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  • Christmas MTB Bingo
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Anyone like girls in plaster casts?

    Free Member

    Admiral took a few weeks to refund £1000 they had off me… 😈

    Free Member


    On a ski holiday last year 3 of 19 ended in hospital… With major stuff
    And this year, 50 of us over 2 weeks, 4 blown ACLs

    Free Member

    and if anyone wants at 2006 Mark 3 2.0 sport with only 6500 miles on it… (I jest not)

    contact me in the next 24 hours or so… it’s going. I love it but I don’t drive it enough and I have a midlife crisis to pay for…

    Free Member

    Had a 320d estate recently. Lovely engine, crap car with poor build quality and dodgy electrics from new. Dealers with an attitude. So I got rid of it.

    Scooby estate now. Drives as well. Don’t miss the Beemer…

    Free Member


    Do you mean

    “The incorrect usage of these words is ibecoming more frequent” ? 😉

    Unless you are saying using them incorrectly has become more of a sin?
    And I think usage is better than use as a noun in your sentence…

    Free Member

    Nope, not a problem. It works, just sync to different playlists from the same library if you want different stuff on them…

    Free Member

    Thing is… There is evidence of effectiveness for CBT and CAT,

    3 days on citalopram is very early. Even 2 weeks is…I

    Free Member

    Zoloft and meds

    It is lustral over here, not Zoloft

    Good luck by the way. Hope things go well

    Free Member

    Some really good advice here…

    Lots of the comments are about how the UK system would deal with this. There are at least two words in the OPs post which suggest he is not in, or not from the UK. It might be worth bearing this in mind in our replies.

    Other than that I think everything I would have said has been said already.

    Free Member

    I wear Crockett & jones shoes for work 80% of the time. Two pairs, plenty of life in them, both 5 or 6 years only…

    I have a pair of Grensons and Church’s, C & Js are better. 6 pairs of shoes have lasted me 20 years at work with more life left in 4 pairs.

    It is worth the investment.

    Free Member

    My son had this last week. Thought it was ok. I tried it. Not bad, but not as good as a kebab

    Free Member

    As a GP may I humbly suggest ….

    A corkscrew…. 😀

    Some good suggestions above. Movicol is what we often use rather than lactulose now.

    Free Member

    +1 If all else fails

    Bur really be sure the circuit is off.

    For flat surfaced bulbs ( eg spotlights) I have managed to superglue something to the bulb to get extra leverage.

    Free Member

    Interesting question. I have posted such comments on a couple of occasions – but not recently – and over a year ago I asked the opinion of people here before ever doing so. I would only do this if I thought the poster really was doing something a bit silly. And frankly now I CBA.

    Bottom line. This is NOT a paid classified ad site, it is a Community where people are allowed to advertise for free, and other people are allowed to make comments which might be useful to/protect the interests of other forum users. If advertisers don’t like it – they can find other places to advertise.

    As for other forums… try posting something over-priced on TGR and see just what happens… 😉

    On another forum recently there was a link to where you could get some £50 ski gloves for £5, and the next day someone who’d been along trying to sell them for £30… you can guess the rest. 🙂

    Free Member

    What TJ says

    I am trying to make that a habit…,

    So perhaps before buying something big…
    1) don’t buy from a new poster
    2) look for someone who posts outside the for sale area if possible
    3) perhaps look to see if the item Is also on eBay and bikeradar, and if you can find a trail of it having been purchased by the seller
    4) look for signs of feedback
    5). Try googling their e mail address, name, telephone number

    Free Member

    when a man is alone in the forest, is he still in the wrong?

    Yes – definitely.

    Just learn you are and move on…

    Free Member

    I do it on 3 all the time. No problems.

    Free Member


    Last time I rode BKB my son had an OTB incident at the top end and broke his arm.

    Scares me thinking about how much worse things could have been 🙁

    Free Member

    Built a tray holding section in one kitchen cupboard.

    Tray Chic…

    Free Member

    I’d see what they have to say first. If you are not happy then ask them “do I need…. ” etc etc….

    Go armed with a clear brief description of what you were doing when the worst one started, what it felt like, how long it lasted and how it made you feel.

    Free Member

    It isn’t common….

    But she was probably told something silly. Sinus arrhthymia is common, but normal and not actually truly irregular. I cannot think of any other irregular type rhythm at birth which would not merit rather more aggressive management.

    Go and see a Dr….

    Free Member

    Ok – OP

    1) Any idea how fast? Next time count the beats in 5 secs and multiply by 12, or in 10 secs and multiply by 6. Relatively few significant cardiac rhythm problems will last only 5 seconds. PAF/PAT and other SVTs etc will usually last for longer to give symptoms… BUT… people can get a really funny feeling in their chest/throat with brief episodes. Rates of <120 not really worrying usually. >140 one might take a bit more seriously.

    2) Good – like an old engine, the heart will often misfire when idling but run smoothly when the accelerator is depressed…

    3) Not so good. Could be just an anxiety/hyperventillatory response, but I would not assume that. Sensation of impending faint means see Dr soon, not in 2 months.

    4) Good

    Plan for you might be see Dr, bloods including thyroid function, cardiac exam, resting 12 lead ECG (looking for underlying conduction issues or signs of ventricular hypertrophy) and then cardiac event monitoring of some sort. Things you can do now include stop all caffeine, reduce alcohol and avoid any street drugs.

    Please go and see a Dr.

    And usual T&Cs apply… who knows if I am a Dr? Yer on your own out there…!

    Free Member

    Bregante Indeed… a certain bloke on here who I advised to call 999 the last time I answered a cardiac question here managed to delay for a few days or so…

    The OP this time is 24, and less likely, unless he has HOCM, ARVC or similar, or thyrotoxicosis, to have something baaaad going on. But if things persist and has symptoms associated with the episodes, should seek help early.

