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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • stevextc
    Free Member

    Wow. Six year old “new” forks. I hope you got them for an absolute steal OP, because you’d need to be factoring in the cost of a full service anyway.

    I’m still running 2015 A1 Pike’s… regular services and they still work great.
    Probably spent << £100 on each in the last 8 years (including the charger bleed adapter).

    Free Member

    2nd hand forks, would need a service anyway or were you just planning on sticking them on bike?

    I wouldn’t even do that with new out of box forks. Always factor in at least a lower leg service,, it isnt difficult plenty videos how to do.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    So if I were to keep and rebuild, would it be worth upgrading to a Debonair air spring whilst I’ve got it apart?

    Depends what you want out of them… fixing the blocked port is just some oil and grease and 2 crush washers though I’d personally swap the foam rings whilst at it. You might not even need grease… sometimes they put so much on the sealhead its enough for the whole service if its clean.
    Either way if you pull it out you can check the airshaft length and check the transfer port.

    A1 lyrik is a bit special… there isn’t a corresponding Yari… (A1 Yari is effectively B1 lyrik) not that is a bad thing just make sure the airshaft is the right one from trailhead.

    Free Member

    What sort of person keeps noticing this? Where are you doing such bizarre research? School bike sheds?

    I do but it doesn’t concern me either…

    No, it means they’ve adjusted their seating position for climbing efficiency sat down.

    But they don’t *need* to do that on a eBike ?? It’s a non-thing with a motor and a lot of the reason for getting an eBike is comfort over a super efficient aero position.

    Specifically for eMTB there is no such “adjustment” for an eMTB… generally it depends on how steep, traction etc.
    You want the combination of height and weight position that gives maximum traction and keeps enough weight on the front wheel.

    A saddle pushed forward does not have to mean the bike is too small, it’s one of the key adjustments you can make on a bike…

    Exactly but with the caveat above…

    Free Member

    Pointless doing a driving ban, I got 3 weeks ban for a broken wrist plus a heft fine for leaving the car in the car park.

    Free Member

    (Sorry still away and no computer)

    “Obviously it’s never that straightforward in the real world“

    I appreciate that but at least in theory

    If it was the neighbours the other side or previous occupant it would be no prob to have a cuppa and chat it over .. (or a beer with the other side)

    fundamentally I think mrs neighbours issue is they got sold a complete pig in a poke but also I can’t remember 100% if they were the ones put in the path or the “developer“

    (ie was this before or after they were the owners and if that makes them responsible or the folded limited company they bought from ?? )

    Literally no insurance at all.  I had buildings only but the price went up one year and I just couldn’t afford it at the time.  (Quite literally couldn’t have paid without borrowing something I had no idea when I might pay off)

    I guess I didn’t renew when I had the money because it was just another thing I’d be paying until I couldn’t again – probably not the smartest decision but that’s where I am

    Free Member

    Away at the moment so on mobile
    <p style=”text-align: center;”></p>
    “If it is down to the way their path has been constructed, that needs to be addressed before it causes more damage, which will have to be fixed at their expense.”

    Is that established?? What sort of process is this ?

    Presumably I’d need a structural engineer or someone if they don’t want to change their path ??  Then what’s the process ??
    im asking in advance as from previous experience mrs neighbour starts inventing laws she thinks must exist.
    In part my reticence in talking about it is she will probably go see a solicitor before I even know what the cause is.
    When I bought the fence posts she must have been waiting for me to arrive to twist HSSE and tell me I wasn’t allowed to carry the fence posts .. but I cheerfully told her I wasn’t doing this as a job thank you

    “I reckon five minutes of scooping gravel with your builder mate while they’re out for the day will reveal the source of the issue.

    Can you follow the level of your dpc around visually from the front or rear of the property and see where it might be along that side?“

    yeah I think those are both on the cards though bloody difficult as they both semi wfh and have a semi live in nanny who seems to move in when they are away

    Free Member

    Just occurred to me our bungalow originally had a chimney up that wall… so the chimney at least must have been inside my boundary?

    Free Member

    You really need to get the ownership of the land sorted as well as your damp problem.

