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  • The Grinder: Wolf Tooth pedals, DMR cranks, Ceramic Speed SLT bearings, USE bar, Madison bib-trouser, Leatt knee pads
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    The French know how to cook compared to ze Inglish iz all I can say.

    nice try…! after 7 days in France outside Paris I am usually looking for anyone NOT french who can cook something interesting… and as for food for my Partner, who is a veggie… don’t even go there… and indeed perhaps she shouldn’t.

    Free Member

    52% in . I hope.

    Free Member

    Imagine my dissapointment when I realised this thread wasn’t about the great NFL linebacker..

    This. Great player, great character

    Free Member

    Imagine my dissapointment when I realised this thread wasn’t about the great NFL linebacker..

    This. Great player, great character

    Free Member

    err….. aracer read the OP, and no ninja edits… 😉

    Yes, as Jambo says… He did the course, got done again, and would rather take the points… And I didn’t say arrogant, mate, your words. No point in signing up if you aren’t interested.

    Free Member

    That sounds both really rare and not very nice. The organisations you mentioned would usually know.

    Ignore rubbish like the link to Dr Kate James above.

    Hope you find something rather better than that.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you may not be teachable on this one. Take the points and save the instructors time…

    My course a few years back had some on the road advanced driving stuff and was interesting and a good refresher. Why do people think they never need or would benefit from updating or teaching about this sort of thing?

    Free Member

    I hate the waste of space with big voids and drawers which are too short. Found fitting the last iteration of Ikeas kitchens really solid and easy. Done 3 1/2. The new generation look better still

    Free Member

    This was covered very well by the infinite monkey cage program awhile back. It is really a bit of a con. There is over extrapolation of origin from relatively limited genetic markers.
    Perhaps not quite as much of a con as buying your own star. But a nice little earner for someone.

    Free Member

    that is really interesting. I guess in the worst case, helicopters have a wider range of landing options than fixed-wing…

    Free Member

    After Colin McRae and a few other helo things, it is nice to hear of someone not being too adventurous…

    Free Member

    That cloud base sounds too low for flying VFR at all, and you had accurate reference points for judging the cloudbase…

    but IANAP

    Free Member

    why do you think he was only qualified for VFR, not IFR?

    An acuqaintance flew for Bristows over the North Sea back in the day. Sounds like much of their flying was in cloud.

    Free Member

    Indeed not an insult at all. A logical fallacy in your argument. Discussing apples when I was talking oranges…

    Googling here might have prevented you taking offence 😉

    Free Member

    PJM1974 Indeed, the language may be unhelpful. BUT children and parents should have expectations of schools and teachers, and vice versa.

    So how to we deal effectively with under-performing and sick teachers who are not making the grade despite support?

    Re the 1-2% – Espescially given how deeply we are now having to mine to recruit teachers, I am very surprised that 98-99% meet the grade.

    Edukator thats a strawman and you know it – this is 1-2% as a One-off – not per year – and way down the training scale.

    Free Member

    Ransos I absolutely don’t – those are your words and I suspect relect the bees in your own bonnet.

    But it is a component of it. Are you saying parents and children are not – to some extent – customers?

    Free Member

    Yes. Ransos I am effectively paying for education and have expectations that teachers will be competent and adequate.

    I know that, in the decent well-thought of state comp my kids have gone to, some are not, and even the other teachers know it.

    If you look at the number of teachers who are removed by the GTC versus the number of Doctors (my line of work) removed by the GMC, and speak to teachers – and see the some of the posts above – you will know that underperformance is poorly managed. It is currently easier to stop people becoming teachers than get rid of them when they are persistently under-performing despite support.

    None of this in anyway relates to the OP’s partner however, as we simply do not know enought to make that judgement.

    Free Member

    As a parent, and therefore consumer of educational services, I’d say If only 1-2% in Scotland fail this – it isn’t tough enough.

    However – any appraisal system which can be completely skewed by the opinions and actions of one person who is also a line manager seems suspect. Perhaps more info is needed, both for the OP, and in this thread, to make a meaningful assessment.

    Free Member

    You can start with the person you always want to be with, a great friend, partner and mother, and then things change.

    You or she or both grow, change, maybe you become different in how much you want to go out, to have sex, or do other stuff, and bringing up the kids is good but gets between you, and then you become two friends in the same house, with fewer shared interests, but a common history that holds you together. Then you get glimpses of what it could, should have been.

    I did 26 years married, perhaps 20 good ones. Decree Absolute came through last week.

    But just because a relationship ends doesn’t mean if failed. Every relationship you are in will end until you are in one where one of you dies.

    I’m now with someone I hope to do another 25 years with. We shall see. I really hope so.

    But it’s easy to congratulate oneself on how things are going, to whistle in the dark against bad stuff happening. To assume it’s skill and choices rather than blind luck, or lack of alternatives that keeps you together. One thing one really can learn from the threads here is how many people’s relationships go titsup unexpectedly.. I think there is some hubris on display here. But good luck everyone:)

    Free Member

    I was listening to the interview with Blair on Matt Fordes podcast yesterday.

