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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • stewartc
    Free Member

    Did it in 1999, had a failed everything, was at the stage of living hand to mouth in a job I hated, big debt and just a general feeling of going nowhere. Sold up and ended up at first living in a bed sit in Archway with nothing to my name except no debt and the opportunity to start anew, I was around 28 at the time. It was tough but it gave me the opportunity to start again from scratch, and since then I life has been an adventure. I think some people are better at having a hard reset, that may be the answer for you.

    Free Member

    Singapore really is a 3-4 days place at best and I found one of the dullest cities in Asia, I would consider jumping on a plane and going elsewhere for a week. I still find it expensive to eat and drink out compared with any of the other major cities in the region as well.
    As the suggestions above plus maybe get a bum boat from Changhi Pier over to Pulau Ubin for a walk around the island.
    Used to be based in China Town near the CBD for work and found that area interesting to walk around with some great food markets tucked away.
    Note: Spent 2 nights of my honeymoon at the Marina Bay, the swimming pool at the top is a must.

    Free Member

    Wishful thinking as the rumpus caused by the bill has left a lot of more outstanding issues that have stoked further protests as a result.
    It has been pleasant though being able to walk around my town without the hassle of Chinese tourists everywhere, sadly things may return to pre-bill days :(

    Free Member

    I cant help but think that a Tallboy would be better suited for your needs :)
    Its been a particularly brutal horrible summer which will effect any objective thinking on a bike when nature is playing a large part in not letting you enjoy the ride. I suspect once that creak is fixed and it starts to get more pleasant out you will start to look at the some of the other issues differently. It does look the shizzle.

    Free Member

    October 1st is 70 years of CCP (China Communist Party) the mainland wants a big happy party.

    I’m thinking a bike trip to Chiang Mai for that long weekend?

    Suspect there will be a very large counter protest to the officially sanctioned events going on on that day so it should be interesting to say the least but maybe something better experienced from a distance.

    Free Member

    I suspect they forgot to mention you actually get to own Fair Oak with the purchase and this includes the right to ‘jus primae noctis’ within this territory.
    Note: If not I would add that, the property would be long sold before anyone got to try.

    Free Member

    Why is living longer thought of as such a great thing?

    Free Member

    @loughor Sadly they never repeat the same colour frames so this may be a tricky to pull off :)
    You of course get 1st dabs on the mk3 frame.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Im seriously considering upgrading from the v3 to this v4, hopefully will see a frame in the flesh next month and then find out the real cost for the frame. Would need to see a few more reviews and try to read between the glowing lines to be sure, the v3 is such a great trail bike I dont want to upgrade to find out the new version just doesn’t compare.

    Free Member

    Keeping this thread alive, on a bike ride yesterday and at one point of this ride we happened to get a commanding viewpoint of the old RAF base, Sek Kong, now operated by the PLA.
    Dont usually pay much attention but yesterday was a little different, they seemed to be running, at reasonable speed, APC’s and jeeps up and down the runway in a contentious loop.
    Airport pacification training or just a once month Italian Tune Up to keep those spark plugs and carburettors clear?
    Also, please note that most video or news reports showing the build up of paramilitaries in Shenzhen is usually from the the government, its a not to subtle hint to say they have this if needed.

    Free Member

    Riding with a guy tomorrow who toured Vietnam, on an incumbent, a few years ago, will see if he can help and if yes PM you his details.

    Free Member

    As an HK resident I’m a little confused what the hell the Falkland War has to do with the situation here, then I realised I’m on an online forum and some people……

    Free Member

    Things started going downhill when they stopped having those cheerful happy stories at the end of the news.

    Free Member

    Got to say I’m not picking up any of the vibes you lot are and like Loughor I live here.
    The general gist I am getting is people are starting to get peed off with the protestors disrupting day to day life, Hong Kong people can be very small minded in that respect (i.e. if it doesnt affect me it’s not my problem).
    I understand that some paramiltary forces are already in town “helping” the police which would proabably explain some of the recent heavy handed actions, however small groups of protestors are also not helping themselves, especially at the airport at the moment.
    Expect an escalation from them and then a short Sharp reply, the Chinese government are being very restrained, they just need a good legitimate (to the outside world) reason to wield the hammer.
    Had my mum Whatsapping me earlier asking if the tanks have arrived yet, what is your news showing you?