    It doesn’t matter where the developer put the fence. If it’s not correct, remove it…have the argument and get it resolved.

    Well the rear fence got moved… eventually Mrs Neighbours FIL managed to explain that if she wanted the fence straight between the existing concrete post at the bottom and the passage then it had to be a straight line and that line went through her posh landscaping company patio…. took a while… stretching a string and asking her so if this string is straight how can the fence be straight and showing her the “original” 1920’s concrete posts…

    The issue now is more access/water… I’m not unsympathetic they got sold a real pig in a poke… then their posh landscapers built patio right to the ended of the (not straight) fence… (the ones she was insisting I use) so she obviously got screwed over a 2nd time. Her argument was “this is a respectable company how can you know better than them”. (erm I can hold a bit of string luv)…

    TBH I’m now questioning if the landscaping company put in the pebble path and raised the level even more?


    your neighbour isn’t actually allowed to refuse you access for maintenance to your property. true they can be an arse about it, but it is a right to be able to do work such as repair that render or investigate.

    Yeah, went through all that with the fence… eventually though I just did it from my side with a foot on theirs for example when I was cutting the stone patio… she was still a complete arse. I took the bloody door frame out of the kitchen to get the post/stump puller through… just to avoid asking them.

    I got back with the concrete posts and she started threatening to “report me” for carrying them.. “sure who to”… went through the “you must replace”… went through me explaining “it’s my fence if you want to pay for another feel free”… went through “their right to attach things to my fence or paint it without asking” .. went through the “I can get a court order for access”..

    This is why I’m so reticent to involve them at all.

    Free Member


    Right from what you’ve said it’s unclear if your neighbor has a gutter or you have a gutter above the area in question. Regardless the first step is to establish where the water is coming from – in my experience as a builder it will be coming from above in almost all situations ie it’s falling from the sky directly or via gutters or down pipes that leak or overflow in heavy downpours or due to blockage/poor lead or zinc details.

    We have a gutter but they don’t (on that side), I’ve been out in really heavy rain and there is a very slight drip from one joint… but it’s almost nothing (Not saying it shouldn’t be fixed but its really small and actually above the dry spot on the render.. and can’t account for the amount of water)

    Obviously some comes between the houses but its gotta be nearly vertical for it to be direct rain… I’ve been out and looked and if anything its when the wind is blowing it from their roof (without gutters ^)

    What I mean by that is the passageway is somewhere you’d stand if it was raining and expect to be “mostly dry” compared to out in the open… so it “should in general” have less water falling than the front or back the house. (Unless the rain is vertical) but obviously as you say its coming from somewhere.

    Once you’ve worked out where the source is you can rectify it and then think about the wall. Once the water source is found and stopped the wall will no longer be getting wet but will remain damp as it slowly dries. To speed this up you could expose the internal area where the damp is penetrating and get air movement in there. Ideally you could run a dessicating dehumidifier which would act very quickly in drying things out in a few days or a couple of weeks

    That sounds very do-able… at the other side of the house we had an issue (previous owner had used a damage olive on the water inlet pipe – I know that as the chipped off bit was missing when I removed the compression fitting) … I ended up replacing the joists and floor after fixing and shoved a high flow fan inside and a humidity meter and that seemed to dry out pretty good over a few weeks… (I left it as long as possible open especially after I’d laid a new covering of concrete but floors need to go back in at some point)

    Externally I would make sure first that ground level is below your dpc as a priority. After that I would monitor and see if the render slowly dries, which it should assuming you have stopped the source of the water. If it was my wall, I might do nothing. However if things were not quickly resolving I would consider cutting off the render and leaving it exposed to allow drying, and then re rendering at a later date. The presence of the crack would not immediately bother me unless movement was evident, but it’s almost certainly letting the falling/splashing water in.

    Yep, I’m gravitating towards the DPC… and I seem to remember removing the accumulated soil / clay and stuff when we moved in and had damp the other end… at that time we had a different neighbour

    I deal with this sort of thing all the time, it can be very worrying for the homeowners but it’s typically resolved without major issues or expense so don’t stress

    Thank you….

