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  • Qualifying results Maribor DH World Cup 2019
  • stilltortoise
    Free Member

    I’m not getting it – do most folk really believe you can only enjoy yourself whilst tipsy?

    I think many would argue that they have a better time when “lubricated”. A good social occasion is a good social occasion, regardless of booze. A bad social occasion can be made better with booze

    Free Member

    Free Member

    ha ha I thought it might be you who’d start this off RudeBoy

    Free Member

    That was an out-loud snort and chortle. Thanks MR Agreeable!

    Free Member

    is normal life not full of opportunities to have a good time, and that full of stuff to forget? I dont know if I should feel pity, or if that’s patronising?!?

    I have got very drunk many times in my past but never as an “escape”. I may even have been one of those participents you have seen. It was fun, even more so after a day at work, bike ride, climb etc. Yes it often hurt afterwards and yes it cost me a lot of money. Now I’m a Dad I don’t drink nearly as much, but I probably enjoy a (singular) beer more than ever.

    Illegal drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. It doesn’t matter. We are all different. Some can handle them, some can’t. Some get ill, some don’t. ONe thing I do agree on is that they are all a great way of getting tax for the public coffers.

    On another point, I have probably cost the NHS more with sporting injuries than any alcohol related ones. Does that make me bad? :lol:

    Free Member

    Shall we start a new “alchohol is bad” thread? Nah, I can’t be bothered either

    Free Member

    Warning, the internet may contain opinions that differ from your own. If this is likely to cause offence step away from the broadband and put The Archers on.

    I realise that now and STW is a happier place because of it (has only taken me several months)

    Free Member

    I must apologise at contributing to this hi-jacked post. Poor alpin started it as a light-hearted observation and now the gloves are on :roll:
    I saw Cypress Hill live once; B Real was so stoned he could barely stand :lol:

    Free Member

    On alcohol, I absolutely agree, but have deliberately avoided bringing that into the debate

    not freely given away to all but to existing junkies


    as there’d be clearly no sense in making the legal drug more expensive than the black market product

    Since when did sense play any part? :?

    Free Member

    it’s a sport that’s far better to watch on telly

    I watch it regularly on Freecaster so I’ll report back on that. Looking forward to the atmosphere as much as the racing

    Free Member

    I would actually give them it free

    I would rather my taxes went into treating the thousands of drug (ab)users than paying for free drugs so we end up with even more drug (ab)users clogging up the health service

    I’m sure if drugs (as defined in this context) were free and legal when I was a kid I would have tried them. As it was they were illegal and cost money so I steered clear. I bet there are 10’s of thousands people like me, many of which would end up just like the NHS statistics we have now

    As for the organised crime element I do generally agree tho’

    Free Member

    ‘because it makes you believe its ok to do nothing!’


    Free Member

    I think it has the potential to cause damage to those with the propensity for it.

    As do brussel sprouts. Been gagging on them since the age of 4 (30 years of choking :lol: )

    Free Member

    I used a bit of insulation tape. Worked well for a while. Never bothered re-applying it so now the swingarm is covered in battle scars :roll:

    Free Member

    Using heroin as another example. a large % of “petty crime” in this country is from junkies getting the money to pay for their fix. Without prohibition this would not be the case.

    Don’t follow that at all. Just because it is no longer prohibited does not suddenly make it free. Legalise it, add a bit of tax for Mr Brown and it may even be more expensive = MORE “petty” ctime to pay for it

    Its a hugely complex issue and this post is only intended as a series of discussion points and is not intended as any definitive set of answers

    Why thank you :-)

    Free Member


    Good point well made

    I already have a bash guard – a cheap Truvativ one – but it is cracked and has a nice groove that swallows my chain when it overshifts from the middle ring. I wanted something better for my clumsy riding style, but still have the “save weight” hat on. Must have taken it off when I bought the e13

    Free Member

    Maybe I should just wear thinner socks to save the weight my e13 has clearly added

    Free Member

    looks good – I do like HEcklers though. Something “timeless” about them

    Free Member

    so how much does a 36T gamut polycarb bash weigh?

    Free Member

    just found Gamut – prefer plastic bash guards to metal and I can’t find a plastic one in a 36T

    Free Member

    had a quick google for Gamut but found nothing

    Free Member

    had our honeymoon there. Loved it, and I’m not really a beach-holiday kind of person. If you don’t enjoy snorkelling/diving you could get a bit bored tho’

    Free Member

    mtbmatt has hit the nail on the head.

