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  • Singletrack Goes ASMR & Keeper Of The Peak heads to his Island
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Hmmm… OP didn’t actually want his question answered honestly…

    To those who think this could be ok – show me more than a very few Health Food shops doing proper allergy testing, not Vega or hair analysis.

    And show any evidence that systemic candida (outside oculomucocutaneous candidiasis, and people with proven SCID or short bowel syndrome etc)is a genuine issue.

    Free Member

    STW response time is slipping… or don’t Bears have “Back Doors” ? 😉

    Free Member

    Doc here.
    This is BS.
    But your money and god made sheep to be shorn… 😉

    Free Member

    Title slightly stirring…
    Legit topic for discussion.
    But there isn’t really anything to say anti this news , is there?

    As usual in these threads, only arguments really so far from people who haven’t read the links being discussed, or are taking offense on other people’s behalves.

    same old STW. 🙂

    Free Member

    not watering plants which didn’t need watering

    Free Member


    In my work – General Practice – where we do try and collaborate and do stuff to improve the service we and others offer – to improve local services – to support each other, all the leaders and people who are willing to work at it locally are aged 50-60. Getting the 30-40 year olds off their butts and into doing stuff which helps people beyond their immediate responsibility seems absolutely impossible. 🙁

    Free Member

    sorry – got the wrong end of the stick from your posts from a few months ago…

    Free Member

    martinhutch – for him I believe it is complicated. Vienna is where he lives, the UK is where his psychiatrist is…

    Free Member

    As you know – but for other STWers, the danger is that lithium disrupts the automatic nature of your fluid regulation by your kidney. I wouldn’t want you flying in that state, or without knowing your test results. These can be got the same day in the UK by any GP, and within 30 mins in A&E/ER. I simply don’t believe you cannot get them today in Vienna.

    Your call mate. I’m out.

    Free Member

    Doc answering. I would want you do have some bloods done for sodium/potassium as well as your Lithium levels, and your urine tested for similar TODAY.

    Lithium can cause nephrogenic DI.

    The internet is not the place for advice. See a doctor or go to an emergency room now.

    Free Member

    chewkw you’ve got a catch phrase, but no coherent argument, viewpoint or much worth saying. I call “troll”.

    Free Member

    poah often self-limiting, but by no means always. I’d say about 75% of them are better by the time we ring with the results – but 25% need some clarithro.

    Free Member

    For some who have posted – If it happens repeatedly it probably isn’t labyrinthitis, and hearing isn’t that often much affected with that anyway, despite the link near the top…

    Recurrent vertigo with no hearing change -> see GP – consider BPPV – and you can do the Brandt-Daroff exercises yourself.

    Recurrent vertigo with hearing loss at the same time, -> see GP and then probably ENT specialist to rule out menieres

    Persistent (never goes) vertigo +/- hearing loss in just one ear +/- tinnitus in just one ear, -> GP -> ENT -> MRI to rule out Acoustic Neuroma.

    Sharkbait – I think the evidence that Unterbergers/Fukuda test is reliable for diagnosing labyrinthine pathology is pretty poor… but I still do it… (not an ENT surgeon btw)

    Free Member

    Lots of other things can cause that feeling. Really would want to see some rotational sensation/world going round/veering when you try and walk with your eyes closed etc etc. Labyrinthitis/BPPV/Menieres/recent sailing on the sea/Doc Martens/being on a bouncy castle etc etc

    see a Doc

    Free Member

    Then you’ve got Turkey AIDS (the bad bad one)

    Free Member

    Lots of campylobacter in the uk. Seen two in the last 2 weeks.

    See a doc – espescially if you feel ill.
    Do not take a sample in an envelope…

    Free Member

    After 3 days of real liquid – if several times a day – as a doc – I’d be wanting to send a sample for Campylobacter or other infections…

    Travelled anywhere exotic?

    but we ain’t supposed to give advice on the internet any more…

    so I think ATP has the correct answer.

    Free Member

    GP. I’d say go.

    If you cancel – the pain will come back the next day…

    Free Member

    cheap disposable booster seat, also useful when you get there in the car.

    Mine have done transatlantic hops many times however, and we have tended to stash the seat in the hold luggage. kids are about the only people who can get comfortable in coach class seats in my experience…

    Free Member


    You’ll regret it if you don’t try it. I’ve done some time in Newfoundland on the east coast. And some time in Sydney, a couple of years working overseas. It’s worth trying different places out

    Free Member

    Let’s go for a UKIP millipede 😈

    Free Member

    I was where you are.
    I changed where I was.
    It has been difficult, and I’d say the rewards of moving on can be more apparent than what you actually stand to lose.
    Leaving may still be the right thing to do, but have a real go at fixing the marriage first, and make sure your wife knows just where you are in this, might change things?

