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  • DH World Cup Round 5 – Vallnord – The new track delivers! (Spoilers)
  • stevewhyte
    Free Member

    Gary_M – Member
    24mph is a pretty impressive speed for a commute, pretty impressive for any ride in fact.

    Amazing number of pro cyclists on here.

    Free Member

    Posted 2 hours ago # Report-PostAnalogueAndy – Member
    Laughing at those who reckon anything over 6 miles is too much

    As is always the case “it depends” – fitness level, roads, route, profile, bike, time available etc etc

    Many years ago I used to do 5 days a week (Frome to Corsham via Bradford on Avon) 22 miles each way. Great route, no wife or kids. Easily doable on road or on. Used to love it. Would often extend it or do off-road sections if on knobblies. Was dodgy in the dark until Vista Lites came along (anyone remember them).

    These days I do 17 miles each way (Bath to North Bristol) about an hour each way. Occasionally 5 days a week but more often 3 or 4 due to family / work and other riding commitments.

    Sometimes I’ll ride it hard (over 20mph) sometimes ‘easy’ (15mph). Sometimes extend it (longest ever commute was 200Km!! finished at midday headed over the bridge into Wales, rode up through the Forest of Dean, across the Severn at Gloucester and then back to Bath via Stroud etc). Most often on the Ribble Audax bike but occasionally on the racer (Colnago) or the MTB or CX..

    It depends what you’re used to and how you build up to it. I often do 2+hrs hard on a Saturday (chain gang or hills), 4hrs ride on a Sunday (either 70-ish miles on the road or 4 hr mtb), 4 days commute and do a medium 3hr ride on the MTB on Weds nights.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Cadel Evans is in da house. Welcome, just how hard was the tour this year?

    Free Member

    Its actually slightly cheaper to produce than petrol.

    Its a con, i think the tax on derv is slightly higher. I blame the tory scumbags myself. :lol:

    Free Member

    I will be out on the road for 10 miles tonight keep the legs spinning.

    Forks still getting repaired so wont get out on the MTB till Sat. :(

    Free Member

    I have a base rate tracker+0.98% is that good. :D :wink:

    Free Member

    I have the Stroker Comp on my bike and i think they are great, v6 rotors, i might change to v7 (front) just for a bit of extra bit on downhill bits, ut that because im a fat b….

    p.s. no idea if they are similar to the Ryde brakes.

    Free Member

    Front 5 were crap against Romania, and it was our first game. But we still havnt set the heather on fire.

    We will step up to the plate next week. Unfortunatly its a Sunday so we will be missing a decent prop.

    Free Member

    As i said after the Sco/Geor game the weather clearly played a part in the score. And i precicted what would happen after England ran a few trys past them.

    4 trys agains Romaina and a very solid forwards game against Georgia i cant really see where the issues are.

    Point was it was hypothetical and they still couldnt force themselves to dream that all the home nations would make it through, what can i say.

    I for one would love to see all the 6 nations teams geat as far as possible, as long as we beat England in 2 weeks :)

    Saying that i wouldnt mind losing all games in the WC as long as we bet England in 2 weeks :wink:

    Free Member

    Its unfortunate that the anti English thing seems to spread to everything English when most of the time its aimed at the English media, not the team.
    I mean what a lot of rubbish that was talked about the English team and them having a bit of relaxation and team bonding. I bet the team hate the media just as much as the scots/welsh/irish.

    Said it all in the highlight show were they were looking forward to possible combinations for the 1/4 finals and they couldn’t even bring themselves to imagine that Scotland could beat Argentina let alone England. They had the other home nations in the 1/4 except Scotland, now considering it was a hypothetical scenario then that really speaks volumes

    Free Member

    Smoggy buy second hand.

    Most trailers are not used that much and have plenty of life in them.

    Free Member

    Double yawn with cheese on.

    Is that childish enough for you.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Couldn’t ride today but usually ride 4-5 times a week..?

    Tough sh@t. My heart bleeds for you! Try having two kids under 6 and a working wife, a decent ride is a luxury.

    I feel your pain, i did however get out for 20 miles today, first time in 2 weeks!!!

    Free Member

    Agree with whats been said so far, i did Civil and Sturctural Engineering and its definaly more vocational, geared at creating people who can go straight into the work place.

    Not sure if thats what you want if its just for your own personal development.

    Im very tempted to do an OU in meteorology, but now is not the time for me to get back to heavy study.

    If i had my time again i would probably have done either a Mechanical degree or more probably Naval Architecture, as i love boats.

    Good on you for doing it.

    Free Member

    PMSL where did you find your PhD a lucky dip.

    In case you didnt realies this is a biking forum, not a **** government white paper discussion about the issues of single parent families.