    You mentioned that you put aggregate down along your wall base, this is good practice to ensure your building is not sitting in saturated soil which then soaks into the building itself.

    Yeah, I’m a geologist and fairly practical (and stick drainage into trails we build) so it just seemed like common sense at the time.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure I understand this, but as someone else asked – are you saying you don’t have building insurance? Buying a house with cash does not take away the need for house insurance.

    Fair point… (using your example below) – I did for a couple of years (building only) but it went up and I didn’t have the money…

    I doubt that the path has caused subsidence . More likely that the very dry year last year will cause movement, and this has been the case for a older buildings (one reason why you need building insurance).

    Just to be clear… my thoughts were more them adding another story without doing any more foundations is why I’m worried.. the path is another possible cause… as is “cracked render alone”

    Damp issues like this are not uncommon on older buildings. I have a similar issue and trying to find the cause is difficult. You can get damp specialists to help, which might help with the anexity and stress of it all.

    I’ve a couple of buddies who I ride with and dig with that are builders.. so maybe I’ll see if one will have a look and see what they think. ironically one of them is in the last photo of the insta before the damp photos

    Free Member


    Could be that you can identify the DPC level just by removing the layer of pebbles in a small area, unless the level of the path is significantly above what it used to be. If you have access to the side, just do that.

    But the water could just be entering via the cracks in the blown render.

    Well as per last post… I can wait till her FIL is around but I can’t see it round the front either and their path is raised above my garden… but I know its in there as I’ve had every bloody floor up since moving in .. I also have a hazy memory that I think I found it when I dug out the pathway years ago before developers/cowboys were next door and took the rest of the built up detritus back to a level below.

    Is it single skin or cavity wall?

    Cavity… probably one of the earlier ones…

    Free Member

    Are the two photo’s of different locations?

    One appears to have a drain pipe or similar but that isn’t shown in the wider view picture of the path?
    Nope just as far as I can get so one with the drainpipe is almost straight down… (basically corner me leaning over their fence) and the other is along the wall

    Is the render cracked in multiple locations?

    From what I can see without trespassing there are 3 visible bits… where is disappears into the pebbles so it may well continue underneath.

    As said above, dig the pebbles out behind your bedroom wall and see what’s there. Then phone a couple of local builders.

    I can dig the front garden but the path is raised quite a bit over my garden… and Mrs Neighbour isn’t going to let me dig her path she is going to want to pick her own posh company.

    When I was replacing the fence posts she wouldn’t allow me access and told me I had to use a landscaping company she picked. I did it all from my side and when I was carrying the fence posts through my house threatened to report me to “someone” because I shouldn’t be lifting them.

    She threatened to have it knocked down if it wasn’t straight… then went apeshit when I pointed out to have them straight I’d need to put them in a straight line and that meant cutting her patio that was built over my garden by 6″.
    [basically, according to her FIL she has issues with “people who do manual work” being allowed to live in proximity to people like her if you get the drift]
    Actually that’s an idea, FIL is an ex railway engineer… and parents often come around when they are away and I get on with them really well so I might be able to get his help pointing out its not doing their house any good either.

    Free Member

    Is the new path entirely on your neighbour’s claimed land?

    Yes, he’s not so much claiming (to be fair to them) it’s what they were sold by the developer…
    They got properly stiffed to be honest…

    I didn’t interfere as I just wanted them gone it took months (maybe over a year) for them to do this in whaty seemed like their spare time (evenings, weekends, late at night etc.) … then all of a sudden the joint access was fenced off last day, estate agent putting up sign next day.

    I notice that there is also a bit of green on the new wall to roughly the same height as yours, so it could be a more general slow drying issue. Is there a new fence/gate that is interrupting airflow down the space?

    True and you can also see their DPC… and it looks to me that their wall is wet up to the DPC.
    This used to be open both ends then as above suddenly the developers put a fence either end on my side and disappeared. The bottom one is solid but the end from the photo is a open lattice.

    The best thing is to have a friendly conversation with the neighbour, say that the level of the path may be bridging your DPC and could you dig a small test pit there to check? It could be that you need a gap created around the base.

