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  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Very very good comedian, held in high respect by other comics. As hard on herself as others.

    Doesn’t upset me though, died 81 and feisty to the end.

    Free Member

    I read all the posts then watched it.

    The roads are full of not very good drivers, people making mistakes, difficult junctions, people who’ve had a bad day, idiots who are texting or eating or arguing with a partner or child. We might be some of them.

    I know of too many people, including a police motorcyclist, who have died because either they ran out of skill, or luck, or forgot others had less skill.

    The road markings were very clear. All the red surface and lines should have made it clear to both that this was a danger zone. The car driver made a bad mistake. The motorcyclist’s speed, and simple physics and energy made sure he paid for it by dying.

    The macho stupidity of some of those on here, who have posted similarly before, that 60% faster than the speed limit through a junction on a single carriageway road is ok, beggars belief. They obviously don’t care about getting to see their kids again. And I have seen totally innocent car drivers whose lives have been damaged severely by being hit by motorcyclists doing stupid things. It isn’t just your own health you risk.

    The roads are full of idiots. If you are skilful and clever, use those skills to avoid them.

    Weeksy , do you really want “he died defending his right of way” to be the epitaph your kids see on your gravestone?

    Free Member

    Leary just ripped off Hicks. Just see their stuff on smoking. And his tedious angry young man in a leather jacket schtick. Good actor though. Fine with someone else’s material…

    Comedy can be an art or a craft or both.

    Someone said there is a difference between Funny “Ha Ha”, and Funny “Ah Ha”. I get what you’re saying

    Free Member

    Ok, go surreal, Tony Law, Pappys, Beasts.

    If you want to look at your views now, Bridget Christie, the more recent stuff Rob Newman has done. Mark Thomas remains committed and political yet generally positive,

    Carlin was the real deal, Pryor too. But Bruce disappeared up his own arse.

    Free Member

    Love all 3 of them. Hicks overrated

    Plenty of similar strong comics who are positive. The stuff Brendon Burns does now.

    Free Member

    My 18 year old and lots of his friends have just done it. It’s a bit of a thing in schools locally. It’s a hell of a step up from GCSEs and as hard or harder than doing 4 As. As KB says, a lot of work. It suited his breadth of interests well. Unfortunately he got reasonable but not brilliant grades, and is going to resit some of the subjects. He’s glad he did it, or says he is!

    Free Member

    I think you have given yourself a bit of a scare and are now in a negative feedback loop.


    Free Member

    Yep – Edinburgh defence deffo in action.

    In most countries this is absolutely normal. Look on the edge of any french road most weekends.
    Worth starting a thread here?

    If you don’t want to look at his cock you really don’t have to. Just saying. 😉

    Free Member

    South Place Hotel Bar & Grill does a decent brunch

    Free Member

    It isn’t going to happen.

    This is Boris making a statement to gain the support of right wing nutjobs without the risk of it becoming law and actually embarassing him.

    A really clever move by him.

    Free Member

    You have to look after people who do things like this, if you want people to do things like this. Same as the military.

    The cost isn’t important. Keeping the faith is.

    Free Member

    I think you guys agree here so play nice…

    Free Member


    ordered the one I was thinking of. 2200w of german suction designed to last 20 years… Should see me out 😛

    Free Member

    My turf too

    rewskipretty much nails it, although I’d add Battle and Battle Abbey – with the 1066 battlefield and education stuff, and possibly the old town in Hastings with the funicular railway. I live 1 mile from Drusillas and it is great for that age group

    Free Member

    My 12 year old and 18 year old both do it, but do tons of other stuff, reading, music, other games, online with friends on PC, or on tablet apps.

    It’s just normal these days

    Free Member

    There have been rumours for a week before this. Did the media only just turn up before the police or have there been some there for days ?

    Free Member

    Jivethingy. Show me evidence rather than innuendo of ministers acting together to cover something up, or proof of suppression of legal or police action after intervention a minister.

    I deal with survivors of abuse a fair amount. Have to go to court to help get one offender convicted in a few weeks time. All this concentration on conspiracy theories clouds the fact that must abused people know and are related to their abuser.

    Rolf? Not surprised.
    Cliff ? Who knows. But there is this awkward presumption of innocence thing

    I do think that obsessive conspiracy theorists should take occasional breaks to look long and hard to understand the motivation for their quests.

    Free Member

    Saw 37 shows with my eldest when he was 16. We had a ball.

    Depends on age and interests. But there’s shedloads of comedy, music, magic and art, and things where they overlap, and even just making your way through the open air stuff and flyerers on the royal mile is fun.

    If you are looking for comedy I’d put Tony Law and Ray Peacock and Bridget Christie as easy wins.

    Free Member

    epicyclo I took up your invite, googled that, found that the main 2 protagonists were actually completely cleared, but one killed himself after being outed and the other was killed. So what exactly is your point? Seems to me to show that irresponsible reporting or use of parliamentary privilege isn’t always such a good thing.

    I believe there have been medium level cover-ups of things in Ireland, Jersey and elsewhere, not sure this goes all the way to the top.

    Free Member

    Your choice mate. You want everything for free?

    Free Member

    The French haven’t always been that good. Their death rate on the roads was way worse than the Italians, let alone the British (second best in the world AFAIK).

    Only in the last 10 years or so have the french police got serious about speed and lane discipline, and the results speak for themselves. However, as others have said, lower density on Motoriways. And their RN roads between towns are often badly designed and sluggish with myopic elderly driving small cars at a snails pace, and are not a patch on our A roads. And anyone who has driven past Chambery at a weekend won’t buy the no-queue rubbish.

