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  • Havok Bike Park 2.0 – Very Open For Business
  • stilltortoise
    Free Member

    Can I come, can I come? 🙂

    Seriously, I’d love to tag along but can’t do this Thursday. Jekkyl knows me so I will stalk him for updates 😉

    {EDIT} you do realise that being shown around Cannock off piste in the dark is hardly likely to result in said off-piste lodging in memory 😆

    Free Member

    Good points doris and Rachel. Better performance and stability – or more to the point a return to the performance and stability that got me loving Apple in the first place – will be very welcome.

    In which case, I can’t wait 🙂

    Free Member

    From the article:

    My friend also told me that when he removed PowerPoint from lecture theatres, his students demanded it back, because without it they had to organise their own notes. In this century, it seems to me, our greatest enemy will not be drones or Isis or perhaps even climate change: it will be convenience.

    This doesn’t surprise me.

    As said waaayyyy up there^, it’s just a tool. It will no more empower someone to make a good lecture or presentation than being able to talk or write does.

    Free Member

    Had this with a Spesh Purgatory. I was running proper pressures.

    Free Member

    This lawsuit has little to do with the speed of the accident unless it is proven by Porsche that he didn’t survive the initial impact. If he did but couldn’t get out due to malfunction, Porsche are in trouble

    Interestingly that’s not how I interpreted it. I thought the claim was that his injuries – allegedly caused by the seatbelt – prevented him getting out.

    Sad as any road death is, there’s an argument that if you want to drive like you’re on a race track, make sure you’ve got a fire extinguisher on board, a knife to cut the (faulty) seatbelt and a safety crew on standby to rescue you.

    Our litigious World is one of the top 5 things I hate about modern life.

    Free Member

    If you know the answers to all of those then you probably have a right to say if this is a waste of time. Otherwise, tbh your just giving snide comments on a guys tragic death

    I think you’ve accurately surmised what this legal action is about, but regardless of what the pre-tensioner did or didn’t do, the whole issue is a still a massively depressing reflection on the litigious US of A. Who’s to say or indeed know how serious his injuries could have been had the seatbelt not pre-tensioned? Will that be the counter-claim by Porsche?

    Free Member

    There’s a few single speed weirdo types

    I think I rode with one of them once, on a sort of blind date for grown men with 2 wheels 😆

    He left me for dust 🙁

    Free Member

    When you have one, let me know 😉

    PS I can get you onto some nice stuff, but not sure I’d be able to get you off again. My sense of direction goes to pot at Cannock.

    Free Member

    Unsurprisingly, it depends

    We were in a similar position to you some years ago. Currently we have superb tenants and the mortgage on the rental property is paid off. Whilst there are no guarantees of what the future will hold, at the moment we have an asset and a stable income. The asset has appreciated since we bought it and unless the financial sh!t really hits the fan, will net us a return when we realise that asset. We don’t plan on doing that for many, many years.

    With this in mind I’d say do it…


    …we’ve had nightmare tenants, we’ve had the house lie empty and we’ve had to give up a lot of our time to maintain and manage the property, which is always a challenge for us as parents with full time jobs.

    Practicalities aside, I’m delighted that the current tenants have made a genuinely lovely home that they could not have afforded to buy.


    Just sell or rent it to someone looking to make a home not a profit.


    Free Member

    We have nearly a 6 year gap between our youngest and second youngest. The hardest thing to overcome was the sense of once more sacrificing those freedoms that had started to come back, the ability to ride more often being chief amongst them.

    We’re lucky in that our 3rd child is a joy and relatively straightforward to raise, whilst his brothers are old enough to occupy themselves. If all 3 were of similar ages it would be a whole different prospect.

    Free Member

    I just find that a really depressing reflection on the human race 🙁

    Free Member

    I think it has to be the iPhone for me. There are loads of good suggestions up there, but I don’t think anything has transformed computing from a workplace/technical paradigm into such broad consumer-adoption like the advent of smartphones and subsequent mobile devices. The fact that Joe Bloggs consumer has levels of exception beyond what most technology firms can actually deliver is testament to that.

