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  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    yep – had a twin jacuzzi bath – centre taps – jets – not huge – but nice. Wish I had one now…

    Free Member

    some posters not exactly helping the cause of Roadies here.

    But trying to get an unfriendly club to accept you is like unrequited love. Just need to move on. And there is the equivalent in MTBing – we all see the XC warriors doing exactly the same. There are people doing Tri, or XC or Roadies who aren’t at all in it for the cameraderie. Just want to be legends in their own mind/strava. Takes all sorts. For me road-riding always meant tea or beer when done, and MTBing means cake. But /newsflash… others are different.

    Free Member

    I live not that far from there half the week, and find, espescially at weekends, the number of MAMILs with poor bike handling skills and lack of awareness of others pretty appalling. And it isn’t the club peletons, but fat blokes on new bikes. As a roadie when I was young, I really wonder if there should be more encouragement for people to learn some road position and awareness skills for road-riding, rather than carrying the “I am in my safe tin box” car mentality onto their bikes. And learn to pedal and change gears on hills FFS…

    Free Member

    I had a Mark 3 which I sold after 6 years with 8000 on the clock. Apart from the battery needing trickle charging when not in use, it was problem free.

    Someone got a lovely motor there… 🙁

    Free Member

    Thanks for taking the time to explain all this. mark and team.

    I have clicked the FB see less option already. I guess the frequency of your posts is punishment for having looked at some of the news articles in the. FB browser…

    Interesting times. i like the idea of a physical magazine but hardly ever read it these days. Like the forum. May have to switch to a digital sub.

    Free Member

    55 now and working in the NHS and waiting with baited breath, and tightened other bits…

    If this is anything like other screening schemes (and this one has been on the cards for a year or so) the roll-out will vary from area to area.

    Free Member

    PREP is a good idea. The government has tried to shift activity from the NHS to public health, which is now paid for by councils. PH services including sexual health, are going down the pan. But because it ain’t the NHS the government isn’t on the rack about it… This is an organisational nightmare.

    Free Member

    nope – they’d just log P users out every few days and get upset when you pointed out how much of a problem it was… 😉

    Free Member

    I watch almost zero live TV – and none at my own house – but pay the licence. There are somethings which are just worth it.

    Free Member

    Bosch ain’t what they were – wish I’d got custody of the Miele…

    But my partner’s Samsung is rather good.

    Free Member

    Just renewed my level 3 child protection training…

    Age 13+ is above the age where Police intervention is mandatory. And yes – JY and others are wrong, they can consent, but cannot be assumed to be doing so without further information. Below 13, consent is not possible and it is automatically a criminal offence.

    If there is not a great age/power/intellect imbalance between the two of them, it is relatively unlikely that Social Services will intervene very heavily…

    BUT – the school has a duty of care for what happens on their premises, and if it is happening on school premises will be forced to act. They really have little or no leeway on that.

    First issues are risk containment, eg pregnancy and disease, education and ensuring that this is genuinely consensual. 13-16 year olds differ so hugely emotionally and in terms of their perceived ownership of their own bodies that we cannot make judgements about that on this forum, but someone needs to.

    Free Member

    Hmmm… the A259 … If you are on the East Sussex bit you are on my manor…. are you Local ? 😉

    Loving crikey’s ideas… 🙂

    Free Member

    The peoples I know who knew him when he was young, and who have dealt with him at work, don’t rate him.

    Free Member

    You’ve got to stop smoking that stuff…

    Free Member

    But really not enough of a brain to see you have shot yourself in the foot.. Sad really.

    Free Member

    yep – well done indeed…

    Google Pyrrhic Victory, you gloating cockwomble. 😉

    Free Member

    If you go to a pub and you ask for a Beer, do you not care if it is lager, bitter or guiness? If it is cold or warm? Or if it is actually Cider?

    Free Member

    Get a Cortado in spain, Noisette in France. Best all purpose coffee. Glad to see Cortados in the UK more now.

    crikey 😆 but no reason why everyone should’t have decent coffee when they buy it in a cafe? Surely??

    Free Member

    Nope crikey – inverse snob fail.

    It is a totally different drink if done wrong.
    And I’d suspect that working class people in Italy or Spain would walk away from a 1 euro espresso with no crema.

    Free Member

    Spitting image changed nothing. Tornes stayed in for 18 years. Over cosy and didn’t seriously go at the issues. Colbert, Stewart and Oliver have done way better.

    Free Member

    Gourmet Burger Kitchen – Oreo milk shake

    nuff said

    …although there is a lot to be said for the old-fashioned Ginger Beer float 🙂

    Free Member

    If I consciously ignore a nettle sting it doesn’t come up.

    Free Member

    I have a Skagen ancher with metal wrist band which has been great, and a leather strapped chronograph which the hands have fallen off one by one. and is now broken. Thanks whibleys of Guildford for bad service with that one btw…

    Free Member

    yak has it on the nail.

    Perhaps watercress hasn’t reached ST towers yet… 😉

    Free Member

    Totally pointless 60s veg. So much which is so better.

