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  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Look at Harvie and Hudson. Better material than Lewins or Tyrwhitt. Good deals every few months.

    Free Member

    Chapeau sir. 🙂

    Free Member

    The “93% of communication is non-verbal” rubbish, based on a study which says nothing of the sort, whose author has gone on the record saying it has been taken out of context.

    Yet still it is trotted out by every moronic power-dressed communication and management consultant… at which point I interrupt, point out to them (verbally) how they have it wrong and walk out (non-verbally). 👿

    Free Member

    Multiyork or Delcor have been good when bought in sales

    Free Member

    Whisky Mac

    Free Member

    I’m in the NHS, and we suffer from some of the same problems as education.

    Mainly that schools and the NHS are too big for the Politicians to be able to resist playing with. The organisational changes we have seen have been poorly thought out and expensive and of almost no benefit. The workforce is left feeling dispirited, under appreciated and looking for the exit door. Every Minister thinks there is a simple easy fix and they are always wrong. What needs to be done is lots of small changes, with experimentation and innovation. We had this in the NHS for a while, but the last few years have been awful. I suspect the same is true in education. Sometimes the correct leadership decision is to do nothing, or at least concentrate on fixing the system you already have. No politician or manager gets kudos from doing this though.

    However – in Health we have real issues around quality, timeliness, communication, availability, customer satisfaction and perception which need to be addressed – and they won’t be by driving everyone over 55 out of the system so there is a recruitment crisis, which is what we have in Primary Care right now.Don’t believe all this “extra GPs” rubbish. There aren’t any and numbers going onto primary care from medical school are at an all time low.

    In education there are some similar issues. Any of us with kids knows there are excellent teachers,but also appalling ones, disorganised ones, ones who use their pupils as therapists, ones who disappear as “sick” for dubious reasons. And the kids know who they are and which ones should be disciplined/retrained/removed. And it just doesn’t happen.
    And if we are going to aim for full employment of mothers and fathers and penalise those who don’t work, educational facillities have to have a baby-sitting/containment role as well.
    The outside perception of the teachers unions is that they really haven’t understood how things have changed. And that plays into the hands of Gove and other muppets.

    Free Member

    I’m a doc. We rarely use or prescribe decongestants and neither do ENT surgeons. And the nasal problems from people who are stuck on them are not good… Google Rhinitis Medicamentosa.

    Netipot or sterimar, sometimes beconase/other nasal steroids. Decongestants only for very rare usage before a flight or public speaking or something like that.
    Chemists sell decongestants. Not always the best advice from them, and seen too many people with hypertension sold them.

    Free Member

    I’m really interested in this – was thinking of getting one – so posting on the thread so I can find it later…

    Does it get really hot in these? Any tubeless-explosive-jizzage inicidents?

    Free Member

    Shit. Just shit.

    A few years ago you rode with mates at Bedgers. Always wanted to meet you. Whatever happens you’ve made one hell of an impact. But wife and kids… Really pulling for you. Best wishes.


    Free Member

    Boris, if you will eff off to Scotland this is what happens… 😉

    Fridge working perfectly here, and the oven has pork roasting in it 🙂

    Free Member

    For some people it wouldn’t matter. Not everyone rates sex as that important. But I’d choose the intimate close relationship with someone who wasn’t always knackered.

    Free Member

    Guardian Soulmates or Times encounters are ok.

    Met the person I think I will spend the rest of my life with this way 🙂

    Free Member

    I love Lucca – have stayed there at least 6 weeks over the years
    The main branch of this[/url] is my favourite Ice Cream shop in the world.

    Florence – my number one places would be the San Marco museum – for the Fra Angelicos, and Santa Croce. The markets North of the Duomo are fun.

    The Pitti Palace, Accademia, Bargello and uffizi are great – but crowded. Not sure I would try going excpet first thing in the morning.
    And there is good food to be had – espescially off the beaten track, eg South of the Arno.
    But you do have to do the Ponte Vecchio and the old market to the North of it.

    Free Member

    My course a few years ago (37 just after a 30 sign, but by a school – and really stupid of me) was good. Had some time with an advanced instructor, some good technical advice. Interesting how many people thought the NSL was 50mph… Not a waste of time at all. And of course if you take 3, then get another 3 points, that will cost you.

    Free Member

    Steve Coogan from one of their previous stupidities

    Many of us who think he should go for good, did used to like him and the show.

    Sad fact is the show has become tired, complacent and repetitive. And with Lazy racism and stereotyping which is ironic to them but taken at face value by many others, including some here.

    But we don’t have to watch it. But we should respect the BBC behaving as any decent employer would. That nearly a million people seem to think he should be able to be a bullying twunt to employees is sad.

    Free Member

    Actually when we make errors we are encouraged to apologise immediately. We want genuine complaints as we learn from them. And when I get appraised when I cannot give evidence of complaints and what I learnt my appraiser wants to know whether we are being open enough with patients.

    But I can see it could come across as telling people to complain.

    Free Member

    Had a 2008 320d.. Nice engine.. But the electrics were erratic and the bumpers and plastic bodywork bits very very fragile and in snow the thing was useless.

