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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Like buying an MX-5, no one buys one because they want an MX-5, they wanted a Lotus Elise, or a Aston Vantage, but an MX-5 is in budget.

    wrong there I think. I had one because you could have fun with it at 40-60mph in country lanes. I think the Elise is ugly and the vantage would need to be driven faster to be fun. Loved it.

    Free Member

    Yep, big on the inside and small on the outside. Can be fugly, I don’t have to look at it…

    ianc on the list. Not sure I am ready to have an Audi…

    Free Member

    Spend half my week in Surrey – where parking your Range Rover and your Audi outside your house – however small the house is – is compulsory.

    The other half I spend in rural East Sussex where people care rather less about what cars they have and park them outside rather bigger houses.

    I want, as my next car, a modern automatic (DSG or similar) estate with 4×4 and a large boot/seats down, that is nice to be in for long drives, but NOT an SUV. And I’m struggling to find it at the mo.

    Free Member

    Great place to come for a huge range of info, advice, banter, opinion. Other forums I have posted on in the past have decayed as Social Media has become the place people go to more and more. I’m not always even opening the mag any more, and now my MTBing is becoming more mincing than ever, but really like this place.

    Non-forum users don’t really understand it though.

    Free Member

    Local MTB club. Then you have to work at getting your OH involved. First step is getting him on the bike which may need some patience… If I were him and you went on POF for friends I’d be slightly miffed.

    Free Member

    Kate Rusby is more than slightly Northern… saw her in Guildford earlier this year – great voice and interesting variations on her songs – but the “Me.. I’m just a yorkshire lass and here’s my mug of Tea” schtick was laid on a bit thick.

    Accidentally saw Eliza Carthy with her dad and a large band 3 years ago. We were there for the support More normal voice but annoying as hell. We walked out.

    The whole folk thing seems – from a distant uninformed view – a bit over-reverential and up its own… And yes – I know what you mean about the sound. Or perhaps its just that people with that voice fit in singing that stuff. Prefer Alt Country anyway 🙂

    edit: Laura Marling – very good

    Free Member

    First saw one in Calgary AIrport 14 years ago. Not a new thing.

    Free Member

    THM indeed… let’s leave that to proper research…

    I do spend too much time helping steer patients through pathways which could be better. But having worked in Canada and Australia – I saw the same and more there…

    Free Member

    15 years ago I went to certify someone dead who’d been found. Not my patient or practice. They were lying peacefully face up on the floor of an empty room entierly surrounded by empty perrier bottles, all stood up neatly.

    never found out what happened with that one.

    Free Member

    On bricks…

    Free Member

    Maurice Oldfield, the man on whom George Smiley was based.
    Maurice Bowra
    Maurice White in earth wind and Fire…
    And then Chevalier…. Strange how they don’t play “thank heavens for little girls” anymore…

    Wouldn’t be my first choice but one of my sons has Lorenzo as a middle name…

    Free Member

    Lusted after a revox b77. Played around with a uher. Happy days splicing tape. Back in the days when friends editing magazines cut and past stuff using scissors and glue… Only a generation ago…

    Free Member

    “Surely you are joking Mr Feynman”

    Understand what a scientist can be. Just brilliant.

    Free Member

    superficial. Beautifully put…

    There are many people with self-diagnosed illnesses who have a huge amount emotionally invested in the idea of a purely physical illness explaining their symptoms. Who have symptoms overlapping with those of depression but deny any element of any emotional or psychological causation. There are people who issue death threats against researchers who dare explore non-physical avenues. The Guardian link is interesting.

    I don’t normally post in threads on these topics. There is sometimes something of the Conspiracy theory addict amongst some people with medically unexplained symptoms. A perception that all Drs are part of an industrial complex which is trying to subborn them. Or don’t care if they die it appears.

    I’ve started to write a post on this thread several times but deleted them. And I won’t post again on this thread because I’ve been sucked in that way before. There are, I am absolutely sure, things to be learnt and improved. But that won’t necessarily be helped by people crusading with conviction and a closed mind to establish that they are right.

    Free Member

    Sprained my left ankle 35 years ago trying to leave a footprint on a wall higher than a girl my height who did ballet. Slightly drunk.

