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  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Have you had your visual fields done and a brain scan?

    I’m having trouble thinking of an ophthalmic condition which causes simultaneous bilateral tunnel vision… Things involving brain and optic nerves maybe…

    Free Member

    Interesting. I’m a 50 year old GP.

    What would you… or your mum expect me to wear?

    I stopped wearing ties about 5 years ago.
    I didn’t wear a suit for 18 years, but recently restarted when M&S were knocking 25% off the price and I had to buy some new trousers and the jackets came almost free. So now suits and smart shoes but no tie… But jacket off in work.
    Normally it would have been blazer/jacket (linen or tweed) and smart trousers.
    Brogues or boots in winter, Deck shoes in summer.
    Once came in wearing no socks and an old lady pointedly offered to buy me some…

    Part of what I can achieve by reassurance and the placebo effect of seeing me depends on how people view my knowledge and authority. Tricky.

    What would you want your GP to wear?

    Free Member


    Why do you do this?

    You have clearly articulated your view.
    You have refused to provide any evidence to back your statements up other than ex cathedral bombast.
    You have insulted someone and refused to back your allegation with evidence.
    You selectively answer questions

    What does this give you? Do you think you have won converts? Or any of your comments past page 2 have any utility at all?

    Free Member


    I get asked by the Police whether people are mentally fit for gun licences… and one of my colleagues previously lived and worked near Hungerford where…. etc etc…

    TJ’s offensive and casual categorisation of all gun-users as Violent Fantasists and people who are only interested in killing has sadly obscured the fact that there are real issues in gun licensing…

    In the past few years I have dealt with:

    A bloke who was sane but blew his brain out with a shotgun when he found he had cancer… Not nice for his wife.
    Someone who became suicidal and managed to access their partners gun cabinet and almost blew their head off…
    Someone who still thinks that his threat to torch someone’s house should not bar him from holding a licence..

    In all these cases the holders were sane at the point of licensing.

    I’m not sure what the answer is… but there is a real problem…

    Free Member

    McBoo… Read the Aubrey books 3 times.

    The James Elllroy suggestion is a good one, providing you like 4 word sentences… But a real stylist. Great.

    Free Member

    Easyjet… Better attitude to cabin baggage… Worse punctuality… Ok with skis
    Ryanair… Good at going to airports in out of weird places, better punctuality, wysiwyg

    Free Member

    Brideshead is a wonderful classic
    Early Martin Amis is good… Rachel Papers, and Money etc…
    Anything by Orhan Pamuk – esp “My name is red”
    Some Murukami is good, some is a bit adolescent.

    A couple of American suggestions.

    Newer – anything by Richard Ford
    Older – the longer more serious Raymond Chandlers – esp The Long Goodbye.

    Free Member

    Clarinet (G8 failed…)
    Alto sax (not for years) and Flute ( but MTB crash this year has ruined my embouchure)

    Bass guitar adequately (bad on Fretless)
    Appalling guitar (only really to play with the kids now)

    Recorder is a pfectly legit and sublime instrument… Except when played by me… Marshalling our overnight 12hr race, my sprogs and I serenaded the riders on electric ukulele, bongos and recorder playing works by Nirvana and Guns n Roses…

    Free Member

    First half truly brilliant… The bit on the ship a bit more formulaic.

    Free Member

    If you have an HP wireless printer that predates AirPrint there is an HP app which will print photos and documents from an iPad.

    Free Member

    You can’t be both her partner, and her provider of mental health care…

    Nothing in your OP suggests she wants to be with you.

    She has to go. Sorry. Better for you to know where you are than live for a 1% chance things might work out…

    Free Member

    As above… they are waterproof both ways…

    Free Member

    If they weren’t a bit mental they’d be much less interesting.

    Free Member

    We use one of our minimacs in a kitchen, and the tv spends half it’s time as a monitor, and half it’s time as a tv. With a wireless mouse and keyboard this works very well as a multi-media system.

    Free Member

    I have a 2008 plugged into a standard Samsung TV, and another into a proper monitor. Both work fine.

    If your minimac has a DVI output you will need a DVI to HDMI converter or lead and to run the sound separately into the TVs audio input which may require a jack to double phono lead as DVI does not include sound.

    If it has an HDMI output there should be no problems at all other than getting the right display settings.

    Free Member

    Now no evidence that glucosamine better than placebo for knees
    Cod liver oil…. Maybe

    Free Member

    Nothing. Most of us have no need of them.
    The health benefits of most are zero in controlled trials..

