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  • ‘If in doubt, sit them out’ – British Cycling publishes first concussion guidance
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    What GL says.

    Plus if your eyes point in two different directions your brain cannot fuse the images – and after a while – it will suppress one eye’s input – so the peripheral vision would be worse not better.

    Apache helicopter pilots learn to use monocular Head up displays and use their eyes in different ways – which is a bit weird.

    Free Member

    For the info of people here… the d-dimer blood test doesn’t say you do have a clot, a low level can say there is a 99% chance you don’t, but most of the +ves we see do not have a DVT when USS done.

    And many DVTs have no symptoms at all

    Free Member

    I’m a Dr

    Just piss on your keyboard and I’ll rub a test strip against my screen and I’ll tell you exactly whats wrong.

    Alternatively – you could take a sample along to a Dr and seek advice from someone who can actually examine you… 🙄

    Free Member


    Societies have their differences. Lots of bad stuff could be said about ours. There is an interesting change going on but you are tarring an entire people with pejorative language and little evidence.

    There are also different ways of expressing emotion, and the English are hardly known for being in touch with theirs.

    And Japan has produced 20 Nobel prize winners you muppet. 🙄

    Free Member

    I challenge anyone who has seen the Shunga exhibition of Japanese erotic art at the BM to make generalisations about either Japanese art or eroticism. But something weird is going on.

    Free Member

    Kept mine on last year, no problems. Switched over again this summer, and really not much difference on the summer ones. Really just changed over to spread the wear a bit.

    If you are going to keep a car for a bit you will get through 2 sets of tyres, so one set might as well be winter ones, and the winter ones seem to wear better too.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe that pretty much the whole of the front page was you twunts taking the mic rather than offering advice, but not a single thing was funny.

    Poor form.


    Not exactly giving support and sympathy herself….

    Free Member

    Not myself.

    But in my day-job this is a question I ask people all the time.

    I think it is ok to feel like this if your life really has no possibility of being any good ever again, and others would agree.
    But if others wouldn’t I think you need to look at how you change your life or yourself.

    When I get more worried is when people start to think about how they actually would kill themselves and make plans or preparations.

    To the OP. You’re not mad. Talk to someone.

    Free Member

    Go for the best… Gerry Sadowitz 😉 😯

    Free Member

    Local Butchers did this outside a restaurant which wasn’t paying their bills, and it went titsup a few weeks later.

    If – and only if – it really is HIS restaurant – I’d say not a bad idea, providing you don’t need him to have that business to pay you…

    Things get around quickly.

    I wouldn’t think the worse of a tradesman or small-business owner who protested with quiet dignity.

    Free Member

    I use a really old version of Ubuntu (10.4 Karmic Koala) on an old spare laptop with a much lower spec than yours. It allows me to do internet stuff, and documents/spreadsheets, and boots up in under a minute when windows XP used to take 5.

    I don’t use that laptop for music/photos etc and found that if I went beyond KK it wouldn’t work with my processor, but there are easily available retro versions out there – which will burn onto a single CD with all the basic software you might need.

    The best thing was being able to run the different OS from different partitions initally to compare. No idea on iTunes I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    Everything except the credits is excellent…

    Free Member

    Not all chairlifts can be ridden downwards. Depends on the type and the way the return cable is suspended.

    Probably they were being twits though.

    OP. I see your point as someone who rode out of the woods with a broken pelvis last year to avoid calling an ambulance to a difficult place. But I’m with the shop here. You needed pros and they had their own stuff to do.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    How do you rate that cajon ?

    My 12 year old wants one. Plays standard kit and various stuff in a samba band. Wants a cajon now.

    Free Member

    Good to know. Broken one

    Free Member

    Lived in both Canada and Oz. Both great.

    Free Member

    Got a mistral 310cm board of some sort from 1992… An evolution I think. Not used 12 years. Tip?

    Free Member

    5/10 I think.

    what a load of cock though…

    Free Member

    Ok – update

    The BCLC ones are not too bad – ordered 3 types and tried 2 so far.
    They work well in my Krups machine and the coffee isn’t bad. Certainly better than the previous compatible pods I’ve tried.

    the major downsides are the need for individual foil packs around each, the lack of easy recycling options and the increase in storage space needed compared with storing the nespresso pods.

    If the prices came down further and the delivery was free at £30 rather than £50 for an order, I’d definitely use them.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Wife. Met 27 years ago. Married 23, and will be divorced next year…

    My actual OH. 2 years

    It’s sad. But there is not necessarily anything special about long durations of marriage, or mortgage…

    Free Member

    Saw Buffo’s Wake on Saturday

    Awesome Gypsy Horror Punk Klezmer stuff

    Go see. No one could find it tedious. 😉

    Free Member

    GMC now recommends we quacks do not give internet advice in situations like this

    Go and see your GP

    Free Member

    This is a cycling forum. A decent pub single speed should do the trick…

    Free Member

    Certainly limit the power of cars driven by the under 24s. The supervision in the first year driving does make sense too.

    Hands up. I am an average driver after about 400,000 miles. But all the times I really endangered myself and others were before I was 24. These steps would have made me better.

    Tom. Again, driving is not an inalienable right. Your argument that my son would be less at risk by putting others more at risk is similar to the NRAs “you’ll be safer if you own a gun”. Not very clever. For him given the other muppets doing the same, or society.

