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  • How To ‘Fix’ Your Spongy Reverb Dropper Post In Under 2 Minutes
  • stilltortoise
    Free Member

    OK, so never had that then – at least not from the chain. Great, no point inventing something to worry about.

    Free Member

    You’ll have loads of daylight so take it easy, enjoy the views and refuel regularly.

    Free Member

    did no one else really want this post to be non-biking? :lol:

    Free Member

    loads of windsurfers at Riva if that floats your boat

    Free Member

    were you really expecting a consistent answer on here? :lol:

    Free Member

    *Why would you do that anyway for a moving bearing dragged through mud and grinding paste?

    As a manufacturer I have no idea, as a consumer I’m delighted

    Free Member

    Bigger jumps and more speed. Seriously, I have been closer to wiping out by trying to jump stuff that simply isn’t big enough or when I’m not going fast enough.

    Free Member

    what in proper terms do you think lifetime warranty does mean then? I’m guessing “it shouldn’t need replacing, but never say never – but if it does we’ll give you new ones but you’ll get charged for the labour bit”

    yes, exactly. I see lots of posts on here with people moaning about certain forks that “need” servicing every 5 minutes and cost a bomb for that servicing. FOC warranty parts are much better than that, even if you have to pay for labour. For all I know the LBS will reclaim the labour off the manufacturer.

    Of course this is irrelevant since I didn’t get charged. Hurrah! :D

    Free Member

    theotherjonv, I think the big difference between car dealerships and bike shops – in my experience at least – is that the car is under warranty as a whole, albeit with some parts excluded. The labour is therefore part of that car warranty. Bikes are probably warrantied for a year or maybe 2 max, but the parts may individually be warranteed for longer. I wouldn’t expect any car dealership to indefinitely provide FOC labour to replace lifetime warrantied parts.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but it put a smile on my face

    I also don’t equate “lifetime warranty” with “never need replacing”. Two very different statements if you ask me

    Free Member

    I’ve hurt myself a few times and questioned whether I should stop for the sake of my knees/back/delete as appropriate. I then started doing more road riding than off-roading because I thought it was safer. Had my first proper fall off my road bike the other week and I’m still hurting. The moral of this? I’m a clumsy oaf who would get hurt whatever I do so I might as well carry on with cycling :D

    Free Member

    The Bike Factory in Whaley Bridge

    Free Member

    I’ve been gobsmacked with how well Gmail filters spam. I get pretty much none :D (cue a torrent of spam this aftenoon!)

    Free Member

    …and a new LBS 8O

    Free Member

    yeah, try BETD[/url]

    Free Member

    yes and you’re banned from my self-pitying post too :cry:

    Free Member

    on the proud Dad theme, but moving away from bikes, my 2 1/2 year old lad has shown a liking for scratch DJing. He’s even getting to grips with the cross-fader. He’s already better than me :lol:

    Free Member

    If you are getting bored, I can heartilly recommend buying a completely different bike

    I ride a 6″ “all mountain” bike when abroad but most of my local riding is done on a fully rigid these days, so already trying that approach. Don’t get me wrong, once I’m out I love it, it’s just the getting out I’m finding hard at the moment

    Free Member

    A Bianchi alu hardtail. First new mountain bike for 20 years nearly, knew nothing about XC v trail v all-mountain etc etc. Anyway, long stemmed, narrow bars, twitchy as anything and heavy and woeful suspension fork. What it did do well was go fast. New bars, stem and a superlight carbon rigid fork and I now LOVE it! :D

    Free Member

    Smacking yer bird about is never acceptable behaviour under any circumstances, if she has a go at you physically its fair enough to defend yourself, but that apart no way.

    Comments like this always strike me as very gallant, but I’m unconvinced. I’m not a violent person, I’ve never been in a fight in my life and I avoid (physical) conflict at all times. I do think though that we all have a point at which we will snap and justify our violent actions. Maybe this is for another post (on another site!) and it wouldn’t really make pleasant reading, so I’ll leave it as purely hypothetical…

    Free Member

    sounds rotten barnsleymitch – I really don’t know how I would feel – and I’d understand if you don’t want to answer, but do you think it would have been 15 times worse if you found out it was over 30 years?

