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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member

    Well I spent the day diagnosing and managing chronic disease, dealing with some emotional and psychological problems, dealing with people with muscular skeletal disorders many of whom are better kept away from hospital. Managing skin and eye and ENT problems. I can then arrange almost any test that is available other than as an inpatient. I have developed close professional relationships with a couple of thousand patients They get to speak to me or see me very quickly. Try seeing someone with any depth of experience in hospital as quickly.

    I did work in a nurse led system in Canada which actually needed more doctors.

    I hope OP, when you actually need a GP, politicians with attitudes like yours haven’t got rid of them. But I’m not sure you deserve them :(

    Free Member

    Good… thanks. Looks like he’s doing the work, but I suspect her role is waaaay harder….

    Is is dance, or acrobatics? Don’t care.

    Free Member

    Never going through ORD again. DFW is so much better as an entry point.

    Yep, Victoria sucks and Gatwick’s rail is iffy… 4 Unused platforms at Waterloo now the Eurostar goes from St Pancras and the RMT needs sorting, and all that would be way cheaper than the transport infrastructure changes we are going to have to pay for if LHR gets the shout.

    Free Member


    Prescott anyone?

    Free Member

    LHR isn’t even in the World top 5 on passengers, and I suspect would be even lower on numbers of plane movements.

    Gatwick has the busiest single runway operation in the World.

    It looks like the extra runway decison is moving towards LHR, which will screw the M25 completely for years…

    Gatwick needs another runway, and LHR probably 2.

    Free Member

    really want to know how this one ends… do let us know :)

    Free Member

    Daveydown. On line. Great service.

    Discovered one in a smart hotel some years ago, loved it, been using them since.

    Free Member

    The frailty of the victim, and the unexpected death following a deliberate assault does not mitigate the crime. I think the “eggshell skull rule” still applies, but IANAL…

    The intent was to hurt. Anything other than conviction and prison would be victim blaming.

    Free Member

    Interested in this. Diesels for the last 10 years but thinking of going back. I do about 16k a year. Lots of motorway, but lots of stop start too. Particulates etc are a real thing. And it seems kind of hard to trust anyone’s environment data at the moment…

    Free Member

    Guernica is somethign – and exhibited very very well – but the stuff on the floor above it is really well worth a look too, and ignored.

    Shop. Museo de Jamon. Be prepared to eat very late – they all do.

    Free Member

    If it is septic – see a GP, and do not, repeat do not cut the nail any more for the moment. Most of the problems we see are due to people cutting them too short and then cutting the infected side at an angle.

    Heel pain – if under the sole of the heel – gel pads and exercises first. Podiatrist next

    Free Member

    Err… It probably is….

    Free Member

    Love them… Whereas no end of trouble with squeaky slipping conventional saddles.

    Free Member

    Missed visual voicemail for a few weeks… Feel at home made up for it very quickly…

    Shame they started moving people of the unlimited data…

    Free Member

    OP You may not get much medical input on this thread from Drs – There are people on STW who persistently paint GPs in an extremely bad light and seem to have a perpetual grudge, and some even say they think the NHS would rather some people died. This is one of the topics where such people might post.

    150 is not a very high dose. Usually in the UK monitored by your TSH level and keeping that in the lower half of the normal range. is where the current UK expert guidelines can be found and downloaded. Knock yourself out!

    A statement of interest in the guidelines – which might also be applied to other conditions – is “It is acknowledged that a proportion of individuals on L-T4 are not satisfied with therapy and have persistent symptoms despite a normal serum TSH. Such symptoms should be given due consideration and patients should be thoroughly evaluated
    for other potentially modifiable conditions. In some cases, a retrospective review of the original diagnosis of hypothyroidism may be necessary.”

    Patients with relatively mildly raised TSHs are often found to be biochemicaly hypothyroid during the investigation of fatigue and depression, with thyroxine prescribed to a level where TSH becomes normal leading to no improvement… because the patient had fatigue or depression, not symptomatic hypothyroidism. But receiving the physical disease label of hypothyroidism can get in the way of acceptng that the situation might be more complex.

    Said my bit. I’m out.

    Free Member

    4.5 over Summer, The 13 goes back on tonight. I just love the weight of it too. And heating off.

    Davey Down duvets and pillows FTW BTW. Cheap and good and great service

    Free Member

    And there is a sort of uniform for IT support people, a uniform for Roadies (music or cycling) etc etc…

    So let’s get past the “I’m not going to do what the man says… I’m an individual… I don’t conform… ” schtick which is usually said by people wearing jeans, like every other individual… :roll:

    I get to wear what I want at work. Sometimes a suit, or jacket, sometimes not, different shoes, but patients have expectations. Two people said they liked my socks today. Some years ago I wore deck shoes with no socks to work and an old lady offered to buy me some…

    It’s not failure to adjust to people’s expectations.

    Free Member

    I’m a GP, up to date docs haven’t used Triamcinolone for allergies for 15 years or more.

    This stinks… May be not wiggo, but unimpressed by the docs.

    Free Member

    If you really are going a serious city look, brown brogues or suede ok, just. Oxblood is underrated. I’d be more concerned about the suit being blue…

    Free Member

    All leaders in all parties have to deal with a diversity of opinions amongst their MPs. And whilst the party writes policy (which JC hasn’t been good at sticking to himself) in the British system we the electors technically vote for the person the MP is, not the party. We don’t have a PR type party list system. And the idea that all MPs can be micromanaged by their constituency party is silly. Deselection is the democratic way to deal with that, and we saw how well that worked in making labour electable in the 80s.

