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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    gavtheoldskater do you want to read the whole thread and think again about this, out walking with a friend and their dog who is well behaved etc etc? Being an apologist for people who cannot be bothered to train or control their dogs does dogs cause no good.

    You are responsible for the actions of your dog, not the people your dog meets unless they do something totally aggressive. People have a right to be scared of dogs when there are entitled owners out there who don’t get that someone might be scared of dogs because of previous experiences.

    Google “eggshell skull rule”. Stop victim shaming.

    If I were the OP I’d stop reading this thread, like so many STW threads, after a few pages it makes one start understanding why we all are where we are today. :(

    Free Member

    Some sense here. And yes it is good for kids to learn to deal with dogs, and other risks in life caused by bellends

    But AA your characterisation of his response is unhelpful and offensive. Back down.

    I love dogs. All owners should understand that they cannot assume that other people will want their dog’s paws all over them, let alone to be bitten. And they should apologise, rather than make excuses. Which one or two people here are beginning to do.

    “he never normallly does that” is no substitute for “I am sorry”

    People do have a right to be scared of dogs and not to have their space invaded, and in a multi-user environment we all, cyclists, walkers, horse-riders, dog-walkers have to be respectful of each other.

    Free Member

    You don’t stop playing when you get old, you get old when you stop playing.

    Love this…

    56 and having more fun than ever.

    Life is too short to wait for things to happen, get out there and DO SOMETHING, the hardest step is always the first one, the scariest question you ask someone is always the first one, and they’re just as scared.

    If I’d known this when I was 20…

    Free Member

    Suitably camouflaged…

    Free Member

    Many years ago MBR at least tried to do tests of diffierent options against each other.

    We have to accept that there is nothing impartial or objective or scientific about the way Singletrack or any other mag reviews bikes/standards and make up our mind for ourselves. Places like this are the right place to seek opinions.

    Free Member

    Lost custody of Globals in a block – but never that impressed with them other than the bread and tomato knives
    I have a set of Maxim Guiraud Sabatiers (one of the better brands.

    But the knives I use all the time now are from ProCook and some of the higher end Ikea ones.

    The Procook ones are avaiable in various levels – but I love the X50 Santoku knives I got free with other stuff.

    My knives now go in a dray or on a magnetic strip, and never the dishwasher.

    Free Member

    Churchill Falls underground hydro electric station in Labrador.

    Snow on top, awesomely large halls, turbines and pipes deep below

    Free Member

    Wilco Johnson, the marquee, 1978.

    Wish I’d seen him when he was still in the Feelgoods.

    Saw him again in 2012 or 3 on his goodbye tour, and again with my eldest, the next year, at a venue my son had played in himself :)

    Free Member

    Not a musical, a film with music intergral to it. No one bursts into unexpected and Inappropriate song..

    The title is the name of the protagonist and what he does and there is a musical link. Don’t be put off.

    Jon Hamm and Jamie Foxx are excellent in it, and Kevin Spacey doesn’t overact for once.

    I think it’s brilliant.

    Free Member

    What food do you like?

    Indian, chilli pickle or Indian summer, which is brilliant
    Mangetout near the station, or plateau nearer the front are ok French places.
    Pho is good and next to the hell hole that is Jamie’s
    Current faves, Carlito Burrito for Mexican street food, but that’s away from the front.
    Burger Brothers for fast food.

    Cocktails, upstairs at Oki Nami, next to the theatre royal, merkaba next to the chilli pickle where they also spin some music,

    Free Member

    There are evil people in all areas of society, but the Catholic Church claims moral authority, and indeed moral superiority, and, as in the case of Cardinal George Pell, who is lurking in the Vatican rather than go home to Australia to face the music, it has failed to protect anyone other than themselves.

    They should be better than the rest of society, otherwise where lies their authority?