    Free Member

    I have used both Straits and Evos in Spain. I didn’t think the Evos were signifantly less bulkly and if anything the Straits are more comfy. One thing to note is that the side padding on the Straits can interfere more with cables if they are routed on the top tube and you like honking out of the saddle. I’ve torn my Straits as a result of getting caught on cable stops. That said the finish on my Evos doesn’t seem too hot and they seem to be getting a bit frayed already

    Free Member

    Also seems to be a confusion here between good riding due to trails and good riding due to countryside / surroundings / remoteness

    And the piece de resistance of Spain was that I felt like I had both…except maybe the remoteness, but then I don’t feel the need to be hours away from any kind of civilisation to feel “away from it all” (good job in the Peak District!)

    Free Member

    Peaks is the best riding in Britain IMHO by a LONG way

    It’s good, but I wouldn’t go that far. I’ve lived – and ridden – in the Peaks since before mountain biking was cool the first time round. I thoroughly enjoy it, but…

    …and back to the OP

    Free Member

    building trails?? 8O Permit me to be a moaning old bore but with 2 little kiddies demanding my non-work hours attention, I barely get out riding the trails that are already there, nevermind building some more

    Free Member

    She got stabbed and pushed down the stairs – she got more than enough “punishment” already don’t you think?

    I see the potential for quite an inflammatory post coming up… :wink:

    Free Member

    And no, I don’t think it made a mockery of the marriage, otherwise it wouldn’t have lasted.

    Surely it lasted because she was a lying, cheating, deceitful cow and he didn’t know :?

    Free Member

    So let me get me right, the answer to my OP was:
    no – for those Scottish residents
    yes – everyone else

    Free Member

    OK, let me rephrase the question then. Should adultery be a crime? I think I know the answer judging by the response so far, but it beggars belief to me that she (the wife) can enter into the marriage polygamously from day one and “get away with it”. Makes a mockery of the marriage, don’t you think?

    Free Member

    but I go out and they still manage to put a smile on my face and bite me in the Arris once in a while.

    too true, but the urge to actually go out is not as strong

    Free Member

    Not sure what he was charged with. He comitted a crime and got punished. In fact he even called the police when he did it and also confessed to his nephew who was a copper, so I expect the judge had some leniency.

    The question is should she have received some punishment?

    Free Member

    Are you the cuckold? Odd question, even for this place.

    Having heard the story I had enormous sympathy for the husband. I could not imagine the humiliation of – IMO – living a lie for all that time. I don’t know if his kids or Grandkids were aware but nonetheless, we’re talking about his wife and his best man, possibly best friend. Maybe his marriage wasn’t a happy one, I don’t know. Maybe his wife had been trying for years to get a divorce. Again I don’t know thos facts either. I just threw out a hypothetical question

    Free Member

    the story was on Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 about half an hour ago

    Free Member

    Moses, I guess that’s a “no” from you then

    Free Member


    Free Member

    just to clarify I was mountain biking in Spain. And – TandemJeremy – I did think of excluding those living in Scotland from replying :wink:

    Free Member

    PS to put this in context I live in the Peak District so have lots of “good stuff” around me, albeit not necessarily from my back door

    Free Member

    Sadly the subtleties of sarcasm, irony, tongue-in-cheek and all those other delights of real conversation don’t transfer well to a web forum. I will get to know your web-personalities in time, and meanwhile assume that everyone is good-natured until proven otherwise :-)

    Free Member

    stilltortoise, before he got the hump because I suggested that he had his ‘head-in-the-clouds’ and that he ‘read the Guardian’, was talking about encouraging and how it was a good thing to have the involvement of racist thugs in British politics. It isn’t.

    Was I? You do like to twist people’s words for your own agenda. You should be in politics. Anyway, I’m guilty of being personal myself now. You’ve baited, I’ve bitten. job done

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tip. I must admit it was interferring with work somewhat. To be fair, my wife would say I’m just as bad as Ernie on the “arguing for the sake of it” front…

    Free Member

    OK I couldn’t resist another peek.

    Considering what was said, you’re a sensitive little soul

    Maybe I am and maybe BigDummy does a better job of making my point, even if he doesn’t entirely agree.

    thought you that were probably a wishy-washy, Guardian reading, middle-class, head-in-the-clouds, liberal. Who thinks that racist thugs should be given a fair crack of the whip like everyone else.

    Do I try and look at both side of an argument? Yes. Does that make me wishy washy? No. Do I read the Guardian? No. Am I middle-class? I don’t even know what it means to be middle class anymore. Give me a clue and I’ll answer that one. Head-in-the-clouds? Definitely not. Liberal? Yes I reckon there’s some of that in me. So what does that make me? Another of your stereotypes?

    where are you drawing your line on which people should be excluded entirely from the political process?

    Yes, where exactly?

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