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  • Julbo Forest MIPS helmet review
  • SteveBbrain
    Free Member

    Thanks for offer guys, but we are on hols so Mrs would not be pleased if I left her on her own for the night. Anyhow we are off into town for day/night today, may just fit a short ride in now before a late brekky 😛

    Free Member

    Cheers monk, I'll have a play. Think I found a few of those nice little trails on my short ride earlier.

    Free Member

    I hate to think what damage I would have done to my bonce at Newcastleton on Saturday if I had been lidless. I think OP must have had quite a few falls without helmet to help him form his considered opinion.

    Free Member

    I'm 6' and I ride a 20", would not like it any smaller. Would not like to splash out that sort of cash without sitting on one first though.

    Free Member

    I finished in 12-13 for 224th. Had a really bad patch between 30 and about 45miles then got going again, loved the boardwalk (after that orrible climb) and the Newcastleton s/track until I face planted!
    struggled badly last 15 miles but got there in one piece, not bad for an old gimmer 😛
    I'm on holiday in motorhome for a week now so only just got to a spot with signal for laptop, hence delay. Great, well organised event with excellent marshalls (including my Mrs). Off to look at some pics now.

    PS Legs not too bad, had a saunter around blue at Glentress today and plan a ride around red in the morning.

    Free Member

    Just had an hours full on sports massage followed by a good stretch, feel ready to go!

    Free Member

    If anyone does need accomodation this weekend there may be a couple of places available (reduced fee) in my mates 'pod' as a couple have dropped out, you will have to contact me tonight or before 10 am if interested.

    Free Member

    I'll be arriving early afternoon tomorra in my silver motorhome. Look for the old git riding a red and white cube as pictured on the ad above. Will be wearing my bad brains mbc top (ride bikes, drink beer, eat cake) and will be annoying other riders with the continuous clicking from my cranks (no, not my dodgy knees).

    Free Member

    I'm a tight Yorkshireman so not bothering with all that bag malarky, make the most of all the free grub on offer 😆

    Free Member

    Ron and Ralph for me

    Free Member

    46 last time I checked – a good bit lower than my age

    Free Member

    Andrew, that is a very severe route, I'm sure the climbs won't come as thick and fast (and steep!)at Kielder, just a bad day mate, you'll be fine.
    I took the easy option of a flattish ride for my last one to boost confidence a bit. Good luck.

    Free Member

    I have noticed that a lot of my fellow mtb'ers carry a bit more timber than me. My mentality towards biking is to see it firstly as a sport, thats probably because I come from a running background. A lot of riders see it more as a social activity, which is fine and dandy by me. You get out of it what you want, and I really enjoy those social rides with the occasional rest to talk bollox for a while, so long as now and again I can go out and really thrash it!

    I get a bit of stick for being competitive (trying to get up hills first) but in fact I just like pushing myself physically – it may be an illness 😆
    Live and let live, and enjoy the sport/fun activity whichever way you want.

    PS nothing wrong with the OP making his observation though.

    Free Member

    Father Cristmas is dead? !!!! 😯

    Free Member

    Don't remember seeing that on the kit list?

    Free Member

    I'm a skinny cyclist – but not going to get defensive, because I love beer 😛 I get the best of both Worlds, can haul my skinny ar$e up the hills without too much effort, and usually get to the bar before the overweight chaps on their clown bikes 😆

    Free Member

    I rode (on road) over to my mums yesterday, a steady 60 miles, Thats training done for me now 😛 Gonna give the bike a good clean today, was hoping to fit in a quick service pre Kielder (I'm a tech virgin/numpty) but that prob won't happen now, so will just give the drivechain a really good clean and lube and hope for the best.
    May have a couple of steady rides in week just to stay loose.

    Free Member

    ton – I'm doing Kielder followed by a weeks off road tour of the Glentress/Innerleithen area. Sometimes you need to think out of the box.

    Free Member

    I took viagra instead of my daily glucosamine tablet, which probably explains my better than expected performance.

    Free Member

    It's a decent hill, but not a lot different to others around Edale. They all tend to be about the same height (Kinder plateau). Give it a whirl.
    you could go up Grindslow knoll, then turn right and go round the ridge and descend roger… nice little walk.

    Free Member

    Piece of wee wee – why you ask? It's just a fairly steep hill with a few zig zag options.
    I've never ridden it, run it several times and walked it occasionally.
    Just put one foot in front of the other and you should be okay 🙁 😉

    Free Member

    My weekend training has started with a short stella interval session, now embarking on a long distance shiraz session. Crisps, garlic bread and spag bol have all made an appearance also.

    I have decided that on the day I shall mainly rely on the goodies available at feed stations along with a few essentials secreted about my person. I think this cavalier attitude may just work for me. As for the bracelet….. well… I may wear my leopard skin lycras if the weather is inclement!

    Free Member

    Aye lazlo, another 57 year old here, trying to fight off decrepitude 😆

    Free Member

    Cycles shirt with big pockets?
    Surely we would all take the required kit on any other 'long' ride in the hills? It's not that much to carry is it?
    I intend borrowing the Mrs' crappy saddle bag for as much as I can cram in, 2 water bottles, pump strapped on, everything else stuffed in pockets, can't see it being too much of a problem.

    Just got back from a nice club ride (steady 24 miles) might get a 30 miler in over the weekend then a couple of tick over rides next week. Bring it on 😛

    Free Member

    Well done lazlo53 – from steve(53) !
    53 was a good year my friend, and i fear you may have sparked the next (big) challenge for me – I'm doing Kielder 100 in a couple of weeks but that is a minor challenge compared to your effort! Life needs challenges don't you think 😛
    Roll on Transwales 2011 (maybe)

    Free Member

    Did anyone see the article published on here a few days ago? I'm sure it said the Kielder blue was included in the route. I would always prefer to be aware of the route, but if this event (organisers) choose that the route shall remain a secret for all, then I'm happy with that.
    It's obviously gonna be a bit hilly, which means lots of downs as well as ups 😆 I suggest we all chill a little and try not to worry about a few little hills, think positive otherwise you could be beaten before you start.

    Free Member

    I've not quite got the miles in I would have liked, but all in all ready to rock and roll. Done nothing for last 4 days, doin a 60 mile road ride tommorra, then a gradual taper (I think).
    My Mrs has volunteered to marshall, so she is getting nervous too!?

    It's gonna be fun.

    Free Member

    Stainburn is not a patch on Gisburn! From my perspective at least.

    Free Member

    Always have a good dump 'before' going for a ride.

    Free Member

    Cheers AndrewBF, that reminded me I had'nt informed them of my new email address! Have emailed them now. Hope I still have a ride 😕

    Free Member

    Hi, new member here. My trainings going ok – I think – I'm doing mainly road miles at present, 20 mile round trip commute and a longish ride at weekends, also trying to fit at least 1 mtb ride in per week. trouble is as my work is pretty physical I seem to be knackered all the time so not too sure of fitness.

    I did the Gisburn dirty dozen, 12 hour solo back in June so feel confident that I'll finish (barring mech probs)but would like to do a respectable time, less than 12 hours should be a realistic aim.

    Am going to do a long hilly mtb ride from Ladybower on sat. as I feel I need a good hill session.
    I've been doing a few rides with a mate who is also doing kielder and who thinks we should ride together, my main reservation about this is he has me hanging on in training rides and I don't want to go faster than I'm comfy with – we'll see.
    Good luck to all you other guys with the training.

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