    The Lakes has so much good riding that I wouldn’t want to “waste” a nice day at a trail centre BUT if/when the weather does turn bad it’s nice to have a trail centre as a wimp-out option. Unfortunately Whinlatter is not really big enough to keep you occupied for more than a couple of hours. The other problem is that it seems much of the appeal is in the views, which takes us back to the beginning of my point…

    Still, must do it again on a good day if only in the interest of balance

    Free Member

    Fair enough, I just feel they should have put him first then they could always have left a note to ask that they are buried with him

    If I’d have been through what they went through I’m not sure I would want to go through my child’s funeral as well. Having brought up a severly disabled child maybe this was a way of putting themselves first for the first time in many years. To be honest tho’ this kind of thing is beyond rational explanation since until you’re placed in this kind of situation it is impossible to comprehend how you behave or feel. I’m sure the family will get all the sympathy they deserve

    Let’s not try and second guess what was going through their minds

    Free Member

    Having wondered whether my child would reach his 2nd birthday (he did, and is doing well) I can vouch that life takes on a very different perspective with poorly kids

    Free Member

    would happily have taken you out but off to Fort Bill for the World Cup. Yay!

    Free Member

    to be fair I don’t ride a singlespeed and have no plans to do so, but using 22/36 means I flick from one ring to another on the front more than going up and down the cassette

    Free Member

    I seem to stick in the same cog on the back and just switch between granny on the steep climbs and middle on the descents.

    nearly a singlespeed!

    Free Member

    3 inches is NOT a small thing! :cry:

    Free Member

    brakes inboard of shifters and hence comfy one finger braking with more control i.e. more fingers wrapped around the bars :D

    Free Member

    My folks took me to a ski resort for the first time when I was 4ish. Gran looked after me whilst the folks went skiing. A couple of years later I joined in the skiing too and have been for (nearly) every one of the 30 years since and can heartily recommend it.

    HOWEVER, since you did say you don’t want to do the whole ski thing, be very careful what resort you choose. I wouldn’t recommend going to the Sierra Nevada if you’re not going to ski. It can be very cold and very windy and is not the most interesting resort to just “mooch around”.

    I’d recommend Chamonix. You could probably do it quite cheaply, there’s loads to do other than ski/climb and you’re beneath the highest mountain in Europe. The cable car up to the Aiguille du Midi is particularly impressive and will either exhilarate or terrify the kids. On the downside it is not what you’d call “quaint”.

    Avoid the purpose built French resorts. They are great for skiing but invariably ugly. Go for a traditional resort, which the Austrians seem to be good at, but make sure it ticks the boxes for the non-ski activities e.g. swimming pool, ice rink, sleigh rides etc etc.

    Free Member

    it’s been a while for me but I do heartily recommend the past paper route. I did loads for maths and got an A, but didn’t for chemistry and got a D – didn’t get my mechanisms right :(

    Free Member

    I didn’t want a full facer but wanted more than a “normal” helmet – at the time the Parachute and the Viper were the only options. I thought the Met looked cooler in both senses of the word
    I never take the chin guard off

    Free Member

    that fella from Torq who often writes for the ST mag seems to know his onions. Can’t remember his name but you could try there

    Free Member

    Why does no one seem to like the MEt Parachute? I’ve worn one for some time and I can’t say I’ve ever had an issue with it. Is it just “not cool”? 8)

    Free Member

    I rode Whinlatter in horrible foggy weather and was unimpressed. Based on comments here I might give it another go this weekend, hopefully with some nice sunny views

    Free Member

    I think that some people obsess about lube because they hate black chain gunk.

    …and can’t be bothered to clean their chain??

    Free Member

    All these years I’ve been far too good with my expenses. I think I should learn from our leaders and take the p***

    I used to work for a company who only “allowed” £15 expenses for an evening meal if you stayed away. £15!! As you might imagine that was one rule that was broken

    Free Member

    So you use wet lube in the wet, dry lube in the dry, and it works

    there was a time when I thought you used wet lube if the conditions were dry. Why not? The chain is dry so wet it :roll:

    Seriously though, lube seems to be obsessed about (almost) as much as tyres by some people. I thought I was missing out on something. Apparently not

    Free Member

    I should add, if you fancy seeing some great mountains, it is worth a drive up to Selva in the Dolomites. I know it isn’t great sitting in a car for 2/3 hours (I think that was how long it took) but it is a magical place. Not done any biking there but the walking is superb.

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