    Mr Neighbour is OK but Mrs Neighbour is a nightmare over anything like that.
    Safe to say she won’t let me dig a hole in her path… she’ll want some expensive company she chooses to do it.

    Free Member

    Big wet patch on your internal wall, or just worrying about the one on your render?

    Its not water dripping off in buckets inside but paint peeling and very damp… less damp in the dry then after heavy rain damp again

    My immediate thoughts on seeing the second photo is that you have a splashback issue off the stepping stones. Have you checked both your and neighbors gutters etc? Go out during heavy rain and see what is happening, you will be amazed what I see on a lot of property

    Yeah, neighbours have no gutters on that side at all its a /\ roof and gutters at front and back … my gutter has one very small drip (once a minute in heavy rain) from a joint (weirdly where the dry patch is) but that is also the apex of their roof… I’ve been out and looked and I can’t actually see it happen though from my property and never managed to rush out and look when it starts raining…

    The crack may be typical movement in an older property. However it will be allowing water an easier route in to the fabric of the building. As cement renders are fairly waterproof, once in, the moisture can’t get out again, so will continue to build/penetrate the wall. In that location, drying out is quite unlikely even in an exceptional summer.

    Thanks…I could pull the bathroom floor up without too much work and probably get along to the inside. It will also let me measure where the DPC actually is…

    Would sealing the crack then putting a fan on the inside be a thing to try? (Could I fill with something like bitumen sealant that has a little give as well?)

    Free Member

    I stuck some square taper SRAM ones on mine (as they were free) but managed to bend them with a hard landing..
    I’m possibly going to just put some saint on as they are spare… (too long for me to use pedalling)

    Free Member

    Cant quite work out what you are asking? Is it subsidence you are worrying about? whatever you do, do not speak to your insurance company until you are confident you actually need to…..

    No insurance anyway** but also the same really… (Cash buy with my entire working life savings basically)
    I guess to answer directly its one of the things I’m worried about…

    Did they dig foundations close to your house? Party wall legislation goes into some detail around what is ok / not ok with regards to proximity to neighbours foundations. I’m not suggesting the legal route, just that it will give you an idea of what the law thinks could cause an issue (and therefore you should have an agreement)

    I was away mostly at the time … but If I had to guess I’d say they didn’t (if for no other reason than they’d not get anything mechanised in) and I’m really wondering on the subsidence side if they actually should have before adding a full extra storey.

    I guess “on what the law thinks” there is also the question of who’s problem is this?
    I’m assuming the developer just folded the one off company (or my neighbour wouldn’t have paid for the new roof he needed himself after little over a year)

    Re boundaries – Look at the land reg plans, but I wouldn’t hold your breath that they will be accurate enough, Ours don’t even detail whose fence is whose. Its a bit late now though given they are long gone.

    I looked and you really can’t say from the plans BUT the original 1920’s posts are actually still in and cut off underground…
    Can’t work out photos sorry but put on the kids instagram…
    One in dry showing the size of the crack and the other when its raining…

    Its highly unlikely a path would cause any issues, the cheapest way to do that is to smash down some sand and chuck pebbles on top. Or do you think they dug it stupid deep to fill with rubble?

    I think its possibly got concrete and its above my DPC ? The water in the wet photo seems like its only soaked up…
    Without removing the render or taking the floor up inside I can’t be sure… but I’ve had the floors all up previously and hence I know mine is slate and based on memory its lower down than theirs you can see in the photo. Their wall is new and what was previously a garage .. (non original) whereas mine is the original wall.

    Sounds like you may be getting a bit to stressed and need to step back

    You’re probably right but I’ve been ignoring and putting off… big wet patch 3′ high right by my bed makes it hard to ignore at night

    Free Member

    Bikes… 198? something .. then eMTB last year.
    I had 2 new frame between then but one was £50 and the expensive steel one £300 (I’d already decided not to buy as it was £300 and £26 delivery but the free delivery convinced me)

    Free Member

    I hope you feel better for getting some of that off your chest.