    Free Member

    Have you got kids?

    If so, or if you are planning them, rationing or threatening to limit future contact is one option…

    Or just find some petty satisfying revenge. Sign them up to direct mail for sex shops. Get them on the email list for dodgy retailers. Spread rumours. And as above, laugh in their faces.

    Or get them to repeat things they say to you while you video them, and put together a compilation…

    Nasty people. Parents should cherish and see the positive in their kids and partners.

    Free Member

    I’ll be there too… Stopping at a brewery on the way though!

    Free Member

    I’m going to be paying for my 17 yr old to learn to drive and get about sooner or later and I think this is a good thing. I’ve had to deal with the parents of a couple of 18 year olds who I liked and who died in unnecessary silly accidents.

    There is a reason car insurance for an 18 year old costs so much. Make them safer and better and it will cost less. I think there is room for negotiation and adjustment of the final package but this seems a step in the right direction.

    Tom_w1987. Being able to drive is not an inalienable human right. We learn, things change. Some things in society become easier, some harder. Tough. And at least when young people are on bikes they aren’t killing anyone else. At the moment you don’t sound like someone I want to be on the road with me.

    Free Member

    Last Saturday, and will again at the weekend. Not in that London, but in the South East.

    3.5 miles at midnight = £8.80

    Proper cost per mile of motoring including depreciation/tyres/insurance etc etc etc is over 50p a mile. And the driver deserves some dosh.

    Free Member

    Very easy to have a go at managers – and often justified. But it might be interesting to see the boot on the other foot?

    I wonder how well some of the “all managers are numpties” brigade here would do at taking some responsibilities for others actions themselves.

    Just saying 😉

    Free Member

    dandax 1990 So

    1) do you think that Mr Robinson/Lennon/Yaxley-Lennon has a record which a) genuine, b) a fit-up by the rozzers… given that it includes fraud, using someone elses passport and – apparently assaults of the Police, fellow EDL members and a partner…?

    2) do you not see that a party/organisation which defines itself by what it hates, rather than what it values risks being a negative and hateful body which is a focal point for every violent hate-filled inadequate nutjob?

    For the record – I incline to the Christopher Hitchen’s view. We should certainly not judge most Muslims by the behaviour of some of their clerics. BUT there is something sinister about how suppression of differing opinions and violent ways of enacting this has become part of the accepted MO of some Islamic organisations.

    What we should be doing is being inclusive in offering Muslims support in resisting that. Not the appalling comments seen in the image above which show how the EDL and similar organisations can attract people who are just haters.

    The Christian Right in the US do have the capacity to become similar in suppression, if rather less violent. And the Catholic Church has a past history which has been allied to violence towards heretics centuries ago, and support of violent regimes more recently.

    Free Member

    My youngest got a Nexus 7 when he was 10 and still loves it. Had a charging problem and it got fixed by Asus under warranty.

    Having said which – he then saved up presents and stuff and bought himself a proper laptop. Still uses the nexus plenty and downloads a lot of kids games on it.

    Free Member

    People need managers and to be managed. But most of us hate it.

    For safety rules – perhaps telling you off in front of the people who work under you will ensure they too get the message?

    But there are ways of doing it well and ways of doing it badly,

    Free Member

    Only 2 – and I would have met them in other ways


    Several, but then I know them mostly from other (not necessarily MTB) forums

    Hello…! see you on the S10BB 😉

    Free Member

    Just because some drug companies behave like rapacious capitalists, and that they limit access to information about the problems with their products doesn’t mean all their products are bad or harmful.

    It never ceases to amaze me:

    1) How many people think “natural” is automatically good. Arsenic and shit are “natural”. Everything non-natural is not part of a conspiracy.

    2) How people would rather their child had a 1:10,000 chance of something really bad happening to them by taking no action/having no vaccine than a 1:1,000,000 chance of something bad happening by taking a decision to have a treatment/vaccine.

    3) How people who believe in a “holistic” approach, rarely consider that their problems might be due to emotional or psychological issues. That their holism applies to treatments… not causes…

    OP – please think again. I have seen enough cervical cancer to know it isn’t nice.

    Free Member


    Please stop the awful conspiracy to save our children’s lives… 🙄

    OP. good call go for it.

    Free Member

    yep. please report back if you get them. I have tried two alternative compatible capsules before. One felt like it was damaging the machine, the other had rather poor coffee. And that saving is a bit lame.

    Free Member

    Yes – I always did want them. And they’ve been brilliant so far, even through the breakup of my relationship with their mother, and the start of a relationship with someone else.

    Best thing ever

    But – I totally get people who don’t want them

    Free Member

    I suspect Boris would tell you that the FC has, at last, put its hands in its pockets and spent some dosh on the trails this year… A lot of dosh, for which we can thank the magnificent winter and spring…

    This hasn’t always been the case, and for those who visit 6 times a year or more, membership of the BFCC/Boars gets you a parking pass, free showers and bikewash, discounts and a lot more… and then your parking money all goes on trail building. The same is not true if you join the Friends of Bedgebury.

    £8.50 is very steep and probably relates to the proximity to Bewl which charges the same or more, and usually puts its price up first AKAIK

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