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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • stevepitch
    Free Member


    Pulling my eyes out with a red hit poker would have been more enjoyable

    Free Member

    Do you think he had a really heavy head or no neck muscles! Having ridden motor bikes for years and having a few offs Ive never seen that sort of damage I would have thought that you would have to be going twice that speed and then sustain your head contact with the ground the entire slide. That’s assuming you don’t hit something first or didn’t bounce around like a rag doll etc as is often the case. And even if he did hit a bus the helmet would crack and distort not end up with a bald patch!? Very odd indeed, plus who wants a helmet to disintegrate that much at 70!? I certainly wouldn’t 8O

    Free Member

    Can’t be bothered to read all the posts but All this video does is confirm the fact that there are **** driving cars and **** riding bikes and people feel the need to argue otherwise. Shame really we could be discussing wheel sizes!?

    Free Member

    I know you said you don’t want a diesel but Similar to others but slightly different have you thought about a mk4 golf gt tdi 150? Yes it’s a diesel yes you will have to pay slightly more but they do go on and on my mates has just hit 190,000 8O

    If you want a laugh you can chip it and get another 40 bhp (although the clutch won’t like you) will easily see early 40’s mpg even with spirited driving and it has bags of torque. Only downside is the under steer through corners if you boot it too hard too early.

    Free Member

    Giant defy i paid a bit less because I know the guys in my lbs and ended up with a defy 3 which has turned out to be all I need on the 4 or 5 occasions it’s been out.

    Free Member

    +2 for self build.

    I’m just finishing off my BFe, some parts new, some second hand, the total for my build with xt / slx gears and brakes, reverb and lots of hope bits is £600 ish all I need to get is a new set of wheels but that can wait until my old set die. Plus I get the fun of building it myself.

    Free Member

    If I won that sort of cash I’d have to have a bit of fun at work before I lead the hedonistic life style.

    I’ve always said I would continue to go to work as normal but do absolutely nothing, put my feet up on the desk surf the internet trying to trigger every alert possible to wind up the IT dep, followed by long lunches and getting absolutely pished yet still doing the bear minimum.

    I’m so intrigued at how long I could drag it out for especially as I work for local government.

    When they do finally have enough evidence / I get bored etc I’d rock up in my supercar, most probably a pagani zonda, and sit in the car park outside the chief exec offices revving it loudly.

    I’d then go into the office, curl out a huge turd on the bosses desk put up one of my “illegal dumping” signs and casually stroll out to a life of kitesurfing and mountain biking.

    Works for me.

    Free Member

    Shoes won’t necessarily hold you back but it’s always handy to have an advantage ;) me personally when I changed from jokers I was amazed at actually how bad my foot work was where I previously thought it was ok, with a more aggressive shoe I could get my toe on and actually feel a lot more and realised I wasn’t as accurate with my feet as I could have been.

    Best people to ask really would be your missus and mates as they see you climb we can only speculate (and make jibes as above) about how best to help. I personally think it’s not your shoes but technique and the fact you’re climbing at a fair grade which requires better application of foot placement however as you said, your finding the issue on all routes so it’s hard to assess. Yeah cleaning your shoes is all very well and good but I climb 2 / 3 times a week now I never clean my shoes and I’m starting to get holes in the toes and the edge is wearing just means I have to press harder and ensure my toes in a good place. You could resole your shoes but general consensus is it’s a bit pap so the last avenue is new shoes, considering the cost of mtb kit £80 on a pair of climbing shoes is nothing so why not treat yourself.

    All in my opinion of course

    Free Member

    Blimey V5/6 is a good level have you been climbing a long time, I climb at a v4 / 5 depending on where I go, you must climb pretty regularly. IMHO if you’re at that level I would be looking at a more aggressive shoe as a lot of routes require better edging / getting your toe on / smearing etc and the boreal jokers really are an entry level shoe, maybe keep them for routes and treat yourself to an early Xmas pressie :-)

    Free Member

    What grade do you climb at?

    Free Member

    How old are your shoes? Has the edge gone? You say your footwork is good are you climbing higher graded routes which require you to get your toe on more aggressively? You’ll prob find it’s not the shoes (although a bit of spit won’t hurt) but the fact you’re attempting higher grades and your footwork isn’t actually there for those grades hence slipping off. Are you finding the issues on all routes or just v3/4/5 and above?

    And Brown + 1, depending on how often your routes are set you will find that holds become incredibly polished hence the need for a brush. My local wall is busy and come the end of the month some of the crimps and smaller footholds are lethal due to the chalk and worn rubber.

    Free Member

    Cheers for all the responses guys its much appreciated.

    Free Member

    interesting…………maybe its just because its one of the earlier models then, still, a service wouldn’t hurt I suppose.

    Free Member

    don’t know what you’re talking about Kayak :wink: :D

    Free Member

    so mine needs a service then :(

    Free Member

    haha ok thanks guys out of interest what year models do you have? I’m thinking it only affects the earlier models.