    Not really, its worrying me sick but …

    Not exactly sure what the question is though. A picture would probably help.

    I’ve never worked out how to do photo’s on here … the basic question though is how to proceed and pro’s/cons?
    I guess I could get some structural engineer for example but that’s useless if I can’t afford the remedy or if I should really be paying a solicitor over the changes to the boundary.

    Why isn’t there an easy way to see what’s under a pebble path? Just dig some pebbles out of the way to see.

    The path is on what the neighbour was sold as their land… whether it is or not is another matter as before the developer changed it it was access to both and a straight line between the original fence posts probably goes down the middle somewhere?

    Is your house detached? Who’s path intersects with your render? Who’s wall is bent?
    It’s detatched… the question who’s path is part of the question. (As above)
    Any the bottom of my wall (facing his house) appears (maybe) to be bowed assuming the render cracked where it bowed/bent…

    Free Member


    Full suspension though I’m not sure I grasp the theory and compared with aluminium it’s heavy. As I see it, the “flex” and compliance should come from the suspension action, which will move more readily than the frame, you don’t want much if any lateral deflection as it can cause binding in the bearings of the pivot (vertically compliant, laterally stiff to coin a phrase).

    Pump tyres up to 40 psi… ride .. let down to your usual ride.
    Does it make more diff on a HT? Yep and different but its still a desirable characteristic (pretty much)

    Swap a XC tyre like a Exo or Exo+ for a gravity at the same pressure…
    Definitely different, heavier .. its still a desirable characteristic in some circumstances and not in others…

    Someone probably already said but you can weld Steels… (stainless can be a pain admittedly) … I can’t really see when welding and heat treating a broken alloy one is financially viable?

    Free Member


    In response to that video: I don’t know what I think of Just Stop Oil. My gut feeling is that I can’t imagine how it’s helping anything. But I’m extremely conflict avoidant, so of course that will be my gut feeling.

    Rather than point by point.
    This is a VERY RARE opinion piece by potholer … unless you follow his channel you wouldn’t realise how rare that is and how strongly he must feel to do this.

    Short answer to Just Stop Oil (mine not his)… all you have to do is ask how successful they are in Saudi or Russia to see the futility. The larger “opinion” is (paraphrasing perhaps as I’m not going to watch again for a direct quote) that these environmental groups care more about principals than fact or outcomes.

    He illustrates this with the Rainbow Warrior whereas I illustrated this with nuclear power.

    He (like myself) is very much a believer in the facts of climate change. He support the rainforest charity working with people to make their lives better through less greenhouse gases .. whereas I’ve previously supported charities trying to promote the use of gas for cooking and boiling water instead of dung or wood.

    This whole “sustainable red herring” is a huge barrier to addressing climate change.
    It’s so obvious it shouldn’t need to be pointed out that just because you capture some CO2 when something grows that deliberately releasing that CO2 is harmful even if you claim it’s carbon neutral. The argument we don’t have sustainable isotopes to run fusion “forever” is another red herring because the question should be asked is can we reduce global CO2 in a useful way over the next decades. Standing on principal and rejecting this on principal is as bad as doing nothing.

    Anyway, take a look at some of the other video’s (the majority of more recent ones are pretty much all debunking climate change deniers)

    Free Member

    Science Educator/Science Journalist – Geologist by training
    “Where environmentalists get it wrong (ALL OPINION)”

    Free Member


    I’m scared for the next few years as the rest of Europe gets on with recovering from everything that’s happened in the last few years while we as a country are stifled by the effects of Brexit with no tangible benefits whatsoever.

    One thing you can be sure of is when the EU moves to protect its members and improve the economic situation it will be classed as “punishing the UK for leaving”.

    Free Member


    i fell for the 350 million to the nhs thing, hook line and sinker.

    To be fair Ton, that’s not uncommon. The Brexit Bus tipped the vote over the line.

    I still don’t get the £350 million thing… this was a very easy to check non subjective fact and a very obvious lie rather than “promises” of trade deals or such.
    I guess people believed curved bananas and stuff?

    Did he ever say it?

    On TV the day after the referendum, if I recall correctly.