    Free Member

    Tunein radio

    Free Member

    When you see how often on-one has Schwalbe tyres for 40-50% RRP you know tyre manufacturers are having a laugh.

    I’m using spesh tyres now mainly.

    Free Member

    Breathalysed 3 times…

    Twice polite random Xmastime tests. No problems.
    Once 27 years ago, the old blow-in-the-bag routine (just under) because I had driven the wrong way around a small roundabout racing a mate. When stopped I was in drag, with a tomato ketchup soaked tampon hanging off each ear. They asked me which pub I was going to next, followed me there, and told me not to drive again that night. Brilliant.

    Free Member

    No to clingfilm on cheese not in a fridge. Waxed paper perhaps.

    Free Member

    We used to say they would get Brussel sprouts instead of presents if they were bad . Then put a layer of Brussels at the top of their stockings

    Free Member

    Sorted. All reappeared..

    Free Member

    I’m getting slowly a bit closer to my brother as we get older. But we have never been that close.
    Haven’t seen my father for 25 years – but may change that soon.

    People who have entirely textbook families have real difficulty understanding that it isn’t always that way as this thread shows…

    Free Member

    Which of us doesn’t dream of being the caped-crusader, the avenger of wrongs, the punisher of neds…

    But we can’t be. So TJ – despite his track record of shouting at numpty driver HR bosses of organisations he finds he is leaving shortly afterwards.. is right.

    Leaving on one side the way that there are lots of documented examples of capricious and unreasonable implementation of ticket rules by ticket inspectors in the UK, the way that there was no viable way of dealing with the scrote without third party intervention is Scotrail’s problem, not its passengers, and Scotrail must expect to be exploited by scrotes and willing to backdown unless they change their system.

    Tempting though it must be to slam dunk the little git, that doesn’t exactly teach any lesson other than to carry a blade next time.

    Hopefully this assault – for that is what it was – will not result in a charge. I’d love to think the family of the scrote would be ashamed…. somehow I doubt it,

    Free Member

    20 years ago did a foodie binge in Sydney and Melbourne – Berowra waters and Stephanie’s stood out.

    Do less of this here. La Manoir Aux QS is great. And a special recommendation for Apicius in Cranbrook, Kent. Our closest Michelin starred restaurant – The Curlew – is less good…

    But for all round brilliant meals, the starred restaurant I miss the most is Chez Nous – which used to be in Plymouth.

    Free Member

    Mud is to MTBing as Powder is to skiing…. well almost.

    Free Member

    As above. It isn’t a substitute for a pc or mac at home, but unless you have to do lots of text entry on the move on it the iPad is an awesome complement to them. I cannot see now why I would need a laptop ever again.

    Free Member

    Loving this thread

    HtS – cool idea keeping the plastic bags next to the small kids toys… they can use them for spacemen’s helmets and hats! Mind if I nick this idea?

    Free Member

    Eeee-eeeee instead of excuse me.

    Started by our 15 yr old aged 2. And we all still use it.

    And the sky remote is always “the friend”

    Free Member

    Similar problem on iPad after about page 80. Some pages missing, some poor definition.

    Free Member

    No more than if someone posted in the wrong section of the forum… 😉

    Mods please…

    Free Member

    Brahms 1, Mahler 5, Mozart Requiem,

    and Johnny Cash “Hurt” +2

    Free Member

    CFH…. yes Ed is a genius.

    Free Member

    sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes I loathe it… weird throwback

    nice bit of splosh anyone?

    Free Member

    What does your wife want to do?

    I’d be livid in your shoes.

    Free Member

    Miele… With 10yr warrantee and at about £800, and bombproof build, a no brainer. Killed a zanussi, an AEG and a Bosch before that.

    Free Member

    Thanks to all those who have come out and posted their experiences… and that includes the “don’t understand it… all parents are wonderful…” type posts that came up at the start of this thread…

    but more particularly the people whose parents put mine into perspective. So thanks again…

    Free Member


    You may will be much closer to my age than you think. But that’s part of the OP question. How do I stop appearing the same to my kids, one of whom will be gone in 3 years.

    Free Member

    Thanks to the people who have posted.

    Her hearing is ok, her listening isn’t. But me behaving in a way which makes her feel worse will only make her more difficult, so time to MTFU and be nice…

    IanM, I think you may be the closest, she’s an only-child, toughish upbringing, achieved a lot, then husband left her and has had 30 years living on her own to stew. But she is still my mother, not a very good one, and rather selfish. Very different from parents-in-law… So time to bite that lip.

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