    Free Member

    Paranoid or what, :-)

    Seriously though think about it for a second, how would they know you have a bike shed with 13 bikes unless they were stalking you / reading your posts on a forum! And if they are the type of people to be casing the joint they’ll be looking at a lot more than your bike shed i would wager.

    If it is a concern keep the shed locked unless someone asks / is on a second viewing, I didn’t look in the shed of the flat I’m buying until the fourth visit and then found a cement mixer!?

    Free Member

    What tyre for…..

    Free Member

    175 ftw

    Free Member

    To be honest, you sound quite bitter about it

    I don’t think he comes across bitter just to the point.

    It’s all relative at the end of the day, me and my wife may make that a year between us but having no kids means we are better off than my mate who earns that and a little more yet has three kids.

    Either way think of the all the shiny bike stuff you could buy :-)

    Free Member

    Bump any ideas or should I just punt it and hope.

    Free Member

    Might sound daft but have you actually tried telling him how he makes you feel and actually talking to him. IMHO deleting him as a friend is the quick and easy option which in turn could lead to a more difficult situation. A chat may have been more difficult at first but may lead to resolution.

    Also and I’m sorry to say this everyone is different and not everyone is in the same place at the same time to make a comment along the lines of “I’m not being friends with miserable people” is incredibly childish. When you were in a ‘bad place’ and probably a little down would you have liked it if your friends defriended you because they didnt like having miserable friends?

    Free Member

    ^ were did you get them from looking at pikes for my new build!

    Free Member

    Most economical car is the one you own, if its runs right and causes no issues why shell out 2.5k on something unknown?

    Free Member

    My next hardtail is going to be one of these, not cheap but damn sexy

    Tapered head tube, dropper post compatible, nice angles, replaceable drop outs, what’s not to like!?

    Free Member

    Go look at good bunch who will give you loads of info. Great sport (all varieties) just be aware it can hurt a lot if you get it wrong. I fractured two vertebrae in a buggy when I got lofted but I was being silly and it’s an amazing sport if you have the time and patience.

    Free Member

    Ps4, Xbox 1 isn’t backwards compatible, big mistake IMHO

    Free Member

    So do we know if this has been reported?

    These **** people need nothing more than taking out to an empty field and shooting, sorry but it boils my piss that these sort of people inhabit the earth. In fact I’ve got an idea, I’m going to buy a monster truck and go around running them over and posting on twatter “just had an argument with a stupid little girl, so crushed her car with my monsters truck, biatch”

    And relax……

    Free Member

    My wife and I are going through the house buying (well flat actually) process now and I should really stop reading these stories :-D. But in response to above, yes knock on the neighbours door I have, in fact not only have a knocked on the the doors, I’ve taken several drive bys on different days and nights to get a feel for the area see what the parking is like etc. I also arranged viewings at different times of the day to further get an idea of whats going on, lets face it I’m spending loads of money and don’t want to end up in any of the scenarios above if I can avoid it.

    Free Member

    ^ +1

    Sorry to say but looks dodgier than a dodgy thing on dodge day!!

    Good luck hope you didn’t PayPal gift :-P

    Free Member

    there are many on here who think they ‘deserve’ it !!

    Who the **** thinks that? Sorry but if anyone does think that then they’re no better than the car driver that supposedly ran someone over

    Free Member

    Got one going spare if you need it

    Free Member

    I ride a dialled alpine with 150mm revs at Aston and im still here, only thing you may want to consider is a chain guard of some sorts as a dropped chain and spiky outer ring would scare the inside of my leg especially on some of the steeper bumpier / rooty sections.

    Play on the red too build up your confidence then have a go at some of the steeper stuff, just watch out in the rain, the roots can be murder.

    Free Member

    i would ignore anecdotal sizing advice and go to a good shop

    + a lot

    I ride a small giant defy its apparently a 46.5′! A small Specialized allez is a 52.

    Numbers seem to mean squat with rode bikes!

    Free Member

    Vulnerable is most probably the answer….

    Free Member

    Having only flicked through the thread one thing seems very odd to me, why the hell would your wife want to stay somewhere where someone has it in for her?? As above three months, head down, move on. I know it’s not right or fair especially if she enjoys working there but seriously why hang around?

    Free Member

    Sorry also some local authorities have an emergency out of hours number and officers on standby for these sorts of things trying call environmental health as they may give it on the answer phone message.

    Free Member

    As above if a business is burning waste illegally then the Local authority should be informed, if they do jack (and depending on where you are) the county council may be interested. If your in Buckinghamshire we would prosecute the business owner if sufficient evidence was present and the waste being burnt was deemed to be hazardous (i.e. lots of black smoke from plastics etc)

    Failing all that (and depending on the scale) the environment agency would also be worth a punt if its a regular occurance.

    Free Member

    I’m calling troll

    Free Member

    Cool don’t feel quite so odd now :|

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