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  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Thailand is probably rather different, but in the UK we had a real vogue for people coming in and saying they’d been spiked when they really hadn’t. They’d just not counted one or two drinks, or eaten less, or been tired to start with.then mysteriously it seemed to stop happening a year or so back.
    So in the UK I’d be agreeing with Drac and his wider professional experience.

    Free Member

    jambalaya It is the consistent hypocrisy of the Vatican, the systematic sexism and the way their Market Share building activities in South America, along with the industrial level beatification and sanctification going on which betrays a controlling organisation rotten at the core. So – yes – a slight difference…

    I am not anti-Catholics, I am anti the organisation and the assumptions it makes. And it has a more centralised command and control structure than many religions. No one has quoted “Give me a child until he is 7” – the jesuit boast – yet. But whatever the origin it makes a good point.

    Free Member

    Saxonrider welcome to the internet… people are allowed to disagree with your views and make jokes… and you seem to be being a teensy bit judgmental today 😉

    Free Member

    I am an atheist. I’d not want my kids at a school openly affiliated to RC. I’d be happy with C of E/Quaker/Sikh. Not sure about Islaam.

    An education which starts from a basis of accepting flawed and sexist principles promulgated by a fundementally corrupt and morally bankrupt leadership, is not what I’d want for them.

    Free Member

    Boardinbob If that’s your bag, then I’d want to see Dave Attell… wish he’d come over here. 🙁

    Free Member

    Yep Stewart Lee remains good, but possibly having a bit more difficulty now he is more high status.

    Currently got tickets to see Abandoman, Trygve Wakenshaw and. Spencer Jones, as I’m trying different stuff than man with a mike… Which my partner gets tired of.


    Solo:James Acaster, Ray Peacock, Brendon Burns, Bridget Christie (but her thing is getting a bit repetitive), Nick Helm
    Musical,: Abandoman, Chistian Reilly
    Sketch: Pappys, Beast, I do want to see Geins family gift shop
    One liners: Gary Delaney, Milton, etc etc

    The last comic I saw was a last minute work in progress in a small venue, front row, last Saturdsy, and was Michael McIntyre, technically good, I’m sure but tiring seeing a bloke spend an hour noticing and remembering things with no personal or wider comment. Not sure I’d want to go for a drink with him.

    I’d love to go and see Jimmy Carr or Frankie, or Bill Burr, or Louis, just not at a big venue…

    Free Member

    errr…. are you sure all Jews are one race?!

    Free Member

    saxonrider +1

    jimjam – what you said was straight forward antisemitism. Sorry and all that.

    It’s complex isn’t it? Centuries of prejudice and dislike against the jews, blood libels, lies, conspiracy theories of which JHJ would be proud…

    And then they start treating other people, the way they have been treated and on one side you see a US lobby resisting any criticism, and on the other side a desire by some arabic countries to drive them all into the sea…

    Complicated and nuanced.

    Free Member

    @saxonrider, I was walking along beside a road once when the last remaining mount failed and some bloke’s engine dropped right out of his car onto the road. That also made quite a noise

    I saw that happen to a Double Decker Bus leaving the depot near a station I used when I went to school. Might have been just the gearbox and transmission. Blocked the exit of the depot. Left an impressive mess on the road. I suspect someone lost their job that day.

    Free Member

    rdl go for it – looking forward to the update!

    Free Member

    love it, a lot, another binge watch session coming up tonight with my 14 year old.

    Other great things often overlooked, Rick and Morty, Community.

    Free Member


    and preciousmorals (see what I did there ? 😉 ) Not every woman on line is mad – my life partner was there, as was I. And knowing a bit about how other people get off doesn’t mean one is weird or signed up oneself. It takes a bit of a narrow mind not to be interested in how other people tick and get their kicks. Even if it causes sniggers in the STW fourth-formers. 😉

    Free Member

    As above – if she actually thinks 50 shades is true BDSM. she’s not really understood it, and probably is not that commiited to it, and I have no idea how she can tell you aren’t a serious dom just by looking at you… I believe the kink community are not big fans of 50 shades…

    If you like her, and aren’t looking for “the one” why not have some good dirty fun and get her to teach you a bit? What’s to lose?

    Free Member

    And worth remembering most speedos and cruise control systems over-read by 5% or so… My indicated 75 is 70

    Free Member

    stevet1 Your ear is actually a reverse drum/speaker which detects and moves with sound waves which are mixed togather in a overlapping multiphased pattern. All a speaker does is the opposite, generate/reproduce those waves. In an ideal world the speaker and your ear drum would be moving in perfect sync. There is more to it than that – bass sounds have more of a feeling though your body (google Evelyn Glennie…) and less directionality

    Free Member

    All been said already really…

    With digital handling of sound and less crosstalk and inaccuracies there is less and less to be improved upon. Once upon a time Richer Sounds said they would only ever sell separates and no systems or TVs…

    The key things now I guess are Speakers, your room layout and acoustic and your own perceptions – but the number 1 thing is source quality… So much modern non-classical music seems to be recorded with crap speakers or headphones in mind. I hate hearing music through crap speakers.

    Free Member

    Just make sure you get one with a separate upper cutlery tray. Siemens Miele etc

    Free Member

    Calzedonia do some nice ones… I’m told… 😉 🙂

    Free Member

    The large mobile home driven by the Nazis in “The Blues Brothers” which changes to become much smaller and cheaper just before it crashes into the river.

    Sad – but that’s annoyed me for years.

    Free Member

    My 5 yo grandson said to me the other day “you’re the next one in our family who’s going to die, aren’t you?” Cheered me up no end

    When I turned 50 – I said to my elder son that I was two-thirds of the way to death – he said ” No… four-fifths… ”

    I dodn’t know whether to feel happy that he had managed enough maths to make a joke, or upset. 🙁

    Free Member

    It’s a shame perhaps that they used Helen – who was always more than slightly annoying to start with… But obviously undeserving of this.

