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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Stoatsbrother
    Free Member


    One marriage for 25 years. Including 20 pretty decent ones.

    just because a relationship or a marriage ended doesn’t mean it was a total failure

    I’m lying next to the woman I’m going to marry in 2 months. Neither of us get any financial benefit from doing this. We just both want to. We are better together. We don’t need to be married. And we’ll still be living together only 5 days a week. We aren’t religious, or naive. But we are going to stand up in front of some friends and say this stuff. Probably using some vows nicked off ? Cougar, for which many thanks. And we aren’t changing names.

    If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. But for some of us it means something.

    Free Member

    Suspect then you need to look at snarky puppy and too many zoos. Or Vulfpeck for a jazz funk crossover

    I played in some shit jazz bands when I was young. And there is a lot of shit jazz out there. But there is some great stuff too.

    thing is, there is only good music and bad music and the genre or label  is unimportant

    Free Member

    we too use the MUST tool as per TJ. And proper advice from a dietitian might be the best way forward here.

    But sip feeds like many mentioned above are not usually prescribed except for people with swallowing difficulties, absorption issues or short term perioperative nutrition. They are expensive, taste horrible and don’t help get appetite back.

    My mother has vascular dementia too.  It’s not nice. Often sufferers need prompting to eat or help and weight loss is part of the disease journey too. This can be painful as one of the ways we show love to people is by feeding them, and families can find weight loss difficult in what is a life ending condition.

    Free Member

    An ALT of 1400 is really high. GP here and happy to manage most stuff away from hospitals. In a patient with a normal ultrasound I’d be concerned.

    The messages I think you should be taking away here are 1j there is a reason why people are worried, 2) you are in a stressed system which is on its knees at the moment. 3) surgeons sometimes have to go and do surgery.

    The communication thing is poor. I can see the lab results for the 5 closest hospitals from my desk. But I think you should chill out and give them time to work through this. This might be rather important.

    Free Member

    ninfan your analogy – although interesting – isn’t close enough.

    A better analogy might be – should Drs who do terminations be able were to refuse to do terminations on married people?

    Drs either do do or don’t do terminations and are in any case obliged to make sure that there is no difference to the patient experience which ever it is.

    The case here is of registrars who DO do marriages but are not offering that service to one group based on their own personal views, and candidates for marriage are disadvantaged/shamed.

    so this really is whataboutery on your part ;)

    Free Member


    On that basis should doctors be allowed to opt out of authorising &/or performing abortions based on their religious beliefs?

    They can and do – but have to ensure that there is in place a referral and service pathway which does not in any way discourage, disadvantage or shame the patient, Increasingly this is done via open access to specific service providers like BPAS.

    For many years in my practice I saw the patients of one colleague – now retired – who had objections and I supported their patients through this.

    And this is one tiny bit of a Drs role. Marrying people is a huge chunk of a registrars role…

    Bottom line is, Farron’s socially conservative view and interpretation of the Bible in a particular way was at odds with the wider views of his party and he had to go,

    Free Member

    Very good actor then – perhaps not so much since eternal sunshine of the spotless mind… I liked the documentary.

    Is he crazy?

    Perhaps – wikipedia – not always accurate – says he is an anti-vaxer nd seems to have dubious friends. So yes – I’d say he is creative but carries his certainty into areas where he knows little, and is potentially dangerous. Also beileves in visualisation… :(

    Free Member

    is pleased… :)

    Free Member

    Another GP here… and we do way better than 2 weeks, there are ways of organising things better… and I love my job… but…

    1) A government that says it wants more GPs whilst pissing all over them from a great height so no Dr wants to head into it any more.
    2j Hugely more workload and complex systems to negotiate through.
    3) A population which is ageing but not dying, and parents looking after kids but seeking medical advice before they give their sprogs calpol.
    4) pay which has gone down in absolute terms, not just against inflation every year for the last 5.
    5) Pensions and tax changes which mean I earn nothing from hours above 37 a week.
    6) A medical school system which teaches students General Practice is boring when most Surgeons basically only do 3 to 5 different operations.
    7) Muppets who voted for Brexit and then will get upset when the EU Drs working over here disappear…
    8.) and whenever anyone else doesn’t want to give an opinion or sort something out, they say “ask your GP”

    I am not an apologist for badly run practices, or ones where they have encouraged patients to ring about minor self-limiting illness blocking access for others with deeper needs… but the workforce situation in UK general practice is now unsafe. And Jeremy Hunt is not listening.
    Call your MP, I have.

