say it was that. But you should speak to some sufferes sometime. Menieres is a poor suggestion at this point. As a clinician your job should be to find out more before playing pin the tail on the donkey.

    That’s it

    I’m done responding to medical questions here.

    Either they ignore you and don’t call 999 when they should… Or anything you might say will get lost in a stream of trite wannabee diagnoses stated with spurious certainty or because their aunt once had it…

    Saxonrider good luck mate.

    Free Member

    I didn’t say you didn’t.

    But you have shown what I feel is a worrying certainty and willingness to make a probably inaccurate diagnosis here. And you are doing it again as we speak on another thread. And at the same time you have trashed 30000 professional colleagues on the basis of very little experience.

    Hopefully you will develop some self doubt soon. You need it to be safe.

    I’m out.

    Free Member


    You are right that BPPV would not usually be diagnosed on a first episode and without a +ve hallpike. We do an epleys and get them to do Brandt daroff exercises….

    But for Menieres you need usually to have at least one of sensorineural unilateral deafness, a prodromal fullness or tinnitus. And the hx just sounds wrong…

    But hey… I am sure that I am wrong and you are not demonstrating another inappropriate and hasty diagnosis here…. Again… 😉

    See my first post. This cannot be diagnosed here….

    Free Member

    Whatever you say…

    Free Member

    Dr d … Done my time…. Lets play spot-the- middle-grade or consultant after 2100 in the units near us.

    Not brilliant locally. Much better when I worked in units in Oz.

    Free Member

    Thanks for your kind words based on your huge experience, demonstrated by your carefully considered and lightly-worn expertise shown on MSK subjects on this forum… 😉

    I think I better absent myself from this thread…

    Free Member

    Read what he wrote and what I wrote, ok? At some points he refers to balance disturbance, at some points slipping away, but he also managed to cycle…

    Dizziness means many things to different people – as does light-headed – or swimey which is what people say hearabouts. There is a huge difference between management of vertigo and faintness.

    My point is that there is not enough info here to help, and you couldn’t diagnose it on the internet anyway, but as usual the response of some is not to ask more questions, but to pick a diagnosis out of the air or say go to A&E…

    Rotational Vertigo is not always handled well in A&E, and is rarely an emergency.

    Faintness without LOC is common, but I have said clearly that something may need to be done now…

    And how are you suggesting he became electrolyte depleted before he cycled?

    Free Member

    something a bit different, but heard first on Peel

    Free Member

    My bread and butter… And lots of premature suggestions already. And A&E docs are often the least experienced in the hospital…

    Dizzy-faint? or Dizzy-world moving round?

    Lots and lots of causes – difficult to diagnose on the internet. Some thoughts.

    If rotational, especially if provoked by different head positions, you could google Unterbergers test and the Hallpike test. Causes can include labyrinthitis, BPPV, Menieres, Acoustic neuroma, medication, mal d’embarquement etc etc etc. Take a sea-sickness tablet. Seek help if persists or other things happen.

    If standing up makes you feel like you might faint/blackout rather than that spinny/drunk feeling, seek help now if you have significant medical problems, or a rapid heart rate or feel ill.

    But this is not a good one for internet diagnosis

    Free Member

    5 10 with 31 inside leg.

    Medium with 65mm stem seems fine so far.

    Free Member

    tubeless I believe

    Free Member

    Blackhound who was the next of kin, and with whom had his dad discussed what he wanted? I suspect you’d need a lawyer…

    But he needs to move on. He dosen’t have to like his stepmum, but she was his dad’s choice to be his next-of-kin.

    I believe it is different for a Health affairs Lasting Power of Attorney – where people witnessing etc need to state if they are aware of divergent views.

    Free Member

    when you were last banned you were being a total git.

    I think I reported you, can’t remember for sure, but you had it coming. Feel free to reciprocate…

    But I agree with your first sentence. If STW is serious about this, they need to canvas women’s opnion.

    Free Member

    Mate – you aren’t him, you aren’t like him, and she doesn’t think you are like him. You can help her get through this, but you aren’t a therapist or the police, or Charles Bronson exacting vengeance. Just be a normal bloke. You have showed sensitivity in the way you have brought this subject up.

    Free Member

    Sports massage?

    because you have a pretty low opinion of GPs… don’t you… 👿

    to be serious, contact Health Visitor first, Keep a food diary of what they are actually eating, make eating and food preparation fun, do see your GP if no resolution, and (deep breath) consider whether it is actually a parenting style issue. Quite common to have one child refusing food, both is less so. Feeding and eating is also a form of communication.

    I expect to get flamed for the last bit, but also get to deal with some of the consequences.

    Free Member

    She lost power and control over her life when she was raped. She won’t want you to take decisions for her or power from her. Listen. Prove to her that blokes can be ok. And don’t be scared of having sex with her, but she gets to say when and how.

    Many women get raped, many do get past it or live with it, most rapists don’t get caught or prosecuted. It isn’t your responsibility to seek justice or protect others. It is however your responsibility to exercise the “campground rule”. Whatever happens in your relationship, you should try and leave her in a better state at the end of it than she was at the beginning.

    Free Member

    Simon I did… when I bought some 3 weeks ago,

    2012 Revs for £250 net… 8)

    Didn’t for the last pair though…

    Free Member

    Grensons are OK – but Crockett & Jones are better.

    Current shoes I have, Churchs (23 years old – got married in them), Grenson (15 years old – now a bit rough). C&J 2 pairs 8 years or so old. Killed 2 pairs of Grensons in the last 20 years.

    I usually make a pair of Brogues last about 10 years, wearing alternate days – resoled twice perhaps.