    For me the shocker is the winner – Aubergine – such a great and versatile vegetable, espescially if you are going to spend the rest of your life with a veggie. 🙂

    Free Member

    liked it
    Stayed at the Hotel Camper which was very cool.
    Book the tour at the Bundestag, liked the DDR museum of what it was like before the wall came down
    Monsieur Vuong was a brilliant vietnamese restaurant

    Free Member

    OP kind of yes and no… would be what my experiences taught me, but firstly

    1) +1 on the LPOA – this made dealing with my mother’s recent slide into dementia much easier.
    2) Just do the things you feel you need to do to make you feel ok about what you have done. Bugger what your sister wants. It’s ok to walk away.

    As someone said, you have a biological family, and a logical family, and they aren’t the same.

    Didn’t speak to my dad for 26 years – no real bad feelings, just slid away from each other. Meeting him a bit now. It’s ok, but it doesn’t really add much. I thought I would eventually end up not seeing my brother, not that close, although shared interests. A relationship not helped by screwed up parents. But dealing with my Mother becoming more ill, then needing permanent care has brought us together. He has done 95% of the work, but I’ve been able to do some stuff and bring useful ideas to the table. But he never was a nutter like your sister.

    As someone says above – learn a bit about Narcissistic personality disorder, and don’t waste your time feeding the expectations of those with it.

    Free Member

    The best job isn’t ONE job, it is the ability to change or mix jobs in a way which keeps life interesting.

    I’m a GP and I love the job, but I’d like regular breaks away doing something else. I’m a pretty good skier, but I know that the life of an Instructor is pretty awful at the lower levels. I like sailing too, but I know that every Marina and every Ski resort has a few people who have been there a season or two too long. Being a Dad is great – but becomes part of the scenery.

    From Mark Twain

    “Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do”

    Free Member

    Well done Leavers…
    Look at your leaders now 👿

    Free Member

    Anker – very good

    Free Member

    Seen them three times and I really don’t like them that much… But they do do a good live show. Fix you is a good song but I thing most of his lyrics suck.

    Free Member

    Eastpak transverz s

    Free Member

    Funny how the pro-leave posters and politicians seem to be just crossing their fingers and hoping…

    It’s like a bunch of 7 years olds saying they wish their parents would stop telling them what to do, then waking up and finding they were on their own.

    The spelling and grammar and intelligence of the thought displayed by them would do for a bunch of 7 year olds. The playground racism of the Brexiteers too. 🙁

    If it wasn’t such a tragedy that is going to screw things up for my kids, I’d laugh. But the old have screwed things up for the young, and the less educated and invested in society have screwed things up for themselves.

    Free Member

    I don’t think those who Remain voting were expressing intolerance when they voted. A large chunk of those who voted leave, however, were. Look around you at some of the more intolerant stuff going on since the Leavers “won”.

    I think they bloody well should feel guilty.

    I have one Eastern Europpean colleague applying for citizenship in a panic, feeling hurt – despite living here for 14 years and being married to a born and bred Brit.

    I have another colleague whose Scottish Husband is really upset.

    My partners kids are pursuing Irish passports.

    This is hugely different from a General Election result. This is a statement of negativity, of dislike, of intolerance. Just look at the posters, and the headlines of the pre-Brexit papers in the last week of the campaign. This was about fear and hate versus facts.

    That’s why I think personal feelings are allowed.

    Free Member

    Coconut- were you making disparaging remarks about me? What a brave keyboard warrior you are.

    I think he got you about right. And obviously you complained to the mods raher than answer his substantive issues…

    Free Member

    Did you see the look on Goves and Borises faces at the press conference they finally reluctantly made? The last thing they wanted was this. And Dave has called their bluff to double their problems, by leaving them, not him, to activate article 50.

    I do love the fact that our countries economic future has basically boiled down to a parlour game of one-upmanship with a bunch of over-privelidged ****s! While th Labour Party sits watching with its thumb up its arse!

    This. Sad but so true.

    Free Member

    if the people who voted remain left, I suspect those who voted leave would be left with very few teachers, nurses, Drs etc etc. And also with less money and fewer jobs…

    Democracy is going to prove to them that they should think a bit before leaping into the dark. Not vote based on hate and emotion.

    Free Member

    I’ve worked in rural Canada and in Sydney, a few years back mind. I liked it but I’d rather live and work here. But…

    What has happened here is a shocker to many of us. The key determinants of how people voted were age, education and location. The idea that there is one Britain with a generally similar view is gone for ever. Probably it was a myth. Probably it is a deserved kicking. But the triumph of some opportunistic manipulative liars, aided by press owned by some rather biased individuals really hurts and sucks.

    I feel way more in common with lots of people in France Spain Italy and Germany now than I do with what appears to be the majority of my own country. But I’m too old to move. But I really understand why people would.

    Free Member

    If I were 15 years younger I think I’d be off. I know another 2 local excellent Drs who are off in 6 months, and others who are looking. And those are just the English ones. People may not understand how much the NHS is being kept going by Europeans. Sad times.

    Free Member

    Fridays are fun and tend to build up a bit earlier… In the afternon I am often driving clockwise from J 5-9 and it can be pretty jammed in the other direction – so I am not sure I would go the other way round.

    So much better since the toll booths went on the Bridge – make sure you are registered online for the automatic tolls though… probably you are already.

    I would look on Google maps today and use the directions option to look at the timings, doing this at both the two times you are interested in.

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