    Wow you didnt have a father and didnt turn out to be a tit, (well not much)
    Take a bow, well done, have yourself a beer on me. Whilr you are at it take that chip of your shoulder it must be making you walk squint.

    Free Member

    PMSL emmmm no.

    What are the english comentators like, “the have awoken the sleeping giant” what a lot of pish

    Free Member

    I have an 18 with 38 front and can spin at over 25mph.

    That must be some commute you are one.

    I was tempted to drop to a larger rear for that bit extra on the climbs.

    I would love the 11 speed just cant afford one.

    Free Member

    Hats off to England backs they do look good. But maybe its just the Georgian defence that helps with that.

    Free Member

    How many penulties conceded.

    Why do England players never listen to the ref?

    Free Member

    Another missed kick

    Free Member

    That Georgian 7 and 8 look very impresive.

    Front row are solid too.

    Free Member

    Second half looking good.

    How many tries did Scotland let through against Georgia?

    Englnd backs are looking good, forwards so so.

    Its not even a full strenth Georgia side.

    Georgia for the bonus point anyone :D Well maybe not but if the guy had taken his kicks then England would be behind.

    Free Member

    To be honest i would rather go from my experience as a teacher having taught 1000’s of kids rather than using google.

    And not to sound pedantic but im talking about behaviour and your “statistics” show that the two groups you are talking about are the same 15%. A fair difference from the married parents. Best not get into the challenges of being a step parent.
    I guess i should have said father figure in a steady stable married relationship with the mother. Maybe thats helped clarify it for you.

    Free Member

    I must be stupid i dont get your point???

    Free Member

    I love my Alfine road bike, its just perfect for me.

    Free Member

    For me the biggest factor is lack of father figures, for both girls and boys.

    For girls they end up looking for love at an early age for boys rather than eing secure and loved by their dads. This usually ends up in the creation of girls with loose jeans.

    For boys they tend to want to be the man in the house and think that this translates to being the man everywhere and when another man tells them to do something they push back and want to lock horns.

    Sorry but kids really need 2 parents. Sorry if that make me sound old.

    Free Member

    Build it yourself

    Not cheap, i did a playhouse for my kids, (smallish shed size 2m x 2.4m)

    Cant remember exact cost but it was over £200 just for the timber.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, no one suggested it was that simple, but just that there is a clear link between broken homes and disruptive pupils. Its not really a point that can be debated, unless you like arguing black is white!

    All im saying that there is a link between broken homes and disipline, not giving an great insight to it.

    We are slowly being changed from teachers to social working child minders anyway. Im hoping that i get paid £5/hr per child i look after.

    Free Member

    Tell you what every and i mean EVERY kid i teach who is a problem or has “issues” come from a broken home.

    Thats not to say every kid from a broken home has issues.

    But there is not a teach alive who does not recognise the link between behviour and broken home (usually lack of father figure in the home).

    Free Member

    If your looking for a single seat then the gobug is not the one.

    Its fine for kids from 1 year to about 5.

    Its probably the safest one around with a great roll bar and very well made.

    Free Member

    Great game
    Great result

    Free Member

    My Heart bleeds.

    Im off to Aldi to do the shopping.

    Free Member

    I’v got a trek GoBug for sale, used it for 3 years and its fab. My 6 year old is too big for it now and my 3 year old wants to be on the seat at the back of mummy bike.

    Its a great design trailer with windcover and rain cover.

    Whatever i would recommend them as i have never had any issues other than 1 puncture!!

    Free Member

    Amazing how many on here think they know about children and discipline.

    Looking at some of the comments, not sure if some of you are barely out of nappies.

    Other than having 3 kids, and being a teacher in secondary and having a wife who is in teaching what do I know?

    Yes get rid of the belt, but no one came up with an alternative that works.

    Back in the 80’s you would be unlucky to use the belt more 3 times a year.

    Free Member


    6 of the best.

    Was a bunch of Libral ****ts that got that banned from schools in the 80’s and look where we are now.

    Free Member

    Going to do it next year, so will no doubt be asking whats the best way to do it and other advice nearer the time. Mind you i have to loose 2 stone before i will tackle it!!

    Free Member

    Spot on binners, looking increasing like me tat there really is no way out of this and its just the start of the UK slowly getting poorer and as such all our standards of living getting worse.

    Its going to take a party with serious vision to get the UK on track.

    Unfortunatly no one is stepping up to the plate, they all have their fingers in the big fat pie and thats all that seems to matter.

    At least for most people i talk to up here in Scotland quality of life is more important that money.

    Free Member

    Guess we will see in a few weeks time.

    Free Member

    Thats some f***** up 5hit there.

    Free Member

    Wouldnt know, im a civil servant not on the private company gravy train. :-)

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