    My memory is he said “THEY shouldn’t have said that”. I don’t think he actually said that BEFORE, I’m just saying as far as I know he just let it be said and said nothing until the day after.

    Free Member

    Ultimately, will you have more fun if you change frames?
    I have just as much fun on my 26er HT with some cheap forks as I do on my big rig.. no idea what the HA is as I never bothered measuring it but it makes bike parks a lot more fun. That’s me… you need to work out if its more fun and as said above ideally 2 bikes ??

    Free Member

    Not looking good for Rachel or Tahnee at the moment.

    Free Member


    To be fair it’s been that different for the last decade or so, Brexit has just brought into even more focus.

    It’s largely subjective… I lived in Norway and France long term and frequently visited Belgium and Holland
    Each has merits and downsides.. I’ve heard several French medical doctors say the Norwegian health system is “developing nation standard”… and I’ve seen stubborn bigotry in Belgium in ways would make walking into a pub in Gwynedd in the 80’s seem positively welcoming.

    Free Member


    Benefits, then?

    Benefits for whom?
    Certainly many UK companies have better access to remote support contracts in developing countries .. that benefits them on paper at least. Obviously the UK staff that lost their jobs not so much.

    For Richi, certainly helps his wife’s wealth.

    Free Member

    A little OT but I saw someone posted on FB anonymously they other day with some ad or other and “please DM me for details”

    Free Member


    I think my gripe was the leave parties had absolutely no ability to implement anything they were offering.

    That required Boris to be anointed.

    I think Farage ran away from the £350m bus pledge the first day.

    Did he ever say it? I did hear him denounce it next day… but I don’t remember him even claiming that?
    Not that I believe his garbage either – but to me this just illustrates the fact there were 17 million (or whatever) ideas of what Brexit was and all different

    Free Member


    What are the odds that montane AND Berghaus would BOTH have 90% off at the same time. Margins are good on clothes, but I can’t see why they wouldn’t just dump it through Sports Pursuit or TK Max.

    A think a lot larger than you’d guess unless you have the data I think…. dumping excess and seasonal stock (with a few sizes in 5XL and 2XS only) at 90% to con people into clicking is pretty normal and they are both (in common to others) pretty much always have something at 60-70-80-90% off.
    Just to STW but when was the last time “Wiggle/CRC/Tredz” etc. didn’t have a 90% off something?

    Quite often legitimate “sales” are so poorly managed and formatted the scams look better organised.
    I’ve been trying to get some bars for example and there is a genuine sale on Go-BLAH-Group… has been for months on Nukeproof Neutron .. the ad says “3 height variants” the “buy now” says “one size”. A scam site that allows me to select the variant on the face of it appears more legit in some ways.

    My point really is the manufacturers themselves create our expectations of non professional offers and the scammers often at least initially seem more legit.

    Free Member

    If you report the ad to Facebook it’s taken down within 24 hours or so. Another will pop up in its place though. I’ve seen similar for Berghaus, Craghoppers etc.

    Don’t be daft… Facebook love paid ads.. the ad will run for how long it was paid for then another will be paid for,
    I’ve given up reporting scams to FB, lots on local buy sell/support/MTB groups and FB never find anything against them and these aren’t even paid ads.

    Scammers love FB because you open the FB browser by default.. especially on a mobile device

    Free Member


    i think if we are honest we all have realised that there are no benefits.

    also can i add, is anyone else embarrassed, like i am for falling for all the bullshit, and for voting out ?

    i fell for the 350 million to the nhs thing, hook line and sinker.

    and now looking back i am pretty ashamed and annoyed that i did so.

    Total respect for saying that but HOW ???
    Forget the “to the NHS” part .. (that was just a broken promise never meant to be kept) but the £350M/wk was debunked from day 1 ???

    With respect did you believe the “£350M” or the “spend it on the NHS instead” or both???
    Without meaning to put words in your mouth did you know the ££50M was a lie and think “but its still a lot of money and they are telling the truth about the NHS bit?” Did the think the basic accounting of what we paid was false? Did you just avoid reading/watching anything contradicted it?