    Still hurts, still gives in every few months. Silly 😳

    Free Member

    Koalas, look cute, but actually manky stinky lazy gits covered in cheap acrylic carpet.

    Yappy ankle-shagging dogs. And Cats.

    Badgers, sweet corn eating bastards.

    Jeremy Hunt

    Free Member

    Ear plugs

    Free Member

    Different thing, but my 2009 iMac was grinding to a halt and increasing RAM from 4 to 12 Gb made the thing fly again. So ? Try that first, then the SSD?

    Free Member

    THM I and pretty well all my colleagues feel the NHS was at its very best about 4-5 years ago. But rather than build on that – a new layer of Market Rhetoric and a failure to act on evidence rather than ideology has led to an utter clusterf***

    The Conservatives declared the NHS broken, and proceded to break it… And all the performance data and satisfaction surveys tends to bear this out. 🙁

    Free Member

    That buys a garage where I live with my partner, and a rather poor one bedroom flat in the town where I work and have my house.

    Nice job you’ve done btw


    Free Member

    I guess it would be naive of me to expect a sensible reply from Jamba to my last post? Suspect he’s left the building… 😉

    Free Member


    The Government have not as yet offered more money. they have shifted it away from those who work at nights and weekends.

    If there was more than one employer then the government might be more justified in playing hardball. There isn’t, so they should be extra careful not to be high-handed and try to be fair. But they have lied about capacity to deliver their version of a “24 hour NHS” when, not only is there not the capacity to achieve it, but their justification is based on repeated and wilful misinterpretations of the evidence.

    Medicine is indeed over-subscribed and it is attitudes like JHs and yours Jamby that mean lots of younger Drs don’t stay on and move into other realms.

    Trouble is you can’t know who is going to put up with the rubbish Junior Drs have to put up at 27, when sifting applicants aged 17…

    But since you applaud people who don’t like the changes in Ts&Cs exercising their choice and walking away, you obviously don’t mind waiting the 10 years it takes someone from entering medical school to being a really autonomously practicing Dr and would like medical School entry expanded by – say – 20% – even though the cost of doing that might easily pay for giving the current Junior Drs a decent deal and fixing the problem now?!


    Free Member

    The whole deal has always been cost neutral, with no more money overall to Drs, just shifting money away for those who provide the 24 hour NHS, removing effective protection from them, making it more difficult for women with career breaks etc etc

    I’m not sure the decision to strike was brilliant though given all the other political stuff going on. But I do know there is huge bad feeling towards JH throughout the NHS, with no chance of him building support and it is gobsmacking he wasn’t moved in the reshuffle.

    Free Member

    JY, they also now end up with huge personal student debt, have lower starting salaries in real terms than in my day, and from the first day they are working are also providing a necessary service as well as being trained… as after all, if they were just being trained, the service would run better wihtout them being there…

    But I cannot see an easy solution either. 🙁

    Free Member

    big n daft has nailed the problem at the other end of the career path.

    Capricious and stupid reorganisations of services, negative rhetoric and workload are pushing Consultants to retire early, or work only for private providers.

    In GP land where we have Pensions which are not final salary, and are the sum of our contributions, pensions tax changes to the annual and lifetime allowances are encouraging many to retire or go part-time earlier than they might.

    Very poor whole system thinking…

    Free Member

    Not true

    Free Member

    That seems a bit pointless and unhelpful, and trying to make you fit into a box you just don’t fit in, and (as a GP) I see and know lots of people who use weed and have no problems at all, I do also see a few younger people whose lives are sad desperate stoner lives sat in their bedrooms whilst the world passes them by, and the occasional person who really goes nutty on weed. But you don’t really seem to be one of them… 😉 So all a bit pointless.

    I’d still prefer you didn’t drive with THC onboard even if you “feel” or “know” you are safe.

    Free Member

    Yep Aste Nagusia is great – been there twice when that is on…

    Obviously the Gugg is great – but depends on what exhibitions they have on at the time. The museo de bellas artes too. I think the real soul of the city is the other side of the river though, the Casco Viejo. With kids the maritime museum is good.
    Pintxos is the way to do lunch – some good places around the Plaza Nueva.

    I really like the place.

    Free Member

    Anyway – thanks OP – just used some Amazon credits to download last album ( the quid you get if you have prime but settle for a slower delivery…)

    Free Member

    I like her – would love to see her live – and my 20 year old eldest thinks she is great too.