    Free Member

    Under the AQP procedures we now mainly refer our NHS patients on the NHS to private providers who give them an absolutely excellent service There are a lot of organisations out there, including boots and specs savers, who seem very happy to try and persuade patients to pay thousands of pounds after a so-called free hearing test for something which isnt necessarily any better.

    Lots of people do seem to have trouble particularly with discrimination of multiple voices and voices against music background with whatever aids they get. Sad.

    Free Member

    Err… who said it was?

    Free Member

    Good question. jimjam

    Thing is, I think pretty well everyone on STW would agree FGM is bad. And I get training every 2-3 years in what to do if I encounter it, or someone at risk of it. It’s a real thing. Not exactly going to be a debate about that though.

    Whereas there are lots on STW who seem to think that podium girls are harmless fun, and lots who don’t. Therefore arguments…

    If things had changed so that the length of arguments had to be proportionate to the seriousness of the issue, I must have missed that memo.

    Free Member

    The fact that FGM and other bad shit happens and is horrendously awful does not mean that we have to forget about lesser issues close to home. In this case the culture is changing, it is the TdF that is lagging behind.

    GD sees opposition to this casual sexism as a desire to see the sexes as the same. It isn’t that.

    *non-binary interpretations also exist, but let’s just not go there… it doesn’t mean we are all becoming the same, just all equal,

    Free Member

    jamie he’s setting up a strawman equating dislike of the casual sexism of having podium girls with a perceived blurring of the line between men and women. Which isn’t happening, but he thinks is, and it is a bad thing. What actually is happening is a slow move towards equality, and perhaps that is what he doesn’t like?

    But if I have to explain that, I’ve failed.

    Free Member

    glasgowdan. Really?!

    It is possible to love the differences between men and women, and see that having podium girls is lame, lazy, and very last century. Of course if you find the idea that women might be different but equal, slightly threatening, you might well think podium girls are a good thing…

    Free Member


    *runs away awaiting explosion/*

    failing that Lavazza red, can be got cheap from costco, but then you don’t use it quickly enough. H R Higgins ftw though… too lazy now :(

    Free Member


    If 13yo girls are self harming because the podium girls are prettier than them they will also self harm if the podium girls are more articulate than them, or if they see a female doctor or documentary presenter who’s academically brighter than them. To solve this problem we should surely only see the very worst examples of mankind in the media

    If you were close to a teenage girl with an eating disorder and body image issues, you woulldn’t spout such utter self-justifing piffle. :evil:

    Free Member

    Nice bit of sexism justifying fifth-form level logic, TPB and ARM… try harder…

    Lovely to see how “pro podium girl” people skip the key issues, which have been stated here. None of this is about empowerment, and it is an embarassment that it continues.

    Yes, in a fundementally patriarchal system they can choose to do this negative irrelevant demeaning job. That doesn’t mean the job should exist. This isn’t about portecting them, it is about moving towards a better society which values women more, and gives young girls good examples of what they can achieve.

    And, Andyrm, so why aren’t there podium boys as well? Or do a load of perhaps predominantly male sponsors prefer age-inappropariate girls to “interact” with? :x

    Free Member

    Winston – exactly. +1

    Free Member

    Things like this shouldn’t need a ban.

    They should just stop happening. You wouldn’t need to design a ban to stop Rolf Harris or Jonathan King from being invited to be on the podium. And sooner or later they will stop. Because they are lame and actually alienate many of us – even blokes.

    Free Member

    It is a sad relic of another era from an organisation which has failed to keep with the times.

    And young women growing up have enough on their plate with hypocritical media standards and norms of “beauty”, with perceptions of what women’s roles are, without these girls being on the podium for no other reason than to titilate or to draw attention to sponsors products solely on the grounds of their appearance.

    Just sad.

    Free Member

    Robert Maxwell, I was 7 at the time though.

    Free Member

    The George

    Free Member

    ajantommuch much better to not contribute to an early bidding hysteria and snipe your max price wtih 5-10 secs to go. You will probably “win” more often if you do that.