    Free Member

    try mindfulness
    If it is a chronic issue you might want to buy the book or audiobook of

    Free Member

    countzero a male games teacher at a local private school showed clips of that league to young teenage girls last year. Do you think that was appropriate?

    jimjam the people who have run sport, televised it and systematically excluded women till recently. A period of positive discrimination might not be a bad idea…

    Free Member

    People with privilege and a sense of self-entitlement resenting time or attention spent on people different to them and on helping those people feel a more valued part of mainstream society…

    Seems to be a bit of a theme these days… Sad.

    Free Member

    The MX 5 was the sensible thing… but only really deferred the divorce and the other stuff. And the road bike was a bad one

    Now very happy and getting married again next year.

    Free Member

    Wherever you run to, you will still be there. Trite but true.

    There are situations and things anyone would want to run from, but many people need to fix themselves first.

    Free Member

    Cheap as chips that, and not too early. One of ours looking now in Brum, another will be leaving it later for Canterbury and will pay waaaay more.

    Free Member

    Less problems for me after giving the 2.4 and 5ghz channels different SSIDs. Still iffy on one tv though…

    Free Member

    GP here with an interest in cardiology.

    Chest pain lasting only a few seconds in a limited area of your chest wall which came on after the exercise does not sound worrying to me.

    But I don’t have all your notes, and the arm pain today concerns me.

    This is not the right place for advice. Get checked again if that doesn’t settle,.and if you did not tell your GP you stiil had that pain, tell them now.

    FWIW the tests run by the Chest pain clinic are only worth doing and useful to diagnose or rule out cardiac causes if you have a raised “pretest probabliity”. Google Bayesian probabliity if you wish to know more.

    Free Member

    Another Jambfact… all NHS Drs whether GPs or Consultants pay for their pensions. Historically Consultants got rather better deals, and were final salary. Us GPs are not. But the amount of employees contribution is eye-watering and the employers contribution is part of a total reimbursement package,to describe it as at zero cost is utterly fake.

    What is more, the changes in pension taxation and tax allowance tapers mean that my marginal tax rate on my work every Friday is effectively 62% and the other 38% disappears due to the taxation on pensions annual and lifetime allowances. This is directly a consequence of the current Government’s decisions. This means that lots of us experienced NHS Drs are looking to retire early or go part-time, but I cannot at the moment because the current givernments stance towards the NHS has led to a recruitment crisis even in the leafy shires…

    When – as it will – the NHS goes completely titsup – blame them.

    Free Member

    I live a few miles from it, and go on it often. There have been gigs, open air films, circuses, nightime lit up bike rides and it is absolutely magnificent. It triggered my partner and I starting a bit of a quest to visit as many piers as possible. But still my fave. I voted in the public vote for the RIBA prize.

    The photo in the linked to article is pisspoor. Lots of much better ones on the pier’s facebook group.

    The pier is in an odd place – not central to Hastings, or the old town, or even St Leonards, in the way Eastbourne or Brighton piers are, and it was dying a seedy death.

    It is a huge improvement from the old pier. Please come and visit it – then judge the way it links in to the surroundings.

    Free Member

    roof of the Cathedral, paintings in the Brera, otherwise I’ve found it the second most disappointing city in Italy after Turin.