    Free Member

    If you gave me a lottery win, right now…

    How big a win are we talking? 🙂

    Free Member

    So many great shouts on here and the Singer Porsche is definitely a highlight. However I do have an unusual and unhealthy car crush on the current Cayman in yellow

    Free Member

    A friend had one and raved about it. He could wheel his bike in the boot fully upright (he *may* have had to take the front wheel off) and it was great travelling across the Leek – Buxton road in the snow.

    Free Member

    How can I find out, bearing in mind my BY portal doesn’t tell me?

    Free Member

    Ipad Air2 is not the same as an iPad 2.

    Yeah I realise that. The title of the OP refers to iPad 2 though as do some of the comments. Even the 3rd gen iPad referred to by GrahamS does not, apparently, support ad-blockers. Just passing on some useful info I found.

    Free Member

    When I put the freeloading on my iPad air2 on launch day it speeded up enourmously

    The iPad 2 doesn’t support the new ad-blocking apps.

    (Note that not all iOS devices are supported that can run iOS 9: only those with 64-bit processors. This excludes the iPhone 4s, 5, and 5c; the iPad 2, 3rd-generation iPad, and 4th-generation iPad; 1st-generation iPad mini; and the 5th-generation iPod touch. All later devices work.)

    From Macworld

    Free Member

    2 – 3 wireless devices in one household, in this day and age, is nothing. A quick count in our household gives 12 devices…
    …and that’s before we have visitors with their tablets and phones 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes, they still exist, although in my experience not until the back side of winter. Our local club reliability, for example, was early March this year. Other clubs nearby also do them.

    I’ve no experience other than of our club reliability, but it’s certainly chilled out.

    Free Member

    I find that Tweeting their customer care is very effective.

    PS I’ve had two replacement HH3 and it’s not sorted it. The engineer said they were more reliable than both the HH4 and HH5.

    Free Member

    Not sure of the issue. I was very happy for a long time with BT, but the last 10 months have been a little frustrating, especially the “it’s not our problem” approach to dealing with wi-fi issues that BT have adopted.

    Free Member

    Some people (and it certainly seems to be a sizeable minority if not actually a majority) like not having to think about stuff and just follow signs/others

    Look at the popularity of pisted ski resorts. This shouldn’t be surprising

    Free Member

    only use 1 device at a time


    Free Member

    Likewise. I’ve been having intermittent issues for about 10 months. BT’s customer service – to their credit – was great, but once they prove that a wired device gets internet they lose interest, blaming the fact wi-fi is an unlicensed frequency and is therefore subject to interference from next door’s kettle (I only half jest).

    Typical symptoms include devices showing they are connected to wireless but having no internet connection. In all cases the HomeHub is showing a blue light for a solid internet connection. Sometimes device A will have internet but not device B. Sometimes all I need to do is turn the wi-fi off and on on the device that isn’t connected to the internet, whereas other times it needs a turn off/on for the home hub.

    Free Member

    Someone made a comparison with trail centres up there^ and there’s some mileage (pun intended) in that. A huge appeal of both trail centres and sportives is easy access to riding in new areas without the faff of navigation and with some of the risk removed. Not everyone wants to race, not everyone wants to navigate. Having ridden the Lincoln GP sportive a couple of times I can tell you that the buzz from racing (figure of speech) up Michaelgate to the finish whilst cheered by the crowds is well worth the entrance fee.

    Never tried an audax. I’m sure they’re fab 🙂

    Have we dissed cyclocross riders yet? 😉

    Free Member

    My wife’s auntie has a lovely property in Askrigg, Wensleydale. The cottage immediately next door (Old Mill One) is also great. The pub is 1 minute walk.