    There were somethings I hated about him, his sliminess, his religiosity, he and his wife’s cowardice about Leo and MMR, and his blind faith in his view on Iraq. But actually, he got quite a lot done, wasn’t conspicuously stupid, and now is made to look a bit of a genius by Corbyn, and Milliband. I think history will judge him well, just as John Major really did rather well too.

    But he is poison to the campaign. Where as opportunistic hypocrites who have achieved nothing like Boris are major assets?!

    Strange world.

    Free Member

    Some sports seem to have prevailing cultures… some of may be country specific. Some of the cultures seem to have shades of social class, political and sexual assumptions and tolerances.

    Golf & Rugby in England
    Football perhaps more widely.

    But who would be surprised or even notice a lesbian tennis player on the WTA tour?

    Regardless of how Loddrik opened this thread, it remains that although being gay shouldn’t be an issue at all in any sport, having a US military “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach in some Sports, and then permitting some of the homophobia and sexism which has been seen in many sports and their followers , definitely is an issue.

    Free Member

    Probably unhelpful thread title and and approach…

    …BUT, it absolutely beggars belief in this age when most gay people are out, and we live in the age of social media, and there must be gay players in the premier league, if none are out. And that says something about the whole sporting/macho ethos. Which is a shame.

    Yes, people are defined by way more than their gender and sexuality but I wonder if there are many jobs/professions where so many are hiding it?

    Free Member

    I pretty much stopped using it when the site owners removed the option to comment on threads. Made it more commercial and less like selling cheaply to mates. Since then prices have gone way up. There’s still the odd good deal but far more chancers


    Free Member

    I like the Ryobi ONE stuff

    Free Member

    thats really useful… probably go for the Air2 and will wait till the 13th too…

    Free Member

    Love the Brune – will try this – thanks Ton

    Free Member

    It would be interesting to see a blind tasting wouldn’t it?

    I have had many bad espressos from what seemed like burnt or old roasts, mostly in the UK, but also in Spain and Italy.

    I see in 2013 30% of the Michelin Starred restaurants in the world used Nespresso – but what would they know compared to a cyclist with a gear fixation 😉

    I do believe a really good espresso made by someone who really cares, is better, but I haven’t got the time.

    Free Member

    For ease of use I like them. Loving the coffee snobbery/ male-gear-obsession here – which is just kind of missing the point. Ease of use and lack of cleaning faffage, with 90% of the quality of the best stuff.

    Worth looking and waiting for really special deals. I’ve bought 3 machines over the last 4 years – none of which have gone wrong yet. The last one complete with milk frother and machine and £60 voucher, cost £79.99 with a further 10% off from an online voucher – so net cost £12…

    Look at Currys and Go electricals for intermittent deals

    Free Member

    ahhh… I must have misssed that… 🙄 😉

    give us £30 or whatever it is these days, and we will give you, at enormous profit and very poor odds, a very small chance of winning something which will cost you even more money…

    Free Member

    What I’d like to know is how they persuade anyone to buy a ticket…

    Free Member

    Eels – mainstream success at first – and since then quietly getting on with it,

    Free Member


    No. This…

    The only logical conclusion then when faced with a unanswerable question is to pick an answer you like

    Free Member

    And there it is. Some people would rather live with a certain lie, than live with uncertainties…

    Yes, we are pattern recognising animals who try to explain everything. But the ability to say I don’t know is surely a good thing.

    Free Member

    Once again, for the hard of thinking, the proposed settlement was cost neutral, the actual settlement is cost neutral. Doctors overall are not getting paid any more. They are just making sure that money isn’t getting taken away from the people who work in the actute specialities who deliver the 7 day NHS… And making sure whistle blowers are protected, women aren’t disadvantaged, all those really bad things. AT NO ADDED COST. Yet it’s all about the money?!

    Interesting to see who won’t last this lie…

    Free Member

    doris5000 just look at the laws on sexuality and approaches to education going through the USA in the South and Midwest at the moment.

    Free Member

    SaxonRider you elegantly express an intelligently considered belief, an understanding of why it could not be proved, and a dislike of absolutists.

    This still leaves difficulty as we live in a world where religious absolutists are resurgent and more significant by the day, and where many theists feel their beliefs should not only be respected, (which is fine if they are not adversely affecting others) but should be accepted as true by others.

    how do we deal with this?

    Free Member

    “special pleading” is actually a phrase with a specific meaning, asking for different treatment than others might receive. I’d view it as an accurate description of a particular scenario, rather than pejorative.

    I’m sorry but not suprised that molgrips and JY have chosen to take offense on SaxonRider’s behalf. Seems to me they are playing the man, not the idea… No one has ever accused me of being passive aggressive before… 😉

    Free Member

    … belief that the world is flat for instance…

    Belief is not evidence

    Free Member

    For skiers there used to be an issue that vehicles hired on the French side used not to have snow tyres and chains. Might have changed now…

    Free Member

    Any safety critical piece of plastic which may have been extensively exposed to the sun and elements is probably a poor secondhand buy.

    And why do people buy helmets secondhand when they have no idea of the impact history?

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