    Free Member

    If you don’t let some “friends” out of your life, you may not have enough room for new friends.

    I’d tell them that a real friend wouldn’t go on like that, and see what happens.

    Free Member

    Not everything is for everyone. But…

    Smile and Pet Sounds are two of the best albums ever.

    Brian Wilson brought to his writing and to production an understanding of polyphonic harmonies which was way ahead of its time and referenced Bach and other classical composers. Interesting key changes and tempo shifts. The Beatles came pretty close on Sergeant Pepper. But not quite there.
    And their influence continues today, not just obvious things like the Magic Numbers, but Fleet Foxes and others.

    Free Member

    Others have explained how irritating it can be to see someone sat in the car looking set to go and not going. Also it seems to have annoyed you enough to post on here to seek justification for your annoyance and the righteousness of your cause.

    Lots of people are cocks, every day, espescially in cars. Better just to let it go and accept that. But other posters have said it better,

    I’d say it is 90% on her, but in the last week I’ve been stuck by a bloke at a petrol pump doing exactly the same. Obviously your email was absolutely life-or-death and couldn’t have waited till you had helped her out by moving on sooner than planned.

    Free Member

    I don’t think either of you come out of this brilliantly. More her than you though.

    Free Member

    two different foods really.

    ultra-thin crust fan here…

    Free Member

    I am a lifelong intermittent snorrer, and was even when young lithe, sober and deprived of my adenoids by an ENT surgeon at then Girlfriend’s request…

    I also have to deal with people complaining of this professionally, and the fact that there is no single simple infallible cure should tell anyone it ain’t simple, and all the cures which some people say are the magic way forwards only work for some people…

    So – an approach:

    1) Make sure you do not have OSA – ask your partner what happens to your breathing when you snore. Do you stop, obstruct and have to wake/change position? If you do… or if you have a high Epworth Score (google it), do not pass go, do not collect £200, see your GP.
    2) If not, and you used not to snore, try losing weight, drinking less alcohol and sleeping on your side… But – see above – this may not work…
    3) If your nose feels congested, do try Beconase, available over the counter.
    4) Also feel free to buy any cures on the internet, sprays, tapes, diets and crap. God made sheep to be shorn… 😉
    5) If this isn’t working consider either separate rooms, ambient background noise to calm your partner or seeing your GP. ( and getting your thyroid function checked).

    UPPP was fashionable a decade back but has a low success rate and hurts, a lot. CPAP is mainly for those with OSA.

    So, what worked for me?

    Adjust the Snorree, not the Snorrer…

    a) One girlfriend amongst a fair few objected, I had surgery as above – no help.
    b) Wife put up with it and said it wasn’t a problem.
    c) Next Partner I lived with slept badly whether I was there or not but blamed me when I was. Separate rooms often. Horrible. That isn’t a relationship I want. And she was a bit mad.
    d) My partner now who is absolutely a keeper gets annoyed by it very occasionally but can fall asleep right next to me… and it isn’t an issue.

    It takes two for someone to be disturbed by snorring, and sometimes it is worth looking at both people…

    Free Member

    Lunch Tapas near the beach at Casa Montana – book it. An institution.

    If there are 4 or less of you – eat at Cinnamon in the town.

    Stroll through the areas around the Carrer de Cavallers at night.

    The aquarium isn’t bad if it is raining

    The park along the bed of the diverted river is, as said, great for a stroll. And the achitecture as above…

    The mercat central is less touristy and perhaps more authentic than the Bocqueria in Barcelona.

    Lots of good cheap restauarants. Not the best shopping place in Spain.

    I like it.

    Free Member

    next time lie still… 😉

    All sorts of reasons can lead to this. Movement Artefacts, wanting to look at something with a contrast injection etc etc

    Free Member

    hmmmm… where to start.

    Not everything is for everyone. But I hate MBB. Almost anything I can think of is better.

    American: Parks and rec, Community, 30 Rock, and Aziz ansari’s recent Master of none has been brilliant. And Bojack…

    UK; Office, IT crowd, Fresh Meat, Josh, Uncle, Green Wing etc etc

    My current favourite is Fleabag.

    But MBB… 😯

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