    Free Member

    Ta. Needed that

    Free Member

    If he is really a teacher, you should be able to trace him fairly easily, and offer him the option you discuss his behaviour and this thread with the school governors…

    Free Member

    Chewkh, you’ve now shown yourself for the immature hypocritical troll you are.

    Do you actually think you re funny?

    Time to move on and ignore you.

    Free Member

    Think most people will have already made up their own minds on that one mate. Nothing to do with your opinions. Everything to do with your style. Hope puberty isn’t too traumatic for you.

    Free Member


    So that’s an excuse for barbaric overreaction by the IDF?

    azku interestingly limited non bike topics you have posted on

    chewkh do you really get a kick out of people thinking you are a moronic barely literate troll?

    Free Member

    Yes it could be. More probably really are, but even now anyone who wants to run for office has to show some kind of faith. This in a country where church and state are constitutionally separated… People now talk about coming out to their parents as atheists.

    Free Member

    Doc here. 6 weeks is rather long for bruising. Off to a doc with you

    Free Member

    I like the idea of Israel, I like the Israelis I met when I spent a few weeks there 30 years ago, and I like almost every Jewish person I’ve ever met… But…

    This is crazy isn’t it?
    The Lobbying influence of Zionist bodies in the US is a matter of record, and that in the UK not a secret.
    The bizarre significance of Israel to right wing US Christian nut jobs also an issue.
    The comparison of Palestine with Egypt and Jordan is bizarre. Two organised countries who could be fought to peace, compare with fighting an idea, something diffuse and protean. Israel will not get rid of the Palestinian “problem” unless it uses either negotiation (South Africa, Northern Ireland) or imprisons them all in concentration camps. And they are not far off doing the latter.

    The underlying problems here are that people in the US/Europe don’t seem to have much sympathy for brown people, and Israeli political rhetoric seems to be dependent of the “smash them with an Iron Fist” approach, with no real thought of the endgame.

    All the pathetic attempts of posters to divert onto Syria and Iraq should be ignored. “Other people murder so my friend should be allowed to too” is a moronic argument.

    I would be interested in how much it would take some of the apologists for Israel to say, ok, enough…

    Free Member

    Downs kids are great , young downs adults too. But I’ve spent too much time dealing with downs patients aged 40-60 with elderly or no parents to think it is as simple as some above seem to think.

    The couple here should have really made sure either they were willing to take on the child whatever, or the mum was willing to abort. So I blame them.

    Free Member

    what they do with their money is none of my business
    Exactly right.

    Just give something, forget the social awkwardness and give.

    But what we do with our money IS our business.

    I gave a cake of all things to a bloke on the mean streets of Lewes a few weeks back. He seemed very grateful.

    I don’t want to buy people fags booze or smack, and that’s my choice

    Free Member

    Tie cord at the front?

    A good small knot that will undo easily is a challenge. Sheet bend would be fine but doesn’t undo easily

    You could put figure of eights in the ends so as to tighten the waist but then not tie them together.

    Strings like this are better inside the shorts

    Free Member

    differing perceptions, and perhaps you get, like the police, mainly to see the times when things go wrong. The paypal gift warning was at least something good.

    Free Member

    The change in the rules re commenting on ads was the moment when I realised STW was not, in the eyes of da management, a community who sometimes tried to look after each other. It was a place where it was ok to come and post dodgy info, with no details and a ridiculous price, and not be laughed at.

    However, that is absolutely clear now, it is what it is, and thats Ok, but muppets like the OP who bring their whinges over to other bits of the forum get what they deserve.

    Free Member

    yep. got one. or rather my partner has. Its good, used it yesterday afternoon. Probably nearer £30 on electricity a month.

    People have really strange ideas about them being for swingers only. Yes they are nice on a dark evening with some wine and the one you love… But actually kids like them too.

    Surprised this video hasnt been posted yet…

    Free Member

    The good thing about threads like this is that you very quickly see who to add to the list of people not to take seriously because they cannot understand or answer a simple question and seek to defend muppets like this. In fact I suspect at least 2 on this thread defend him because he is from the BNP, when that would have played no role at all in his conviction…

    Free Member

    Interesting – when I was first a cyclist – a Roadie – in the late 70’s, cycling was not really a middle-class sport at all. Club rides, cups of tea. York Rally etc etc

    Now it’s MAMILs and carbon full-susser weekend warriors and most of my middle-class friends ride bikes.

    So I suspect it is an aspirational thing and a demographic thing – and you’d think that manafacturers would be gagging to get to a new market.

    I can see that for people with closer ties to Asia – it might have poverty connotations.

    Free Member

    Very difficult.

    Petty minded bigots who selectively pick from the many nasty bits of the OT to decide who they hate…

    But arguments about cake may seem petty until one decides where people can draw the line about what is acceptable “choice” for a business or person.

    Could I, as a GP, refuse to treat certain sexual problems, people with certain sexualities or religions?

    At the very least, I’d like all businesses with this kind of ethic to display a Fish sign so I can choose to take my money elsewhere… But we know that after centuries of judging and discriminating against people on grounds of religious belief, some Christians aren’t so happy to see the same happen to them. Even in the squeals of “militancy” and unfairness we see here when some have their views challenged…

    Pragmatically, I think that if you open a business, you don’t get to discriminate in this way, unless you are asked to do something illegal or which is a lie.

    Free Member

    google Owen Oyston if you think a grey beard guarantees innocence.Impeach the Colonel now…

    RH always made my flesh creep on TV. Only met him once.

    Free Member

    Society has moved on, thank goodness, but these things were always nasty and always illegal, and as someone who has to help mop up the pieces and deal with victims, it is good to see this result.

    Mindless trolling by people who think that all crimes are equivalent, and murder should be forgiven if you don’t go after apple scrumpers. 😕

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