    Free Member

    The women are bonkers thread was just an embarassment to see, and I am glad it is gone. Sometimes threads like that serve some use in they allow you to see just how far behind some people’s social attitudes are. And seeing some of the attitudes taken on this forum has led me to understand why we are Brexiting and the people behind it…

    I had a post yanked a few weeks ago – and I think it was a fair cop.

    Free Member

    Comedy festival, but your a month or so late.

    Free Member

    He is an evangelical. If you don’t understand what that is and what that means, you won’t see how different that is from pragmatic C of E or RC belief. Incompatible with being Liberal leader.

    But again, look how Blair’s religious certainty bled into unwarranted political certainty and the results…

    I’m glad he’s gone. He’s the reason I didn’t vote LIb dem.

    Free Member

    It’s indecisive people like you that have led us to a hung parliament.

    wrong just wrong ;)

    Free Member

    Three has been doing this for years with no need for legislation. And it covers the US and Australia and lots of far-away places too

    I wish we weren’t Brexiting but it would have only taken enough punters for whom this is important to switch to 3 and then other providers would have changed anyway.

    My first mobile, 25 years ago cost £220 up front and £15 a month for 15 minutes. Things change! :)

    Free Member

    As a GP, I end up fielding a lot of letters from opticians. Specsavers branches locally are very variable – one is excellent, one is medium, one is pisspoor.

    The glaucoma thing is an example, really the optician should have done proper visual fields. looked at the discs, and if they are decent opticians, proper contact tonometry, not just the air-puff thing. But lots do just the air-puff and send them on to us with no fields. Just embarassing. But even if this is all pointing in the direction of glaucoma – sometimes you need corneal pachymetry to tell if the pressure rise measured is significant/accurate, and OCT scans to see if it is important. Probably 50% we send up as ? Glaucoma don’t have it.

    But there are some excellent independents, and Tescos seem better than Boots these days… YMMV and Ts and Cs apply…

    For glasses only – if you know your prescription and are not going varifocal ( where you need accurate fitting and interpupillary distances etc etc) I’d consider going online. Glasses Direct have been good for me, and Money Saving Expert often has a section dedicated to voucher deals…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Silent Pool

    Both the gin to drink, and perhaps the place where Mrs May should now be floating, face down and shot by her own side. :x

    Free Member

    Tried going back on the road, hate it now. Prefer mud trees and views. But I don’t leave the ground anymore.

    Watching NFL. It used to be a real obsession. Stoppped dead 10 yrs ago.

    Playiing in bands, singing in choirs. Stopped long long ago.

    And being married, but I’m going to give that one another go… :)

    Free Member

    I want that dog in my life :(

    Free Member

    She absolutely should go. She is intellectually and politically third rate, and never was the person to lead us know.

    The smug complacent arrogance of Cameron, and now her. And at last young people have got off their arses and sent a message. :)

    Higher chances of a second referendum at the end of Brexit negotioations now? Last night gives Conservative remainers a lot more power… :)

    Free Member

    Never done it, never wanted to. Got 5 A levels, 2 degrees and a good job. But that isn’t doesn’t mean with “success”, which is multiaxial.

    However – just as being rich doesn’t make you happy, but helps, I think being clever can help with success.

    Re Mensa – The idea of people repeatedly testing themselves and joining clubs for people with a high IQ, is as lacking in attraction as repeatedly measuring ones left foot and having a club for those with the largest ones… or getting one’s tape measure out and measuring yer cock. And having a club for the largest cocks too…

    Sad ( and the membership cost too much ;) )

    Free Member

    Ice is for Americans and for Cocktails.

    Chills the tongue, reduces the flavour.

    Free Member

    Just not Bacardi – ever.

    Havana Club for Cocktails

    Mountgay on its own.

    visited this place[/url] in the BVIs once – and their stuff was rather good.

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