    Old Mill Two

    Free Member

    In relation to content blocking extensions on iOS9:

    Note that not all iOS devices are supported that can run iOS 9: only those with 64-bit processors. This excludes the iPhone 4s, 5, and 5c; the iPad 2, 3rd-generation iPad, and 4th-generation iPad; 1st-generation iPad mini; and the 5th-generation iPod touch. All later devices work

    Oh 🙁

    From Macworld

    Free Member

    A GPX file of this ride is available in the Singletrack Mag Archive:

    Can’t see it there though

    Free Member

    I personally think the road cycling in the Dales is better than th lakes

    Been said more than once

    The Lakes is stunning and there are some fab challenges to have a go at. Unfortunately a lot of it can be busy. Very busy. The Dales roads are in my experience a lot quieter, giving you more chance to enjoy the riding and the views and having to worry less about being run over.

    Free Member

    At Svartedalens, the trial is viewed as a success, even if, with an extra 14 members of staff hired to cope with the shorter hours and new shift patterns, it is costing the council money.

    On the one hand it’s a great idea since it increases well being and gets more people working. In practice aren’t we living in a world where the goal is to get as much productivity with as little cost as possible? Nice idea but with business owners worried about increases in minimum wage, this initiative – which is a significant increase in the wage bill – is not going to receive wide support in the UK.

    On the other hand I think there are plenty of people who, if push came to shove, could be more productive and do the same job in fewer hours.

    Free Member

    You could do worse than get Dave Barter’s book for inspiration. He may even be along in a minute 🙂

    Great British Bike Rides

    Free Member

    There is no way that Apple can blocks ads on one hand and then allow ads through there own News app (whilst taking 30%) without the regulatory bodies coming down on them.

    But Apple aren’t blocking ads, unless I’ve very much misunderstood the situation. All Apple have done in iOS9 is allow ad-blockers that weren’t previously allowed. They haven’t actually delivered any ad-blocking themselves; they’ve simply opened up that walled garden everyone complains about so the ad-blockers can get a piece of the iOS action. If you upgrade to iOS9 you’re not blocking any ads. YOU have to buy an app to do that and in that scenario YOU’RE the one blocking the ads.

    The net result may be the same, but I don’t know how Apple can get in trouble for it. I do have to salute their plan though.

    Free Member

    If the forum closed tonight, where would you and the other “content providers” go?

    For a bike ride?

    Free Member

    Gatsby no I don’t think it was the seams. I just remember having a ride in pissing rain and get absolutely soaking arms. My body wasn’t much better. This was minutes into the ride on a flat, easy track so can’t have been me being too sweaty.

    VauDe are relatively big in the outdoor (walking, climbing, camping) market but do seem to be bigger on the continent.

    Free Member

    I had a few MASK toys , but wanted so many more, especially this one

    Post Star Wars phase and pre not-really-giving-a-toss-about-toys phase

    Free Member

    I have a Vaude eVent jacket. Very simple with no pockets or hood, but a good close fit with a short front and long tail. It fits in a jersey pocket. Not been hugely impressed with how well it’s waterproofing has lasted despite appropriate washing and reproofing.

    Free Member

    This is a problem particularly when the text you are reading or buttons you want to click load quickly, but then jump all over the place as ad after ad slowly loads.

    ^ this. Even on a good 50Mb wireless connection this is still a pain.

    Free Member

    It’s fascinating stuff and I feel for publishers having to wade through these changes in the digital world.

    That said, the times I click on an advert on a web page are invariably in error and the promise of much quicker page loads for content I want to view rather than content that is being thrust upon me is too tempting to ignore.

    Adverts on websites I have no issue with in principle. However they too often fundamentally ruin the user experience of that website, which is why I’m sure ad-blockers will be hugely popular.

    Free Member

    In my experience Twitter is a great tool for getting a response when you have a complaint. BT were on it like a rash when I had some problems before Christmas. BA might also be more responsive via a very public Tweet complaint.

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