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  • DH World Cup Round 5 – Vallnord – The new track delivers! (Spoilers)
  • stewartc
    Free Member

    South easia is a large area, do you have any specific countries in mind as there is a huge differences between (for example) Vietnam, North China and Singapore?
    For example, in Hong kong it tends to be hot with high humidity and there is a high chance of Typhoons hitting, I imagine Bali though would be very pleasant (but hot).

    Free Member

    I would abolish the current legal system and impose Thunderdome law throughout the land.
    In each town and city would be a giant metal Thunderdome, with all legal disputes having to take place inside and on the simple premise of 2 men (or women) enter, one man (or woman) leaves.
    I expect this to quickly end most crime although how we will deal with the super fit and athletic criminals left at the end I am not to sure, I will leave that mess for the next King for a day

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Had a nice climb up to the Tigers Head on Lantau, not so much pollution about so you could actually make out Victoria Harbour and the IFC and ICC buildings, absoute scorcher of a day as well.

    Through various people dropping out or leave the ride early I then ended up with me and four 15 year olds, concerned that I would end up with hospital duties due to the number of rough hewn stairs leading down I was then promptly shown that the kids are allright and its me that needs to improve!
    Poor video of the descent here (not sure about the GoPro handlebar mount):

    Free Member

    The Harry Potter films, utter tosh, just don’t understand why both the books and the films were successful.

    Free Member

    + Another for Apocalypto, had me hooked all through the film, despite the bad things he has done in the past (the drunken racial remarks and more specificaly, lethal Weapon 3) I will always remember Mel Gibson for this gem.
    Pan’s Labyrinth, dragged in to see it, great on so many levels.
    Others….Moon (shows what you can do with a good story), Thank you for Smoking (great topic) , Ill Manors (really suprised by this one as I cant stand UK gangsta stuff) and the last Rambo film (classic 80s shoot fest with a classic Terry Thomas style villian).
    Another + for the recent Dredd film, bought back my youth a little, now where is the Rogue Trooper film?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    There is no pleasing some people.

    Free Member

    Ok, nipple tapped or greased.
    TurnerGuy, used that tactic on my first 10k, now I use it when walking also……

    Free Member

    Cantonese (kind of)
    A taste for ice in all its forms and dishes
    A better, healthier and happier life……

    Free Member

    And another vote for the SB66….

    Its improved my riding as it needs to be pushed to get the most out of it although I am still no where near good enough, if you like to go up, down and across on all day rides its perfect.
    Although next time I would put a Talas upfront, its hard getting used to steep climbs with a 160mm fork upfront!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice, its all noted down.

    Free Member

    Born Swindon, currently residing in Hong Kong.

    Free Member

    Me like: Olives, beer, Cycling and Family Guy
    She likes: Sweetcorn, 1960’s HK films, soap operas and shopping

    Free Member

    Been twice, its OK but for nice beaches and cheaper food etc you may want to consider Cebu in the Phillipinnes.

    Free Member

    Yes Wan Chai clubs, cough, cough, feels collar…..

    Free Member

    Live in HK and all the above are good pointers, can even maybe loan you a bike if you fancy a cheeky trail though :)
    As well as Big Wave and Repulse Bay can also recoemend Pui O on Lantau, get a ferry from central to Mui Wo and take a hike through Chi Ma Wan country park to it (couple of hours), you can get the bus back.
    Bull Bike if your interested in some window shopping, they have 3 shops (general bikes stuff, Triathlete and Specialized) in Ya Mei Tei all within the same short street.
    For eating local food, lots of places but I tend to go to Shim Sha Po, also home to one of the larger computer centres in HK (think tech bizarre).

    When are you going, it might coincide with a festival or holiday, theres loads in the first part of the year?

    Free Member

    Very bored with mine and struggling to bring myself round to be constructive to change this

    Free Member

    I grew up in Aldershot, your mate seems pretty normal.