    Free Member

    I think chewkh we might need to get you on the same planet before we try the same century. Epic logic fails.

    Free Member

    chewkw really???

    1) In some organisations PAs have to read their bosses email for them.
    2) The organisation has shown that it is an old boys/gits network and wouldn’t deal with this properly
    3) It wasn’t a private email address
    4) What Binners said…

    Scudamore and you need to enter the 21st centruy mate.

    Free Member

    Just do something nice for someone else. Karma.

    I always like the enthusiasm and hope in your posts. Enjoy.

    Free Member

    I was told – perhaps wrongly – this was set up by a sixth former who travels on the same train to School as my eldest. He will go far. 😀

    Free Member

    It’s difficult , isn’t it?

    I don’t want the kind of relationship where I just shut up and smile and say “yes, dear” and then do my own thing. And how much do you risk challenging your partner when they are spouting rubbish, when you know damn well they’d challenge you? But if you question them you know it will be WW 3.

    The bloke-disappears-into-his-potting-shed relationship model isn’t what I want, but I can see how it happens.

    Free Member

    Boltonjon – Harvie & Hudson usually £25 – 45 quid if you wait for the sales/offers. About the same as Lewins/M&S smarter offerings, and rather better. I wouldn’t pay £70, and love Tackymaxx…

    Free Member

    JD – well the law – judging by the case results – agrees with me, not you. Each case is a single poor judgement.

    Free Member

    JD – Really? It is taking a decision to drive when you are cognitively impaired and unfit to do so, not just having a sweet, kitten-like, nap… 👿

    Free Member

    Three years ago, a driver fell asleep at the wheel, hit me and my family. Totaled our car. All 4 of us off to hospital in ambulances with wife and youngest son with potential neck injuries.

    He got 6 points and a fine.

    The civil courts/insurers are the places for material damages.

    Free Member

    With CFH on shirts n+1

    Harvie & Hudson ftw

    Lewins have gone downhill, like Hawes & Curtis.

    Free Member

    I am clarkson’s age. Yes it was used in playgrounds when I was in them. Never heard ip dip dog.

    Free Member

    He’s an arse.

    But we knew that from his attitude to cyclists and… well almost everyone
    Better to have him repentant and calmer on TV than a martyr off it.
    But should do 4 weeks on a tandem with people from the nations and races he’s insulted as penance

    Free Member

    NFU is what we found the best for ours. Tmberframed 500 year old 6 bedroom listed houses scare most insurers.

    Chubb and Hiscox also used in the past.

    Free Member

    Bull in Bridport.

    Free Member

    and El Al have actually a track record of preventing a bomb getting onto a plane by their security measures.

    Free Member


    Not new. Either wait for a direct flight or stop whinging.

    They get stuffed on border security because of long land borders. In the UK we don’t have that issue, and if our immigration was as efficient as theirs we could deal with issues sensibly and have more accurate numbers, and stop the UKIP and Tory bleating.

    Of course the NSA monitor the internet so you are probably down for an intimate exam next time 😉

    Free Member

    The real issue is surely not whether the monarchy as it is at the moment is ok? Liz and family doing their duty in WW2, steadying influence in turbulent times, tourist assets and some light comic relief from Phil-the-Greek… Patrician but tactful with a sense of where the line is…

    Isn’t the issue what we are going to have when the next wave comes through…? And it makes you see why Liz hangs in there.

    Charles is a well-intentioned nincompoop. He misunderstands love, science, evidence and his role. In another era he should have been shipped off to govern some faraway minor colony. His children were produced with a troubled, beautiful woman he didn’t love, who despite her advantages failed all her O levels, twice. His attempts to interfere with Government are well documented. He has not dealt well with people who have pointed out the stupidity of some of his beliefs.

    AA grossly overstates things by calling this oppression. I’d me more worried by the CofE links to the Establishment and government TBH. BUT it is telling that no one in this thread has really effectively answered his point about the Letters.

    Getting back to the OP, if the Monarchy actually skipped a generation and went to Wills & Kate, a bloke who seems bright, decent and is actually doing a proper job in the forces and to keep his mouth shut, and a girl who seems nice, managed to get to university and do a proper job afterwards, then I’d probably be ok with that.

    I’m still not sure why we need a monarchy at all though

    Free Member

    Letters and flowers and Whisky/ champagne


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