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  • Hope WMN Enduro Photo Gallery
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Way more than footflaps suggests. Probe and shovel for everyone. Heliski operators might go lead and tailgunner only, the rest of us shouldn’t.
    The block tests ain’t all that. Tell you historic info about the spot you’re on, no more. Only an expert who knows the hills history will be able to make much of them in other contexts

    +1 for Gravity-slaves recommendation as a good minimum.

    I use one of the older compressed air snowpulse bags if I am out the back. Very comfy. And an Ortovox S1. I do like the Mammut pulse transceiver though.

    Some good package deals on Sport Conrad, often via Snow Shepherd, or via Lockwoods if you are a SCGB member.

    Most important however is training, attitude and dropping the macho crap.

    Read “snow sense” a cracking thin book by people who know.

    Free Member

    As opposed to idiots who would be happy with a pay cut, removal of maximum hours and safety elements when they have already lost an average of 14% since 2009 and carry 5 or 6 years of student debt, and earn less than people in jobs with less responsibility and training…

    Epic logic fail. If it’s that brilliant, you do it 🙄

    Free Member

    Apart from the BMA, very few members of the medical establishment backed strike action or the BMA’s refusal to even meet with the DH Employers team since June this year.


    This is simply total and utter BS. In 30 years in the business I cannot recall such total and utter unanimous support for action in the profession. Your statement casts doubt on your agenda and your credibility. I call Troll.

    If JH had agreed to ACAS intervention before 5 days ago, and/or not threatened to impose a contract unilaterally, and/or agreed months ago to discuss more than 1 out of 23 points, the action would not have been happening. he has acted in bad faith and tried to demonise the Juniors all the way along, and the “Medical Establishment” is absolutely behind them.

    You are absolutely right about the private sector involvement though. Private providers have shown very little interest recently apart from AQP providers of relatively small services, because there are not significant profits to be made. Look at Blue Circle and their saga…

    I suspect the Conservatives would like much more private involvement, but it isn’t going to happen within the current budgets, unless there is a wholesale move to private insurance.

    Free Member

    I know STW has more male than female posters – but it does seem interesting that almost all the stories on this thread are from blokes.
    Are we just shit at understanding and talking to women?

    Free Member

    Catherine – beautiful long-haired redhead at Uni – we got close a couple of times – cuddled up – but didn’t really get it together – and I loved her, Just was an absolute shy idiot. Even set her up with one of my friends because she seemed unhappy. He dumped her, I wouldn’t have. Met her 5 years ago – 25 years down the line – still beautiful – at a reunion. She asked questions that, when I was sober, I realised meant she had googled me. I could have done something then…
    Might see her in 2 years time, but am now with someone I love – a beautiful long-haired redhead. Wonder if there is a connection?

    On the other hand – there was someone I didn’t complete the deal with about 6 years ago at a conference, too pissed, bumped into her a year or so later, told her I regretted not making more of the opportunity, and 24 hrs later we were in bed and then three years of intermiitent joy, but a lot of hell followed. So yes, now I have the confidence to tell people I screwed up, and wish I’d got together with them, and have done so with good results. But be careful what you wish for…

    Free Member

    OP GP here – thats just really bad – and shouldn’t happen.
    And some of the other stuff posted about just shows stupid systems organised badly. No way can this be defended. Some of it is about workload and pressures and increasing expectations, and some of it is about previous access targets which have made some surgeries adopt really stupd systems. But it is still shameful.

    My next available routine appointment is on Tuesday ( 5 days) but more appointments with me will be made available for tomorrow and Monday, and we will see unlimited people who feel they need to be seen in urgent clinics every week day.

    Pharmacy advice can be very very good… but surprise surprise sometimes ends in selling patients something totally inappropriate. More from people working for the bigger chains IME.

    +1 for registering for online booking btw.

    Free Member

    Bass Player since 1977, with a 19 year old Son who now gigs with an Ibanez Roadstar I had in 1981. He plays a variety of basses now, but learnt on an RBX170 off Friday Ad, and now my partner’s daughter is learning on that too. Nice neck and action and pickups.

    Free Member

    Seen people who have had them done, quite often just before or after they dump their partners. A few people for whom that wasn’t the case. Unless someone is very small, very asymmetrical or has had Cancer, I’d want to really understand their reasons very fully.