    Free Member

    Sorry, not both but have been running a Ribbon Air 29er on my Tallboy for the last year and also did have a 650b version on my Patrol for 1.5 years. In a nutshell the best fork I’ve ever owned but also the most frustrating at times. The level of tune-ability is vast and can lead to a little head banging at first, I’ve found that just set everything up as default and then working your way form there being the best way, once you hit the sweet spot its all worthwhile. Reliability seems to be pretty good, I have clocked up a total of around 6k km on both without any faults.
    Only issue I have is the service side, I’m based in Hong Kong and found myself, after selling the Patrol as a frame, with a pair of 650b forks that I didn’t need and thought it might be better off with a full service before I sold them (hey, I m a conscientious seller). 2 months later I finally got them back as it turned out that a lack of local access to service parts (seals etc) meant the forks went from HK to Taipai and then finally the US to get serviced! They managed to lose the axle on the return as well :(.
    I’m a little concerned as the set on the Tallboy are due a rebuild so I may look to buy the service kit and do it myself this time if I can.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget that there also needs to be a dictator or famous sports person in shot to really make you think

    …the obligatory Frank Bruno connection.

    Free Member

    Until I see a picture of Jimmy Saville with Epstein at some 80’s social event I’m on the fence on this one.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Evoc for me, even better if you can get one with the bike stand, makes packing and punacking so much easier.
    Never let me down for local Asia travel or for those bigger journeys like a recent Whistler trip, not a scratch or dent.
    Customer service is tiptop as well…..though this usualy always relates to people losing or breaking those little front wheels.
    CRC used to always have one or two models on sale?

    Free Member

    I suspect it will get quieter as the school and university holidays finish, it’s bad but not on the 1967 level….yet. Theres a lot of big social issues in HK that have been bubbling over and now unleashed by the recent protests. It started in 2014 and now is providing a vent for those stuck in the system here, massive gaps between rich and.poor, an economy run by property agents and the real fear of being overrun by the Han Chinese.
    Even my wife is discussing getting a full fat GB passport, shes BNO at present. The times are definitely a changing.

    Although I should add I’m working in Beijing at the moment, nothing on the local TV here :)

    Free Member

    ex.650b Firebird owner here, good solid bike which is actually not a bad peddler, I used mine for both the odd DH and Enduro race without an issues. If you could get one for a good price I’d say go for it.
    Also used to own a 601 and yes, it’s got looks only a German would like but it’s a blast for those technical rocky descents, the only issue I had was its easily dented and seemed to hate flat trails (it’s either all out up or down).

    Free Member

    I’m now definitely there between the 19th and 27th, going with some other ex-pats from Honkers but they will probably be staying within the park for the duration, its my first time so I would like to also get a chance to do more back country so if anyone’s prepared to show me around next week its appreciated?

    Free Member

    Hoping to get a new contract signed off this week that will allow me a little time before early August to ride somewhere, so yes, good chance if I can bag a last minute flight deal.

    Free Member

    Have both Trail and Flux and both seem to be very well built although I find the Flux shorts a bit long for my liking (I’m a bit short legged). Actually tend to wear my Trail shorts out more out and about when not on a bike, the vast array of pockets being very useful.

    Free Member

    Back in the day I used to envy my mates in there GTE’s, Mexico’s, XR2’s and RS Turbos as though my R5 Gordini Turbo was no doubt just as quick I never had he patience to accelerate long enough for the turbo lag to finally end and it to then finally kick in.

    Free Member

    Have a coil on my Sentinel, if you dont mind not being in a rush to the top then it seems to work (to me) very well across and down. Caveat, have no idea of of how progressive the suspension is, just had a shock and could get it modified for the Sentinel FOC so did it.

