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  • Rachel Atherton Qualifies (Despite Dislocating Shoulder At Fort Bill)
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Lived in 1 for 20 years, now in another. Managed to do a fair amount.
    Depends on how the listing is written and your local conservation officers.
    At G2 the external appearance and key internal historic features are the most important. You used to be able to get VAT off G2 building alterations but I think that’s gone…

    Free Member

    Yup report to Social Services as Vulnerable Adult and to the Police

    This +1
    Go for it.

    Free Member

    Boris – long time old chap

    It’s really nothing – it is an incidental finding on blood tests – lots of people have it – can cause a problem if you have certain rather old fashioned drugs – but mainly an issue in that sometimes it causes young Drs to overreact to tests which are actually normal for you.

    I am sure lots of people on the interweb will blame it for everything from tiredness to third world poverty…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A total star… all his stuff really worth listening to

    Free Member

    pancreatic cancer and MND

    Free Member

    My eldest got his (retake) International Bacc results well over a month ago, taken at the same time as As, at a state school, marked and published much faster, and not arsing up the whole Summer. Has had his uni place confirmed etc etc.

    It does seem a bit bizarre that there is only this short 4-5 week period in which to receive marks, get adjustments, contact Unis, do clearing etc etc.

    Partners son gets add maths result today and GCSEs next week. happy days…

    Free Member

    what about the opposite concept…

    I give you Richard Cheese’s work including

    Free Member

    I see lots of really polite power rangers who indicate thanks when I make space for them.

    I’d say I am an average driver, not a good one.

    I’m aware that I express my disapproval of really bad driving, using the horn, too frequently. Road rage is too frequent these days, and it doesn’t help.

    Only stopped to remonstrate with drivers twice, both old ladies, one who I reported to the Police and offered to be a witness after I followed her driving the wrong side of the road for a mile or two… the other who I knew, and who took out my wing mirror by dangerous driving in a town. Contacted her relatives, who stopped her driving. So there can be a good outcome.

    Free Member

    Got the CD6000 KI which I think followed on from it. Seems a good and solid bit of kit and still working well.

    Free Member

    Very pleased with Now TV – all the Sky stuff I actually want at a cheap price, and decent bit of kit kit for using for iPlayer etc…

    Free Member

    I’m a doc – and for Penicillin – where most people have had just a rash or felt ill many years ago and it has been labelled as allergy to every single member of the Penicilln family – we often try it again.

    But severe or instant reactions suggest possible anaphylaxis and we wouldnt do that outside a hospital.

    Free Member

    Erytho and related Abx (Clarithro and Azithro) often do have stomach side effects. Had it myself

    Perhaps 9/10 people who think they are allergic to penicilln actually aren’t, or don’t seem to remain so, and it might be worth a rechallenge at some point unless your reaction was severe and immediate. Ask yer Doc…

    Free Member

    Thanks. Been waiting for this 🙂

    Free Member

    gmail works across lots of platforms and is simple. And it isn’t going to go away and isn’t dependent on your ISP.

    I have now lost/migrated 2 domain name emails across to gmail and now have shared gmail calendars with android and IOS users, whereas sharing an IOS calendar with an android user was a bit more difficult.

    Free Member

    I’m old… 54, and think lots of the things in this thread are creative and interesting usages of an evolving language, Some of which communicate different ideas and attitudes, and language shouldn’t be static and sterile…

    But.. The lazy usage of words to punctuate sentences when they add nothing at all does annoy me

    I was like…. And she was like….. Etc

    I do quite like sentences starting with So.

    Free Member


    I’d agree with your last point. Trouble is with employment rates looking generally higher, wages actually climbing, more full time work, and a large cohort of pensioners who will vote, you may not get the answer you want.

    And I think we should learn from history. Most social and other political advances happen slowly, incrementally. Even Obama and Blair managed to deliver some good stuff. So yes – I’d like a safer option than most revolutions.

    Free Member

    That would be a very British kind of revolution – but really that was pushing on an already opening door…

    Free Member

    How well do revolutions actually work?

    The French revoltion led to a chaotic time, got rid of a monarch, and series of so called republics where you actually had Napoleon the third… and they got invaded bythe Germans three times. You could argue that it is only since the mid 1960s that they actually managed to get effective democracy right, if slightly corrupt…

    The Russian Revolution – well – that went well for the 20 million Stalin got to…

    The Cultural revolution in China…

    The American revolution – well, still a bit early to say… 😉 but there is an irony in a republican party considering Bush the third as King…. oops… President

    I am playing devils advocate here… but really?

    Free Member

    and STV or some other form of PR. No party has had real mandate for many many years

    Free Member

    everyone thinking that Corbyn is the messiah and that a left wing labour government can surely only follow his ascension is delusional.