    This does lead to problems, as with Cameron triggering a referendum to assuage dissenters in his own party. But JC does need to show he can be pragmatic rather than dogmatic, if only to appear electable and able to deal with the whole art of compromise which comes with power.

    Free Member

    Let’s see if he can now tolerate other MPs opinions which differ from his, and actually stick to party policy… Alan Johnson is interesting on how the apparatchiks around JC colluded in stopping JC from really campaigning against Bredit, despite remain being the party policy.

    Politics is the art of the possible, not the art of having the party with the perfect policy yet is unelectable.

    Free Member

    Interesting. Many of us hark back to the days when there were no tuition fees. But now we have more people in higher education, although it’s not quite what it seems… Looking at the HEIPR data, the current rates are about 41% of the current school leavers are entering higher education, including 17-20 year olds. Then there is a trickle of people aged 21-30 making it upto 47% of an equivalent single year cohort, but this also includes people doing HN qualifications at FE colleges. The UCAS figures show that 33% of 18 year old school leavers accepted a place at university. And the rate for Boys is lower and Girls higher…

    And the are some things now which are now a university course, and weren’t before. Eg Nursing.

    I have a 20 year old starting year 2 of a 4 year degree. He gets the minimum loan, so we are paying accommodation and I suspect the sadly predictable deaths of various elderly relatives will pay off the bits he owes at the other side plus a house deposit. He and his younger brother are lucky that way.

    As a medical student for 6 years on minimum grant (about £400 a year) 30 years ago, My parents still had to cover a lot of my costs, and didn’t always do so, again leading to me using up legacies to keep going at a time when I really had no time for a job in the last 3 years (worked solidly through 4 summer hols before that). But didn’t have to pay tuition fees.

    The more realistic assessments of how much being a graduate in different subjects actually adds to an income might make people think about whether to go to uni, if they actually looked.

    in the South East the cost of housing is so high that I begin to hope my kids and my partners will end up working elsewhere in the UK or Europe. Otherwise we will never get rid of them!

    Free Member

    Looking at the OP’s question. I have 2 aged 20 and 14.5. We wanted three closer but that isn’t what happened. And actually a 5 year + age gap between them has worked very well and given them a structured loving supportive relationship which is obviously going to carry on for ever. So don’t fear that age gap.

    Free Member

    all prepared by the invisible hand… ;)

    Free Member

    Pretty good in Boardwalk Empire too…

    Free Member

    That’s really interesting. I am 55, but not retiring for another 5 years. Just compared my predicted pension at 60 with what annuity the predicted pot could buy. Even if I exclude having an annuity payment to my partner or guaranteed terms of payments, the pension is way way better…

    Mitusminkey, mine will pay my kids till they are 24 if my partner dies. But I think pensions vary so hugely for your question to be very hard to answer.

    Free Member

    He invented an expensive vacuum cleaner which doesn’t seem to be used by cleaning professionals and fills tips. He invented effective hand driers which deafen people and drip puddles on the floor. He has made stylish fans and heaters which cost 5 times as much as the next best thing.

    Doesn’t mean he’s racist. But self serving businessman is selfish isn’t news.

    Free Member

    No point in a bin in a teenagers room. That’s what the floor is for…
    Yep. We have an ensuite and that doesn’t help solve it

    Anyway loving the idea of making a remote controlled mobile bin… But this is one of the things where I am just going to have to give in gracefully.

    Free Member

    Thought club memberships were going down as MAMIL numbers were going up…

    And it’s not a sport if the ball you hit isn’t moving. ;)

    Free Member

    I could certainly live without trad jazz. The Morris dancing of music :evil:

    Free Member

    Trump put out a totally bogus statement of health from his “personal physician” who has now backtracked gently on its veracity.

    It’s a really difficult election. I want both of them to lose…

    Free Member

    Thanks for the gogo penguins tip… Just bought that and liking it.

    Yes, kind of blue is a great first album, and if you like that, try Bill Evans live at the village vanguard.

    It you want more up tempo modern stuff, you could do worse that Soil and Pimp Sessions.

    Free Member

    Those seem good reasons to step back. But good you went out with her once.

    Free Member

    Thing is, he sided with the sellers not the buyers…

    Free Member

    People seem to be excluding the possibility that she has a say in this.

    Reverse the sexes and think about it.

    Free Member

    And you only need to fool a few…

    On most forums, sales BS is called. Just look at TGR.

    Stopped looking in the STW classifieds at that time. So less traffic from me.

    Free Member

    Ok… So if she is an adult, and knows what she wants, and you play by the “campground rule”, doesn’t she get to take these decisions? Isn’t it a bit condescending and even slightly sexist to be overprotective?

    Having said which, depends on how big your workplace is, and the risk of anything making life there tricky in the future. But that sounds like something which you could have an honest discussion about with her, if you wanted to.

    Free Member

    We’ve done this one before, and those in charge have made it rather clear that those who post for free in the classifieds here are entirely free to try and rip off people in such a way, and comments must not be made about this by other people, some of whom pay to be here and naively think this place is a sort of community…

    Might even earn my first ban just by mentioning it…

    Free Member


    No thanks – done my mid-life crisis already… ;)

    Free Member

    You’d not consider a Caterham, Spyker, Aston, or anything else above it? How about an E-type Jaguar?

    Nope. Same things apply. 2 of those are just track day weapons, one is not going to be fun going slowly, and the last is for people who like having their car stroked at rural pubs.

    Looked at Porsches and that stuff. Really pretty pointless in a world where we travel at 40-60 most of the time. You need something which is safe but fun going slowly.

    What I really don’t want ever again however is front wheel drive.

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