    Free Member

    Love him to bits. Saw him once in 1979, then twice in 2013-14

    Watch Oil City Confidential to understand the context.

    Free Member

    Also worth watching American Ham (Offerman’s Netflix special) and reading “paddle your own canoe” his book.

    this + 1

    Free Member

    Another vote for Chase Marmalade 🙂

    Free Member

    this + 1

    Free Member

    30 yrs a Doc. never taken the hippocratic oath. It has absolutely no relevance to modern medical ethics. It is antiquated and full of rubbish – a bit Old Testament actually

    These are our rules

    And we are all on the side of the Juniors. Hunt has lied and lied and lied.

    Free Member

    “But the pair are worried about becoming “financially broken” as the sheer cost of middle-class life in London means they are stretched to the brink.”

    They’ve sought advice, they are worried, they are not saying they earn too little. The BTL tax changes and kids getting older will impact on them. I don’t see them blaming any one or asking for money.

    Do I feel sorry for them? No – the answers are pretty simple.

    Probably they have a friend who is a hack journalist who needed a victim for his column. Anyone her trust a journalist to accurately report what you say?

    Free Member

    Upper class is nothing to do with wealth – it is birth, breeding and marriage.

    nickC And they won’t get child benefit – that went for over £50k years ago.

    And they aren’t complaining – they are asking advice.

    Seems an odd thing for happy STWrs to get upset about.

    Free Member

    They weren’t complaining or asking for sympathy – just for financial advice, in the financial advice pages. This wasn’t a Daily Hate middle-class whinge.

    Newflash – there are people who earn more than all of us, and people of almost every income do have to take spending decisions. So I am not sure why the OP felt the need to post it.

    I spend a bit of time in South West London now where my partner lives and am totally shocked at both the cost of property (725k does not buy you much at all) and the aspirational culture and educational arms race…

    I’d love to see some heat taken out of the housing market, and a decent universal education system, and my kids have gone through the state system. It ain’t going to happen.

    Nothing to see here – move on…

    Free Member

    But not a good one like the allotment one a few years ago.

    Free Member

    pp oops

    Free Member

    graham s doesn’t alter the point that you can get perfectly legal taps which mix cold mains with hot gravity fed supplies. They just mix at the nozzle. And euro plugs are way better than ours, smaller, and the euro ones pull out of walls more safely without risking partially pulling the wires out and don’t ever break when you drop them.

    It’s all a matter of habit and custom and British stupidity.

    Why FFS doesn’t the UK use km instead of miles…

    [edit… Had this the wrong way round… ]

    Free Member

    Xmas in the UK is too much, too pressurised. Other countries do better, I’ve had 2 in Oz, one in Canada and 3 in the US.

    Every thing shuts, people shut the doors, then have disappointing presents, followed by disappointing food, followed by disappointing TV.

    Last year after a relationship crashed and burned, I ended up with relatives at a slightly tense xmas lunch. Felt a twit.

    Now I am with someone wonderful, and all of our kids will be off with the ex spouses, so we will have a long walk and a restaurant meal, and tell the rest of the world to eff off 🙂

    Had I not met her, I’d definitely hide in my cave this xmas.

    Free Member

    that bloke in the video is just plain wrong about the taps in bathrooms. Most older houses did not – I believe – originally have mains supply to the cold taps. He might have an argument for the kitchen where you would usually have have high pressure mains cold and gravity fed hot, but I think I’ve seen more mixers in kitchens with that situation – usually with the mixing occurring at nozzle end.

    Think its just history and habit.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    easy – wear blades for a week…

    roll your eyes all you want but I’d be totally embarassed to have such an obviously manipulated shot posted,

    Free Member

    With the angle corrected by more recent posters like gravity slave, that looks more legit. Leg position and angulation looks reasonable. Not that steep.
    Those look more like dynafit touring bindings than telemark, but really not enough detail.
    And when I ski 45 degrees or steeper I have been known to hold poles like that when stationary or traversing. Not when turning though. Not the poles I’d use for skiing interesting stuff either. Small baskets, not adjustable.
    Those criticising should remember that this is a single shot of a dynamic situation
    The original image in the OP is very clearly wrong though. Poor form of the guy in the photo to let it be posted.