    The only true question is whether the “left” want a strong-voiced, clear left-wing ideological party in permanent opposition OR an electable centre/right/left red Conservative electable brand of Labour with which to block right wing government and press the social democratic agenda.

    When the delusional come to their senses, do they still stand by the principled left wing politician, or will pragmatism lead them back to No10 with Chuka to evict Dave?

    this +1

    So easy to be idealogically sound, isolate oneself from the electorate and be smugly satisfied as one sits on the sidelines.

    Personally I’d rather see some Left wing policies rather than none – and if that means some Realpolitik, so be it.

    And Milliband was far from an effective centre-right candidate.

    One last point – Jeremy will be 71 at the next election. Just saying…

    Free Member

    Public sector but not on final salary… (GP). Would have had a rather good pension but a chunk of the money goes to soon to be ex wife. And that’s ok. It’s hers. Then there are the changes in annual and lifetime allowance by HMRC. These are not only stopping pension contributions but encouraging a lot of my colleagues to retire or go part-time early. So don’t believe any of this “we will employ 5000 more GPs crap… There will be 5000 less…

    I was going to go at 60 in 6 years. Now will be another few after that, but younger partner so all good 🙂

    Free Member

    That’s rather good 🙂

    Free Member

    Sounds like a bargain actually…

    Free Member

    theotherjonv a good analogy, and a reason why I haven’t watched more than tiny amounts of the TdF coverage in the last few years 🙁

    Free Member

    Chapaking Disagree

    Some of the same things we heard being trotted out by the doping-deniers, when everyone with any sense knew LA was doping (eg after the Simeoni affair), are being said again here on this thread.

    I’d argue that it is more that we know now
    1) how rife doping has been
    2) how many tarnished support staff are still involved
    3) how suspicious some performances are
    4) how almost impossible it is to catch people on PEDs

    This means that it is rational to suspect doping, and the emotional response is clinging on to an unrealistic belief in the goodness of heroes to make blanket insistances that it cannot be happening in Sky.

    Wish it were different. One day we will know.

    Free Member

    Nice sincere bloke, some rather silly ideas, would be a disaster at the next General Election.

    Prime Minister Boris anyone?

    Free Member

    As I said – if it was a stunt – so what?

    It has succeeded in showing an unnecessarily petty-minded attitude both in Cardiff and perhaps here too?

    The adult thing if you don’t approve, is to ignore them.

    Free Member

    Nice to see so many people saying, “this behaviour is not suitable for public spaces” rather than “I believe this behaviour is not suitable for public spaces”. 😉

    Even if this was a publicity stunt – so what ? – the real world is full of things we may not like seeing or hearing – welcome to the world! And any one who thinks this might corrupt kids is a twit. Modern kids have the nous to realise that taking it for granted that same sex couples or others can kiss in public doesn’t make that behaviour compulsory.

    I wonder if some people need to look at their own emotional reserve and difficulties before demonising others. You don’t want to look, don’t look!

    Free Member

    Belated thanks for these ideas.. very useful. Ta

    Free Member

    Logic fail!! Read it again.

    You can be offended as you like! You just can’t expect other people to tiptoe round your rather bizarre sensitivity, and tell us all what funny is. You’re in a hole mate. Stop digging. 😉

    Free Member

    Lots of ours goes on organising races, training coaches and helping building trails in cooperation with the FC.

    Free Member

    unfitgeezer actually anything can be funny, it depends on the context and who is saying it, and perhaps even the distance from the initial event. There are things I cannot say, but Chris Rock can.

    This is very clearly funny and not offensive. It mocks both MTBrs and Hitler as well as playing on the Downfall meme.

    But you don’t have a right not to be offended, or get to make ex cathedra statements about what topics are tabboo for humour.

    Free Member

    Brilliant. 🙂

    Free Member

    Lots of these well recognised

    We look for earwax and foreign bodies in ears when people have odd coughs
    Mixturition syncope already mentioned.
    The belly button anus one not uncommon.
    Lots of people get cramps under the tongue/jaw
    And tha last few posters are describing proctalgia fugax.
    Most women have a larger left breast, most men a larger left testicle. Etc etc

    Some good ones too though. 🙂

    Free Member

    We are hedging and buying half today, and half in a month

    Free Member

    yep. Most of that’s secondary prevention. We stopped using it in hypertension and diabetes a few years back.

    Free Member

    It’s been an odd and sometimes stressful weekend, and somehow this cheered me up!

    Thanks Pigface !

    Free Member

    Mark Maron WTF

    Lots of other suggestions for you, but depends what are you into?

    Free Member

    Poorly designed and built stairs, sorry she got hurt. But please don’t be that guy.

    There is a tiny irony in the way this gets posted on a forum which celebrates the unevenness and unpredictability of the natural environment.

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