    Free Member

    If its about the Western arms industry then then they are not doing a good job as it seems its mostly Chinese and Russians weapons being used in all of these conflicts.

    Free Member

    Went from ASR5a to TRc and would say the the TRc is a better bike (of two very good bikes) The reason I preferred the TRc, climbing,
    where I live you have to climb a lot and I found the TRc to be a more stable platform going up and more plush going down. Despite issues with the BB on both models its nothing to worry about and something you will soon compensate for when riding.
    Why not go to the SB66 like I did, you get the best of both worlds when going up and down…and across?

    Free Member

    Had two (Foot and nose ops) and in both cases I was out within 30 seconds of the jab and then came around slightly groggy but fine within 2-3 minutes.
    Like others I enjoyed it and felt like I had had the best nights sleep ever.

    Free Member

    Big group ride at Tai Mo Shan, great weather and good company….

    Free Member

    Is that that Spanish Fly I have been hearing about?

    Free Member

    War, famine, disease…in that order
    But seriously, I would actually laugh if god does come back and it all ends in the rapture, as an atheist, boy, will I have egg on my face.

    Free Member

    Many a sweet dream in my early teens!

    Free Member

    If God created the universe out of nothing why did he need a rib to create Eve?
    Also, the forbidden fruit was in the tree of knowledge, what is the message there?

    I dont see the harm in most religions (bar those extremists off all denominations) and have a few close friends and relatives who live as close to the book as possible (HK has a huge number of practicing Christians), I just dont like how religion gets a to play a prominent part in politics and education.

    Religion has no place in state education just as facts have no place in organized religion (quote courtesy of the Simpsons).

    Free Member

    In a similar vein, Jabba the Hut, biggest feared gangster in the galaxy slowly strangled to death by a lady in a bikini.

    Free Member

    tlr – Jokey spoiler, don’t panic you didn’t miss anything if you have just seen it!

    Free Member

    Saw it last week and really enjoyed it though its maybe 30 minutes too long with some good cameos and some bad.
    Agree about the alien bit as well, very Life of Brian, oh, and Samuel Jackson is a tadge creepy…..

    Free Member

    Hong Kong based Regional Product Manager for a large US electronic manufacturer.
    Left school at 16 with low GCSEs and became a trainee engineer (think apprentice without the company responsibilities, thanks Maggie) which got me up to an HND, then got made redundant an spent a few years pissing around and enjoying life.
    Then became a CAD guy for a while which somehow got me into the AV industry and lucky enough that this job also got me to travel the world over the following 15 years.
    In my previous UK job I meet the current MrsC in HK an then one thing lead to another and I ended up here a few years ago, now the only westerner in a company of over 250 spread over the region.
    For a poorly educated Aldershot boy I got lucky, but still, like others also bored of my job and looking for something new….

    Free Member

    Sorry, misread the OP, thought this was about getting rid of old Italian currency.

    Free Member

    Yes, that is speculation

    Free Member

    Just looked out of my office window, no snow in Kowloon

    Free Member

    No Snow Here
    Weekend Riding Ahead

    Free Member

    Mathew Mahogany – not a fan of his acting but diffcult to dislake as he seems such a nice guy
    Did anyone see the prequal to Carlitos Way (carlitos Way, Rise to Power), worst acting ever?

    Free Member

    Live in Hong Kong and although we dont get those high temperatures we usually suffer from very high humidity, enough to knock you for six in summer.
    Ride earlier or later, its all good.

    Free Member

    Alfa 159 – For its beauty and the chances that running examples will be very, very rare

    Free Member

    A mate of mine reckoned that you could solve the problem of fighting during marching season by adding a steel drum band at the end, then everone would get in the carnival mood :)

    Free Member

    I could look at my SB66c all night, and sometimes I do as its in my lounge, but I guess everyone thinks they have the prettiest wife (or something like that)?
    I like the look of the Look but not enough to buy.

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