    Free Member


    Let’s also see some of the people who support the French by changing their FB profile picture do something more concrete which actually costs money and helps the French – like visiting Paris. 🙂

    Free Member

    Email addresses aren’t.

    Free Member

    Sign up the estate agent for a few interesting internet dating sites using his work email…

    Job done.

    People wouldn’t collect and sell this stuff if muppets like the EA weren’t so bloody rude they thought it was ok to cold call or spam strangers.

    Free Member

    Google the piste office. Jon is brilliant at advice and supplying waxes and tuning stuff.

    Tend to use his Zoom Dominator myself. Reminds me, time to think about tuning…

    Free Member

    Funny thing is, you can tell someone they are been givien a placebo, labelled placebo, and it can still work. Wonderful thing the human mind.

    Free Member

    We are now in 2015, not 1955. It is now considered unethical for Drs to lie to patients by ommission or commission. We really try not to use medication or treatments which have not been shown to work. So to fund or use an entire discipline which is fake is not on.

    Placebos working in genuine medical conditions (usually in 20 – 30% of people) as well as having side-effects (the same rate of side-effects in placebo treatment as in Statin treatment in big trials) isn’t news. But the idea that Drs can paternalistically decide which patients they are going to lie to went with Dr Finlay’s casebook…

    The level of evidence of effectiveness required for things bought over the counter, be they medications, supplements from Holland & Barrett, or wrinkle banishing creams from cosmetics companies is laughably low. But I am not asked to prescribe those.

    Free Member

    There should be no room for NHS funding of treatments which are pure placebo – and effectively a lie in which the patient and therapist collude. Also tons of evidence of the harm when people don’t seek help appropiately because of homeopathy.

    If people want to spend their own money on this – fine – sheep were made to be shorn. 😉

    Free Member

    ibiza – closing parties last year – felt old then, feel older now.

    Free Member

    I’m optimistic about my future – and looking forward to it. I’m going to be dead by 2050 though.

    Much much more worried about my kids’ future.

    Free Member

    I am a keen skier – perhaps done 75-80 weeks, and I’m not a brilliant MTBer.

    I started MTBing to stay fit for skiing. So yes, I think it is fun and addictive.

    Once you start skiing narrows, steeps, deeps and trees, there is very definitely a shared bunch of skills in balance, line choice and psychological approach. But even before then.

    You will never learn as much again as in your first week, and you should have a ball. But remember to enjoy the mountains!

    Go to a dome rather than a dry slope if you can.

    clavboy 😆

    OP – where are you going?

    Free Member

    JY know many marriages that ended without infidelity? I don’t. Another reason may get tagged to it. And irritreviablel breakdown is often be given as a reason for divorce rather than adultery in a divorce petition. But usually there has been infidelity. Thing is you are, not for the first time, being very rigid and judgmental. the simple answer isn’t always right.

    But I’m not going to persuade you, so I’m out.

    Free Member

    Ok DONK, what if one partner has, with no medical or emotional reason, completely lost interest in sex, yet they have a successful child raising companionate marriage? What if the relationship the other person (woman or man) develops, keeps the marriage together?

    These things happen. You just don’t learn about them. Life and marriage and truth involve white lies and selected fictions. But that’s more complex than simple internet morality.

    Free Member

    Tim Hortons? Coffee sucks, krullers to die for…

    Still got some MEC kit from 23 years ago… 🙂

    Free Member

    JY 42% of marriages end in divorce, and then there are the marriages where infidelity does not end marriage. Do the Mathis….

    Fact remains you and others are judging what is good for people in a relationship of which you know very little other than the reports of a spurned lover.

    Free Member

    JYyou are being a bit of a moral absolutist here. I get to talk to people in this situation, have been in this situation myself, and know that infidelity is not only not always a deal breaker, sometimes it can lead to positive changes in a marriage. Often not.

    Most marriages are touched by infidelity. To view it as an marriage extinction level event, and encourage strangers to get their pitchforks ready, rather than being a painful point in a relationship, which might be better handled in private, is to make a judgement of a complex situation you may not actually understand.

    Free Member

    Ikea actually do some pretty good ones now

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