    Free Member

    I’m a GP

    PP – that’s awful. No excuse for the way it was handled.

    CG – that wasn’t an accident or an emergency. The clue’s in the name. And even if the muppet walks away without being seen the A&E department charges the NHS £48…

    Free Member

    Only one ski trip this year 🙁
    But awesome off piste with guides in Engelberg.
    Be safe everyone.

    Free Member

    Better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all… well done for having the nerve.

    Free Member

    Badgers are worse

    My partner’s mum feeds urban foxes 🙁

    Free Member

    Korma Chameleon
    Tikka little piece of my heart…

    Free Member

    Evidence for elbow injections in tennis/golfers elbow (the usual thing we do them for) is that the early outcome is better, but long term outcome is worse – so we don’t do them much anymore.

    Knees – debatable in the absence of an inflammatory arthritis. Shoulders can be really good as can fingers(experts only – not me) and some other joints.

    I am not sure I know of any knee problem which a single injection could solve…

    Free Member

    And Bob Odenkirk is a total comedy hero too

    Watch Mr Show on you tube – a different way of doing things – with David Cross.

    Face-Off was our favourite BB episode. The end… 😯

    Free Member


    Best puns I’ve seen for ages

    Chapeau old chap

    Free Member

    Mahler 4,5,6
    Brahms 1 & 4
    Beethoven 7
    Mozart requiem, trio from the end of first act of Cosi
    Janacek and Bartok string quartets
    Bach St Mathew passion and Brandenburg 2, and cello suites and the Goldberg variations
    Shostakovich 24 preludes and fugues
    Tons of stuff really important to me.

    But also rock, funk, house. Miles, Bill Evans
    Anything but trad jazz and thrash metal
    There is only good music and bad music.

    Free Member


    She can get a corporate discount at PC world which helps
    Currently has a dying windows xp laptop with no coherent back up or storage policies
    Won’t be storing films or videos or much music
    Getting her to use time machine will be a plus too.

    Looks like the 8gb ram is the way to go

    Free Member

    parks and rec

    Free Member

    Lots of good info above – but contact lens wearers get some interesting and different problems, particularly acanthoemeba keratitis and the like. You may still end up needing to see a Hospital Eye service…

    Don’t put your contacts back in till you have been 100% better for at least 48hrs. If they are non-daily disposables, chuck ’em. If you still have problems in 48 hours from now on the drops you got, do seek help, and do so sooner if the vision gets worse in the meantime. Try reading small print with the affected eye. Other symptoms you should take seriously include a feeling like there is something stuck on your eye, blurring/fogging/haloes around things you see, and pain which appears to be in the eyeball itself.

    Free Member

    I don’t mind people testing themselves against standards in these very boring ways, as long as they don’t go on about them in the typical middle-aged bloke who has just taken up marathons/tris style.

    There do seem to be sports which are about skill, some which are about risk and thrills, and some which are just about looking in the mirror of your own pain and boredom. I’ll stick to the first two.

    Free Member

    Angels with Bagpipes – very good and on the Royal Mile so good if you are in the old town

    Free Member

    epicyclo that’s fine. You are entitled to your views, and many of us could argue that the interference of Scots Politicians in English issues has been a problem too, but the rest of your Nation were simply not convinced enough to agree with the proposal. It was indeed a triumph of democracy, a joy to see such a turnout, and some time after it spent in quiet reflection by both sides might be good.

    Free Member

    I don’t find it funny.

    But I also don’t like you, Iolo, deciding without nothing more than a video clip, that he has mental health issues, and then deciding to angrily tear other people a new one because of your perception of what is wrong with him.

    Free Member

    It really is quite a clever strategy.

    Behave more and more like a sulky stroppy teenager, until everyone else actually wants you to leave home.

    It is a shame because the majority did vote to stay, and I love the place, but I’m really really beginning to wish they had voted yes, so we could be done with this.

    For years the behavior of northern Ireland politicians achieved the same for many of us I suspect, the unionists were just embarrassing belligerent bigots, and deserved to be cut loose. But now things seem better.

    Free Member

    iolo. Just because you have mental health issues doesn’t mean you are always right in seeing them in others. Some cantankerous old gits are just cantankerous. Perhaps stop demonstrating your anger issues to people here?

    Just because you don’t find it funny doesn’t mean others can’t. I find it painful, and embarrassing, but none of us have a right not to be offended.

    Free Member

    I really don’t know why people who aren’t interested in this thread post in it, so I thought I’d post just to say I don’t know why they do it.

    Free Member

    The way he pulled it in and secured it is beyond awesome. 😯

    Free Member

    The Harp[/url] is a must if you are central – good beer – really good range
    There’s a reason why its been the CAMRA pub of the year a few years back
    Admittedly the workers may be the orchestra from ENOs rear door..

    Free Member

    Probably but not definitely cough syncope. But see your GP

    Free Member

    BMA and GMC each about £400. GMC compulsory but useless, BMA useful and not compulsory. RCGP 400 ish and optional and useless.

    Professional indemnity, because unlike Hospital Docs, we don’t get ours paid… About 4500. (Cheaper using Scottish insurers ).

    You do a professional job and you pay professional fees 🙁

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