    Free Member

    Had a carbon Sentinel for about 1k km now, cracking bike but a bit on the portky side for a 140mm travel bike and I imagine an alloy version just adds to that though in fairness mine is coil equipped. I know it not really a climbing bike but its steep seat tube does make any long climbs acceptable, just don not plan to race up. Im running 35mm rims but only a 2.35 tire so no clearance issues for me and I dont plan to go to the likes of 2.5 or more anyway. The only think I would say as noted above, the chainstay is tight on my medium frame, I would not want to risk a 34T or more even if it were possible?

    Free Member

    Thread highjack, there at the end of the month as staying nearby and have a day or so to kill. Hiring a bike, having some coaching in the morning (need to lose some bad jumping habits) and then planning a couple of hours of potting around. Is there enough there to keep me amused for 2-3 hours, Im used to 25-45km rides on Hong Kongs fairly rocky steep trails plus the odd Chiang Mai/Rotorua trip every year or would I be better to head off to the Surrey downs straight after the coaching?

    Free Member

    Careful there big_n_daft, that sort of common sense doesn’t go down well in these EU threads, best shout racist at someone or just point out that without a degree or Masters any other opinion is void. You get extra points for linking to a Guardian article.
    I should add that in the spirit of the OP I have a mix of Leave and Remainers in my family, not really noticed anything on social media that would bother me and you can always unfollow, I would like to think if my Mum started posting any Tommy Robinson stuff I would have a good enough relationship with her to ask her to stop or at least not direct any of it towards me, likewise any other family member or even friend.
    Of course since most of my family are what we could term working class (such terrible uneducated ioks) Leave is slightly ahead of the Remain, maybe 60/40.

    Free Member

    Elsa, she wolf of the SS but for a dull rainy afternoon you cant beat An officer and a Gentleman.

    Free Member

    I’ve been using Flimora as Im not a MAC user, this edit was knocked out in a few hours using it and contributions from Bigdummys drone alongside my GoPro.

    I enjoy trying to faff around with different effects etc and find Filmora really easy to try different effects, you need to enjoy the editing process which can be time consuming and mostly consists of removing stuff.
    I try to work to the ‘below 5 minutes’ rule.

    Free Member

    I live in Hong Kong, how do people afford really small apartments let alone big houses?

    Can’t afford a one bedroom apartment here but have a 3 bedroom house back in the UK, its all relative but I believe the standard property saying applies, location, location, location or they are drug dealers.

    Free Member

    Maybe she was preparing ham for the sandwiches by smoking it?

    Free Member

    Colorway is a perfectly cromulent word to use.

    Free Member

    Remember working across from the runway in a commercial estate there many years ago, pointless trying to have a telephone conversation for the whole week and everybody took cigarette breaks every few minutes or when something loud seemed to be happening, even those who didn’t smoke.
    Its a trade show, the public side is costly and now entails a lot of safety regulations that either restrict what the planes can actually demonstrate or add cost overall to manage, I can see why they are doing this.
    Still remember when the Russians came in the early 90’s, that was some crazy stuff they do it those Migs and Sukhois.

    Free Member

    Read that as Chickbait, looked around, waz disappointed

    Free Member

    As per a few other I have been lurking and reading this thread with interest.

    My view, and I apologize if I lack the subtle nuances of some of the more urbane posters here, if you are upset about any comment or thread in general that you feel is against the site policies/rules or is in general racist, sexist etc report it, the moderators seem to do a good job here and I for one would trust them to show judgement and act wisely.
    Alternatively you can challenge views you find upsetting or even easier, simply ignore them, as most here do here in regards to the countless political and Jordan Peterson type threads.

    This site is great for advice, there is a great mix of people and every time I’ve asked for help or advice I’ve got in in spades. If you want opinions though, its best avoided.

    Free Member

    I’m up for a shirt, if it helps I may be able to source a supply cheaper than the UK…line up for pre-orders!

    Free Member

    Indians and Pakistanis are some of the most nationalist people I have ever met, I suspect it will be pride before wisdom here and there will be a little argy-bargy before everything settles down to the status quo again.
    Dont be surprised if China does’nt use this as an excuse to take a little more Kashmiri land.

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