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  • stevenk4563
    Free Member

    Have you thought about one of those plastic grid shed bases filled with gravel?


    Free Member

    I recently did this to my Mega, got it chemically stripped by a local company for about £35, much easier than DIY, then just left it as is, there are lots of blemishes etc. but I like that. You don’t have to coat it with anything, Aluminium oxidises but not corrosively like steel.

    Not my wall before anyone starts…

    Free Member

    Thanks all, pillar drill it is, on closer inspection it seems that all the different versions around that price are the same drill but with different belt covers. So I guess it’s just a case of buy the cheapest.

    Free Member

    Are you absolutely sure it’s not a sticker?

    Free Member

    An update for anyone with the same issue, I filed the hanger tab down a bit but didn’t want to take too much off, so then filed over half the mech tab off, now shifts perfectly, thanks for the help all.

    Free Member

    Side cutters, make zip ties flush every time, no faff, and cost about £3

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, I’ll check it against Shimano specs later and get the file out, looks like the Goat-Link may help if that doesn’t fix it.

    Free Member

    Both definately standard mount, and the b link is being used.

    Free Member

    More pics.

    Free Member

    Hanger shelf and b link tab are in contact with each other, it’s a new chain and has been measured with the biggest to biggest plus a link method.

    Free Member

    Both standard mount, 2013 Mega TR and OnOne 456, b link used in both cases, b tension screw doesn’t seem to have an affect on the clearance between the cable clamp arm and the cassette. Will get more pictures shortly.

    Free Member

    I use Stendec fork grease for suspension servicing, I’m no expert on the chemical makeup of each but it’s totally different to TF2, I wouldn’t risk it.

    Free Member

    Did you pull the tape tight as you were applying it?

    Free Member

    You could try some PTFE tape around the valve

    Free Member

    Skinwall or Tan wall is what you’re looking for.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a set of wheels with silver Hope bulb hubs, 20mm front, qr rear, on Mavic rims (321 I think), good bearings and Stans tubeless rim strips, pretty bomb proof, £90 delivered.

    Free Member

    The post has no major issues, just a bit of movement and stiction, so for me the £10 service kit makes sense I think, plus I’ll have learnt something.

    If it fails then I’ll not have lost much.

    Free Member

    Thanks, I’ll see what off cuts I have lying around. Did you manage to reuse the IFP ok? I see in the video that they just replace it.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tips, I’ll find myself a bit of thin tubing and give it a go.

    Free Member

    They’re £42 in the On One sale at the moment.


    Free Member

    Religion, race, cyclist, motorist, dog walker, rambler, makes no difference, some people are dicks, some aren’t, that’s life.

    law-abiding motorists who at least pay road tax.

    Haven’t we done this one already :roll:

    Free Member

    PSA for anyone looking to buy one, £42 in the On One sale at the moment.


    Free Member

    AV Forums have a classifieds section here[/url]

    Free Member

    This made me laugh, it’s from the latest PX mailshot.

    Says it all really :roll:

    Free Member

    My money would go on an Orange P7

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We had a professional shoot done as it was given to us as a christmas present, I hated all the staged shots so we only ended up with the photos that were included in the package. Then I bought a DSLR and spent a lot of time learning how to use it, now get to take as many shots of the kids as I like and end up with plenty good enough to hang on the wall, I can also update them as often as I like.

    I do admire the work of some of the professionals, but there is no way I could afford any of the ones I would be prepared to have hanging on the wall.

    Free Member

    The Superstar version is very good, only have a few sizes left though.


    Free Member

    My OCD wouldn’t allow that to stay on my bike.

    Free Member

    Also interested in this as I keep ripping knobs off (ooh er missus!) the new Nobby Nics, looking for something with similar grip and weight.

    What compound is best for Spesh and Maxxis tyres?

    Free Member

    I did quite like my 456, but I have since got it redone in lime green.

    Free Member

    180mg fexofenadine hydrochloride and nasonex nasal spray daily, then if it’s really bad I take sinutab or sudafed, for the eyes it’s opticrom eye drops

    Free Member

    Field is about 30yds from my house and is currently a meadow.

    Out of curiosity, what exactly has it got to do with you? If you want a view over green fields, buy them. But frankly unless the horses are eating your roses or lorries are parking in your driveway, accept that things change.

    Move to an AOONB if this sort of thing bothers you (although being in the country they kind of have implicit permission for *gasp* stables and barns anyway. You could be living in a bit of the country where vast numbers of identical houses are squashed into every available spot of green space, which is something worth complaining about.

    I am in a “bit of the country where vast numbers of identical houses are squashed into every available spot of green space”, which is most of the problem, like I said I don’t really have much objection to looking out over stables as long as I can’t smell or hear them.

    I wish I had the money to buy fields :roll:

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies, some really useful info.

    I wasn’t planning on objecting because of the view, having the stables there really wouldn’t bother me that much, my main concerns are noise, smell and vermin as the muck pile may well get situated close to my house, and of course the potential for any future plans as it will be a permanent structure that they put up.

    Free Member

    Pretty much :D Well except for the wheels, he did say big BMX :wink:

    Free Member

    And anyone who describes the handling of any mountain bike as ‘just like a big BMX’ has never ridden a BMX’.

    Or perhaps you’ve just never ridden one that does :wink: My Chameleon can feel like a big version of my BMX depending on setup.

    Free Member

    This made me laugh :D

    Well to put simply I don’t trust carbon frames . Too many issues for surface strength and if you crash hard the likely hood of a write off is high .

    Free Member

    Convert explained the point far better than I did. :-)

    Free Member

    I think you’ve got it wrong there.

    I’ve seen this point argued before and the thing is, if a group of ten riders are all single file, the vehicle passing them out will have to stay over the white line for a lot longer (putting both at more danger) when compared to the cyclists being two abreast. That is providing you are giving them enough room in the first scenario .

    I dont think so, if the off side rider is close to the white line then there isn’t the physical space to pass them, we are discussing the 1m and 1.5m minimum passing distance are we not? I’m not talking about what is actually safer.

    Free Member

    And what happens when they ride 2-3 abreast? They suddenly become a rolling road block as you can’t give the off side one enough distance.

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