    I’m genuinely in confusion as to how anyone continued believing this right up to the referendum?
    (and by extension the rest of the lies but can you put this one into words? )

    Free Member

    Totally agree. The UK should join Schengen as other non-EU countries have. Probably a pipedream though given our* little-englander attitude. Give it a decade or so though I don’t think it would be completely outlandish to think we could in both the SM (or something similar without formal membership) and Schengen. Maybe those are reasonable goals to aim for rather than rejoining? As long as leave voters can still say ‘we’re out’ then I doubt they care too much about the rest of it. We need to get over the racism around immigration though.

    *mostly a South East/Home counties problem IMO. I reckon the north would have no problem with free movement.

    Care to quantify that??? Or do you think it’s only the South who have the monopoly on narrow minded biggots…..

    They’re everywhere. Plenty in Wales, Scotland and the other parts of England. Basically the bits of the country where immigrants, illegal or legal, aren’t commonplace.


    a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.


    a person who has strong, unreasonable ideas, esp. about race or religion, and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong

    Whether something is obstinate or unreasonable is a bit vague..

    and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong

    Well that’s anyone with a monotheistic belief… even to the smallest differences such as catholic and protestant.
    However nicely its put it amounts to the other belief being wrong.

    However … and here is a really ironic thing.
    Many people believe that having diverse people in society enriches the culture for the good.
    That is totally subjective, it s just your belief on how you define “enriches the culture for the good”.
    and to take that further you obstinately say their belief is wrong.

    Plenty in Wales, Scotland and the other parts of England

    Sure, buy a holiday home in Wales, come home to a real fire.
    Most (a large percent anyway) of Northerners don’t want their culture “polluting” by Southerners… on an even smaller scale Everton and Liverpool, Man Utd vs Man City this is basic human tribalism. Even wanting some English/British whatever football team to win a cup is tribalism…

    The mistake IMHO is to say that these are separate things when they are a continuum.

    It’s also an observation based on living in many countries that what really concerns people in general is larger and larger numbers of “others” and when they are expected to accommodate them and/or they affect them in a way they view as negative.

    I lived in Libya for years before the Arab spring and Palestinians (genuine refugees) were largely viewed as this… small things like they had to have special license plates on their cars (and these views were from people that didn’t support ghadaffi) they just saw lots of Palestinians who were subtly different and highlighted by accent/dialect and different license plates. During the Arab spring many Libyans managed to leave with their families to neighbouring countries so many Tunisians were complaining about the immigrants Libyans..

    There are a few people who are genuinely racist .. but not liking another culture or not wanting it to pervade your own in just normal xenophobia. Some people also genuinely want to expand their culture… and that has the same merits but name calling and such doesn’t make people agree more, rather the opposite.

    Free Member


    Reading Daz’s output here is like a Monty Python sketch.

    TBH can’t decide if the whole of Brexit is more “what did the Romans ever do for us” or “if I want to put a condom on my john thomas”…

    Free Member

    and immigration has been a ‘problem’ (interesting to hear a remainer describe immigration as a problem BTW) forever.

    immigration is what you make it… or what I mean by that is the “issue” or “problem” isn’t the immigration itself but how that is managed.

    Most people (including immigrants) are xenophobic, it’s human nature but people in general seem to have less issue when immigrants join a community than establish there own. You could say the same thing for English people in Wales or Scots in England .. the difference partly is they don’t stick out unless they wear kilts and open their mouths.. whereas someone with a different skin colour can’t help but stick out

    This is to a large extent what racists exploit to try and create a fear in perfectly normal xenophobes.

    Free Member

    I’d certainly get the snagging survey as well, unless you’ve got a good eye for spotting bodges

    and as much as anything it’s the cost or rectifying bodges…

    That said, I paid for a structural survey and that was complete rubbish.. they didn’t even note a gas fire was gas (listed as electric on the survey) – that’s not the biggest issue, there are lots .. I’m mentioning it as its indicative of how much attention to detail.