    Free Member

    I’m interested to see whether 3 pony up the £115 they owe me for an iPhone bought 3 weeks ago.

    For me one of the best Quidco cashbacks is that with Merlin… who are already pretty cheap

    Free Member

    I do DNACPR forms about once a month. Usually after discussing with the patient, always after discussion with relatives. People need to know they are dying and understand the process.

    In these days of protocols, it is the only way of stopping people like Ambulance staff or resus teams doing CPR on people about to die of cancer when the get incidentally involved. Believe me, I’ve seen this, and is not a good way to die, compared with peacefully holding the hand of their family. It is no accident that one of organisations leading the redesign of our local forms is SE Coast Ambulance.

    Free Member

    That one woman says they find creepy the people siding with the two women who were offended by sexist posts. does not constitute a robust and final proof that people who say you can be as sexist as you like are right.

    Interesting to see some of the chief apologists for what was just unpleasant and unnecessary behaviour in what is a public space using this one person’s opinion as justification for their Neanderthal views…

    Their argument goes -if a woman thinks language is sexist, they are being oversensitive, if a bloke thinks it is sexist they are being creepy… 🙄

    Actually quite a few of the people who took vehement positions on either side in that original thread do come across as creepy to me, as a relative newb here. But they are creepy in threads about all manner of things.

    Free Member

    I love a woman who knows the meaning of ellipsis… 😉

    Free Member

    Breakfast – Skiing – lunch on the hill – skiing – dinner in smart restaurant.

    which is what I’ll be doing…

    In the UK however

    Eggs Benedict
    Christmas Dinner ( Pork not Turkey)
    Christmas Pudding
    Film on DVD

    I think you’ll tell by the absence of shagging in that list that I’m married…

    Free Member

    TJ and Al – Surely such evident manlove should be requited soonest…

    Brokebike mountain?

    TJ If you prefaced the dogmatic things you say with “I believe” or “I think” or “I may be wrong” or even IMHO, I can’t see there would be any issue. It’s the ex cathedra non-debatable statements of fact.

    I’m sure you have done one of those personal-style things in your management roles in the past. Effective people have both strong personal views but an ability to adjust to the context rather than to dig in when challenged. This isn’t Stalingrad.

    I think “big-hitter” is rather cute and kind compared with things I have been called and seen others called on other forums.

    Free Member

    You’ve got to get past this.

    If you cannot bear to meet her when she is married, unobtainable and at a mates party, how the hell are you ever going to commit to anyone else. She’s gone.

    or… you could go with a male escort?….

    Free Member

    TJ. Let it lie. You cannot argue people into agreeing with you. I know, I’ve tried repeatedly. . People will think what they think of you and others. Arguing with them will not change their minds, not arguing might just.

    Anyway, people here are lightweights. I got involved in an argument on another forum where someone posted over 100 times in one thread on the merits of red string as an avalanche safety measure, despite clear proof he was wrong.

    Free Member

    The trouble is when the feelings and beliefs of left-leaning people like me actually meet with the cold reality of how traveller families sometimes work. I get to deal a little bit with travellers, not as much as my wife. Some strong matriarchal families. Some where physical and other abuse within families seems common. Some where they define them self as different from the Gorgie and out to take them for what they can. I know too many people I trust who have witnessed stuff getting nicked, threats of violence etc to believe in a romantic rural idyll of honest travellers.

    What is the answer? No idea.

    Free Member

    Strange times

    did Italian GCSE and A level 10 and 8 years ago as an adult learner. Used to read italian newsmags all the time. This was always going to come. I remember learning chunks of Helmut Kohl on the stupidity of the Italians joining the euro… This is a country, a beautiful lovely country, where the Government claimed to have overtaken the GDP of the UK…. provided you took the turnover of the Mafia into consideration…

    With Italy and Greece – until you get acceptance that tax should be paid – and that local regional and national government should not be led by transparently self-interested groups – they are screwed.

    read “The dark heart of Italy” by Tobias Jones…

    Free Member

    If you haven’t convinced someone after making – say – 5 posts in a thread, you should reconsider whether you are wasting your time.

    Saying the same thing again and again with increasing emphasis and decreasing receptiveness to others’ views is boring and boorish and changes nothing.

    Free Member

    In major irony fashion, a few weeks after I posted my reply above, my 15 year old came off riding BKB at Peaslake and has now done his left scaphoid… But it was diagnosed quickly, by me, within a few minutes… so fingers crossed…


    Free Member

    My wife still hasn’t forgiven me for insisting she buy a Hardtail bike with discs and all those confusing gears when she wanted something with a basket and a 3 speed hub. When she does go on any singletrack she will absolutely not go first…

    Free Member

    Agreed. Used to write a lot. But not since married. And I think all my letters received have been thrown away….

    E mails can be good.

    Free Member

    Seems to happen quite often. Stopped and given out 2 tubes and two power links and used 2 co2 cartridges in the last few months.

    Free Member

    What worked for me was changing to 2 different insurers…

    Admiral were insuring 3 cars for us for £800 last year and quoted us £1300 this year, they were willing to come down to 1200 with argument. I’m now paying a total of £800 for the three insured with better cover via 2 different individual insurers…

    Free Member


    end of discussion

    Free Member

    no one?

    Free Member

    Drew if you are really tempted by that orange ex-demo one…

    … it’s too late…. I’ve got it and it’s built up and running nicely 8)

    Free Member

    Yes…. In 1979….

    Free Member

    I’m an average-to-numpty MTBer – and find the Eskars run tubeless hugely better than the NNs

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