    Free Member

    Not enough info here yet for anyone to draw a conclusion… let alone suggest a cause.

    Key questions…

    1) What do you mean by palpitations? Single missed beats? Brief runs of fast beats for a few seconds? Runs longer that that? Is the rhythm regular during the episodes? Or is it just heightened awareness of a normal heart beat?

    2) What are you doing when it comes on? Night/day? Rest/exercise? Sat/Standing/just stood up?

    3) More details of how you feel during the episodes, and how quickly you recover.

    4) Anyone in your family die suddenly of an unknown or cardiac rhythm cause before the age of 40, or known to have a cardiomyopathy?

    Without this stuff no one here can give you a useful opinion, and if they do try, don’t believe them.

    Occasional “missed beats” (actually premature contractions with a compensatory pause) at rest with no associated breathlessness/faintness/chest pain are ok. For everything else see your GP. Often cutting out all caffeine sorts the minor problems. Quite a few people need 24hr taping or a 7 day R device ( which is what I now use) to capture enough information to be sure what is going on.

    Free Member

    Oral B

    brilliant. Cheap heads off e bay too

    Free Member


    Given away a frame, a fork, a wheel, some brakes, and last week some new bars

    Why not?

    Free Member

    Milton Keynes (born before it was there)
    Bedford, Oxford, London – educated
    Cornwall. Plymouth – more training
    Newfoundland, Canada

    How did I end up in Sussex for the last 18 years?

    Free Member

    I was proposed to on 29/2/1988

    Too early to say if it was worth accepting 😉

    Free Member

    Used to have a 3 car multicar policy with them… but the last quote was WAAAAY over what I could get insuring the cars individually… and then they didn’t cancel their credit card grab…


    Free Member

    Go and see a sports physio ?

    I mean that’s what you usually say when you are trashing GPs and other Drs… 😉

    What the others say. If you haven’t got a pneumothorax, a flail segment, surgical emphysema or signs of a mediastinal injury, not much point in an X-ray. You are usually pretty quick to offer definite diagnoses, so excluding those shouldn’t take you long 😈

    Free Member

    Looking at it via Safari, on a Mac.

    You really do need your business’s name prominently on each page
    The RSS subscribe thing… why?

    But the main problem is the photos you have posted are not good. Just not good at all

    A wedding is an important day. On ours half the official photos didn’t come out (rain and equipment issues we were told) But even those that survived were better than yours, and nowhere near as good as those taken by my brother who does this as a sideline.

    Re-evaluate your plan… please.. before you make paying punters very disappointed.

    Free Member

    Chewkw That is both weird and rather offensive… 👿

    Do you mean you only find young virgins attractive? ❓

    Free Member

    Bereavement counselling – good- for people who want it and accept it. Otherwise pointless.

    Well-man clinic – pointless – based in a very physical model, and little of that is evidence based or useful. I think you have your own health issues, but doesn’t mean a physical model is appropriate here, and any GP worth their salt will consider doing some blood tests when investigating fatigue.

    Better approach – possibly – get to see him or turn up (with GFs cooperation) and tell him how your dads death makes you feel and be honest about how you feel about your mum. By seeming to be human and fallible and exposing your weakness, you might draw him out and get him to share… possibly…

    Free Member

    Interesting this.

    Two people who sound as though they are NOT abnormal, just have different needs.

    Perhaps they don’t need therapy or treatment – just different partners?

    Weird how many posters here jump to suggest:

    1) Therapy or taking – when one person doesn’t want to talk
    2) That turning down sex means the other person must be dirty or a crap shag
    3) That either sex is VERY Important, or NOT important at all.

    Free Member

    and that is a very fair comment.

    One becomes rather unpopular by complaining about poor service patients get. About to do the same with a department which is letting my patients down. There is some real complacency. 🙁

    Free Member

    TJ my view hasn’t really changed. I think there could be some very good changes made to the NHS, and the private sector has a role to play. Not everything which involves it is bad. And there are GPs who have been involved in this stuff for 20 years now. I think your previously expressed views are a bit too polarised.

    But the way it is currently being configured is doomed to fail. From a pragmatic point of view it sucks.

    Free Member


    as TJ points out that is rubbish, In fact the US government pays close to what the UK government pays per person. for the minority of US Health care which is government funded… and then the private element in the US more than doubles that.

    The over-servicing and non-evidence based unnecessary operating and treating practices of the US private sector, along with its high admin and profit costs are well documented.

    In the UK we have actually the second best computerised primary care sector in the world (after Holland) In the US they are experts at… billing…

    I used to be enthusiastic about the changes that were coming, as someone who might have been leading some of them locally, until about a year ago when it became clear that they were an unholy clusterf***. Now we have the best managers leaving, the worst jockeying to keep their fiefdoms obstructing change inefficiently.

    Lots of research work recently has shown the NHS is relatively efficient, that satisfaction was – despite the Daily Hate headlines – at an all time high, waiting lists falling, and more research in the last few days showing the Conservatives have been ignoring this, and understating the efficiency of the way money entering the system in the last few years has been spent.

    Yes there does need to be some competition and some consequences visited upon obstructive and poor managers and clinicians, and sometimes the private sector can provide chunks of the answer. But not this, not what is happening now.

    Free Member

    had smoked salmon and lemon on Rye bread when I came home from cycling

    Free Member

    show me your Cotic Souls/BFEs *

    Should I buy from CRC even though they will compromise my credit card/the stuff comes in very large boxes/my Brother owns the LBS?

    what tyres for mud/snow/life?

    i’m probably gay but can I have some expensive razor/watch advice to help keep me in macho denial

    * posted on that one too…

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