    A big issue – and being handled well – and nice to hear a female policeman being the heavy-handed one for once.

    I see they expect this story arc to continue for a year.

    Free Member


    Hangovers last longer
    Getting up in the night and longer wees
    Thinking that 26″ wheels will see me out.

    But enjoying life more than ever

    Free Member

    Threads like this give me tool envy… 🙁

    Free Member

    ,I’m not naive about doping. Hated Lance from the Simeoni affair onwards. But this Dr seems a self-serving narcissistic bull shitter and I’d like to see some documentation before fetching my pitchfork.

    Free Member


    If you are a nasal snorer, sometimes steroid sprays will help, sometimes nasal surgery.

    But most people are palatal snorers… Weight loss and less alcohol help many people. A few get helped by devices linked to here already.. Some people are helped by palatal surgery (UPPP) but the success rate is not brilliant and is generally only done privately.

    Ear plugs can be relationship savers. Also there are some people who can sleep through it, and others who can’t. My ex-wife could, and so can my Partner now. But the one in between… despite being a player of the nasal trombone herself… found it a real problem.

    Free Member

    My left-leaning 19 yr old is at uni and has joined the OTC. Not sure I’d want him to be an infantry officer in an over-deployed army. I’m worried.

    Free Member

    I’d like to thank Cougar for putting his head above the parapet and answering questions, and, yes, it might be a good idea for a thread like this to be a sticky.

    In the end this place is a consumer choice, but lucky to be one with little competition perhaps?

    With 500,000 Facebook likes, or whatever it is, a lot of traffic, and a magazine that seems to do ok, there must be a way to be more selective and intelligent about the way the ads are presented. And also fix the logout thing. We shouldn’t need to use Cougars link or ad blockers.

    Free Member

    I do use other forums. None of them have the level of advertising intrusiveness this place does. Some of them have things similar to the P thing. But they seem to exist without the horrendous non premier experience, the repeated log outs if you have paid up and the condescension shown to users who are having a bad experience.

    Please fix it.

    Free Member

    Don’t badly laid out, intrusive or slowly rendering ads reduce traffic and potential income for the site?

    Free Member

    Dark linen suit, plain shirt, good shoes

    If those are ok it will be your sunglasses and hair they judge you by… 😉

    Free Member

    Prefer Cha siu bao myself…

    Spicy poppadoms dipped in thai dipping sauce.

    In general I’m not safe near buffets 🙁 Not proud.

    Free Member

    A genius perhaps but an odd one, hadn’t seemed to be around for ages. The interview he did with Ricky Gervais put me off him for good. Perhaps too like Larry?

    Free Member

    Iainc. – go for a scooby 🙂

    The yeti isn’t an SUV. Too subtle and sensible. Looks like postman pat’s van really….

    Perhaps Fiat had the right idea with the Multipla? 😉

    Free Member

    CZ. Yes.. The sea doesn’t freeze flat… Set off our ELT on one landing and got calls from search and rescue.

    Free Member

    Been flown around a bit in floatplanes back in the day. Mainly up and down the Newfoundland and Labrador coast. Usually DH Beavers. Lovely landings. Love them.

    Landing in them on the sea when frozen on skis is not so good. 😯

    Free Member

    That is exactly what happened in 2002-4 with the GPs with a recruitment and workforce crisis – and they had to radically alter T&Cs.

    It was good for a few years – but now in RPI terms we are worse off than in 2004, working much harder… and there is another workforce crisis coming in the next 12 months… But I’m not complaining, I’m planning my retirement in 4-5 years when I always thought I’d go on for another 7-8…

    The trouble is it takes 10 years from Medical Student admission or 5 years from initial qualification to get to the places in the system where the workforce problems happen – so there is a lag phase which means alienating a huge cohort of Drs is risky if you want to keep your service sustainable. There will be no one to replace them, for 5 to 10 years…

    And a medical qualification – it turns out – is a pretty good starter degree. I know ex Drs in various fields. So don’t think people won’t walk. They are doing so already.

    Free Member

    DT78 but this is basically abuse by a monopoly employer of a bunch of people who, unlike my generation, are saddled with 5-6 years of student debt.

    If they had a way they could walk away and choose to do something else, or work for someone else, it might be a bit fairer…

    … and actually that’s why so many are going overseas or dropping out of medicine completely… They are clever people with marketable intelligence.

    So the question is what kind of NHS do you want?

    Perhaps you do want one where it is impossible to adequately staff the service thanks to capricious evidence-ignoring decisions by JH which are actually cost-neutral?!

    Free Member

    APH off-airport are pretty good, or possibly do an off-site hotel arrangement. The hotels on-site, Bloc, Sofitel and Hilton aren’t cheap and I don’t think they bundle parking in cheap deals. One of the North terminal short stay car parks is shut because of structural issues and the Airport’s own Long-stay bus service sucks…
    Lots of discounts availaable via Purple Parking or other sites if you sign up to their emails…

    Free Member

    Spend half my life in the Esher area these days.

    It appears you absolutely need an SUV – in Black with tinted rear windows if you are a Blonde dropping your kids at prep school and cannot park or let go of your phone.

    4×4 estate for me.

    Free Member

    chewkh. There are times when your carefully fostered stance of uncaring ignorance is just trolling.

    The changes are described as a pay rise, yet are cost neutral…. Some Drs who don’t do as much frontline 24 hr acute care will get paid more… So those that deliver the 24 hr care Hunt bangs on about, despite the fact that the Drs and Nurses are the only people who are already there 24 hrs, will get paid…. Come on, you can work it out..!

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