    Venice, verona, Padua and the lakes all way better in that region

    Free Member

    Double post…

    But yes, kids can be little shits…

    Free Member

    Says rhe man posting on a forum for “adults” who like jumpy bikes, mud and cheeky trails…

    Free Member

    That made me like him (LH) more

    Free Member

    Sounds like it cost the OP more effort to avoid helping than it might have done actually helping… The CCTV doesn’t have a fast forward so you could watch the 3 hours in 10mins?

    Free Member

    It’s pretty good, friends and kids and lights etc. As long as you stay away from that religion stuff…

    But it does go on too long, and the ones I have spent in Oz, Canada and the US have been way better. Restaurants open, buses run and the TV isn’t rubbish.

    Here it is,

    1) disappointing present
    2) disappointing food
    3) disappointing TV

    in that order.

    Free Member

    Have to reboot mine on a near daily basis. Hey ho…

    Free Member

    once thumbed a lift off a passing shunter and wagon on the China Clay line above Fowey when the wind got up and nearly swamped our tender dinghy in the Fowey river. Pulled up on the bank, he stopped, and dropped us and the dinghy at a pub. Happy days.

    Free Member

    The only things that damage drivers are too much peak low frequency power (over-excursion) or too much longterm power (overheating).

    says the man who has never had his speaker cones eaten by mice…

    Free Member

    Ho Fiat & Pigface thanks – bookmarked your suggestions :)

    Free Member

    Yep. He looks like he needs something now.

    And for the OP, that’s the legacy of white privilege.

    Free Member

    Would I be surprised if EH had been an abuser? No.

    Would I be surprised if he managed to continue it when PM. Yes.

    Was it good that the allegations were properly listened to? Yes.

    Should attention now be turned to ongoing abuse issues, like Rotherham. Yes.

    Free Member

    Hot fiat doing a shorter version of that – Oakland -> Portland for our honeymoon next July. Any dos/don’t/musts?

    Free Member

    worked for surgeons called Savage and Hackett.

    Free Member

    Actually I get this. A bit.

    I have seen a lot of theatre over the years, and still like comedy theatre stuff, and even opera (off there on saturday) but now find the few bits of “straight” non-musical theatre I go to each year, ever more and more a poor way, visually and artistically, of communicating compared to high quality film and TV. So I go to a lot of more serious stand-up (long form shows rather than comedy club sets).

    Free Member

    It’s fun. The lift is almost unique and a bit dodgy but after doing a few runs you’ll be glad of the wait and the pauses.

    If you’ve not been there before, as above, go with a proper mountain guide. And have all the usual avvy gear.

    The Vallee Blanche really just a red run tourist mountain experience.

    This is rather different and you should be pretty confident off piste. The traverses out to P1 get funky and it all can be shut 50% of the time in which case serre che is a good backup. And the Edelweiss is a rather special hotel, or was when I was there…

    Free Member

    saxonrider really not a good idea. Leads to playground name-calling or the forum disappearing up its own bottom bracket.

    Free Member

    Half the speed of my partner, twice the speed of her son, and the same speed as the other three kids we have.

    She is a veggie so she might be eating fast to deal with the boredom of her food… ;)

    Free Member

    yep – him. good call.

    My partner doesn’t get W1A at all – a bit marmite I guess,

    exocet so proud to be a major irritant on your list. Didn’t think anyone cared… you ok hun?

    Free Member

    Very happy. Been with them years. Roaming for free in NY whilst others had no data earlier this year.

    Few years back lived in a place with poor signal, rang them, they sent me a microcell which plugged into the router, and allowed better coverage.

    Free Member

    Never been able to do it myself, lousy at keeping secrets.

    For sure there are lots of people we could get on with really well and be close to, but unless you are in an open relationship, or there are some big mitigating factors (eg sexually incompatable with wife/primary partner but in happy companionate marriage which you wish to preserve) I think it is best avoided.

    I am not sure you should have such an intense secondary relationship without the go ahead of your primary partner. How would you feel if the boot was on the other foot? Or your wife on someone else?

    And emotional infidelity might be as important to your wife as sexual infidelity, so “not being about sex” might not make her any happier.

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