    Free Member


    curiosity got the better of me so to back myself up, these are the kind of comments I was thinking of, from early in the thread:

    My point is that the FT article accuses doomers of sensationalising, that continues to say things like ‘no climate scientist thinks we are soon to see venus-like conditions on earth’. That is itself sensationalising, because no one I know of is claiming we are heading towards a venus-like state. If we were, we’d all be dead before we got a few percent of the way there.

    It’s the other (flip) side of the conflation and environmentalist thing… with the same net result “for the majority”.
    Wild and easily disprovable claims that really just end up people in general not trusting the actual science.

    The reality is a less than a percent is not going to allow human life as we know it… (to take the full extreme we could if pressed survive in bunkers etc. – I’m talking about anything approaching normal not sci-fi)

    Famine, droughts and wars are one way or another going to be in at least tens of millions (that is just a similar scale to the Chinese Famine) 20 million is <<10% of Nigeria by itself… <<1.5% of the population of India shit it’s not even the population of Dehli capital region.

    Free Member


    I was thinking more of particulate emissions when the option to run electric trains is available. The cloud of black shit that comes out of the exhaust of a train running a 50-year-old engine design and fluid coupling gearbox is horrendous.

    Sure but that’s not climate change… the point is remove those trains and people will drive instead.
    Obviously some modern electric trains produced with low CO2 electric is ideal… but in the meantime from a climate change perspective we are better off with polluting diesels than people forced into driving

    Free Member


    Adding a question mark in same manner as Crosshair when you know it’s false puts you in th esame category in terms of quality of debate.

    It’s not false. I’ll clarify.

    Remember, these are the “people” told to buy diesel because it is lower CO2 now being told to buy petrol because it seems lowering CO2 is no longer a priority?

    I can clarify .. caps to clarify not shouting

    Remember, these are the “people” told to buy diesel because it is lower CO2 now being told to buy petrol because it seems TO MANY OF THEM THAT lowering CO2 is no longer a priority?

    Back when diesels were first promoted they produced very little NOX which is the main killer of asthmatics in big cities. However they did produce a lot of soot. The came common rail – more NOX, then turbos – more NOX, then th eEuro normes started to bite but didn’t – dieselgate. A now we have Euro6 and whilst an improvemnt on previous diesels under test conditions which are more rigorously applied they are still **** filthy when people boot it. The level of ultra fine particles is still IMO unacceptable. As for the older diesels, ride a bike in town for a while and get back to us.

    Lowering CO2 is still a priority, that’s why there’s legisaltion in place to progessively replace ICEs with EVs. The problem is that’s it’s not a priority for petrolheads (and dieselheads obviously)

    You just did the same thing.. petrol still produces more CO2 asthmatics dying is completely irrelevant
    I’m not saying asthmatics dying is good … I’m saying it is not causing climate change (unless they are cremated if you want to be a pedant).

    We can’t just tag stuff on we think is beneficial, it needs to be a clear and unambiguous (and watertight) case for climate change mitigation.

    Free Member


    The UK is confused because of things like ULEZ, which attempts to prevent local harm, and actual carbon reductions. But again, this is a successive government failure that’s led to enormous car ownership while diesel trains rumble slowly up and down the ECML.

    How much CO2 to diesel trains contribute? I strongly suspect people taking diesel trains are creating multiple times less CO2 than those driving electric cars (and multiple times less particulates).

    How does driving 5x the distance reduce CO2 ?

    Remember, these are the “people” told to buy diesel because it is lower CO2 now being told to buy petrol because it seems lowering CO2 is no longer a priority?

    Personally I don’t see why we can’t work on both at the same time. It’s not going to make the world worse and will certainly lead to local improvements. With appropriate nuclear power, investment in solar and battery storage, the UK will not have a problem moving from fossil fuels.

    I don’t disagree except we need to stop conflating the two and have clear priorities and to me clear priorities meand mitigating climate change to the best of our ability.
    We need to make it very clear that improving things is a “nice thing to do” but not helping mitigate climate change in the short term and short term is absolutely critical.
    Doubtless there will be different levels of support the the “nice to do”… but we have to accept that and ensure climate change is kept as a separate and clear priority.

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